
Dr. Erin Show | Spirituality Psychology School

Welcome to The Dr. Erin Show. This is a top 1% spiritual podcast. Teaching manifesting, business tips, spirituality coaching hacks, universal law, and new thought ancient wisdom. We also focus on mindset, manifestation, and motivation. Teaching you how to awaken your highest self, unleash your spiritual superpowers, discover your soul's purpose, and monetize your soul-based business! Join my life-changing events, membership, or certification. Hi, I’m Dr. Erin, a doctor of divinity. I’m committed to bringing you the best spiritual psychology tips, manifesting and coaching tips, spiritual advice, spiritual growth, trauma healing to release your limiting beliefs, and metaphysical recovery secrets. As a woman CEO and thought leader, I’m here to help you reprogram your subconscious, monetize your spiritual business, and love your life. I want you to know that I’ve been exactly where you are, and I believe in you. It's time to be in the top 2% of soul-based women who make over a million dollars in their business. May you live your truth! Dr. Erin is the creator of the E4 Method® Quantum Healing & Manifesting, a world-renowned thought leader, international best-selling author, self-made millionaire, top 1% spiritual podcaster, and the Walden Wisdom award winner next to Oprah. She is committed to bridging science, spirituality, and psychology. She is forging ‘New Thought Ancient Wisdom’ in the study of how everything is created from Consciousness at a soul level. Forbes nominated her as “11 of The Most Inspirational Female Entrepreneurs To Watch On Instagram.” Become a Certified Coach in CPD & ICF Accredited Spiritual Psychology Practitioner Coach & E4 Trauma Method® Quantum Healing & Manifesting. This top 1% spiritual podcast is created to provide support, education, self-development, healing, motivation, and inspiration. Spiritual trauma recovery is the key. YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Binge my Podcast Series: Sex, Love, & Recovery Series Money Breakthrough Series Trauma Work Series Relationship Breakthrough Series Universal Law Series Spiritual Awakening Series Metaphysical Series IG @erinfallhaskell Join our Events, Membership, or Certifications: Join the FREE Manifesting Challenge Apply To Get Accredited: Binge My Podcast: Daily Inspiration: Dr. Erin App
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Inspiration. Motivation. Transformation.


Soulciété is #1 Spiritual Leaders community committed to empowerment, enlightenment, and entrepreneurship.

Our mission is to awaken a billion people and how we will fulfill upon this is by developing world-class spiritual leaders.

DR. ERIN (Erin Fall Haskell) is a Doctor of Divinity, New Thought Minister, Best-Selling Autor, 2016 Global Peace Leader Award, Mother, and Lover of Life!

Join me as we dive deep into Universal Law, Spiritual Truth, Science of Mind, New Thought Principles, and Alternative Healing.   

Programs: Meditation, Visioning, Intuition, Affirmations, Inspiration, Body-Mind-Spirit Cleanse, Yoga, Divine Entrepreneurs, Universal Law of Love and New Thought. 

Live your truth,

Dr. Erin


Instagram: @soulciete







Disclosure:  I am not a medical doctor and none of these interviews are intended as a cure to any disease.  I am a spiritual practitioner teaching spiritual principles.  Please consult your doctor for advice. 

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Apr 9, 2024

Spiritual Meaning of Feeling Lonely 

  • Are your limiting beliefs causing your loneliness as a perception or a self fulfilling prophecy? 

  • Or are you designed to spend a lot of time alone? 


Listening to the Divine messages of emotions…

What is the spiritual meaning of loneliness? Why do I feel so lonely? Why am I lonely? How can I stop feeling lonely?

Channeled Message: 

Deep in meditation and prayer, I asked the beloved Divine…

Ask: Where can I find a tribe that I align with and where I can grow exponentially?


Answer: You are not here to learn from a tribe in this lifetime. You are here for direct contact with Divine and the Masters of Light. We keep trying to isolate you to bring you within, but you keep thinking there is something wrong with you and feeling lonely. Listen to the Divine message of emotions… 


The Spiritual Meaning of Feeling Lonely 


In the human experience, many of us suffer from loneliness. From a spiritual perspective, loneliness can emerge as a powerful guru, a profound teacher within, guiding us on our spiritual awakening. 

In this podcast, I am going to delve into the spiritual significance of feeling lonely, exploring how this emotion can be a catalyst for growth, awakening, and a deeper understanding of the self and the universe. I'll weave in insights from spiritual teachings, my personal spiritual journey and reflect on the transformative power of having a daily spiritual practice, including using the law of attraction.

The Spiritual Journey of Loneliness

Loneliness, a state often laden with sadness and a sense of isolation, can surprisingly act as a doorway to profound spiritual awakening. It compels us to turn inward, asking fundamental questions about our existence, purpose, and the nature of our connections with others and the cosmos.

Loneliness as a Call for Awakening

“Spiritual teacher Dr. Erin Fall Haskell, known for her top 1% spiritual podcast, posits that moments of loneliness are not just emotional states but signals from our soul urging us to seek deeper truths. She often shares daily inspiration, highlighting that loneliness can be a powerful motivator for spiritual growth and self-discovery.”

Law of Attraction and Loneliness

The pitfalls of 'The Law of attraction’ - It is true that our thoughts and feelings shape our reality. However, this may leave the ‘lonely’ to feel like something is wrong with them. It may make some of us feel like we just need to get positive and go seek your tribe. 

When feeling lonely, we are offered a unique opportunity to reassess our vibrational alignment and attract the relationships and communities that resonate with our true selves. But, this may not be what is actually going on spiritually. It's a chance to align with our soul’s calling and dive deeper into the divine messages. 

Trauma and the Spiritual Meaning of Loneliness

Loneliness can stem from unresolved trauma, acting as a shadow that follows us on our journey. Engaging with this shadow, understanding its origins, and integrating its lessons can lead to healing and a more profound spiritual connection. For me, my core limiting belief was, “I’m not enough.” “I’m not loveable.” “I am alone.” and “Something is wrong with me.” 

The Paradox of Sadness and Loneliness in Spirituality

Spiritual growth often involves embracing all facets of human experience, including sadness and loneliness. Acknowledging and sitting with these feelings can open the heart to compassion and empathy, compassion, and deepening one's spiritual practice and understanding.

Ask and Answer: The Spiritual Dialogue

Feeling lonely invites us to ask the deeper questions of life and to seek answers within. This introspective dialogue can lead to revelations and insights, fostering a stronger connection with the divine and our inner wisdom.

The Role of the Spiritual Leader and Teacher

Spiritual leaders and teachers can provide guidance and perspective to the ONE TRUE teacher within, Source! It’s important to not look to a person or a spiritual leader for your ultimate transformation, but they can help you reprogram your subconscious mind, offering tools and practices to navigate this complex emotion. However, only Source within can ultimately illuminate the path to understanding and integrating the spiritual lessons embedded in our solitary experiences.

The Spiritual Coach's Perspective

“Spiritual coaches, like Dr. Erin Fall Haskell, emphasize the transformative potential of loneliness in the spiritual evolution process. They encourage embracing loneliness as a teacher and using it as a stepping stone to greater self-awareness and connection.”

Loneliness in Statistics and Society

Studies show that loneliness is a growing concern in modern society, with significant percentages of people reporting feelings of isolation and disconnection. This trend underscores the importance of addressing loneliness not just as a personal issue but as a collective spiritual challenge.

Quote on Loneliness

"Loneliness does not come from having no people around you, but from being unable to communicate the things that seem important to you." – Carl Jung

“The ultimate communication is communing with Source.” - Dr. Erin 

The spiritual meaning of feeling lonely transcends the immediate pain and discomfort it brings. It serves as a profound teacher, guiding us towards deeper self-knowledge, spiritual awakening, and ultimately, a more connected and fulfilled existence. In the landscape of our spiritual journey, loneliness can be the soil from which compassion, understanding, and a heightened sense of oneness with the universe grow.

By embracing the spiritual dimensions of loneliness, we learn that our solitary moments are not just voids of connection but fertile grounds for profound personal and collective transformation.



Welcome to the Dr. Erin Show. This is a top spiritual awakening and new thought ancient wisdom podcast to teach you how to become your highest self, unleash your spiritual superpowers, discover your soul's purpose, and manifest your dreams. Hi, I'm Dr. Erin, Dr. Divinity, and I'm committed to bringing you the best manifesting and coaching tips, spiritual advice, trauma healing, and metaphysical recovery secrets. I'm here to help you reprogram your subconscious mind, monetize your spiritual gifts and love your life. I want you to know that I've been exactly where you are and I believe in you Together we're awakening the world. What is the spiritual meaning of loneliness? Are you somebody that is lonely? Are you somebody that wonders if something's wrong with you? Are you somebody who's really seeking to understand the deeper dive into loneliness? Well, it's a personal topic for me because it's something I struggled with for majority of my life.


So this session right here, I'm going to break on down the spiritual meaning of loneliness and how to listen to the divine signs of your emotions. Hi there and welcome to the Dr. Aaron Show. This is a podcast that is focusing on spiritual awakening and really diving deep into universal law, metaphysics and enlightenment. I'm the creator of E four quantum healing and quantum manifesting method, and I have worked and trained with people globally around the world, and I'm here basically to help you discover the truth of who you are. So let's dive into this poignant question, which is, what is the spiritual meaning of feeling lonely? So I just want to say that this is something that has been a challenge for me my entire life. And I remember years and years ago really diving into my trauma work and discovering that I had a limited belief and it was actually a command, which was I'm alone.


And so no matter what happened, no matter if I had people all around me, no matter if I was in a relationship, no matter if I was making money, not making money, no matter what was going on in my life, I always had this inner feeling of feeling lonely, like I didn't belong here on this planet. I felt like isolated. I felt like no one understood me. I felt like something was wrong with me. And so I'm going to dive into some distinctions for you to understand the spiritual meaning of loneliness. So you may be asking, why do I feel so lonely? What do I do about it? What's really going on? So I actually want to dive into it because it's going to mean something different for everyone. However, there is a theme of very specific theme that happens for everyone. Number one is we want to dive deep into what is it with your trauma and limited belief and limited identity that is having you experience that and how to really overcome that versus what is actually the universe working for you, for your loneliness.


Your loneliness, as we know, can be a great blessing. Everything, if you truly believe and understand how life works, it's working for you. It's a masterclass for you, always working for you. Okay, so I just want to say a personal story that just happened and why I'm talking about this today. So if you've been watching my journey at all lately, I have been doing a very intensive spiritual practice. I've been waking up at 3:00 AM and doing meditation and breath work, Andres and all kinds of work for six hours a day, maybe five by the time I do other things. But it's been amazing. And the reason why I chose to do this was because I've gone in and out of my meditation practice over the last 28 years. And one thing I've definitely found is the more powerful my spiritual practice is, the more powerful my life is.


There's a equal and total relationship to the two. So in this also, there's a lot of channeling messages that come through. So I thought I'd do a series on kind of answering some questions and also giving you the channeled messages from source. So we want to recognize that spirituality is the reality that everything comes from first cause, which is source, which is spirit, which is the true essence of who you are. And all of life is the out picturing of that, the good, the bad, the ugly, the heaven and hell, all that. So we want to dive deep into the spiritual meaning of loneliness because if you're experiencing loneliness, one, it can be just a perception or two, it can be a reality. You're actually really isolated. And so regardless of whether you are around people, not around people, the perception is what we are dealing with first and foremost here.


So the reason why I want to talk about this is because the other day I was in deep, deep trans prayer. You can call it hypnotherapy, you can call it prayer with God, you can call it meditation, you can call it whatever you want to call it. There is no name for the nameless emerging in the yoga with the higher self. But when I'm in this state, I always first just listen. I allow to do all the deep, deep work, and at some point in time it indicates for me to begin to ask questions. So I wanted to read to you one of the questions that I asked source, and I said, source didn't say it quite like that. But where can I find a tribe that I align with and where I can grow exponentially? I'm going to back this question up with is I have a lot of community across the globe.


I have thousands of clients and I have people I see every day. I have very close friends and I'm at peace with my family as well. So I'm not exactly what anyone would think is lonely. If you took a look at my life, you would not think that I'm lonely. However, I still feel a level of loneliness at times because I have a hard time connecting at some level with the average person out there or even the extraordinary person at some level. So this was the answer. You are not here to learn from a tribe in this lifetime. You are here to connect directly with the vine and the masters of light. We keep trying to isolate you, to bring you within, but you keep thinking there's something wrong with you and feeling lonely, listen to the divine message of emotion. And this is so true.


Okay, so I always say that the only disease we have is amnesia because of course I asked for prayers and meditated on feeling lonely years ago and realized that actually it was a limit belief I had that I something that was wrong with me and that the perception of being lonely. And of course, going through the deep journey of 28 years of seeking truth and doing all the inner trauma work, you de delayer all the concepts that you are isolated because the real source of this ease of loneliness is one thing and one thing only, and it is not feeling connected to God's source with them. Okay? I'm going to say source just for, because there's a lot of people who have a weird concept of what God is. God is not an outside source from my perception, it's source, the true I am that you are inside.


So this was obviously a command and a limit to belief. So the spiritual meaning around that for me at that point in time was that I believed I was separated. I believed I was divided. Okay, so the spiritual meaning of loneliness is the belief that you are separate from divine, that you are separate from sores, that you are separate from others. It is a dis-ease. It is really, that's why we say as a Dr Divinity, as a Dr Divinity, we heal through revealing truth. So the spiritual meaning of feeling lonely is actually that you feel like you are divided. So it is an emotion bringing you home. It's an emotion to bring you to live in your truth. And that is really only way to get there, which is to go within and seek, seek to merge with divine source within, because you can go out and meet all the people you want in the world, but you're still going to feel lonely.


If you perceive yourself as lonely and divided, you're going to always feel divided out there. A lot of people will end up drinking alcohol and doing drugs to feel connected because it takes the veil and the Maya off and it really makes people feel like they are connected. But then as soon as the alcohol goes out of their system or the drugs or out of their system, they plop back into their reality, into their limited beliefs, and they feel more divided than ever and feel more sad and sometimes depressed. So the spiritual meaning of loneliness is it's an indicator that you are not merging fully with the divine. Having said that, when somebody does do their trauma work, they release. So the limited beliefs, they go into prayer, meditation, they merge with spirit. They may obviously feel very much more connected spiritually, but they may still go out there in the world and not feel as connected with people as other people would feel connected.


So here is what was a remembrance for me and what spirit reminded me that I have been told over many decades, again and again, hear this a lot with great spiritual teachers, good spiritual teachers and spiritual coaches, they will not say, Hey, I'm your guru, or I have all of the wisdom. I can transform your life. I can heal you. No, the spiritual teacher does not do that. The spiritual leader does not do that. The wise spiritual teacher and the why, spiritual leader will say, let me help guide you to the true and only teacher, which is truth within the true guru is within. So there is no guru on this planet that's going to solve your problems. There is no spiritual teacher that can solve your problems. They can guide you. So oftentimes I'll say when we're doing trauma work is it's almost like the seed of creation.


Sorry, the soil of creation. Okay, imagine there's this dirt and imagine that my client wants to put the seed of not feeling lonely in to the seed of creation. And all I'm doing as a spiritual teacher is I'm helping them pick out the weeds of limitation of their traumas and everything else to clear out the soil as pure as possible so that when they come to the beloved Divine in their prayer meditation, they're able to actually communicate and birth and manifest that life that is connected. So spiritual teachers don't do that. They help you do the work. They help you birth your own truth. They help you come to the guru within, they help you learn how to meditate and learn how to pray and learn how to vision and learn how to manifest. But ultimately, you're doing the work with the true guru, with the true teacher, which is the source within which is divine, which is God's source within which is true love, which is field, whatever you want to call it from a scientific religion, philosophical perspective.


The truth is there is the nameless, it's the nameless. So the spiritual meaning of feeling lonely is that you are divided from source. That you are divided from source. Okay? So the human experience often suffers from loneliness. We suffer greatly and we keep thinking that, well, if I just find a career or make more money, or if I just find that good relationship or if I just move to the right city, but as a saying goes everywhere you go, there you are. So we keep looking for all of that, but the truth is we're looking outside. When the answer is inside of us, the answer is inside. So it's always a catalyst for growth. We understand that our pain turns into our purpose. Our pain is the guru, okay? The emotions. Emotions are beautiful divine messages, and they're actually a guidance to bring us back within and to transmute those emotions, to birth our truth, to birth our relative truth and the ultimate truth.


Okay? So loneliness is a call for awakening. Loneliness is a call for awakening. And I wanted to say that there's a pitfall with some of the things with law of attraction, and I teach universal law. I have a universal law deck of cards that deal with the one universal law in 52 distinctions. But there's a pitfall when it comes to loneliness because oftentimes universal law will think, well, we just need to have a better vibration or be more positive, and therefore then we'll find our tribe. Something's wrong with us. We're just not being positive. Well, some of us are not really meant to thrive in tribe. We are social beings as humans, and we recognize that even through say, the really study at Harvard that looked at people who were fulfilled and happy over time, and it was the quality of their relationships that determined over time.


However, you could have three good friends and have deep, deep quality of relationship and have a ton of acquaintances. I mean, or someone could be in a ton of acquaintances and not have any intimate relationships and be sad and lonely. So it's relative for what that is a relationship, and the ultimate relationship is within. The ultimate relationship is with thyself, and all other relationships are the projection and the reflection of your ability or inability to love. So the paradox of takes going and isolating yourself. I remember this years ago, being lonely and I would resist being alone so much. And finally, I remember taking a whole year where I pretty much was doing no social things. I would not see people for two weeks at a time, and I would just go deep into five hours of meditation. This was 15, 20 years ago, and I remember I would just go so deep in it, and I remember I broke through a wall.


I broke through a wall where it's like, wow, I really enjoy being alone. Now I can go and eat alone. Now if I want, I have tons of girlfriends as well, but sometimes I just want to be alone. I want to date myself. It's a beautiful thing. And so the clear message for me is that I am here with a very specific agreement to have direct contact with source. And there's certain people that learn a lot from other people in this lifetime. There's a lot of people that will learn, and they're mediums or psychics. There's people that directly contact the divine. You can call it a channel, you can call it an oracle, you can call it whatever it is. There's different things in our astrology galactic work that we have, and that is part of my chart, and I'm a direct contact. So I channel I Oracle.


I've done work for about 28 years doing this work. So for me, I have to remember that when I go out and I am around a bunch of people, even healed, I don't feel sometimes like I want to be there because I'm so in love with the divine. I'm so in love with the beloved that my sacred intimate time is with source. So it's not as intimate when I'm out with other human beings as it is when I am with God's source within. So there's always a level of lack of intimacy, even with my dearest best friends. I have very, very close friends. But so the message for me clearly in that divine message is to remember that I'm not here necessarily to have my primary area of thriving with tribe. There's lots of tribes. I have lots of tribes. But to think that I'm going to find one tribe that's going to maybe be as intimate as divine is not exactly my path.


I'm here to work with the masters. I have deep masters, all kinds of light masters that come in through my channeling and through my deep work, and it's like they're my BFFs. They're my real tribe. And so no matter where you are, I want you to know that you're okay exactly as you are, that you've got to trust at some level that the isolation or the loneliness or feeling disconnected at some level, yes, you need to do your deep work, but at the same time, you have to remember that you have special gifts. Every person has special spiritual gifts. May you listen to that. May you honor that and know that you're not here to just fit into the puzzle like everybody else. There's a very specific way that you're going to fit into the puzzle of the construct of the culture, and some people fit in more with other cultures than our culture.


So you have to really honor wherever you're at. And so I just want to interject that again, remembering that the message, sometimes we're not supposed to thrive and thrive as our primary way of thriving. Sometimes it's with the beloved. Sometimes it's in ethereal realm. Sometimes it's with angels, sometimes it's with guides. Sometimes it's with butterflies and rainbows out in the forest. Sometimes it's just with your career. Maybe you love your career so much that you just dive so deeply into it, and then you isolate because of that. But the truth is that we're born alone and we die alone, and there's only one consciousness. And so let's just do a spiritual mind treatment. Taking a deep breath in, Carl Young said, loneliness does not come from having no people around, but from being unable to communicate the things that seem important to you. So we have to remember the truth that the ultimate communication is to commune with spirit, to commune, to commune with spirit.


Within that is the ultimate communication. And so in this, I just invite you to embrace your loneliness, taking deep breath in and coming to that divine, sacred space within and finding the peace and the wholeness within. And I know that wherever you are, if you're dealing with loneliness, that yes, seek help, seek community, seek teachers that can help begin your deep work. But the truth is that you have a best friend inside. It is source. It is the true self. And I promise you, when you go within and you go into the silence, you will find a beloved divine. And so in this, I just say thank you, thank you, thank you. You can subscribe here, you can share the podcast, share out this video if you're across platforms, and the Dr. Erin Show is across all platforms. Get your daily spiritual practice with me. Get free gifts, and just know I am super honored and excited to be on this divine journey with you. Have a beautiful, blessed day, and let you live your truth. Thank you for tuning into the Dr. Erin Show. If you're ready to transform your life, discover your soul's purpose, and manifest your dreams, go to Dr. Aaron tv. Join me in my life-changing events, membership or certification. If you're ready to become a certified coach and get trained in metaphysics of mind, manifestation and the creative process,


Subconscious reprogramming, trauma, recovery, healing, spiritual psychology, universal law, and much more, go to If you're receiving value from the show, I would love it if you would share it with a friend and give it a five star review. Have a beautiful day, and may you live your truth.





Apr 4, 2024

Welcome to The Dr. Erin Show...


Enjoy this inspired podcast based on what is channeling through in my Daily Spiritual Practice.


Today we will be discussing:

  • The Universal Law of Reciprocity
  • 4/4 Portal
  • Eclipse Energy

This is a top 1% spiritual podcast. Teaching manifesting, business tips, spirituality coaching hacks, universal law, and new thought ancient wisdom. We also focus on mindset, manifestation, and motivation. Teaching you how to awaken your highest self, unleash your spiritual superpowers, discover your soul's purpose, and monetize your soul-based business! 


Join my life-changing events, membership, or certification.


Hi, I’m Dr. Erin, a doctor of divinity. I’m committed to bringing you the best spiritual psychology tips, manifesting and coaching tips, spiritual advice, spiritual growth, trauma healing to release your limiting beliefs, and metaphysical recovery secrets. As a woman CEO and thought leader, I’m here to help you reprogram your subconscious, monetize your spiritual business, and love your life. I want you to know that I’ve been exactly where you are, and I believe in you. It's time to be in the top 2% of soul-based women who make over a million dollars in their business. May you live your truth!



Dr. Erin is the creator of the E4 Method® Quantum Healing & Manifesting, a world-renowned thought leader, international best-selling author, self-made millionaire, top 1% spiritual podcaster, and the Walden Wisdom award winner next to Oprah.


She is committed to bridging science, spirituality, and psychology. She is forging ‘New Thought Ancient Wisdom’ in the study of how everything is created from Consciousness at a soul level.


Forbes nominated her as “11 of The Most Inspirational Female Entrepreneurs To Watch On Instagram.”


Become a Certified Coach in CPD & ICF Accredited Spiritual Psychology Practitioner Coach & E4 Trauma Method® Quantum Healing & Manifesting.


This top 1% spiritual podcast is created to provide support, education, self-development, healing, motivation, and inspiration. Spiritual trauma recovery is the key. YOU ARE NOT ALONE.


Binge my Podcast Series:

Sex, Love, & Recovery Series

Money Breakthrough Series

Trauma Work Series

Relationship Breakthrough Series

Universal Law Series

Spiritual Awakening Series

Metaphysical Series


IG @erinfallhaskell


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Binge My Podcast:

Daily Inspiration: Dr. Erin App


Welcome, welcome, welcome. I am really excited actually about this podcast because I'm doing things a little different. One is I have never done a video podcast before. As many of you know, I have had over 1600 people that have interviewed on my show, my old show, good Morning Lala Land. And I have recorded somewhat between 300, 400 episodes of solo podcast with audio only. So I want to do something special for you today, and this is my gift from my heart to you. What I'm going to do, and as you guys probably know also, I pivot all the time because I'm a creator and I have to go with what is streaming through from source. And right now what is streaming through from source is for me to really give you the downloads that are coming through my spiritual practice from channeling, from everything going on in the world.


So right now, I don’t know how many of these podcasts I'll be doing like this, but for right now I'm going to be kind of doing a mixture of things. We're going to go over the weekly universal law. We're going to go over your spiritual practice for some inspiration for you to carry through today and through the week. I may be doing multiple podcasts per week, you never know, and I'm going to do some current events. So this week I'm going to break on down the universal law of reciprocity, how you are creating your life and how to align with universal law so you can stop being a victim and start having a divinely powerful life. I'm going to break down a bit about my own personal daily spiritual practice, which I actually woke up at two o'clock this morning and finished my practice this morning at six 30.


And then I'm going to break down some of that stuff for you. Okay? And then I want to talk about the eclipse energy and it's very, very specific. The energy coming in right now, very specific, a theme of the paradox of life and how we are each seeing our complete karmic cycles of our life and how to break those cycles. Let's do this thing. Let's take a deep breath in together. I'm Dr. Erin, Dr. Divinity, and I am the creator of E four quantum healing and quantum manifesting. And my biggest honor is to help people really remember who they are to turn on their divine powers, to birth their souls calling and to reach enlightenment. Yes, that's right. I truly believe that enlightenment is not just for the mystics and the prophets, but we are living in a divine, incredible time in history where we have practices and mantras and the Christ and Buddha consciousness rising up in each and every one of us because the divine evolution of our species.


And so you are the one you've been waiting for. You are the second coming of Christ, and you are all lineage, all ancestors, all past lives and all future generations. So let's know this truth together. Taking a deep breath in, we start each day with a spiritual mind treatment. You can take your hands and rub them together, placing them at your heart. And this is not a prayer to a man in the sky, but this is rather for us to unify in our oneness coming into the heart because the heart is a place in the body that connects to all of life, to the universe and into source, which is in every single atom, every single molecule. It is at the center of every Taurus field. It is in the center of the sun and Gaia and all planets. And knowing that we are all connected through that source space, the zero point field, the quantum field, whatever you want to call it, God, I recognize right here, right now that this first, cause, this first source is the creator of all of life.


That is that which is created heaven and hell, the division and the divinity is that which creates my experience through my emotions that I create by putting a negative or positive meaning on something is that which creates and informs the particles and creates matters into the physical of the 3D and into the 5G of the multiverse. And in this, I recognize my true identity, that I am, that I am. I recognize that this is the truth. I am the creator individualized in this individual experience called Dr. Aaron. But the truth is I'm divine, I'm source, I am God. And I know this absolutely without a shadow of a doubt in my consciousness. And I recognize right here and declare that this is a powerful podcast, a power show, a powerful experience for you to remember who you are, for you to realize the truth of who you are, for you to declare powerfully and set the intention in for your day and for your week.


And I simply know this in the name of truth as together we say and sow it is Okay. So first I just want to say the eclipse is on everyone's consciousness and I've got some big takeaways. Spirit source has downloaded the theme of it, which is redemption. So we're going to get further into that towards the end, I don't know how long I'll go on these podcasts. I like to do shorter podcasts. I love to do under 20 minutes. So you can just kind of listen to it real quick when you're driving somewhere, get your mind straight and that's it. But we'll see. Got to just go with the flow. Okay? So universal law of this week, if you grab the 52 universal law, spiritual awakening, free manifesting challenge, you'll also receive a free calendar that actually has the universal law every week on it.


There's only one universal law. You can call it the law of oneness. You can call it the law of cause and effect. It doesn't matter what you call it. There's one law and it's how we create. It's a try, nature of spirit creating through law into form. So spirit, mind, body, right? It is through that. And the 52 distinctions are distinctions I've distilled down for you to understand universal law so that you can get in harmony with how the mechanics of the universe works. And so you can rid the limited beliefs and understand how to do that through the deeper work through E four for trauma. So let's do this. The universal law distinction that I'm teaching this week is a universal law of reciprocity. So it states give without expecting anything in return. So the question for me and for you is to contemplate.


If you really gave the people social media, your friends, your family, without expecting anything in return, what would that look like for you? What could your life potentially look like? Instead of looking like, well, what did they do? I'm upset, I have failed expectations, all that mini me and human beingness. What if you stepped into a higher consciousness? It also states the universe is a quantum field where everything is connected. There is a mutual dependence action and exchange between you and the universe because you are the universe, okay? You get what you give, you reap what you sow. Whatever you send to the cosmos, whatever is good or bad must be returned, multiplied, abundantly. Therefore, every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Life is like a plane, a game of boomerang. Whatever you give to life is returned to you multiplied abundantly. Okay? So you may take this as if you get the universal law cards and you pulled this card, and I believe there is no accidents.


There's only a coincidence. So there is a coincidence for each and every one of us for this week and this law. So it is time. This is kind of the card's invitation for you. It is time to open the secret key to abundance. What is it? Service. You are an infinite, powerful, spiritual being capable miracles, but you must remove the veil of consciousness to harness the divine skill. By drawing this card, it indicates that you need to consider doing three random acts of kindness. Today, you must not have any expectation to get anything in return. The same life force that created the stars is ready to unleash with you. So I don't know about you, but I remember one time I bought a coffee for somebody, for a random stranger, actually, it was a homeless person, and I remember the moment I gave it to the person I had this weird surge of, it was like a blissful thing.


I realized I got more out of giving the homeless person a cup of coffee. Then they got out of it and I was like, wow, there's something to this service thing. And the same thing goes true when we think about sales, when we're thinking about even in business, the big huge mindset is no longer looking to get anything, but rather asking from a business standpoint is how can I serve my client? So whether you're a business owner or not, doesn't matter. You don't have to be in business or be a coach or anything like that. It's more of a asking instead of saying, well, my partner, he's a jerk, or she's entitle. What if you gave without needing anything in return? And that's where the magic happens. Okay, so let's get into this next section, which is the downloads, the channel downloads that are coming through.


So if you guys have been watching my stories at all on social media and in the community, I have been meditating for 27 years now, and I have gone in and out of big times where sometimes I've meditated for five times an hour, five hours a day. Sometimes I've done 20 minutes a day, sometimes I haven't meditated at all. Sometimes I've immersed myself morning, noon, and night in meditation. I've been overall consistent in my meditation practice. But over the years, that's ebbed and flowed a bit. Okay? So knowing this, what I noticed was there was an equal and opposite correlation to how powerful and how good my life was going to exact correlation to how powerful my spiritual practice is always. There's always an exact correlation. So I also went through somewhat some hard things going down in my community and coaching and training. So many women, we had a few breakdowns, not huge compared to how many we have and everything, but about 1% of our community, one out of a hundred turns into somewhat of some problems.


Go on. That's kind of the numbers that we found. So at the point in time a couple of years ago when I started having some breakdowns, I realized, wow, I have not been doing my spiritual practice. And it was a correlation to that. So last little bit, I've decided to not just meditate here and there, I've decided to go deep into my practice, especially because there's so much going on in the world and I really feel and felt like that I am ready to go to the next level. So I've been meditating for anywhere from pretty much two to five hours per day. And I want to share some of the downloads that have been coming through because what happens is in my last podcast, which might be on YouTube, but it wouldn't be a video you can find across all podcast platforms, and it's my last podcast and it's all about spiritual practice and my actual practice and what I've come to learn over 27 years of everything from Kundalini and breath work and silent meditation and how I would recommend for people to meditate.


So you can definitely go check that out. But this podcast, I want to talk more about the downloads that are coming through. So what I do is as I spoke in my last podcast, I do a lot of Kundalini work. I do a lot of breath work, a lot of prana work. I do a lot of meditation with mudras and things like that to get my mind into a place to go into what I would call the sacred place, which is the silent meditation. And in silent meditation, there are magical mystical things that happen. I have channeled, I've gone to multidimensional, I've had deities come to me, I've spoken to many of my ancestors on the other side. So many magical things have happened. But what also happens is downloads come and they come randomly, and sometimes I'll ask. So it depends. Sometimes I'll ask and the voice will come through or messages will come through, or sometimes just messages come through and sometimes it's when I'm in silent meditation and sometimes it's when I'm sleeping and sometimes it's in the middle of the day because when you start doing a lot of meditation, things happen.


I wanted to share a few with you. I've been waking up at three and four o'clock in the morning for some weeks. Now I'm doing my sahdana. And I got a message actually just yesterday, and it was really fascinating because I'm surprised after 27 years of doing meditation that I hadn't heard of this exact cycle. I've heard a lot of course to wake up and there's an Emirate hours between three and 6:00 AM generally is when the veil of life is clear consciousness, people are asleep, and the sun's coming up at a certain angle on the earth that helps you have more powerful meditations. And it said that when you meditate and do your work and pray and do your intentional work during those hours, it will 10 x your results if you will. So why not, right? So the download I actually got yesterday, it was so fascinating.


It came in so fast and so clear, and I was like, well, that's interesting. So source basically said, you need to practice, do your spiritual practice from 3:00 AM to 9:00 AM That's six hours, okay? Then work from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM play and rest from 3:00 PM to 9:00 PM and sleep from 9:00 PM to 3:00 AM That's six hours. All those are six things, which is really interesting because when you take a look at the numbers that make up the Fibonacci code that are all the dynamic numbers of life is 3, 6, 9. So I'm going to read this again. Spirit inform me to practice to do my meditation and silent meditation and channeling and prayer and all that work visioning and all that manifestation from 3:00 AM to 9:00 AM Then do my work or my dharma from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM play and rest from 3:00 PM to 9:00 PM and sleep from 9:00 PM to 3:00 PM Those are each six hours.


So each one has a three, six, and a nine. That's right. I can't believe that that message has never come through in all these years. Really amazing. So guess what? When spirit speaks, when Soar speaks, you better listen. So I went to bed at nine o'clock, probably fell asleep about nine 30. But what was interesting is Spirit woke me up at 2:00 AM So I was like, really? Okay? I was wide awake. But this is another thing I've heard because I rarely have gone to sleep that early. I'm generally, if I didn't do any practice and didn't have any discipline, I would generally go to sleep probably about 11 o'clock at night, even though I'm a really early morning person. But so it said, and you can research yourself scientifically that the more hours you go to sleep before midnight, it's almost like you're getting double the sleep.


So here I am, I went to sleep at nine o'clock last night actually at eight o'clock I turned off all the lights I only had on my meditation like candles and the white salt rock and my selenite lamp and things like that. So all my circadian rhythms and all my melatonin began and whatever it is that does all that science stuff. But I began to really get into rest. I actually cleaned up the rest of my house, made sure it was impeccable so I could just have total clear energy. I put on mantras in my studio, put on mantras in my room, very, very low miracle frequency, enlightenment frequency. And I went to bed. It took me about a half an hour, and then I woke up and I took a screenshot of my phone. It said two oh two and I was ready to rock and roll, totally wide awake.


So I sat down and did practice in my home. I did all my prayers. I actually did a lot of channeling and spoke with spirit. I also did 30 minutes of sadar, which is breath work through the nostril and it's, it's the most advanced crea supposedly in Kundalini. And so I did about an hour and a half at home, and then there was a sod nut that started at four 30 down the street at a spiritual center. So I went and drove down there and did another two hours over there. So that was my morning practice. But so here are some of the other downloads. I'm going to get into the actual eclipse right now because I don't want to keep this too long for you today, and I'll share some of my other downloads in the next podcast. There's a very clear energy coming through with the eclipse.


This applies to whether there's eclipse or not. If you're listening to this, the line, it's not like it's only during the eclipse, it's just that the eclipse magnified it. So this is an enlightening conversation for you to expand consciousness, for you to be more and more in the crater that you are in your divine power. So the energy of this eclipse is redemption, meaning it's magnifying everything that you've created. Good and bad chaos and harmony. The universe is no good and bad. It just knows chaos and harmony. It needs being out of discordance and being in accordance wherever you have created in this good and bad is being multiplied abundantly in your perception, meaning everybody is seeing their cycles, whether they're good. There can be a quantum leap in the gifts that are going to come through in the energy right now and always and anywhere that you've been out of ethics is being shown to you.


So the interesting thing is oftentimes, especially women, we tend to play the victim of men. And this is a very generalization, but it's also race consciousness that has come through in the roles that we play in our culture. And so oftentimes, not all women, men and women that have low self-worth. So say for example, and I'll give you a prime example, is me, okay? I've been codependent for a majority of my life. I remember, and I speak a lot about a relationship I was in with a famous rockstar that was madly in love with that was completely dysfunctional. It was awful. He ended up falling off the wagon cheating multiple times. I went back to him multiple times. He begged for me, got tattoos on his body. I went back to him and I realized through it that it wasn't about him. I made him, he was bad.


He's a narcissist. He's this, he's that. But really what was going on was I had really low self-worth and low. And so he was just in my life, the universe trying to push me towards self-love, right? So let's pretend that someone's in that situation right now during the eclipse, this magnified energy. You may not be in a relationship where someone's cheating on you, but you may be. You put down your standards a little bit. You kind of said, oh, it's okay when it's not. You got some red flags. This energy is revving up. It's revving up. That kind of frustration, that anger, that sadness, that loneliness, that whatever, and it's going to show you, oh my gosh, these are my cycles. I'm doing it again. Or even say in your work, maybe there's areas of your work that you don't really like and you're like, I'm still doing the same cycle, pretending like something's going to change, or it could be something good. Maybe you have been doing so much good and all of a sudden you're reaping these massive rewards. So the eclipse energy is really magnifying. It's eclipsing, right? It's showing you this incredible dynamic of what is in front and how it impact you.


It's shining the light. It's actually shining the dark. Okay? That's the clips, right? It's showing the darkness, it's amplifying the shadow. It's amplifying the shadow for each and every one of us. So, and know that it's equal and opposite. So anywhere that you feel like, oh, I have had low self-esteem, I've put up with these things I shouldn't put up with this anymore. Equal opposite is if you have done someone wrong, you'll go, wow, I can't believe I'm treating them like that. Whoa, that's really amplifying for me. Wow, I really need to be a better person. It's amplifying on both sides because it's one and the same. It's like having a dime and on both sides. You can't have one side of the dime without the other side. They're one and the same. A victim can't be a victim without a perpetrator. Perpetrator can't be a perpetrator without a victim.


And so this is the deal, is it? When we come into our ethics and we no longer settle for what is not in our divine nature of love, vitality, abundance, and claiming our birthright, we don't need to make them wrong. In fact, our voice of silence speaks louder than any words. When we claim that for ourselves, we actually are helping the other person because it's demanding them to rise in their ethics as well. There are ethics of the universe. The ethics are harmony. If somebody is not helping somebody and they're causing chaos and making someone feel awful of not holding them to the divine and divinity that they are, then they're out of ethics on all sides. And so that's why I sent love to my ex. In fact, he actually was texting me for the first time in six or seven years. It was like out of the blue, and I was like, whoa, that's weird.


It's eclipses that makes sense. And I sent him a beautiful text back, but I did not engage. He text me on my phone, so is my number. Apparently I did not text back because I'm not going to, if he had engaged in some authentic conversation. But it was very avoidant. It was very like, oh, how are you love of my life? It is like, what? You haven't talked to me in seven years and this is how you're going to roll with a conversation. No, you don't deserve a big conversation. I will send you love. I said, hi there. You've been in my heart, my thoughts and my prayers sending you love. That was it. Okay? And it's true. I pray for him. I send him love to the ether, but I'm not going to give my energy to anything that is not fully authentic coming down the heart of the matter.


And this applies to many people that come through the field. The people that are in my life are, we're raising each other up. We're learning, we're growing. We have order in our lives. Those are the people that deserve your energy. It doesn't mean that we don't see everybody for their divinity. It doesn't mean we don't hold everybody for the truth of who they are. We just simply don't engage in the energy that no longer serves. It's like scrolling through social media and seeing a bunch of conspiracy theory and all. And it's not even conspiracy theory. It's all correct, but there's no point in engaging in the negativity. I would rather put my energy to what I am creating instead of how the old systems are corrupt because we know they're corrupt. How this and that and all this stuff. Hollywood's going down the war, the who's causing it, all that if I can't be the change and create what I want to change, then my energy is being misused.


So what's the point of this? The point is this podcast is to get our mind. And so we get our mind right? By doing a firm mind treatment, we get our mind right by doing meditation, by doing breath work, by doing visioning, by doing all of our 30 and 40 day practices, we get our mind right by doing our deep trauma work and clearing out the subconscious of our limited belief, we get our mind right by hanging out with people who are in accordance and in harmony with and bringing us higher and higher. And today, we hold this frequency all day long as together, we say, and so it is. And so it is you guys. So I will be sharing the channeling conversations coming through. There's a bunch of other things have come through about sun gazing and the codes that come through. There's been all kinds of different messages that I would love to share with you. So join me for my next podcast. I will be sharing the next universal law.


I'll be sharing some of my personal journey, and I'll be sharing the downloads that are coming through and holding us all for inspiration, for doing our daily spiritual practice. So if you're somebody that is not wanting to wake up at three o'clock in the morning and do your practice until 9:00 AM, what I do recommend is I actually going to share something over on social media about the four different levels of meditating and doing your spiritual work and how you can go from one level to the next level and everything from a five minute meditation up to a five hour meditation. And why be at the different levels. Okay? So you can find me over on social media under Erin Fall, Haskell, and I'm looking forward to diving more into sharing podcasts with you. Okay? Have a beautiful blessed day, and may you live your truth.



Mar 26, 2024

Hi Superstar! 🤩

It's been 27 years since I first began meditating...

For the first time ever I am going to share with you my New Morning Routine to Awaken Your Power!

You definitely don't want to miss this spiritual practice to break your negative patterns, activate your divine connection, and channel your guides. 

Lightening in a bottle! May the TRUTH set you free, SiStar! 🤯

Some of the topics I will be discussing: 

Visioning, Intuition, Affirmations, Heart Rate Variability, Nervous System Regulation, Silent Meditation, Kundalini, Breathwork, Mudras, Mantras, Kriyas, Pranayama, Channeling, Zero Point Field, Taurus Field, Spiritual Awakening, Manifesting, Arcline for Intuition, Clearing Your Aura, Energizing Your Chakras, Channeling Messages, Downloading Universal Truth.

How my Daily Spiritual Practice is the MOST IMPORTANT thing in my life!  

I'm going to share with you how it began to turned on my supernatural abilities. ⚡💥😎

So, You might be asking...

What is the best morning routine for a Daily Spiritual Practice?

What if I've never meditated before?

What if I have zero discipline?

I totally understand your concerns...

In this week's episode, I break down the top questions about Morning Spiritual Practices. 

What you will learn in this episode:

  • How Daily Spiritual Practice helps you have success in every area of your life

  • How Daily Spiritual Practice helps you live a life of abundance, vitality, and love

  • How Daily Spiritual Practice helps you turn on your superpowers


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40-Day Meditation Challenge!!! 

⚡ Join my FREE Meditation & Awakening Challenge and receive the following:

  • Weekly Meditation & Awakening Audio
  • Weekly Worksheet & Community
  • Awakening Book PDF

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With Love,


Dr. Erin is a World-Renowned Doctor of Divinity, Creator of E4 Method® Quantum Healing & Manifesting, Founder of Spiritual Psychology School and Soulciété Community, TV Host, International Best-Selling Author, Walden Wisdom Award Next to Oprah, Self-Made Millionaire, Top 1% Spiritual Podcast, and Mother.

Her mission is to awaken a billion people globally by developing self-coaches and certifying accredited E4 Trauma Method®, Spiritual Psychology Practitioners, Thought Teachers, and Doctors of Divinity.

Dr. Erin is committed to bridging spirituality, science, and psychology. She is forging ‘New Thought Ancient Wisdom’ in the study of Spiritual Psychology; the study of how everything is created from Source at a soul level.

“11 Most Inspirational Female Entrepreneurs To Watch On Instagram” - Forbes

Disclaimers: Earnings and income representations made by New Thought Global and Soulciete, Erin Fall Haskell, and their advertisers/sponsors are aspirational statements only of your earnings potential. See our Terms



Welcome to the Dr. Erin Show. This is a top spiritual


Awakening and new


Thought ancient wisdom podcast to teach you how to become your highest self, unleash your spiritual superpowers, discover your soul's purpose, and manifest your dreams. Hi, I'm Dr. Erin, Dr. Divinity, and I'm committed to bringing you the best manifesting and coaching tips, spiritual advice, trauma healing, and metaphysical recovery secrets. I'm here to help you reprogram your subconscious mind, monetize your spiritual gifts and love your life. I want you to know that I've been exactly where you are and I believe in you together we're awakening the world.


Hello and welcome, superstar. I'm super excited to take you on the journey of sharing my heart with you today about my morning spiritual practice to awaken your power. And the goal of this podcast is really to share my journey of my daily spiritual


Practice with you


And hopefully have you have a better picture of what is your truth and what you are committed to for yourself, for your own discipline, for you to live your own divine life. So I'd love to start with a quote from Rom Doss, one of my mentors from the other side. The quieter you become, the more you can hear, and there's nothing like turning on the miracle of listening through a spiritual practice. So let's begin. I want to begin by sharing some of my practice. As some of you guys know, I've been doing a spiritual practice for about 27 years. I had my full-term stillborn almost 30 years ago. My son who is 29, and I began to meditate around the time he was two years old. So that's when I consider that I started my spiritual practice. And let me tell you, it has been an incredible journey.


I would say it's been the most precious part of my entire life has been my spiritual practice. I have experienced complete miracles, manifesting, going into realms and dimensions and channeling and experiencing so many things. I don't even know it would be books and books of content. But when I began my spiritual practice, I had no guides, I had no mentors, I had no classes. What I had was the book by Deepak Chopra, the Seven Habits. And basically he said to meditate for 20 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes in the evening. And I was in so much pain, so much suffering from all the trauma and all the dysfunction in my life, and I didn't know where to go or what to do. I had no money to heal thyself. I couldn't afford a therapist. I couldn't even really even afford go to any classes.


But what I knew was that I could do this thing called meditation because I'd heard about it and I know that all the great teachers had talked about meditating. So I thought, well, at least I can try and do this. So I began, and it was probably one of the hardest things I'd ever done. I had a complete monkey mind. My mind was going all directions. I could barely do it for five minutes. It was really challenging. But as I've told in other stories that over time I began to quiet my mind, I began to witness my thoughts. I began to go into meditation and kind of want to solve a problem in my life. And when I came out of meditation, I would start to have answers or my problems would disappear. And over time, I began to really build the muscle of having my inner guide and guides within me take me on this incredible journey.


So over time, I began to quiet the mind. I began to have more things manifest that I wanted in my life. I began to really identify more with my spiritual nature, really feeling like I was more just in this world, but not of this world. I began to realize there was dimensions way beyond everything that I had been programmed in this world. So I wanted to share with you today not as much about my journey. I have done other podcasts on that and I will do more podcasts on that. But I wanted to actually share with you my new morning ritual, my new spiritual practice, and I want to disclose that my practice has dramatically shifted over the years. There has been times when I've meditated for six plus hours a day. There's been times when I have not meditated at all. It has been a huge journey and a flux and flow of my spiritual practice over the 27 years.


And I'm here to say and witness from the depths of my heart to you that my life and my workability and my life and my success in my life is always equal to how powerful my spiritual practice is. And I'll expand on this. So a couple years back, my spiritual practice was probably the worst it had been in the entire journey. In fact, I wasn't meditating and I was getting so into my business that my world began to fall apart. Our community began to have problems. I just wasn't able to sustain the level of the energetics that it would take to really have it all completely thrive. So I went through what I would consider the dark night of the soul of a thing. And as I have fluctuated in my spiritual practice, it has really shown through in all areas of my life. So right now, I am doing about three to five hours of practice a day, which may not be sustainable.


I probably won't do that over the long term. But what I am here to say is that if I could say there was a magic sweet spot for people, I would say a minimum of 20 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes in the evening. If you're somebody who wants to be a spiritual teacher or a spiritual coach, I would highly recommend what is the true essence of what is tithing, which is 10% of your day, which means it would be two and a half hours of your day could be all at one point in time in the morning, or it could be over the course of a few sessions in the day. So again, if you're somebody that just wants to have a little bit more stability in your mental health, then I'd recommend 20 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes in the evening.


If you're somebody who wants to be a spiritual teacher and you want to actually turn on what we would call your cities, your superpowers and begin to actually be a teacher, be a spiritual coach, I would say that 10% of your day would be a standard for somebody like that. That's actually what tithing is. Tithing is one of the most misunderstood concepts in the religious and spiritual world. Tithing. A lot of times people think that you need to give 10% of your income, and that can be fine, can be great, can be beautiful for people if that works for them. But the true essence of tithing is giving 10% of your time, your efforts, your energy to your spiritual nature. And if you were to give two and a half hours per day, you would have exponential gifts that would come back to your life through your spiritual practice.


So right now, I'm making up for some lost time. Let's just put it that way. So my practice has been anywhere from an hour to six hours a day over the last little bit. I would say on an average, I would say three to five hours right now. Again, my ideal would be to go deep, deep into it and then have it be consistent for a minimum of 10% of the day. Okay, so let's get more into this. So no matter if you're somebody who's never meditated before or you're a very advanced meditator, my goal again today is to give you a bigger picture of a spiritual practice of what I really have dived into. And as many of you guys know, I've been on a massive spiritual journey for decades now. So I have, every year I kind of dive more and more into different processes and practices.


I've gone into shamanism from a natural perspective, not from a medicine perspective. I have my nine rights in shamanism. I got trained in Kundalini. I've been trained of course as a practitioner and a metaphysical minister and a doctor Divinity. I have gone deeply, deeply into many of the religions, not joining the religions, but diving into those practices. I also have had a lot of spiritual guides over the years through my deep, deep prayer meditation. And I've been trained highly by the Tibetan monks of all things through the spiritual realm. I've also had mid deities guide me and a bunch of things. And so I want to just deliver to you today some of the bigger picture of having a spiritual practice, in particular morning spiritual practice to awaken your power. Okay, so let's take a deep breath together, taking a deep breath in and just getting grounded in that miracle presence, the divine presence within in this divine moment.


I recognize this true divine essence, this true first cause of all of life, the source divine God source within. I recognize this one thing. It's created all of life and it out pictures in and the center point of all of life through every cell, through every molecule, through the entire universe. I recognize this one source is created all of life through this relative field, through this relative universe. And I recognize all of my life. And all of life comes from this divine source, all the good things, all the bad things, all the scarcity, all the abundance, all the heaven, all the hell, all the suffering, all the grace, all of life, the beautiful things, the ugly things, the war, the concrete jungle, the mysticism, the rainbows, the butterflies. I recognize it's all from this divine source. And in this, I recognize that my true identity is the I am this true source that is one with God's source within that is one with all of it.


It actually is the true identity, the true purest aspect of who I am. And in this I recognize right here and right now the revelation that the extent to which I steep myself in that divine presence, the extent to which I have a powerful spiritual practice, that I realize my true identity, the true source, and I go into that unification within, is the extent to which my life really truly correlates in a serendipitous way, realizing that I'm one with all of life, realizing my divine hood and not my divided hood, realizing that I am in that essence a spiritual being and not a human being, but rather experiencing myself, being a human being. I recognize that I'm not this body. I'm not these thoughts. I'm not these beliefs. I am the creator of those. And in this, I declare a powerful spiritual practice to truly have a revelation of realizing how important it is, knowing for me it is first, it is the most important thing of my life.


And so in this, I declare for my life a profound spiritual practice to turn on my superpowers, to be able to live a life of love, of expression, of connection, and being able to be a conduit to bring truth to this world as the ultimate way of being, the embodiment of it. And so I simply release, I let go in total gratitude, so much gratitude for the beloved divine within our release, knowing it is done as together we say. And so it is. Okay, so let's dive into this. So just to kind of go through all the different realms of a daily spiritual practice. So in our school, in spiritual psychology, school and society community, we teach understand the power of mind. We teach the science of mind and new thought movement. We teach the metaphysics of all religions and philosophies. We also teach and unify in with the sciences and unified physics and really the psychology of the soul.


This is spiritual psychology. So we teach everything from visioning, intuition, affirmations, understanding how to do heart rate variability, nervous system regulation, going into everything from silent meditation to all different types of meditation, Kundalini breath, breathwork, mudras mantras, kres, pranayama, channeling zero point field, Taurus field, spiritually awakening, manifesting all of these things. So I wanted to say, why have a spiritual practice? What is a spiritual practice and what is the best spiritual practice for you? So again, over the years for me, I began with silent meditation, which I had no idea that this was so hard. Barely anybody does silent meditations. Most people are on apps and they're doing guided meditations all the time, which is great, but at some point in time, we need to actually get in the currency of the high vibration. And for me, the issue with guided meditations is in general, it is somebody who most likely you speak English and you're being guided by somebody that speaks English.


And first of all, the English language is not in the correct currency. I mean in the correct vibrancy. It is actually, this is a very advanced conversation which we'll get into in another podcast, but it is not in correct frequency. And so we have a few goals when we're doing a daily spiritual practice. One is of course to regulate the nervous system. Another is to turn on our highest vibration, which means getting our arc line around our head actually to get it really in sync with the universe. We're doing our spiritual practice to clear our aura, to feel amazing, right? We're here energizing our chakras to really feel the highest energetics and to turn on our intuition and to be able to manifest what we want out of life and to really awaken the power within, right? We're here to know the truth. That's the point of having daily spiritual practice.


So what do I do? Well, right now I have a few goals in the morning. I wake up at 4:00 AM in the morning, sometimes earlier. Every once in a while I'll naturally wake up at 3, 3, 3. Literally this morning I woke up and I have a voice and voices within from higher self. And it said, look at the clock. And I looked at my phone and it said three, three, three. So I took a screenshot of it just to say, I'm not going crazy. And typically right now I get up at 4:00 AM You don't have to do that. You can wake up at your typical time, say seven o'clock, eight o'clock, whatever that is, and do it. Then. The reason why I am waking up at four o'clock in the morning is because it's called sadana. And if you're in a real deep practitioner practice, you typically want to work with the universe and a universe at that point in time.


The energetics of the universe, the way that the consciousness is, first of all, most people are asleep at that point in time. So if you go outside, it's very calm, the energy's calm. There's not as many driving, hopefully, maybe not any. If you're in someplace and the way the sun is hitting the earth at that point in time, there's a particular power that comes through. So it's said that the veil is very thin, 3:00 AM to about 5:00 AM There's a real opening of the veil. So when you're communicating with the universe, you are the universe. Every single one of your mitochondria, everything in every cell is actually one with the universe. And so you're really getting your energetics to communicate and also putting your manifestations and your intentions and really opening up the field. So as hard as it is to wake up at 4:00 AM sometimes the benefits and the ecstasy that comes out of my sadana and turning on all faculties is way outweighs the difficultness of waking up at 4:00 AM at first, when you first do it, it might be hard for say the first 30 days or two weeks or something like that, but once you start turning on the literally ecstasy and bliss, we call it the nectar, then you don't mind waking up.


So a lot of people will wake up and they take ice cold showers, and then they come into their sa, and that sounds like, oh my gosh, that sounds like living hell. But what happens is they end up feeling so good all the time that the amount of struggle it is to go through those walls to get out of bed and take that ice cold shower is worth it. Okay? So my invitation for you is to think about what is something that you're willing to do that's going to have you do it consistent? Okay? One of the reasons why my practice got really bad over the years is because I didn't do it in the morning. In fact, I actually preferred to always do it late at night or in the afternoon. I didn't really like doing it in the morning. It just was, I don't know, my intuition and things just turned on a lot more in the evening.


But what happened over time, as I got busier in my business, I got more busy, and those opportunities to do my spiritual practice were less and less. I could be busy all the time, and it was really hard to turn it off and then go into my spiritual practice. So what I found is the only way to be consistent in my practice is to do it way before the working hours. So again, you're going to find this, people who work out will say the exact same thing. Majority of people who are successful and they like to work out or do a spiritual practice, majority of all of them will do it first thing in the morning because life happens. Okay? So my imitation is just think about what time in the day can you be consistent, and maybe that's just 20 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes in the evening, and you can commit to that.


So I'd like you to take a journal and think about what that is, and then watch it, do your practice and then go, okay, I was inconsistent at this point in time. When is the time in my life in my day that I can do it, that I can be super consistent? Okay? Because consistency is very important because you're building the muscle of habits, and our entire system is we're habitual beings the entire way the universe is works. That's why it says God rested on the seventh day is because everything's automated. And once you do things over and over again, then it's set in motion. That's why your negative patterns also become habits as well. You can put good patterns in or you can put negative patterns in. The choice is yours, when are you going to do it? That's up to you. My suggestion.


If you're a spiritual leader and you want to be a profound world-renowned spiritual leader, my suggestion would be to get up at 4:00 AM or 3:30 AM rather would be even better. If you're somebody who is just trying to keep your mental health in order and have more peace in your life, then I would say do it at a time that works for you, a minimum of 20 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes in the evening. Okay, so next is what is the regime? Okay, so in say, Kundalini, Kundalini, you don't have to be religious to do Kundalini, but in Kundalini, there are kind of some core things that Kundalini people do. They do what's called a crea. So that means that they're having some type of a physical aspect to kind of deal with the body and wake the body up, if you will. Chos include mudras, which are kind of different things that you do with your fingers and mantras and prana, yum, and things like that.


You don't need to know all that is. But basically what I do for my spiritual practice is I've got to deal with the body in order to get into that sacred space. So what I've found over the years is doing silent meditation is imperative, but sometimes it's hard to get into silent meditation. So how I get there is I've got to deal with the body, and there's a few ways to deal with the body and get it into that space. So one way of doing it is what we call heart rate variability. And heart rate variability is a very simple technique. You can literally download. There's a free app called breathing, or you can message me across social media, and I'll send you a called breathing. And all it is is a sound that goes in and out. And what it's doing is it's consistently having you take deep breaths up and down consistently, exactly, consistently.


And you can do it for five, 11 minutes, 22 minutes, whatever you want. And if you breathe consistently, what happens is, say a place like heart math. It's a scientifically based place that has taken some of those work that we've done spiritually for eons and scientifically took a look at it and see what it does to the body. Well, if you regulate the breath consistently, you will regulate the nervous system and you'll connect the heart with the mind, if you will, the brain. And when those two get in sync, then your neurological system gets in sync. And when your neurological system gets in sync, you don't have as much monkey mind or your thoughts don't go all over the place as much, right? You are an energetic beam. And if you're thinking about your energy, if it's fluctuating all over and you've got thought forms go everywhere, and you think, oh my gosh, I have so much to do today.


How do I have time to do a meditation? All that. We want to calm that down. We want to get really, you're not going to get rid of the thought forms in the beginning, but you're going to be able to manage them. And so doing a heart rate variability is imperative. Or the other way that I can hack it even faster than doing a heart rate variability is what I call pranayama. Not I call, but it is called pranayama, okay? It's called breath work. And what you can do is you can do a three to an 11 minute intense breath work session. So I use what's called breath of fire, and I will do different processes and multiple of them to get my body and everything in sync. So it's kind of like panting through your nose. So imagine a dog, let's go, right? A dog pants.


Imagine panting. But you go through your nose, you go just through your nose, not too fast, and you pant. This is called breath of fire. You can also find it, I'll be doing a bunch of mini little practices on my YouTube channel. You can find me over on YouTube at Dr. Aaron. And Breath of Fire is a very simple way of resetting the body and getting all of the body oxygenated, and it'll actually reset your whole body. So I do three minutes of say breath of fire. And if you're brand new at it, you can just put your hands down your lap and sit with your spine erect and sit in meditation position and then breathe through your nose, breath of fire like a panting dog.


Put the timer on for three minutes and start going. Okay? So I do a whole section of these, everything from, we do a lot of different positions, and then you keep doing pranayama. There's a bunch of different pranayamas, okay? So you can begin to Google breath work. You can begin to go over to my YouTube, and you can also come into our membership. And I teach a lot of this inside of our community. So I'm going to do, if I'm doing, say I'm doing an hour worth of my spiritual practice, ideally I kind of like to go 20, 20, 20. I like to break it up into thirds 20% of it. I'm going to do breath work and really deal with the body. 20% of it. I'm going to do more of mantras and meditations more really directing the energy. And then for 20 of it, I'm going to go into a silent meditation, and I may even begin to channel.


So if you don't know what channeling is, there's all different types of channeling. Someone would just say that you just channel your purest self or you channel messages from the universe, the intelligence of the universe, or you may channel actual deities. Other people from those side depends on the level of channeling and people of different language and beliefs around it. So if I'm doing an hour of practice, I want to do 20 minutes of heavy breath work, and even moving the body in different creas, different regular yogas, and then 20 minutes, I'm going to do more of meditation, guided meditation, not from a perspective of someone talking, but from a meditation of a mantra. So this consists of different things. For example, I do a very advanced process called sedan. And if you're new to doing breath work, I don't recommend doing it for more than like five minutes.


I do it for 30 minutes to an hour. Generally about 31 minutes is what is you're supposed to do. And this is considered the highest crea in Kundalini yoga. And this is actually, I'm actually sitting and I'm actually having my right thumb over my right nose, my nostril, and I'm breathing in through the left nose, the left nostril, and then I'm holding it and I'm holding it while I am actually pumping my stomach doing a mantra, wahe guru, guru waheguru. And I'm doing this 16 times, and then I'm putting my pinky over my left nostril and I'm exhaling out through my right nostril, and then I am putting my right thumb over my right nostril and inhaling through the left nostril. And you might be like, what is she talking about? This is getting too confusing. You don't need to know all of this. Sedan is one of the things by do many, many different meditations again.


So I do 20 minutes of say more physical yoga or heavy, heavy breath work. The second 20 minutes, I will do more of a guided meditation. The reason why say I do wahi guru, okay? It's not to some guru of some man in the sky. Why guru is actually why guru means this wow energy that transcends the dark to the light. You are the guru. The guru is the energy and the divine within me. It's not some deity, it's not some man in the sky. It is a mantra. And these mantras are actually energetically in alignment. The language is actually the purest language. So English is actually an insane language because it's out of sync. The words do not add up to what the words mean from a vibrational standpoint. So there are certain languages that are the core languages on this planet that actually were vibrationally exactly whatever the word is saying.


And the intention of the word is vibrationally, what the actual sound of the word is. So this is a very kind of advanced teaching, I guess you could say, but I never like to do things halfway. Okay, so what's the point of this? The point is, if you are doing a 20 minute spiritual practice, then I would recommend 20 minutes of a heart rate variability. Or you could do a little bit of breath work, five minutes of breath work, five minutes of doing a guided of meditation and doing five to 10 minutes of a silent meditation. Okay? So you're going to break it up exactly the same, a thirds or whatever it is that you want to do, okay? If you're doing a longer 10% of your day, two and a half hours, you're going to break it up into two one hour sections and then a half an hour section.


And again, so for me, if I got up at 4:00 AM then I'm going to get ready, I'm going to get a little set up, and then I'm going to start my practice, and I'm going to schedule an hour at a time. And the first 20 minutes again, I'm going to do the physical stuff and the heavy breath work. And the second 20 minutes, I'm going to do a guided meditation with the mantra. And then the third, I'm going to do silent meditation and channeling. There's so many things you can do for the breath work. Let me just say that the breath work, I get so naturally high, it's amazing. I don't drink, I don't do drugs, I don't do anything. And I always say to people, it's like I get more high in a good way off of breath work and my spiritual practice than any cocktail or anything.


And I've never had an addiction to drugs or alcohol. I just over time doing my spiritual work, I just didn't need it anymore. I didn't want it anymore. I wanted the purity, and I would find that when I would drink or I just didn't, it would disrupt my spiritual direct experience. So again, the goal, what's the goal of this? The goal is for me is to feel better. The goal for me is to awaken to my divine power. The goal for me is to energize on my chakras, align them all. My goal is to have an aura. The aura body goes out, say nine feet or whatever. It could be smaller. It could be way larger. And the truth is that for me, I am getting all my energetics to be one with the universe. That's my goal with my spiritual practice. My goal of my spiritual practice is to turn on all my superpowers and be able to have just the serendipity of walking through life and having everything be magical. The goal for me is being able to turn on my intuition. The goal for me is to know my immortality and my eternal nature. Right here, right now, the goal for me is to be in commune with all the light beings across the galaxy. The goal for me is enlightenment. The goal is total revelation.


And the thing that's so amazing about it is that there's a reason why it's called the daily spiritual practice, because I have experienced enlightenment. I've experienced massive revelation, I've experienced and know my immortality, but if I don't do my spiritual practice every day, it goes away. That's the most humbling and greatest blessing of this work. It demands us to keep doing it. It demands us. Again, I would say that my life is as magical and as powerful, as good as my spiritual practices. So there's a direct correlation to all of it. So for you, I would just take a look at who are you? What do you want to be? Do you want to be your problems? Do you want to keep having the same vicious cycles going over and over? Do you want to be stressed out all the time? Do you want to be suffering?


Literally, if I don't do my practice, I literally can feel like I'm coming out of my skin. Okay? So this is about manifesting the highest version of yourself. This is about you being able to tap into the Taurus field within the center of your essence, and being able to clear out the subconscious mind and be able to do everything. Your spiritual practice is not going to take the place of doing your deep trauma work and doing that deep, deep work that we do in the school. I always say that if there's a big vat of a big tub of water, and it's all muddy and dirty and stuff, in order to clean that water out, we have to first kind of get all the big chunks of the gunk out of it. And that's the trauma work. That's the deep, deep work that we do in the school.


But once you've cleaned out all the big parts of the dirt and stuff, in order to really filter the water and get it really, really clear, you got to do this precision work in your spiritual practice. Okay? So again, doing your breath work, doing your mantras. Mantras are important because they are in a vibrational sink and they're going to direct the energy to purify the soul, to purify the aura, to purify the arc line. There's also points on your body. Like I'm doing this, a couple meditations right now that I'm teaching in the school as well, that where you hold your hands in certain mudras, you hold your thumbs over your pinkies and you put your three fingers out on your knees, and you're meditating to saama, which are the sounds of the universe, and you're turning on these different points in your head, in your brain, and your skull of your brain, and you're literally turning on these channels that are communicating with the cosmos.


It's just so good and so yummy and so good. So whether you are doing chos or whether you're doing traditional yoga, or whether you're doing guided meditations, or whether you're doing any of these things, the truth is you got to find your own jam, but you need to have discipline. And oftentimes people won't do their spiritual practice. They don't have discipline enough. So that's why I highly recommend for you to come into our community and learn some of these techniques and be able to implement them into your life and have a support group and be able to really take your life to the next level. I have teachers, I have guides, I have people that I go to. I have spiritual centers I work with as well. And so it's imperative for us to know how important our daily spiritual practice is. And then of course, at the end of my spiritual practice and in my silent meditation is where I naturally go into visioning.


The visions come in. It's different than what having a vision board is. We do at the opposite. We don't come from the ego mind to create the visions of our life. We wait for the vision to come in from our higher self. And this is done through the beautiful display of connecting with your pure self, with your divine self. And so let's just begin or end with a benediction, taking a deep breath in, do another spiritual mind treatment. I recognize there is a divine, divine calling. I know the extent to which I suffer is my soul, my spirit calling me to say, come home. And I know for the people who are really spiritual and the people that really have big callings suffer even more than others because we are not fulfilled out here in the traditional way of life. There's something in us that knows, that knows that there is a life beyond our wildest dreams waiting for us within the depths of our own soul.


And so I say yes to you awakening your power within. I say yes to having a powerful spiritual practice. I say yes to clearing your aura and turning on your intuition, your superpowers, to literally awaken the chakras and align with the entire universe so that you're constantly in the bliss state, so that you turn on even that ability to pur like a cat inside of you. Your ability to have this machine of this incredible, beautiful, energetic vibration, machine of frequency called you inside of this temple, this divine incredible temple, the most beautiful advanced temple in the entire universe, this sacred body temple that does miracles, that can do miracles if we give it the right nurturing, the right energy. And I know that within all matter of the entire universe, if you were to take a look and just go into one square inch of the empty space, there is more energy in one square inch of empty space than all the matter in the entire universe. And that's what we tap into through our spiritual practice. That's what we tap into. That's what we tap into. And so I'm just saying yes, yes, yes to a powerful spiritual practice. And in this, I say let it be it. Be as together we say. And so it is. And so it is. Okay? So if you're somebody who's ready to take your spiritual practice to the next level and get trained in all this work, I highly recommend for you to come into the school. All the links are below. If you are


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Thank you for tuning into the Dr. Erin Show. If you're ready to transform your life, discover your soul's purpose, and manifest your dreams, go to . Join me in my life-changing events, membership or certification. If you're ready to become a certified coach and get trained in metaphysics of mind, manifestation and the creative process, subconscious reprogramming, trauma, recovery, healing, spiritual psychology, universal law, and much more, go to . If you're receiving value from the show, I would love it if you would share it with a friend and give it a five star review. Have a beautiful day, and may you live your truth.


Dec 12, 2023

The Art of Coaching Vs. The Business of Coaching - How to receive creative Divine Downloads

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  • Rick Rubin: The Creative Act: A Way of Being.
  • Steven Pressfield: The War of Art

How to tap into the creative flow and receive Divine Downloads 
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“ Get to living or get to dying”

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“Use your imagination to create your dreams into reality”

All of life is the out-picturing of the mind. Individually you can know someone's beliefs because you can simply witness their life and see what beliefs they are embodying and demonstrating. Collectively, we can observe the manifestation of the One Mind by the circumstances of the cultural environment. Cosmically, we witness the divine correlation of the cells of the body and the entrainment of astronomy. 

AWAKEN THE ORACLE WITHIN: By pulling this card, it indicates that you must wake up and realize that life is the ultimate mirror of your consciousness. Who you are being and how you are living indicates the exact beliefs you are embodying. If you don’t like what you are experiencing, it is up to you to reprogram your subconscious mind and re-direct energy upon Universal Law to manifest and demonstrate a life you love. Imagination is the secret to creating your dreams into reality.

The lesson of the day:

Rick Rubin's new book, "The Creative Act: A Way of Being," explores various principles centered around creativity and the artistic process. Key takeaways from the book include:

Creativity is Universal: Rubin emphasizes that creativity is a fundamental human trait, accessible to all, and not a rare ability limited to a few.
The Essence of Being an Artist: Living as an artist is described as a way of being in the world, marked by deep attention and perception. It involves tuning into subtleties and embracing creativity as a daily practice.

The Timing of Ideas: Ideas are seen as having their own timing; they will manifest when the time is right, sometimes through others if not acted upon.

Creation Beyond Commerce: The act of creation is portrayed as a journey to transcend the ordinary and share the glimpses of one's inner world, rather than merely producing for commercial purposes.

Nature and the Inner World: Rubin draws parallels between the richness of nature and our inner world, suggesting a deep connection and unity between the two.
Following Your Energy: He advises trusting and following one's intuition over external advice, highlighting the importance of personal judgment in the creative process.

Overcoming Creative Blocks: The book suggests viewing each project as a small, initial step in a larger journey, to help overcome overwhelm or paralysis in creativity.

Creativity as Free Play: Creativity is likened to childlike play, free from strict rules and structures, encouraging joy in the creative process.

Types of Doubt in Creativity: Rubin differentiates between self-doubt, which can be paralyzing, and doubt about the quality of work, which can be a motivator for improvement.

The Multi-Faceted Self: The book acknowledges the complexity of the self and how different aspects can be in conflict during the creative process.
Limiting Rules in Art: Rubin advocates for a beginner’s mind in creation, warning against the constraints of too many rules.

Experimentation and Completion: He outlines the phases of creation: collecting ideas (seeds), experimenting, crafting, and completing. Each phase requires a different approach from the artist.

Innovation and Polarization: Innovative work is seen as likely to divide opinion, and Rubin suggests that the artist's love for their work is more important than universal approval.

Not Hoarding Ideas: The importance of using your best ideas now, not saving them for later, is emphasized, suggesting that creativity is an infinite resource.
The Artist Types - Experimenters vs. Finishers: Rubin identifies two types of artists, highlighting the need to balance experimenting with ideas and bringing them to completion.

Internal Success: Success is defined as an internal experience, not necessarily linked to external markers like popularity or wealth.

Learning to Tune Out Distractions: The book advises learning to focus on the art itself, tuning out external pressures and distractions.

Waiting for Creative Rhythms: Similar to surfing, artists are encouraged to be patient and wait for their creative rhythms, remaining aware and present.

The Role of Advice: While advice can be helpful, Rubin cautions against following it too rigidly, emphasizing the importance of finding one's own path.

Following Excitement in Creativity: He advocates for following what excites and energizes you in your creative pursuits.

The Elusiveness of Sincerity and Truth: Rubin discusses the challenge of capturing sincerity and truth in art, suggesting that striving for perfection in this regard can be counterproductive​​.

Binge My Podcast Series:
Heal Your Trauma Series
52 Universal Law Series
Money Breakthrough Series
Spiritual Awakening Series
Relationship Dysfunction Recovery Series
Live Your Truth & Reprogram Your Mind Series
Metaphysical Bible Series
Dr. Erin is a World-Renowned Doctor of Divinity, Founder of Soulciété Spiritual Community and Spiritual Psychology School, Master Manifesting and Metaphysical Teacher, TV Host, Creator of E4 Trauma Method®, International Best-Selling Author, Walden Wisdom Award Next to Oprah, Self-Made Millionaire, Top-Rated Podcast, and Mother.

Her mission is to awaken a billion people globally by developing, training, and certifying accredited Spiritual Entrepreneurs, E4 Trauma Method® Coaches, Spiritual Psychology Master Coaches, Spiritual Practitioners, New Thought Teachers, and Doctors of Divinity.

Dr. Erin is committed to bridging spirituality, science, and psychology. She is forging ‘New Thought Wisdom’ in the study of Spiritual Psychology; the study of how everything is created from Source at a soul level.

“11 Most Inspirational Female Entrepreneurs To Watch On Instagram” - Forbes

Disclaimers: Earnings and income representations made by New Thought Global and Soulciete, Erin Fall Haskell, and their advertisers/sponsors are aspirational statements only of your earnings potential. Do not reuse this content. See our Terms




Welcome to the Dr. Erin Show. This is a top spiritual awakening and new thought ancient wisdom podcast to teach you how to become your highest self, unleash your spiritual superpowers, discover your soul's purpose, and manifest your dreams. Hi, I'm Dr. Erin, Dr. Divinity, and I'm committed to bringing you the best manifesting and coaching tips, spiritual advice, trauma healing, and metaphysical recovery secrets. I'm here to help you reprogram your subconscious mind, monetize your spiritual gifts and love your life. 
I want you to know that I've 
Been exactly where you are and I 
Believe in you. 
Together we're awakening the world. 
Hi superstars. Today I want to break on down really the art of coaching versus the business of coaching. I know so many people out there really are having desire to help transform the planet, help heal people, help people do their inner soul work, but a lot of people don't dunno how to make it into a business. So I really want to talk to you a little bit about my own personal struggle as the founder of spiritual psychology, school and society, and someone who's built a multimillion dollar business. So what we're going to do today is we're going to know the truth together with the spiritual mind treatment. I'm going to share a little bit about what's going on for me and my own leadership. And then I want to talk to you about a book that I've been reading by Rick Rubin, the Creative Act, a way of being and break on down a few distinctions for me that are really helping me. 
And then of course go over the universal law this week of the Spiritual Waking Oracle deck as well. So let's do this thing. So it's first take a deep breath. We put our hands together. We do this actually because there's tons of nerve endings and I'll take off my glasses so you guys can see my eyes as well to connect. Okay, so let's take our hands together, taking together, connecting the right and left hemisphere of the brain and connecting the heart with the brain, the mini mind and the mastermind. This isn't about some man in the sky. This is about the Christ consciousness within the Buddha consciousness, within the divine source, within the God source, within whatever you want to call the nameless of the nameless, we do affirmative mind treatment, scientific prayer and spiritual mind treatment, taking a deep breath in. 
And I just come at as divine presence and gratitude, recognizing this incredible world of the dynamics of the light and dark, the yin and yang, the ups and downs, the suffering and the blessings. I recognize the ability to create heaven and hell, the ability to know total abundance and abundance of scarcity as well. I recognize the division and the divine that is within all of us. And I recognize today is a divine day to realize that there is a mental universe that we live in. There's a mental universe of the equivalent of everything. There's a vibrational match of our entire life. And so we know that all life is like a mental picture of a film being made of this universe, this 3D matrix. And I just know that today I choose to create a life that I love that is in alignment with my highest authentic self. 
I simply know this, it is done as together we say, and so it is. So I'm set in love and light to everyone across the world, knowing there's lots of people suffering across the planet, in the wars, in addiction, in sadness, suffering in silence, suffering in loneliness, suffering all levels, and also recognize the miracles going on in this planet, the beautiful divine miracles going on in this planet. And I just say yes to life. I say yes to all dynamics of life. So if you're here for the first time and you're just learning who I am, I am Dr. Aaron, Dr. Divinity, I am a metaphysical teacher and I am the founder of spiritual psychology, school and society community. I'm a mother, I'm an international bestseller. I'm the Walden Wisdom Award. I with 1600 spiritual centers at Oprah Winfrey, Greg Braden, Michael Bernard Beckwith. I'm the creator of spiritual awakening Oracle deck cards and the book Awakening as well. 
And as you can see, I have a podcast called Dr. Air across all podcasts things. So let's break this down. Every week in our community, we have a universal law that we embody. And this week's is the mental equivalent. So this basically states, I just want to make sure this is up here, that really and truly that we live in a mental universe and that everything is a vibrational match. Everything is equivalent, everything you can see. So you could take a look at your life right now and you can think, huh, what are the out picturing of my relationships? Are they strong? Are they thriving or are they dysfunctional? Discordance up and down. They're all a mentally equivalent of what's happening in consciousness. They're showing you exactly where you are in consciousness. And that doesn't mean that you necessarily manifest say something in a relationship like a cancer or someone dies. 
It doesn't mean that you necessarily manifest or that was a good or bad thing, but your relationship to whatever occurs is the belief around it. Two people can have the same exact situation. Maybe two people are married to alcoholics and one person is battling it and staying in vicious cycles all the time. Whereas another person is like, they go, thanks, but I'm done. Or they stay in it and they don't make 'em wrong and they place their boundaries, whatever that is. There's two people that can have the exact same mentally equivalent showing up in their life, but how they relate to it's completely different. So the mentally equivalent is really taking a look at what's out picturing in your life, what's out picturing in your relationships and love what's out picturing your career and money, what's out picturing in your health and vitality? What's out picturing in your purpose and calling again, it's about the situation, like something's wrong with you if you're calling in a situation, it's about how you relate to it. 
So in this, I'm just knowing that here, that life is all about the picturing of your relationship, your experience to it. And so your beliefs set the precedent of how you are seeing it, but you need to know that collectively we manifest from one mind. So all of life, right? The wars, it's not like one person is creating that. The collective has created that, and we're all responsible. So you can take a look at life and wherever you are resisting it, wherever you are having strife around it is actually the divine appointment for you to rise into your leadership, to heal thyself, to heal others in that, right? So by pulling this card, it indicates that you must wake up and realize that life is the ultimate mirror, that life is the mirror, and that whatever beliefs you have, life is showing that exactly where you are ready to heal and become the highest version of yourself. 
Okay, so each week what I'd like to do, I'll be coming here with different interviews, different lessons and teachings. I teach spiritual psychology, practitioner coaches, I train and accredit them. I also teach what's called the E four trauma method. That is quantum healing and quantum manifesting. So we do all kinds of things from trauma healing to understanding the universe, to understanding how to repro the subconscious mind. And so each week I'm going to come in with a different lesson, some call-ins, I'll be doing call-ins here and interviews and all kinds of fun things. And also taking you around from Los Angeles to London to Miami to all over the place in our events, in our membership and in our certifications. So today, today's a special day. It's right after the weekend and this weekend I took some time. Normally I'm working a lot of my projects or running around meditating, walking on the beach, barefoot, whatever it is. 
But this weekend I wanted to do a couple things. One, I was taking a course in AI because AI is such a big part of our business now, and I'm dedicated and committed to becoming the highest version of myself as a leader. So that was one thing I worked on. The second thing I worked on, which was I actually listened to an audiobook by Rick Rubin, and it's called the Creative Act, a way of being. So I'm actually new to even understand who Rick Rubin is, but he's super famous. So Rick Rubin, from what I understand was in music. He was actually in the Beastie Boys and I grew up in Santa Barbara, California. And let me tell you, that was like it was everywhere, and he was actually in the band. And so he supposedly went on tour. There were opening act for Madonna in the late eighties or nineties, I'm not sure. 
And he actually got a terrible ear ache and he had to leave the tour and he came home. But all these opportunities began to take place and you realize that he just had a gift for music. He had a gift for listening to it and developing it. Lo and behold, over time, I don't know how the whole thing unfolded, but worked with some of the top artists in the industry and what he would do is he would help them basically channel this incredible art. And in this process also, he talks about his personal story in interviews. He doesn't talk about it in the book, but through the interviews is how he found his book. And what he said is he actually got to a place where he actually got super depressed and he stopped having his creative flow and he couldn't figure out what was going on. 
And he ended up having a spiritual awakening, which got me really interested in him. And through his spiritual practices and meditation stuff, he was able to really turn back on these faculties and he became one of the biggest names in the industry for helping people hone their art. And one of the things he said in one of the interviews that really sparked it was the thing that sparked me wanting to listen to his book was he said, so many of us will start our art and put it out and wait for feedback and likes comments, and we get so attached to it and it actually stifles the process of our art. And so I dunno about you, but I definitely have felt that especially over the last few years, is that I'm a creator and I'm a channel for Divine Source as you are, as all of us are where different manifesting types, we have different human designs. 
But the reality is that we all are artists, we are creators, we create, that's all we do is create. And so I really want to talk to you today about the art of coaching because as a master coach, as a Dr. Divinity, no matter which way you slice it, I love to coach like it's really about getting into the consciousness and awakening people. And the word that we use in the industry is coaching. So the art of coaching versus the business of coaching. So I work with many soul-based entrepreneurs. I accredited coaches across the globe. And what I find is there's always a bit of a rift, a rift between the business of coaching versus the art of coaching. And so for many people that are in the coaching industry, particularly in the spiritual coaching industry, is they want to stay actually in the art of coaching. 
They're not wanting to get into the commerce of coaching, but yet they want the money of the commerce of coaching. And so I want to talk to you a little bit today about the difference of the two. So the art of coaching, I believe that if you're in the coaching industry, if you're in the spiritual awakening industry, you got in there because one, you were probably suffering greatly yourself. You probably were having a lot of trauma, a lot of suffering. Maybe you went to different seminars, conferences, read books, whatever. That's what happened to me in 1999. I went to Landmark Forum, I went to all different types of practices. I had no money. I was saved every penny I could to buy the next book. I ended up getting my nine rights in shamanism. I ended up finding metaphysics and became a spiritual practitioner and a metaphysical minister and a doctor Divinity. 
And so what happened is through this whole thing, I fell in love with the art of coaching, that art of being able to go into someone's consciousness and be able to transform their suffering into their trials, into their tribulations, their pain into their purpose, transforming their trauma into their triumphs and birthing their soul's purpose. And I love the art of that. I've created E four trauma process and many processes, truth triangle framework and things that many thousands of people use across the globe. And so in this, I love the art of coaching. I happen to also be an entrepreneur and I love business as well, but I love the startup of business. Maintaining business is not exactly my love. In fact, I kind of resisted at some level, but I love branding and I love creating, and I love the visionary part of the business of coaching. 
So over the last few years, I found myself kind of loving it, but getting my energy was like going down because I was getting so much more into the details of the business, so much more the managing of the business, even though I've got a team is really beginning to work now finally, I've got people across the globe and there's some positions that are really working, but I still end up working on in the business instead of on the business. So listening to Rick Rubin and getting inspired and really remembering, Hey, who am I? What is my human design? What am I in my astrology and who I am authentically in my authenticity? We now know that authenticity is a higher frequency than even love from a project that happened. We're measuring the emotions of the positive and negative emotions of people, and they found that authenticity is the most important thing. 
So really getting clear of what this is. So I had to really ask myself if money was of no object, if I could clear my whole slate clear going into this new year. It's always a new unit of time. What is my clear love of coaching? Rick Rubin says, if you're writing a book or a real piece of art, a piece of music or whatever it is that you never go out to start thinking about publishing or how you're going to distribute or how you're going to market until you've completed the art. And so many coaches will tell you the opposite. Find out what people need and then create a business around that. And that's one way. And I think that you kind of have to decide are you somebody that wants to have the art of coaching or are you somebody that wants to have the business of coaching? 
You can do both, but you have to really decide what you're going to lead with. Are you going to lead with the business of coaching, realize what is happening in the marketplace, modeling after people in their marketing and funnels, modeling after people on social media, modeling after whatever's working, but you might die a little bit in the process if you're a true artist, or are you going to be the art of and truly develop yourself, hone your skills, hone those frameworks, hone everything and master it like a Jedi, and then figure out how to market it afterwards, maybe even higher on a marketer, right? What is that for you? So these are some questions I want you to contemplate for yourself. And in that I'm really looking at this for myself. We have spiritual psychology school that I'll have forever. The programs are profound. We have E four trauma method and quantum healing and manifesting, and we'll have that forever. 
I'll never let those things go. But as somebody who's a creator that you get to start from a blank slate wherever you can hand those things off, you can make those evergreen, you can put 'em on hold, you can do anything you choose. We can create whatever we want. And so right now, what I truly am committed to is bringing truth to the world in ways that I love it. Because if you're getting sad, the world is so sad right now. And what makes people sad is one thing is that they don't love, they're not loving life. That life force is love. And if you don't love life, if you don't love yourself or you're not having anything to love, your life force will go down, down, down. And that's what I started noticing more and more about myself. If we want to fully thrive and fully have life force and fully live fully, there's one key factor that has to happen and it's love. 
So do you love the art of coaching or do you love the business of coaching? You can have both, but you've got to decide which. And if it's the art of coaching, you need to figure out another financial resource. Or maybe you're lucky enough to have some money in the bank or maybe you need to keep that position where you hone those skills so you don't have to think about the business of coaching or you can get committed to both. But really and truly, I just don't want you to be delusional. I don't want you to just focus on the art of coaching, not think about any of the commerce of coaching, and then wonder why it's not monetizing. Because you have to master both. We're here to master as spiritual leaders, the ethereal and the human, having our head up in the EERs as high as possible, being a channel for straight divine source and having two feet on the ground being able to strategize in our skillset. 
And so in this, I'm knowing that whatever you're creating for your life, you're creating every day with your words, with your thoughts, with your belief, with your identity, you're creating exponential. You are a powerful, infinite, infinite creator. So let's just end with a benediction, a blessing. It's affirm of mine treatment. It's really acknowledging the benefits and the blessing. So taking a deep breath in again and just recognize this mentally equivalent, this universal law, which is there's only one law, which is the law of cause and effect. The law of one is the one of love, whatever you want to call it. And there's so many distinctions of that. So this law of the mental equivalent is one distinction of the universal law, and I'm just knowing spiritual awakening, spiritual awakening into the love. May we know the highest of the highest teachings, which is love. 
Whatever you focus on will expand. If you hate things, hate your business, it's going to diminish. If you love it, it will expand. If you don't like it, if you resist it and you're having frustration, it will diminish. This is the love frequency. Whatever you love will expand. Whatever you don't love will diminish. If you love life, your life force will expand. If you don't love life, it will diminish. I simply know this, absolutely it is truth. I simply know this as together, we say, and so it is. And so it is you guys. So if you're not already in my community, I invite you. We have a WhatsApp group, we have a Facebook group, we have all kinds of free gifts for you. We have a free masterclass for you to discover your soul's purpose. You can have lots of things. There's a free gift for you to have 52 universal laws and the manifesting challenge with all the information and stuff with the universal laws in there as well. 
You can also get 40 meditations, guided meditations with my other book. It's a free PDF book. You can also get the book off Amazon. All those links are below. And if you are ready to join one of my life-changing events or life-changing membership or life-changing certifications, you could head write on over to Dr. Aaron TV or spiritual psychology school. You can have all the links below. Have a beautiful blessed day. Make sure to like and subscribe so you can get all the deets, everything. You can also go listen to the podcast across all podcast places. Okay? Have a beautiful blessed day and may you live your trip. 
Thank you for tuning in to the Dr. Erin Show. If you're ready to transform your life, discover your soul's purpose and manifest your dreams, go to Join me in my life-changing events, membership or certification. If you're ready to become a certified coach and get trained in metaphysics of mind manifestation and the creative process, subconscious reprogramming, trauma, recovery, healing, spiritual psychology, universal law, and much more, go to If you're receiving value from the show, I would love it if you would share it with a friend and give it a five star review. Have a beautiful day, and may you live your truth.




Dec 4, 2023

The Spiritual Theme for 2024

Grab your FREE Manifesting Challenge

Join my life-changing events, membership, or certifications

Binge My Podcast Series:

  • 12 Trauma Coaching Series
  • 52 Universal Law & Manifesting Series
  • 12 Money Breakthrough Coaching Series
  • 40 Spiritual Awakening Book Series
  • 12 Subconscious Reprogramming Coaching Series

Hello, my spiritual community! 🤩

 3 Tips for Emotionally Intense Time:

  1. Doubling down on your spiritual practice

  2. Doubling down on authenticity

  3. Doubling down on having a support system


2024 podcasts are going to be all about Spiritual Community

My girlfriend’s story of survival through cancer with extraordinary support

 How to get involved with our community:

  • Events

  • Membership

  • Certification✨

The lesson of the day:


Constructive and Destructive Interference 


“Vibrate so high that certain people can’t even be around you because your energy is so strong. Vibrate so high that anybody that’s wishing to do evil upon you it shall be revealed. Vibrate so high that any evil entity feels uncomfortable in your presence. Vibrate so high that strangers come up to you and compliment you. Vibrate so high that people want to be around you because you actually heal them. Vibrate so high that anybody that wishes to do harm towards you shall perish. Vibrate so high that anybody that has evil intentions shall get revealed. Vibrate so high that you heal the earth. Vibrate so high that you heal your community. Vibrate so high that you heal the world. Vibrate high.” - Unknown Source



Constructive and destructive interference are two key concepts in the field of wave physics, particularly relevant to the study of sound, light, and other types of waves. Let's delve into each one:

Constructive Interference

  • Definition: Constructive interference occurs when two or more waves meet and combine to produce a wave with a larger amplitude than the original waves. This happens when the peaks (high points) and troughs (low points) of the interfering waves align with each other.

  • Characteristics:

    • Sound waves: When two sound waves in phase meet, they can create a louder sound.

    • Light waves: Bright fringes observed in interference patterns, like in the double-slit experiment.

    • Amplitude Increase: The amplitude of the resulting wave is the sum of the amplitudes of the individual waves.

    • Phase Relationship: The waves are in phase or have a phase difference of an integral multiple of 2π radians.

    • Examples:

  • Applications: Constructive interference is used in various technologies, such as noise-cancelling headphones, where waves are created to interfere constructively with ambient noise, thereby cancelling it out.

Destructive Interference

  • Definition: Destructive interference happens when two or more waves meet and combine to produce a wave with a smaller amplitude than at least one of the original waves. This occurs when the peak of one wave aligns with the trough of another.

  • Characteristics:

    • Sound waves: Two sound waves out of phase can cancel each other, creating a zone of silence.

    • Light waves: Dark fringes in interference patterns.

    • Amplitude Decrease: The amplitude of the resulting wave is less than the larger of the two original amplitudes. In total destructive interference, the amplitude can be zero.

    • Phase Relationship: The waves are out of phase or have a phase difference of an odd multiple of π radians.

    • Examples:

  • Applications: Destructive interference is also used in various technological applications, like in creating quiet zones in acoustic environments or in the phase cancellation of unwanted sound frequencies.


Imagine two waves traveling towards each other on a surface of water:

  • Constructive Interference: If the peaks of both waves meet, they combine to form a higher peak. Similarly, if troughs meet, they form a deeper trough.

  • Destructive Interference: If a peak of one wave meets a trough of another, they tend to cancel each other out, resulting in a lower wave height.

Importance in Physics

  • Wave Theory: These phenomena are fundamental to the wave theory of light and sound.

  • Wave Properties: They illustrate the wave properties of superposition and interference.

  • Practical Applications: Understanding these concepts is crucial in fields like acoustics, telecommunications, and optics.

Interference patterns created by these phenomena provide valuable information in various scientific fields, such as determining the structure of materials in X-ray crystallography or understanding the nature of electromagnetic waves.



Binge My Podcast Series:


Dr. Erin is a World-Renowned Doctor of Divinity, Founder of Soulciété Spiritual Community and Spiritual Psychology School, Master Manifesting and Metaphysical Teacher, TV Host, Creator of E4 Trauma Method®, International Best-Selling Author, Walden Wisdom Award Next to Oprah, Self-Made Millionaire, Top-Rated Podcast, and Mother.


Her mission is to awaken a billion people globally by developing, training, and certifying accredited Spiritual Entrepreneurs, E4 Trauma Method® Coaches, Spiritual Psychology Master Coaches, Spiritual Practitioners, New Thought Teachers, and Doctors of Divinity.


Dr. Erin is committed to bridging spirituality, science, and psychology. She is forging ‘New Thought Wisdom’ in the study of Spiritual Psychology; the study of how everything is created from Source at a soul level.


“11 Most Inspirational Female Entrepreneurs To Watch On Instagram” - Forbes



Welcome to the Dr. Erin Show. This is a top spiritual awakening and new thought ancient wisdom podcast to teach you how to become your highest self, unleash your spiritual superpowers, discover your soul's purpose, and manifest your dreams. Hi, I'm Dr. Erin, Dr. Divinity, and I'm committed to bringing you the best manifesting and coaching tips, spiritual advice, trauma healing, and metaphysical recovery secrets. I'm here to help you reprogram your subconscious mind, monetize your spiritual gifts, and love your life. I want you to know that I've been exactly where you are and I believe in you. Together, we're awakening the world. 
Hello, my spiritual community and family. I'm super excited today to break down the theme for 2024, the spiritual theme for 2024. This theme has come through channeling through me very loud and clear, and I cannot wait to break this down for you. But before we get into that, I just want to say I'm so incredibly excited because I'm going to be launching out a new format to the podcast for this new year, and it's going to be super amazing to be connected, stay in the current times and break on down our spiritual community in what is going on for the week. And it's really great for me because as a content creator, as an entrepreneur, as a spiritual teacher, I am a creator. I love to create and I can never batch things too far ahead because I have so much creativity that comes out of me every week that I cannot wait to break on down A few things for you. 
Each week we're going to be going through what the universal law of the week is. We're going to be going through what the current events are happening in the community, kind of the takeaway from the big weeks, the current events happening out in the world, and how we deal with them from a spiritual perspective. And we're going to have a lesson of the day, whether that be from a coaching perspective or have an expert on the podcast to bring some wisdom. And we're going to be talking about all kinds of things going on. So let's do this. Let's begin by doing what we do best, which is doing a spiritual mind treatment. So as spiritual practitioners, as coaches, as a doctor, divinity, we always begin by getting our mind right. And that's what I want us to do on the new podcast. We're going to be getting our mind right, really setting our goals for each week, setting our intentions, really getting clear of our core principles, our core vision for our life, being able to set a daily spiritual practice for the week, being able to really set those core soul-based goals. So let's take a deep breath together, taking a breathe breath in and suspending at the top and exhaling out, letting it all out through the mouth, inhaling again through the nose, suspending your breath at the top and exhaling out again. 
And then one last time, inhaling in. Excellent. Out in this divine moment, I recognize and acknowledge this one spirit. This one source is first cause love, divine God source. The nameless I recognize, it is the creator, the creator of all things good and bad, the creator of the light and the dark, the creator of the inner and outer world. I recognize this one creative force. I see it in this beautiful view that I have here in Santa Barbara right now. I see it in even the cancer that one of my best friends just went through. I see it in the wars in the east, and I see it in the homeless in Los Angeles. And I also see it in the beautiful connections and the beautiful stars in the sky and the flowers in the yard. And I see this divine presence. I recognize this one divine source that creates all of life. 
And in this, I recognize and identify and know my true identity is that source that I absolutely am the source. It's created all of life. And in this I declare myself to be somebody who vibrates so high. That is undeniable. I declare for this week, for this podcast, for right here, right now, to claim who we truly are, which is untouchable, unstoppable. It is a power. So great that it creates miracles. I simply know this and I declare this to be the most powerful, profound podcast for something exactly what it is that you need to hear today. Right now, I release this into the law. I know that whatever is being created is being created with such perfection. It is done, done, done as together we say. And so it is. Okay. And so the topic of this podcast is the spiritual theme for 2024. 
And here it is, drum roll. Please support. Support. What does that mean exactly? I mean, spiritual support, business support, family support, community support, support. So how this came up for me particularly is through meditation, through deep, deep work. But really and truly, it was through some really dark emotions that were coming through and all of us, we have light and dark emotions that come through every day. The positive movement is one of the really a sick movement because we are all dynamics. So as I was traveling back out to California and grieving part of my life in Miami, I allowed myself to have these beautiful emotions coming through. And man, there were some dark emotions and it was really beautiful because years ago I would've clinged onto it or made myself wrong or thought life is or whatever it would be. I'd put the meaning around it. 
But as we know and as we teach with the E four trauma method and such, recognizing that it's the meaning that we put on the emotions that actually have us clinging to them. And if you allow them to go through in neutrality, that there's wisdom that comes out of the emotions. So as I was allowing myself to go through these deep, deep emotions, I realized of course, that I'm tapping into the collective because there wasn't really anything that sad to be about. It was literally like I was tapping into a lot of the collective, a lot of the wars, everything. And I felt this deep, deep, deep sadness, hopelessness, and even depression tapping into their deep, deep, deep in meditation. And I realized that there's a theme that is coming through for each and every one of us, and it is support. We need support. 
So as I came to Santa Barbara, I thought I was just going to come here for a week as I was transitioning back to be buying coastal between Los Angeles and Florida. But I was up in this beautiful home that I rented from a high school girlfriend and it overlooked the whole ocean and the beautiful Santa Barbara. And the second day I woke up and I was like, wow, why would I not stay here longer? So I asked and it was available and it was available for the month or so. So I was like, okay, great. So it was perfect divine timing also because one of my best friends from high school had been diagnosed with breast cancer, so she was going to be going into surgery. And so I was here for all those events. And as I was watching then folding of her being able to go into surgery and there was a stream of events and support system, and she had so much support around her. 
I mean everybody rallied forward and she called it forth. It wasn't like it just happened. She communicated to everybody and said, I need support. And she put certain people in charge and they made sure other people were in alignment and support. We had multiple get togethers. We had an actual blessing ceremony that I led. It was really beautiful. And the point is this is that we all are going through hard times. I don't care who you are, it's relative. Obviously people who are going through war in the east are going through extraordinarily hard times. But no matter what you're going through, we're all going through a lot, whether it be health issues or relationship issues or not being able to figure out how to monetize your business or troubles with things and life, everyone suffers because everyone's human. So as I'm witnessing this and as this collective energy is coming through, I realize that this really is a theme. 
And so I invite you to have this theme for 2024. I invite you to really take a look at how can you be more supported, whether that be getting involved in more and more in our spiritual community, whether that be coming to networking events or going to your local whatever school or meetup, whatever that is. I invite you to have the theme of 2024, be support to be supported to others and to receive those support both ways. Here's my girlfriend I was thinking about. She had all these people that have supported her, they're bringing her food everyday, flowers, all this stuff. It's like there's this blessing and this curse in us. All of it's a blessing because whatever she receives, and there is somewhat of a obligation from a universal law to do the same and give that back, right? This is a blessing and some might say a curse. 
This is a beautiful responsibility of support. So I'm going to invite you to figure out a way, and we're going to be going through this through the podcast of how to actually bring more and more support and networking and bring together community. So having said that, here's a few tips for you before we get into the lesson of the day. Okay? Number one is I recommend with all the emotional intense times for everyone is number one is to double down on your spiritual practice. So for me, it comes and goes a bit my spiritual practice, but every breath I take is my spiritual practice. Sometimes I will just stop and do three minutes of breath of fire and get my mind and literally it resets my entire neurological system all the time. I also have a lot of EMFs and stuff in my hands from being on the computers a lot, and it will actually help that a lot as well. 
So doubling down your spiritual practice, number two is actually topic of part of the lesson of the day, and it's doubling down on your authenticity. And this is so important because what I'm seeing even in our community in the business calls and things is that people are frustrated. They're frustrated with social media and all kinds of things, and spirit is demanding for us to pivot in our businesses. And what does that mean? It means love is the way and the law will make it possible. This is our primary teaching, right? Oneness and understanding how we manifest and create love points away and the law makes it possible. So the point is, if you're not thriving in your business, not thriving in your relationships, not thriving in your health, it's because there is an inauthenticity there. There is a limited belief, there is a lie. So that means you need to pivot to do what you really love to do, whether that be in-person events, whether that be heart to heart, whether that be whatever it is at the more authentic you can get, the better. 
Okay? So number one, double down in your spiritual practice. Number two, get more authentic. And number three is double down on having a support system. These are the three things I'm going to recommend for you to be supported. Ask for support, okay? Ask for support. So let's break this on down. Today we're going to have a lesson of the day. The lesson of today is a really important law of the universe, and it's not a name from one of the laws of the universe. It is an actual physics. It's a physical law of the universe, and it's called constructive and destructive interference. So this means vibes matter, okay? We've always said high vibe, high vibe, but how the hell do you get to high vibe, right? Okay. We know that authenticity is the most important thing, but constructive and deconstructive interference is I, and I'm going to kind of shift here. 
So go to a completely new topic. So here I am, I'm out and I'm going down to Los Angeles, looking at places, being around many different friends that I've been around for years and things, and I have one friend in particular that is so high vibe. It's like you only meet a few people in your life that are so high vibe that it's almost like do they ever have a negative emotion that comes through? Do they ever, it's like, what did they do? I'm so curious to know, and I've interviewed him as well. So there's a quote here, but first before I stop that thought. So the point is, is that there is a constructive and destructive interference when you're with people. There's people that you vibe with so much that actually the physics law is that it will actually exponentially grow when two energetics come together. 
And if they actually really come together, they will actually duplicate extra. They'll go 10 x in the energy. You know, have a friend like that where when you're with that friend, you don't know what it is, but you guys just sync up and it explodes. Okay? There's also what's called destructive interference, okay? Some might say if you had cancellation earphones on, okay, imagine that's not how it works, but that's a metaphor for it. Okay? So imagine that you put on the cancellation headphones and you literally can't hear them or they can't hear you. There's certain people that you just feel like you can't be seen around them. Your energy goes completely flat or somebody's so loud or so vibrant and you're not at their for frequency and you feel like you're not seen. Also, you literally just go blank, okay? These are metaphors. Not exactly, okay. 
I'm not saying it's in a scientific way, you'll have it in the notes, a scientific version. But the point is, is that we either harmonize or we don't harmonize the people that as you are looking to the support for this next year, you might, great greatest suggestion and advice would be to pick people that absolutely inspire you, but know that you may not inspire them, okay? So you want to be in somewhat of a zone where it's just enough to where it's making you have to reach. You become better when you're around them. You get inspired to want to be better around them, they lift you up, okay? But be careful because if you don't rise to them, they're not going to come down to you. Okay? So constructive inner circle support system is imperative. And I want to read a quote right now that is actually something that was just posted on one of our Instagram pages, and it is a voiceover with quotes, and it says, this vibrates so high that certain people can't even be around you because your energy is so strong, vibrates so high that anybody that wishes you to evil upon you shall be revealed, vibrates so high that any evil entities feeling uncomfortable in your presence vibrates so high that strangers come up to you and give you compliments. 
Vibrate so high that anybody that wishes you harm towards you shall be perished, vibrate so high that anybody that has evil intentions shall be revealed, vibrate so high that you heal. The earth vibrates so high that you heal, your community vibrates so high that you heal the world vibrate high. And I don't know about you, but as they said in Shawshank Redemption, this is literally a quote that is living in my heart right now, which is you better get to living or get to dying. You're doing one or the other. You're either spiraling up or you're spiraling down in the polarized world. And as MDAs says, look, we have a curriculum here. We're not here to just be in the ethereal spiritual realm. We're here to also be totally human to master both places. So it's not about spiritually bypassing and trying to be neutral on everything. 
You want to get into the polarity of your life. You want to get in the creative stance, you want to have an opinion, you want to have your core values, you want to have to place boundaries on people. This is part of our human divine hood. So you can read and below you'll have notes and things here about constructive interference and be able to really break it down from a perspective for your friends and family or whatever you want, and really understand the destructive interference as well and being able to really use visualization. So you can imagine two waves traveling towards each other in a surface of water and constructive interference. If the peak of both waves meet, they combine to form a huge higher peak. We see this in the ocean, right when the wave comes in and it goes all the way to shore and it starts going back out and it'll meet the other wave and it'll peak into this huge thing. 
Okay? Destructive interference is if a peak of one wave meets through another, they tend to cancel each other out, resulting in a lower wave. Say that there's a pebble that you drop in the middle of a pond and it starts waving out and another wave is coming, it might start to cancel out a little bit of the other wave. So the point is you want to have an inner circle of people that lift you up. I'm so psyched to come back into Los Angeles and whether it is, you never know what's going to happen tomorrow, maybe on a world tour tomorrow. So you never know. So don't hold me to anything I say, but I'm so excited to be in Los Angeles or wherever I am around people that light me, the F up, I want to live, I don't want to die. I don't want to keep dying just a little bit each day when you're dying just a little bit more each day. 
We all know when we're dying just a little bit. March day, it's undeniable. And as they say, depression is suppression and I haven't been depressed any means because depression is a real thing. And if you're dealing with depression, please seek help. But I have touched on depressive moments. We all get there at times and just like everything, we're fooling ourselves. John d Martini, I love that guy. He said that he took a journal for two years when he was in his twenties and he wanted to try and stay positive, and he said, for two years he wrote all his emotions down. He said there wasn't one day that he didn't have negative emotions coming through. We are human. We are here for all dynamics, okay? We're here for all dynamics. So in this, I'm just knowing that the perfect, perfect support system for you, the perfect constructive interference of harmonizing and exponentially exploding in your creativity and your love for life. 
And so I'm so excited to know the theme for 2024 is support, spiritual support, business support, friendship support. You should have multiple circles of support. That is a massive focus. And when you do that, that is when people thrive, relationships matter. You matter. Ask for support and gift support. Okay? So in this, I'm so excited, just recapping you guys. So the podcast is going to be super excited. This next year I'll be doing some of these where we'll basically break down our goals for the week. Okay? So we're going into your goal. If you're in the community, I help you break down exactly how to goal set as a CEO of your personal professional life. We do that at the beginning of the quarter, four times a year, and we do it every single month, every single week, every single day, every single hour we set our one thing. 
So this week, my question for you is, what is your one goal? Okay? You want to really get clear. You have four primary areas of your life. You have your relationships and love as one area, career and money as another area. The third area is relationships and love. And the fourth area is purpose and calling. I'll say it again. First area, not in a particular order is relationships and love. Number two is career and money. Number three is health and vitality. Number four is purpose and calling. Okay? So you want to think about these four areas of your life and you want to pick one goal for this week, okay? One thing you want to produce, one thing that you want to embody and you want to write it on a sticky tab and you write it down and you want to get clear that you want a bigger vision of what that is going towards. 
Those are the work we do in the community. If you're not already in a community, I highly recommend that you come into the community, you can message us, email us. The links are below. You can come on social media and dmm e, whatever that is, get your tush in a spiritual community. Our spiritual community is amazing. We do all the inner work, we do all the transformation work. We also do all the business work. We develop massive master coaches. So in this also, just knowing that there is truth in all this, and so I just want to break on down also what this week's universal law is. Okay? The universal law this week is the universal law of secondary causation. This is a very so ironic that this is a law this week because just of what we're talking about. So basically within every creation there is a ripple effect of other creations. 
So for example, if somebody starts using drugs and alcohol as an example, then they actually have the addiction that goes on. And so each time that they're thinking about drinking, then if their addiction's going on, then it's going to be a secondary causation, meaning that the addiction is already in them, if that makes sense. Another secondary causation from a positive standpoint would be if you have set up automations in your company, then there's going to be automatic creations. So within every creation, there is a ripple effect of other creations. All material and corporal objects having been created by spirit within their intrinsic potentialities and subsequently empowered by evolved independently accordance to natural law. So basically, this is how it goes. Each effect becomes the cause and creates more effects. Okay? This includes creating from a consciousness. This is a state of existing creation. So everything that you create creates. 
So the more positive habits, the more positive friends, the more high vibration that you have around you, the easier it's going to be to stay in a creative state. It's like if you put a lot of effort into friends that drag you down, then you're going to, the fact of your life is that you're going to end up becoming the cause. The effect of the effect. Okay? Does that make sense? It's a little confusing, but secondary causation means that whatever you create, you will become the effect of probably, okay? We know that you always have the potential of creating from nothingness, but the truth is, whatever you create, you end up becoming the effect of, so be careful what you create, right? You want to create incredible, extraordinary community support. You want to create businesses that are automated. You want to create residual income, right? 
You want to create healthy, vibrant things so that the effect of those healthy, vibrant things, right? So that's the causation right there. The universal law of secondary causation. So in this, I'm just knowing, and the advice in this, if you will, is stop reacting and start being the person you've always desired to be. No matter if you are feeling sad, lonely, or even touching on a depressed state, you've got to take that moment. Because if you're not in a full actual depression where you can't get out of bed, something sad, thoughts will come through. They stream through your consciousness, but there's always going to be a point in the day or the week where you feel really good, you may feel good or okay, or seize those moments, seize those moments. What I began to do is when if I'm ever touching on dark times, then I'll take the times when I'm feeling okay or good, and I'll make sure that I push myself to go to the gym or put some, take bold action in the company with the team, or do something or set up time with girlfriends when I'm feeling decent. 
So I'm making sure that I'm preventing further times when I'm not feeling good. Okay? So it's really about saying, stop. I don't want to live this life anymore. The emotions coming through me are telling me I'm not living the divine life I'm supposed to live. So taking a deep breath in together, knowing the benediction and the affirmative treatment of knowing that your power, that you are the force, that you are a crater, that your word is powerful, your word creates your word, is your wand. And so in this, I'm knowing that you can at any point in time, say no more. I'm done. I decide to focus on what I am creating, whether I feel like it, whether I feel down, I'm deciding that every single day, every single week, I'm going to take bold action to move towards that true life of expression. No longer depression. 
I say yes to expression, may I live fully, may I love fully. May I fully experience all of life? I say yes. I say yes. I say yes as together, we say, and so it is. Okay, good. You guys, I'm so excited. So each week I want to help you get your mind right. I want to come in with prayer. I want to come with a certain lesson. I'm going to come in with interviews as well of experts to help you bring your coaching business to the next level, to help you really get clear of how they did it, their personal stories. I'm going to come in and we're going to talk about the universal law of the week. We're going to set our goals. We're going to do a little journaling. We're going to do some visioning. We're going to do some meditation. We're going to know the truth of who you are, universal law, meta of life, spiritual psychology, coaching, all this stuff together. 
Yes, yes, yes. Share this podcast with your friends so that you can discuss it throughout the week so you can get your mind right so that you can put in, we have an ad event. You can add universal law to your calendar if you haven't already. You can go below to the manifesting free manifesting challenge, and on that, it has a little calendar and it goes directly onto your Google account and it doesn't get in the way of anything else, and it's at 1111 on Sundays, and you'll see the exact universal law of that week. You and your girlfriends or guy friends can read it together, live it, breathe it, instead of complaining and going depression. It's like get your mind right. Okay? We're going to set some goals together and know the truth and love our lives. The theme of 2024 is Support. May you use this podcast to support you, may you share this podcast to support your friends and support each other. May we know this Also, I'll be beginning to do the podcast on YouTube. I really have never given any effort to YouTube. I'm going to put it on there, and we'll be taking off the audio for here, so I'd love for you to join me over there at Dr. Erin on YouTube, and I'm sending you so much love. 
Thank you for tuning into the Dr. Erin Show. If you're ready to transform your life, discover your soul's purpose, and manifest your dreams, go to Join me in my life-changing events, membership or certification. If you're ready to become a certified coach and get trained in metaphysics of mind, manifestation and the creative process, subconscious reprogramming, trauma, recovery, healing, spiritual psychology, universal law, and much more, go to  If you're receiving value from the show, I would love it if you would share it with a friend and give it a five star review. Have a beautiful day, and may you live your truth.





Nov 27, 2023

 22 Supernatural Powers and Abilities 


We all want to be powerful, empowered, and, yes, have supernatural abilities. We’ve watched the transformers, bewitched, and the mystical tails of our lost powers. 


Supernatural abilities are often associated with the paranormal scope beyond the of natural laws of life. So, what are supernatural powers and abilities? How do I develop my supernatural spiritual abilities? What are the top supernatural spiritual gifts? 


Our natural state is mystical. We are born of the stars. Our eternal nature holds the wisdom of the akashic records and all creation. 


We have mind-blowing abilities built into our human-computer system, the body.


According to the National Institute of General Medicine Sciences, “If you uncoiled each strand of your DNA, and placed them end to end,  the resulting strand would be 67 billion miles long—the same as about 150,000 round trips to the Moon.

22 Supernatural Powers:

  1. Telekinesis: The ability to move or manipulate objects with the mind, without any physical interaction.

  2. Telepathy: Communication between minds without the use of spoken words or any other known human senses.

  3. Teleportation: Instantaneous transportation from one location to another without traversing the space in between.

  4. Shape-shifting: The ability to change one's physical form or appearance at will.

  5. Superhuman strength: Strength beyond the limits of normal human capabilities.

  6. Invisibility: The ability to render oneself unseen by others.

  7. Prophetic Precognition: The ability to foresee or predict future events.

  8. Clairaudient: Gaining information about an object, location, or event beyond normal human perception auditorily.

  9. Healing powers: The ability to cure injuries or illnesses with a touch or through other means.

  10. Time manipulation: Control over the past, present, or future, including time travel.

  11. Flight: The power to defy gravity and fly through the air.

  12. Immortality: Eternal life or the ability to live for an extended period without aging.

  13. Energy manipulation: Control over various forms of energy, such as fire, electricity, or elemental forces.

  14. Mind control: The ability to influence or control the thoughts and actions of others.

  15. Resurrection: The power to bring the dead back to life.

  16. Intuition: The ability to understand or know something instinctively, without the need for conscious reasoning.

  17. Empath: The ability to understand and share the feelings of another person.

  18. Psychic: Ability to read someone's energetic imprinting on their soul.

  19. Channel: The ability to expand consciousness to allow the wisdom of the universe to stream through.

  20. Clairsentience: a clear knowing through a feeling or emotion. 

  21. Mediumship: The ability to communicate with spirits or entities from other realms.

  22. Astral Projection: The belief that one can intentionally separate their consciousness from their physical body and travel in an astral form.

Traditional lineage calls supernatural and psychic powers Siddhis.


According to Wikipedia and other sources, Siddhis (Sanskrit: सिद्धि siddhi; fulfillment, accomplishment) are material, paranormal, supernatural, or otherwise magical powers, abilities, and attainments that are the products of yogic advancement through sādhanās such as meditation and yoga. 


What is the etymology of Siddhi:

It means "knowledge," "accomplishment," "attainment," or/and "success.”


How to turn on your supernatural and psychic powers:

The Visuddhimagga is one of the texts to give explicit details about how spiritual masters were thought to actually manifest supernormal abilities. It states that abilities such as flying through the air, walking through solid obstructions, diving into the ground, walking on water and so forth are achieved through changing one element, such as earth, into another element, such as air. The individual must master kasina meditation before this is possible.

8 Super Powers: 

According to different sources, below are the eight classical siddhis (Ashta Siddhi) or eight great perfections.


  1. Aṇimā: the ability to reduce one's body to the size of an atom.

  2. Mahimā: the ability to expand one's body to an infinitely large size.

  3. Laghimā: the ability to become weightless or lighter than air.

  4. Garimā: the ability to become heavy or dense.

  5. Prāpti: the ability to realize whatever one desires.

  6. Prākāmya: the ability to access any place in the world.

  7. Īśiṭva: the ability to control all material elements or natural forces.

  8. Vaśiṭva: the ability to force influence upon anyone.

In Shaivism, siddhis are defined as "Extraordinary powers of the soul, developed through consistent meditation and often uncomfortable and grueling tapas, or awakened naturally through spiritual maturity and yogic sādhanā."


In Vaishnavism, the term siddhi is used in the Sarva-darśana-saṃgraha of Madhvacharya (1238–1317), the founder of Dvaita (dualist) philosophy.


5 Super Powers: Five siddhis, according to Vaishnava doctrine


In the Bhagavata Purana, the five siddhis brought on by yoga and meditation are:


  1. trikālajñatvam: knowing the past, present and future.

  2. advandvam: tolerance of heat, cold and other dualities.

  3. para citta ādi abhijñatā: knowing the minds of others, etc.

  4. agni arka ambu viṣa ādīnām pratiṣṭambhaḥ: checking the influence of fire, sun, water, poison, etc.

  5. aparājayah: remaining unconquered by others.


10 Super Powers: Ten secondary siddhis, according to Vaishnava doctrine

In the Bhagavata Purana, Krishna describes the ten secondary siddhis


  1. anūrmimattvam: Being undisturbed by hunger, thirst, and other bodily appetites.

  2. dūraśravaṇa: Hearing things far away.

  3. dūradarśanam: Seeing things far away.

  4. manojavah: Moving the body wherever thought goes (teleportation/astral projection).

  5. kāmarūpam: Assuming any form desired.

  6. parakāya praveśanam: Entering the bodies of others.

  7. svachanda mṛtyuh: Dying when one desires.

  8. devānām saha krīḍā anudarśanam: Witnessing and participating in the pastimes of the gods.

  9. yathā saṅkalpa saṁsiddhiḥ: Perfect accomplishment of one's determination.

  10. ājñāpratihatā gatiḥ: Orders or commands being unimpeded.

In the Samkhyakarika and Tattvasamasa, there are references to the attainment of eight siddhis by which "one becomes free of the pain of ignorance, one gains knowledge, and experiences bliss". 


  1. Uuha: based on the samskaras (karmic imprints) of previous births, the attainment of knowledge about the twenty-four tattvas gained by examining the determinable and indeterminable, conscious and non-conscious constituents of creation.

  2. Shabda: knowledge gained by associating with an enlightened person (Guru – upadesh).

  3. Addhyyan: knowledge gained through study of the Vedas and other standard ancillary texts.

  4. Suhritprapti: knowledge gained from a kind-hearted person, while engaged in the spread of knowledge.

  5. Daan: knowledge gained regardless of one’s own needs while attending to the requirements of those engaged in the search of the highest truth.

  6. Aadhyaatmik dukkh-haan: freedom from pain, disappointment, etc. that may arise due to lack of spiritual, metaphysical, mystic knowledge and experience.

  7. Aadhibhautik dukkh-haan: freedom from pain etc. arising from possessing and being attached to various materialistic gains.

  8. Aadhidaivik dukkh-haan: freedom from pain etc. caused by fate or due to reliance on fate.


It is believed that the attainment of these eight siddhis renders one free of the pain of ignorance and gives one knowledge and bliss.


Hindu deities associated with gaining siddhi:

Ganesha, Hanuman, various forms of Devi, Vishnu and various other deities are popularly seen as the keepers of siddhis, with the ability to grant them to the worshipper.

In Sikhism, siddhi means "insight". "Eight Siddhis" is a term used for insight of the eight qualities of Nirankar or a.k.a. Akal Purakh mentioned in the Mul Mantar in the Guru Granth Sahib. 


God has eight qualities: Ek Onkar, Satnam, Kartapurakh, Nirbhao, Nirvair, AkaalMurat, Ajooni and Svaibhang. The one who has insight into these qualities is called Sidh or Gurmukh.


1. Ek Onkar: There is one formless God

2. Satnam: God is True, His remembrance is true

3. Kartapurakh: God alone is creator

4. Nirbhao: God is fearless

5. Nirvair: God has no enmity with anyone

6. Akaal Murat: God is eternal, beyond time

7. Ajooni Svaibhang: God is beyond the cycle of birth and death, God is svayambhu, Self-Existent

8. Gurparasad: God is attained by the Grace of the True Guru


Sidh means the one who has mastered his self.



Four stages, called (in Sanskrit) dhyanas or (in Pali) jhanas, are distinguished in the shift of attention from the outward sensory world: (1) detachment from the external world and a consciousness of joy and ease, (2) concentration, with suppression of reasoning and investigation, (3) the passing away of joy, with the sense of ease remaining, and (4) the passing away of ease also, bringing about a state of pure self-possession and equanimity.


The dhyanas are followed by four further spiritual exercises, the samapattis (“attainments”): (1) consciousness of infinity of space, (2) consciousness of the infinity of cognition, (3) concern with the unreality of things (nihility), and (4) consciousness of unreality as the object of thought.




Welcome to the Dr. Erin Show. This is a top spiritual awakening and new thought ancient wisdom podcast to teach you how to become your highest self, unleash your spiritual superpowers, discover your soul's purpose, and manifest your dreams. Hi, I'm Dr. Erin, Dr. Divinity, and I'm committed to bringing you the best manifesting and coaching tips, spiritual advice, trauma healing, and metaphysical recovery secrets. I'm here to help you reprogram your subconscious mind, monetize your spiritual gifts and love your life. I want you to know that I've been exactly where you are and I believe in you. Together we're awakening the world. Welcome back to the Dr. Erin Show. I am super excited to break on down 22 supernatural powers you are able to turn on through doing your spiritual work. So before we begin, I would like us to take a deep breath together and exhaling out and just coming into the divine presence within, I recognize and acknowledge the one divine power that has created all of life, the supernatural essence that is the power that backs all thought backs, all identity is the creator of all of our perceptions, our experiences all matter material and such.


And I recognize that this is my true identity, that this is your true identity, this divine identity that is super, that is beyond natural, that is nature and is the superpowers. It is the all I recognize that I am the I am and that you are that as well. And this I declare this podcast to be a powerful podcast to reveal the truth of who you are or you to know and remember that your human beingness is a super natural power in of itself. I declare us to know the power that be a release this as together we say. And so it's okay. So let's break this on down. I want to just take a moment to acknowledge a few things. So one, I know that if you're listening to this podcast, you have had a divine calling and I recognize it. I know that you have a lot to do in this lifetime and on this planet, and I am going to just put this request out there for you to not wait any longer to take bold action because this planet is calling forth the light just as much dark that it's going on.


This planet is just as much light is really breaking through. Okay? We have a relative universe and the divine healers and practitioners and coaches and conscious business owners eyes say rise, sister rise. Okay? So as we go into this, I'm referring back to I think a podcast I did two podcasts ago, I can't remember. But it was really about understanding where we hand our power over to


Is where we become disempowered. So as I go through these supernatural powers, I'm going to tell you my personal journey of being born with supernatural powers and having them be turned off and watching them turn back on and the fluxx that I went through and going through the 22 supernatural powers and breaking them down. But I want to really just say here for a minute that when I began to get interested in what's called the cities is the Eastern terms for supernatural abilities, remembering that anybody that's a true master doesn't get entangled and clinging onto their supernatural abilities. That oftentimes when we are seeking things like getting our supernatural powers out of our spiritual practice, it is in the clinging to that, that we actually can never actually really have the powers. So as they go through this list, don't get too egoic about it.


Like, Ooh, I'm going to get that, or I have that ability, or I want to turn that on because that is what is going to stop you from actually really receiving because we receive by serving. It's not about getting anything, it's about giving everything. So let's break this on down. So we all want to be powerful. We all want to be empowered, and yes, we all want supernatural abilities, okay? We've watched the transformers, we've watched the Bewitched. If you're in the older generation, it was a show on television of the genie, if you will. And we all want mystical tales of our supernatural powers. So here's the deal, our supernatural abilities are our natural state. They're not supernatural. They're very natural. We just have gotten in our own way and rightfully so over hundreds of years of turning off our powers because we used to get burned at the stake crucified.


And so we've lost a lot of our powers, however they laid dormant in our cells right now. The truth is that all of these supernatural powers that I'm going to walk you through, you already have them. They're already there waiting for you. They can't disappear. It's really not having perception of them more than anything. Okay? So supernatural abilities are often associated with paranormal scope of the world, but the truth is they're natural laws of life. So what are supernatural powers and abilities? How do I develop my supernatural abilities and what are the top supernatural spiritual gifts? These are all the questions that anyone who's spiritual asks. And I think that there's a distinction here. There's a difference between supernatural abilities and flow state, flow state I think we all desire. There's times when life is serendipitous where everything shows up exactly. We think about a red car that we drove or something in high school, a VW bug or something, and all of a sudden we see VW bugs everywhere.


So everything is serendipitous. The people that we think about automatically call us. These are not necessarily supernatural abilities. These are the flow state. So we want to get that supernatural abilities is very different than flow state, and we can switch on and off between our flow state and our stock state. We feel like nothing's going right. Zen laity, right? We feel like nothing's going right. Everything is hard. We don't know anything, and we're in zero serendipity in our life versus a flow state. Whereas supernatural abilities are extra abilities, things that we weren't able to ever experience before. So it's a mystical state, if you will. The truth is that you were born of the stars. You're an eternal, immortal spiritual being and the wisdom of the entire universe that ashuk records lives and breathes in you. So I want you to know, if you don't identify with one of these 22 supernatural abilities, I want you to know that you are supernatural regardless that you have within you and are embodied in this sacred temple, the most advanced computer system in the universe.


It is one with the universe. You have mind-blowing abilities built into your human computer system, your body. So I just want to refresh these memories before we get into the list. So even just according to the National Institute of General Medicine Sciences, if you uncoiled each strand of your DNA and place them end to end, the resulting strand would be 67 billion miles long, the same as about 150,000 round trips to the moon, okay? And your DNA can communicate with all of life. So the truth is you are a divine being that is able to communicate whether you recognize it, whether you perceive it. Your DNA is communicating with all of life. And if you don't think that's a superpower, right? So I'm going to rattle off 22 superpowers that really don't matter as much as being able to have mental health, right? That's a superpower these days just to have a normal mental state, right?


It a superpower to be able to show up consistently in your expression and be able to pay your bills and monetize your skills, your gifts, right? This is a supernatural power, okay? What we're doing in today's world, if you just open your eyes for a minute and look at your computer or your phone or look to what we're doing, we live in homes that have light that we can just flick on a switch. We don't have to go to an outhouse. We have bathrooms right in our home. We can have food delivered to our house. We are supernatural, by the way, so people get so caught up in being able to levitate in a supernatural ability. But I'm here to say that having two feet on Mother Earth and being a soul-based coach or entrepreneur, and having your consciousness as high as consciousness can go and being able to deliver truth to the world in every person that you talk to or on social media or through your business, that is a massive supernatural ability.


So don't get it wrong. You are a supernatural, all powerful spiritual being, so supernatural abilities. So I've spoken a lot on the podcast about my spiritual journey, and I was born with many abilities. My mom actually thought I was possessed. I told her that there were people in my room at night. I told her my real name was Tutu Tara, the det Tara. I had angels and guides and things around me all the time. I could see auras in people, and yet I shut it all down because I was not nurtured and I was disacknowledge in my natural supernatural abilities. And I say this because I believe most children are born with a lot of abilities, especially in today with the really advanced holes coming in. But you have these natural states, and for most of us, we shut them down. And as I began to do my inner work, I began to clear out the soul because the natural state is supernatural.


But what happens is through the traumas, through the limited beliefs, through the limited identity, through the tagging of our epigenetics, through all the false inverted use of energy, we turn off our natural abilities. So as I began to do my inner work, I would go into meditation. I would get trained in shamanism just through natural and pure ways, not with medicines. I began to have prophetic things stream through me. I remember walking into a Walmart one day. I literally was on a trip and I was doing some deep, deep spiritual work, and there was no stores. I was in Texas and I walked in Walmart and I could hear every single person's inner dialogue that was not normal, that did not stay with me. That's not something that is as prevalent as it was, but there's things I can sit down with people. I have one conversation just feeling I'm very clear sentient.


I'm very like, I have a knowingness. I have a knowingness of what's going on with people, what their limited beliefs are, what I can hear, their limited false commands and their consciousness. I can feel their energetics. I also know oftentimes what people are to do in their lifetime, even though I don't use that ability because it's against my practice. I don't give advice or give psychic readings, but I know that, and I help people do their own work by doing the deep, deep soul clearing work and trauma work so they can bur their own truth. But I have a lot of abilities. Sometimes they're stronger, sometimes they're weaker, depending on how powerful my spiritual practice is. And as you guys know, I've told a lot of stories about, especially when I travel into new cities or older cities, I can track all the past lives that have gone on there, the tortures, the burning at the stake, the this and that happened.


And I just know these things and I can't explain why, but they're a natural state. We are one with everything. We are all past lives, and so it's a natural ability. So I also can compress time. There's things we've learned to do and manipulating and manifesting, things like that, and I still have very human experience as well. So let's break this on down supernatural powers. First of all, I want to ask you a question before I go into this. Why? Why do you want to turn on your supernatural abilities and powers? So I ask you these questions because why do you want supernatural powers? Is it so that you have powers to dominate others? Is it because you just want to experience your divine nature? What is your intention? Because you can turn on supernatural powers and misuse them and then be actually bounded by them taking away your powers or can use them for the highest good to create harmony, to use it to serve others. It's a very important question to ask. Why do you want to turn on your supernatural powers?


And so as we go through this list, I'm just going to break 'em on down. Okay? So here we go. Let's do this thing. So number one is telekinesis. This is the ability to move or manipulate objects with the mind without any physical interaction. So I want you to really get clear. You already have all these abilities. Remember that in spiritual work, we don't do outlining, which means we don't have it show up how we want it to show up. We don't control how it show up. So telekinesis, you might think, huh, okay, I'm going to try and I'm going to try and move this one lamp and I'm going to try and move it over the living room. That's not how spiritual work works. The ability to move or manipulate objects in the mind without any physical interaction. Well, let's just say this. You have a phone right now, you can push your phone and you can get groceries delivered to your house without you touching those groceries.


Bam. You have this ability, okay, this is so much fun. I'm having so much fun right now. I just want you to get clear that you have all these abilities. I'm going to rattle it, 22 of them out, and their abilities that you're here to master, which are massive human abilities to show up consistently in your life, to be able to see projects through, to be able to actually express yourself. These are actually really advanced skills. Okay? So number one, telekinesis. Number two, are you ready? Telepathy, telepathy. I'm going to define this, right? Communication between minds without the use of spoken words or any other known human senses, okay? Communication between minds without the use of spoken words or any other known human senses, guess what? You already have this ability. I'm going to tell you how, okay, so you may already know this. I'm sure there's things with your besties or things you already have probably experienced, telepathy you already know. Sometimes you have a weird feeling of like, oh, I know something's going on with my mom right now. I call her up and then she's like, yeah, I'm really struggling today. We have these abilities, okay, but if you've not experienced that, I'm going to show you how you already have these abilities.


I'm going to use the phone a lot because we have advanced technology that has abilities, okay? Telepathy, right? You can literally, there's things within your phones now that can read our brainwaves and be able to actually be able to know what to pull up on your phone, whether you are experiencing this or not. You have telepathy because you are one with all of life and all these abilities have already created in form, okay? Today is mind blowing day of supernatural abilities. Number three, teleportation instantaneous transportation from one location to another without traversing space in between. Girl, open up your phone right now. You can literally do FaceTime over in Indonesia and someone's like, no, no, no, that's not real. I'm not really over there. Therefore, it's not teleportation. Remember, no outlining, no saying it has to happen a particular way. It's a transportation from one location to another without traversing the space in between.


Your telephone can do all of these abilities for you right now. Okay, number four, shape-Shifting the ability to change one's physical form or appearance at will. Well, we have, I mean, I do see this a lot actually. It's really amazing when I'm doing trauma work with people and they actually shapeshift through multiple lifetimes. I see it actually physically in their face because they take on all their identities over the years come through and are being shut off, and I can literally see them shape shifting. However, if you have not experienced in the physical form, the truth is that we can take on all kinds of identities on the internet. This is an advanced way of supernatural abilities, and you might think, oh, this isn't fun. I want to be able to do it in real life. Well, again, outlining you already have all these abilities already.


You just have to give up how you think they're supposed to happen. Number five is super human strength, strength beyond the limits of normal human capabilities. Okay, well, if you've not experienced that in physical form, because again, the outline would think, oh, I'm going to be superman or superwoman, I'm going to lift this car up right here, and I can't do that, therefore I don't have that supernatural ability. Yes, you do. It's called the human has created a human like a forklift, right? You have super human strength, okay? Yes, maybe some yogis in India are able to do these things and you too can if you choose to focus on the superpower, but the truth is you already have the superpower strength, so you don't have to go over and develop that ability. You have that ability right now. This is all done. Everything in the universe is already created.


It's already done. You just have to open your eyes to it. Number six is invisibility, the ability to render oneself unseen by others. So can you do that? Well, I invite you next time you go to a party, I invite you to render yourself unseen by others and decide no one caress, and notice how invisible you become. Okay, invisibility. Can somebody do this? Can they actually be unseen? I've never seen that. Okay, but these are the supernatural abilities. Next, this is maybe more relatable, prophetic recognition. So the ability to foresee or predict future events, and I know all of us probably have done this at some point in time. Sometimes we just don't recognize it. Some people have this ability and some friends that I have, I do have some friends that are very prophetic. They actually get afraid of this ability and they don't want to use it because they don't know.


Is it actually them creating it and then it comes into place because they've thought about it and spoken out loud or what comes first? The chicken of the egg. There are people like Nostradamus and Baba Vanga, things like that, that have prophetic abilities, but even theirs are very vague and 80% are right or something like that. So it's ability, it's wonderful, but do we need that ability? It's beautiful, but are you able to just be present with another human being? Are you able to just literally be here now? I mean, that might be a more useful supernatural ability than having prophetic abilities. Okay, number eight, and by the way, back to seven prophetic abilities. I'm going to actually share on the next podcast or two about the biggest theme for the next year for 2024, and it is a prophetic thing that's come through, and I do think it's important because it's a very important message.


So prophetic work is very important of course, and it's not the end all be all. Okay? Number eight is Claire audience. This is meaning getting information about people, places, or things beyond the normal human perception auditorily. So you actually hear things. You may hear a voice, you may hear a sound. Sometimes some of the clear audience people working with the police will hear something like, oh, there's a stream going by where they are. I could hear a stream clear ent, this ability. Number nine is healing powers, the ability to cure illnesses by touch through your hands, whatever it is. I definitely have experienced a lot of that. Sometimes I have these, a lot of heat that comes out of my hands and it's through the shamanistic work and being able to lay my hands on people, which I don't do that. I do it a lot actually just through connecting with divine.


It's part of the reason actually why we put the hands in prayer mode of together, because you're actually healing the entire system, connecting the right and left hemisphere of the brain, healing powers of the, I can literally just put my hands up to the cosmos and do a prayer and heal by the hands of the power of the hands. Okay, so one hand is receptivity, one is releasing. You're receiving and giving at the same time. So healing powers you are able to heal through touch by. I mean, I heal all the time by speaking truth as doctors divinity, we heal by knowing the truth. Okay? So healing powers can be in all different ways. The next is time manipulation, and this is what we teach in school as well as time compressing. So time manipulations control over the past, present, and future, including time travel.


And so what we know is that we are, the universe is a mental universe and it's done in pictures. So instead of going to A, B, Z, A, B, C, D, E, all the way from A to Z, we energize the picture of Z and we energize it and we embody the consciousness and the skillset around it, and we compress time by doing that. Okay? Number 11 is flight. The power to defy gravity and fly through the air and all these abilities. We're in a multiverse. So you're doing all these now, okay? Just so you know, you may only experience yourself not being able to do it, but you have to know that it comes in different forms. One form that flight came in for me was I deep, deep, deep in meditation and getting really advanced and being able to communicate through the EERs and through all time space, I would have very advanced monks come through that would fly.


And so how you fly is not necessarily how you think you're going to fly. Your body may not be able to ever fly, but you can fly in consciousness, okay? The power to fly gravity and fly through the air, you can fly. Obviously we've created and innovated and made airplanes, and therefore you can fly also. So you have this ability right now. Number 12 is immortality, eternal life or the ability to live for an extended period of aging. So the truth is that you are immortal. Whether you have you think you have that ability or not, you are immortal. You are an eternal, immortal spiritual being. So can you turn that on through your abilities? Well, science is now being able to have a cell live forever within, right? Nutrients and stuff. So we always say that we will, it's destiny for us to be immortal and form in physical form as well, because whatever is true spiritually is what will take form physically.


So we will experience our immortality in form as well. Number 13 is energy manipulation, which means control over various forms of energy, fire, electricity, elemental forces. Can you have energy manipulation? Well, it might happen differently than what you think is well, energy manipulation. You can do all kinds of things in energy manipulation. First of all, we know that thought creates things, and you can see this and this patterning by what you are manipulated in a negative way. So right now you can take a look at and think about your relationship and your belief around prosperity and money, and you can look at different people in your life and yourself, and you can see the beliefs and how it actually creates abundance or scarcity in your life. This is the ultimate energy manipulation through mind. I mean, there's just no question that you can absolutely, and you absolutely manipulate energy at all points in time instantaneously with your belief system.


At a subconscious level, it is energizing universal law. So energy manipulation is a mastery for all of us. Number 14 is mind control, the ability to influence or control the thoughts and actions of others. Look, I wish I could say this wasn't true, but it is true. We know we can influence somebody just by walking in a door. If you're sad and down and whatever, your whole energetics in your mind could influence every single person around you. You control others by inspiring, motivating, educating them. You have the ability to influence through everyone you communicate with through social media, through everything you influence, everywhere you go. Obviously there's mind control. Can you master this? Absolutely, absolutely. We know there is so many different types of mind control and all the different things that people use. There's so much control through marketing, through television, all mind control swiping through social media, hitting that cortisol over and over again and all the different things that come on when you're doing all the social media.


Number 15 is resurrection. Well, this is one. Can we really do this? Resurrection? Okay, the power to bring the dead back to life. Well, can we do this? I mean, anything's possible, resurrection, the ability to bring the dead back to life. The truth is this, is that energy cannot be destroyed. So whether you like it or not, you are resurrected. Energy cannot be destroyed. It may go into a different form, and again, that's outlining. I want to be resurrected just like Jesus, and I want to come back as me. While that may not be resurrection, the power to bring back that to the life, the truth is there's no such thing as death. Energy cannot be destroyed. Resurrection is inevitable. But the truth is you're not your body. So can you be resurrected? You are always resurrected because you are a spiritual being, eternal, immortal, and always resurrected.


Number 16, intuition. I love intuition. So good. The ability to understand or know something instinctively without the need for conscious reasoning. Sometimes you just know that, and I would say this is one of my strongest abilities. There's just a knowingness, whether it be that you like somebody you know, don't vibe with them. Dogs are really great at intuition where you're supposed to really live. You know what you're really here to do on this planet. What friends have your back and what don't? Intuitively this is a natural, natural state. I wouldn't even say it's a supernatural ability. This is everybody I know has intuition. Come on. It's just whether they listen to it. Are you listening to your intuition? Okay, number 17, an empath. Empath is a huge, huge supernatural ability. It can be a blessing and it can be a curse. I'm definitely an empath as many of us are.


We're very emotionally driven, have feelings, so many things coming through, and empath has the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person. It's an ability to develop in. Sometimes you don't know what emotions are coming from you versus what emotions are coming through, and I think everybody is truly an empath. It's just that people just don't understand or recognize that they are. For example, over the pandemic, I was feeling a lot of sadness coming through and I was like, what's going on? There was nothing really, I mean, there wasn't much for me to be sad about, but I realized that I was tapping into the collective and feeling and being an empath of feeling all the sadness going around me. So it's an ability to develop in that you may already have it, we all have it, but being able to discern and know when the emotions are coming from you versus when the emotions are coming from the collective.


Also feeling into the cosmic when the astrology and the moon and all that, right? We have a lot of emotions going through. Number 18 is a psychic, and this is really the ability to read someone's energetic imprinting on their soul. We do not believe that psychics should ever implant of what the future's going to bring because each person actually has freedom of choice, and we do really believe that. But it's an ability to read someone's energetic imprinting on the soul. And the psychic word is somewhat of a bad word in the industry. Most people call people intuitives instead because psychics have gotten such a bad name by being on the side of the road or whatever. But we're all psychic also at some level. But psychic work is an ability to develop. But what you have to be really careful of is reading through your own subjective mind and your own lens, if you will.


For a psychic to be a really good psychic, they need to be able to have clear, they need to have cleared their own subconscious mind to be able to have a pure state and really to be able to just take a look at where someone holding themselves back, not necessarily imprinting upon what's happening in the future. Number 19 is channel channeling. It's really the ability to allow the universal truth to come through. One's consciousness to channel is to really open up the highest of the highest consciousness into the intelligence of the entire universe. So channeling is a natural state. When I started channeling years ago after I'd been meditating for a very long time, many years, I would get downloads. I would literally feel like I was channeling a different entity, but really what it was, it was still a division for me to not understand that I was opening up to my true self to the wisdom of the entire universe, to divinity, to my true state.


So channeling is definitely something that happens through the process. And we have this thing called Google. We can Google a lot of information as well. So if you're not channeling through your own consciousness, you can pick up your phone or computer again. Number 20 is a clear sentient, which is a clear knowing through feeling or emotion as well. Again, there's just certain people that just know and it's just a knowingness. Number 21 is mediumship, and this is the ability to communicate with spirits or entities from the other realms. I have a dear friend who's a medium, and she's highly talented. She literally will talk to somebody and be like, oh yeah, I have this person on the side. And the person will like, oh my gosh, that's exactly my uncle that just passed away or something. So mediumship is really being able to communicate with spirits that are on the other side that want to communicate with people still in physical form.


And there's definitely people that are very, have developed disabilities. Most of the times people are born with it, and I think that we all have the ability. Again, it's just really what's your gift, right? Number 22 is astral projection. The belief that one can separate from consciousness from the physical body and travel in the astle form. Well, we do this every night. If you were to actually do a lot of the subconscious work, you clear out a lot of the dreams because your dreams is really your subconscious mind trying to deal with what has not been handled at a subconscious level. When you clear out and do a lot of your inner work, a lot of people, one of the side effects is turn the ability to astral travel and project. And often I get so many people will tell me, oh my gosh, you were in my dreamy the night.


It's like, strangers will tell me this. You were in my dream. You're in my dream. It's like, clearly I do a lot of astral projecting at night because I get that all the time. So it's not just the belief, it is the ability to separate your body, your consciousness from the body and travel. And the truth is this is definitely an ability you can do. You literally do this in meditation. You can just go and project into different areas of people you want to be around, places, different multiverses, whatever it is, astral projecting. So these are the 22 things, and this is what I think. These are great, they're awesome, but I again, really, truly believe that our ability, our greatest ability, our greatest ability, ready, it's to love. To love is a supernatural ability. Are you able to love in the face of somebody not being loving? Are you able to love when there's so much hate and war on the planet? Are you able to love yourself regardless of how much money's in the bank or your relationship status or if your jeans fit or not? Are you able


To love yourself unconditionally? I believe the greatest superpower in the world is love. And so in this, I'm just knowing that you are already supernatural. You can read on the blog at Dr. Aaron Show and go to this podcast episode. It's going to go through all the supernatural abilities across so many different processes and different religions and forms and yoga practices and things like that. You can check it all out there, but this is what I know for sure is you are supernatural. Take a deep breath in and exhaling out. And I just know that within you, there are infinite, infinite mathematical equations of all the elements. You have the ability of your DNA to transcend all lifetimes because it is all lifetimes. You have the ability to communicate with your lineage and all future generations right here, right now. You hold the wisdom and the medicine to heal thyself, to know thyself and to become the highest version of yourself.


That is the greatest supernatural abilities to become the divine, unique divine expression called you in the highest form, the most expressed, the most unconditionally, loved. The highest, highest, highest form of you. And so in this, I just say, and so it is okay. If you've enjoyed this podcast and if you're ready to turn on you're supernatural abilities, I invite you to do the work, to turn them on, which is doing your deep, deep soul clearing work to get out of the way. There's no shortcuts. There is deep work to do, and we're here to do it. Have a beautiful day and may you live your truth. Thank you for tuning into the Dr. Erin Show. If you're ready to transform your life, discover your soul's purpose and manifest your dreams, go to Dr. Aaron tv. Join me in my life-changing events, membership or certification. If you're ready to become a certified coach and get trained in metaphysics of mind, manifestation and the creative, a process, subconscious, reprogramming, trauma, recovery, healing, spiritual psychology, universal law, and much more, go to . If you're receiving value from the show, I would love it if you would share it with a friend and give it a five star review. Have a beautiful day, and may you live your truth.




Nov 13, 2023

1 Thing Killing Your Spiritual Superpowers and Success

Welcome to The Dr. Erin Show. This is a Top Spiritual Awakening & New Thought Ancient Wisdom Podcast to teach you how to become your highest self, unleash your spiritual superpowers, discover your soul's purpose, and manifest your dreams! 

Hi, I’m Dr. Erin, doctor of divinity and I’m committed to bringing you the best manifesting and coaching tips, spiritual advice, trauma healing, and metaphysical recovery secrets. I’m here to help you reprogram your subconscious, monetize your spiritual gifts and love your life. I want you to know that I’ve been exactly where you are, and I believe in you. Together, we are awakening the world. YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

The Power Within✨👇
There is a great power within.
It is faster than the speed of light. 
The secret to turning on your God Force within is discipline to Source ONLY.
You can’t be motivated by anything of the external world; not status, not awards, not any amount of money. If your reverence has those contingencies, your God Force will fade away. 
Surrender Thy will be done. 
The master must renounce needing to get anything from this world, seeking God Source within.
Your supernatural powers will ignite. Then, you will be tests again. Will your ego attach to the supernatural powers? If so, your powers will diminish again.
When your only Source is within and you only seek Source within, you will have the Queendom/ Kingdom and all things will be added; abundance, vitality, and love.
What’s possible when you fully surrender and turn your life over to God Within? Infinite potential and all Divine Power! 💥 


Binge My Podcast Series:

12 Trauma Coaching Series

52 Universal Law & Manifesting Series

12 Money Breakthrough Coaching Series

40 Spiritual Awakening Book Series

12 Subconscious Reprogramming Coaching Series



Welcome to the Dr. Erin Show. This is a top spiritual awakening and new thought ancient wisdom podcast to teach you how to become your highest self, unleash your spiritual superpowers, discover your soul's purpose, and manifest your dreams. Hi, I'm Dr. Erin, Dr. Divinity, and I'm committed to bringing you the best manifesting and coaching tips, spiritual advice, trauma healing, and metaphysical recovery secrets. I'm here to help you reprogram your subconscious mind, monetize your spiritual gifts, and love your life. I want you to know that I've been exactly where you are and I believe in you together we're awakening the world. 
Hello, future spiritual leader. I just want to start by saying that I see you. I know you, and if you're here in consciousness listening in to this podcast, I want you to know that I absolutely know that this is a divine destiny for you today. So today I want to talk to you about the number one thing killing your superpowers, how your consciousness is creating your suffering, disempowerment and your human vicious cycles. That's right. I'm going to break on down how to tap into your divine powers within and what's actually really stopping you from your supernatural abilities and creating abundance and vitality and love. So let's do this thing. So I'm having a lot of people write in, of course or in class and all around on social media, people talking about how do I turn on my spiritual gifts? How do I turn on my spiritual superpowers, my supernatural powers? 
How do I make millions of dollars bringing my gifts to the world? So not to unac acknowledge those desires, okay, I really get that you have a deep desire to fully live in your divine presence. But I'm here to say that what you are seeking is actually what's taking away the exact thing if you're seeking to turn on your superpowers is exactly what's holding you back. So to get vulnerable here, about a year and a half ago, I hit a low. It had been decades of doing deep, deep, profound spiritual work. And as they say, when your cup is full and it runs over, you will be able to really serve the world. So here I was after many, many years of seeking my spiritual awakening, and I had to learn the dance in that spiritual awakening of being able to go into the processes, into meditation, into prayer, and knowing that the only way I was going to be able to really tap in and got to the next level within those processes was to not desire anything from the actual meditation. So when I went down and I'd sit down for meditation, I couldn't think, well, I'm going to meditate in order to manifest something. Because when I did that, I realized it was actually worse. It would make the whole process not work. The only way I was able to really tap in 
And become an oracle and channel was really to renounce needing anything and really becoming the miracle of listening and being able to be with the beloved divine within and doing that deep, deep soul clearing work so I could tap into zero field and begin to get those beautiful, the beautiful wisdom, the infinite intelligence be able to have downloads from the universe. And in that, I began to become more powerful. I began to turn on more and more of my spiritual superpowers. I began to be powerful. People began to look to me for wisdom. It's the only reason why I was able to create what I was able to create in my business and be able to train people around the world. So what happened is over the years, my spiritual practice began to go down, down, down. I mean, I went from doing five hours a day to being lucky enough to get my 20 minutes in the morning, 20 minutes in the afternoon. 
And what I began to find is that my powers, I began to feel less powerful. We know we're always a divine source, but our experience of our divinity is one thing. We're always divine. We're always God's source, but we can experience being divided. We can experience being fully not empowered. So over the course of the year, over the years, a year and a half was my real low. A few things happened in our community and a woman that worked for me that was amazing, she's in my prayers to this day. We had a little bit of a falling out just the way that she left the company and the whole situation, I take full responsibility, but it was heartbreaking for me and I'm sure it was for her as well. And it disrupted some things in our community. And then there was another breakdown with another client. 
And as you'll hear me say, breaking down the humanness and the leadership that there is about one out of a hundred clients will be really a problem. 80% of your clients will be probably amazing, 20% will be somewhat antisocial and find problems that you'll have to deal with. And 1% will be one to 2% will be a sociopath level of consciousness. And this is just stats. Okay? So a year and a half ago, I had a breakdown in my company and the community and it really took a toll on me and I really had to take a step back. And it really had me realize that I had to take full responsibility and I had to look at my life and realize that one thing that I had been doing was I hadn't been rev reviewing God's source within a divine source within as my number one priority. I began to hand my power over to the external world through just the status that starts to happen when you have more and more success. And I realized that I had done it, that that breakdown was my higher self demanding me to come back home. And so as you guys probably know over watching my journey, I chose to become a nomad for the last year to pattern interrupt and to 
Really get myself uncomfortable, if you will. But I needed to take that time to do a lot of my inner work and stuff. And I would just say that today's podcast is really the biggest teachings out of that beautiful chapter. So the truth is the power within the divine power within, I just posted on social media on Instagram, a picture of this woman that is the fastest runner in the world, and there's a scene where she wins a race and you can't help it but have chills going down. And it says me the moment that I tapped into my God source within the power within, right? And the point is, is that there is a power, a great power within. It's faster than the speed of light. It's literally consciousness. It's God's source. It is that which creates all but the secret to turning on your God force, your supernatural powers having all the money, dah, dah, dah, all that stuff. 
The secret to turning on your God force within is discipline to source only. What does that mean? That means we can't hand our power over to the external world. This is the trick, okay? This is a very counterintuitive thing. I work with people that are trying to develop their soul-based companies. They're discovering their soul's purpose through doing the deep, deep work of the trauma work and quantum healing and quantum manifesting, and they are motivated to bring truth and love and light and all the principles to the world. But for most of them, and for myself, the biggest thing that's holding us back is that we begin to get too much into the external world and we take away our own powers. Okay? This is a deal. You can't be motivated by anything of the external world, not status, not awards, not any amount of money. 
If your reverence is to those things of the external world, the dynamics of universal law will actually take away your supernatural and successful powers. Okay? It's a really crazy thing, but this is how the world works. This is the dynamics of how universal law works. As the saying is, thy will be done if we truly want to have power, if we truly want to have the world we have to have, thy will be done. And we have to renounce the whole world as we know it. That doesn't mean that we don't do our dharma, that doesn't mean that we don't help bring value to the world, but I'll get there. We have to first surrender. The first step is surrender. The first step is surrender, and that means I will be done. So surrender this can be a very usually doesn't happen easily, okay? It usually is some hard lesson like what happened, and it's a surrendering over and over again. So I just want to emphasize here that as a 
Teacher, I'm not saying that I'm perfect. I'm not saying that I'm anyone that says they're perfect on this planet. They may be enlightened, master, maybe up in the Himalayas and the caves, but in the western world, I would guarantee there is not a master walking over here, meaning they're students as well. They're teaching principle, they're teaching truth, but they're also still in the mastery of that. So the master, in order to really be the highest leader, the master, and we're in a mastery, okay? The master must renounce needing to get anything from this world, you must not look to the world for your source, okay? The master must seek God's source within the divine source, within the intelligence, within whatever you want to call it, okay? If you want to master, you have to revere and only seek the source within, okay? Your supernatural powers will ignite as you do that. 
Okay? So here is the biggest trick of all. This is the trick of the trick of the trick, okay? What happens is you begin to seek something within. Say you're not having success in this world. In fact, you're quite sad. You've had a lot of trauma, you feel hopeless and you may even feel suicidal. Okay? Please, if you're having suicidal thoughts, please seek help, mental support, a group, all that good stuff, okay? But let's just pretend that you are thinking, I don't want to live. Okay? Maybe you're not actually suicidal, but maybe you're like, I don't want to live, okay, I've been there, and you're like, I give up. And in that giving up, you actually surrender. This is what we've heard at Carole and so many masters that are masters that didn't want to live, and they surrendered at such a profound level that they handed their power over to source, they handed that power over within. 
And what happens is then all of a sudden you start having these profound abilities, all of a sudden your light starts shining. You have a radiance, you can't help it. You have wisdom that's been downloaded from God's source within, and all of a sudden you have more and more powers, and all of a sudden money starts coming to you ability to be fully expressed, beautiful, amazing relationships, prosperity, abundance, the opulence of life, the luxuries of life, all those things. So then what happens is all these supernatural powers come, all these successes, all these abilities. But guess what? You're tested again. If you attach the ego to those supernatural abilities, if you attach to that money, that status, those awards, that big house, that whatever car, right? Whatever it is, you will begin to lose your powers again. Holy cow. This was a game changer for me that was like, oh 
My gosh, I've done it again. The amnesia sets in. Again, as I say, the only dis-ease is amnesia. So the amnesia of remembering the principles that we teach, the most humbling things a teacher is when you're teaching it and you forget it yourself and you're like, damn. And that's why teach it is because I want to remember it every single day. So will your ego attach to the supernatural chill powers, right? Will your ego attach to your status? Will your ego attach to the money and the power and having clients and all that stuff, right? If it does, then your powers will diminish again. So when your only source is within and you only seek source within, and you're literally serving your higher self, right? You're serving your God self, you're serving that part. You're saying, use me for the highest good. Use me as the vessel. 
Use me as the channel. Use me as the oracle. Seek God within and receive the kingdom, right? You will begin to have the queen, the kingdom that all the heaven on earth, you will be placed back into the Garden of Eden and all things will be added. You will have the abundance, you will have the vitality, you will have the love, you will have the opulence, you'll have all that. As long as you're not attaching to that, you can play in that without clinging to it, without identifying with it. You can play this great game called life with all the luxuries, but you have to, it's a mental universe. It's a mental game. We're in here, okay? What's possible when you fully surrender and turn your life over to God's source within what's possible? As I look at that post on Instagram of the fastest, the woman, the fastest runner, what's possible, she sets new records for the world, she puts the potential forward, and yes, she has awards and status, and everyone wants her at whatever, and she has all the luxuries, okay? 
I'm sure she will be tested too. If she hands it over and gets too attached to the external world, she'll be tested. Just like many of the greats, the greatest rock stars and the greatest celebrities, they come, they have this passion for their art, and then if they get too attached to it, you'll see them become addicted to drugs and have mental issues and all kinds of things. Because if they don't come back to God's source and revere only that with M, then they usually crumble. These are the rules of the universe. You can do whatever you want. Okay? I'm just bringing the goods to you, okay? You are God's source and you're human, and we have to actually dance in both realms, okay? We we're here to really fully be humbled by having to have that dance. If there wasn't a dance, we can just go up and go in the caves of the Himalayas and reach enlightenment and stay there. 
But we're here in this earthly realm to be able to be advanced in the ability to master that with the shiny objects out here, that the pitfall that most of us have is that we hand our power over to the success, and that's the sin. We call it the sin. We hand our power external to the self, and that's the sin, and that's actually the cause and effect. We're actually only, there is no such thing as sin. There's not some man in the sky saying, you are wrong, you're judged. We are our own cause and effect of where we hand our power over to is what we put our own limitations on. And so most people that go into meditation go do it because they want more power, they want more abilities, they want to manifest more things. And those are the out picture that happens. 
We know it's proven that if you do 20 minutes of meditation, the morning, evening, your mental capacity is better, your neurological system, you become more able, period. So it's all a beautiful mirror for us to know that we get to merge into the nirvana bliss of the divine God within, and that we're always humbled as bringing the service here in the world, but also remembering that it's none of ours to take that. We get to just play in this thing. So there are guards at the temple of heaven, and this is crazy. The guards of the temple of heaven is universal law. Literally, if you want to go to the inner temple and go to that heaven on earth, you'll have increased power by going there. But to stay there, you can't hand your power over to the external status of those powers. You can't hand it over to the external world of what's given to you by God's source within. 
So that's the real paradox, because life is a paradox, and enlightenment and spiritual powers and monetary gains all have a paradox. Every blessing has a curse, and every curse has a blessing. And as they say that we turn on our powers, it's called the cities, and it's part of the powers that we have. And I'm going to actually do, probably the next podcast I'll do is on all the, I think 22 supernatural powers that you can turn on. But what we want to do is we want to turn them on, but we don't want to become egoic about them. We don't want to use them for harm. We want to turn them on and use them for harmony in this world. Okay? So I invite you, I invite you to have a spiritual practice. I invite you to come into our community or do whatever it is for you to turn on your supernatural abilities. 
What I found people is in order to come to the beloved divine and meditation and prayer, that the way to get there powerfully is to clear out the soul, clear out the subconscious of all trauma and all limited beliefs. And when we do that work, we get out of the way. That's really our only work. So that when we come into our spiritual practice every day, that we're able to have downloads and be able to be in that divine temple with our highest self God's source within, and we're able to turn on our natural abilities. They're not supernatural, they're actually are natural abilities, okay? You have to know that you and God are one that you and the one source are one. There's no separate entity, there's no separateness. You can have the experience of being separate. You can have the experience of being disempowered, but the truth is, you're all powerful if you hand your power over to drugs and alcohol, right? 
You'll take your own powers away. If you hand your power over to money, you'll actually take your power away, okay? This is the mechanics and the gates of entry of all divine or your divinity. Enlightenment is now, it's not. Someday most people will touch on enlightenment and stay in the middle world for lifetimes. They begin to have their spiritual awakening, and then they want all the power of this earthly world. And they actually live in the torture, the torture of touching on the divine, but not fully surrendering to the divine. They say that our true tithing, if you will, tithing's not about giving. It's about giving to your spiritual practice. And that would be a 10th of your time, which means two and a half hours a day would be the amount of time to really fully engage so that the spiritual world becomes more real than the earthly world. 
So in this, I'm just knowing, releasing all attachment to this external world, releasing all expectations of this world, no longer looking to the world for anything, but rather becoming that, becoming so steeped in the truth of who you are in the God's source within that you are untouchable. I recognize right here and right now that the cycle of the human hood can be very, very torturous. We live in this divine, beautiful, incredible, blissful world and also this torturous world of suffering, that if we truly want to have this world, we have to give up the world to have it right. It's the non clinging to the external world. And this is what all the great teachings teach. All the great teachings teach the paradox of life, the Dao, Bible, Buddha, all the great teachings taught the paradox, and how in the paradox, there's liberation through realizing that you're not the polarity that you've got go beyond the judgment and the good and bad, but coming into the full surrender, into the unity and the oneness within, into the God source within, into the divine presence within. And so oftentimes people will try and seek their spirituality, and that's one of the biggest traps. They go to India and think, well, if I just do that, then I'll be spiritual. Yeah, renounce all my clothes and wear white. Then I'll be spiritual. 
All of that is status again. So where in your spiritual practice are you actually trying to get accolades for your spirituality? I'm spiritual and they're not spiritual, right? It is a full surrender of being humbled to know that there's only one place for God, for divine, for sores, and it's within. You have to take care of your human hood as well. You have this earth temple that you still got to get up and go to work and pay your bills and do the things. And that's why we call it a dharma. Sometimes you just have to do the wax on and wax off to be able to take of yourself, and sometimes you get the privilege to be able to serve others in the work. And so I'm just so grateful. And so I just know the paradox of spiritual awakening, and I just say, may you know that all the pain and suffering is actually grace. 
It is divine saying, come home, come home. Come home. Every emotion that comes through that feels so uncomfortable is your higher self saying, come home. Come home. Come home. And in this, I know that you are beyond time, you're beyond space, you're beyond all of that. You are the infinite of the infinite. You are the divine hood. You are the God source. May we know this and be so grateful that we're not burned at the stake in this lifetime, that we live in such an incredible time in history where we get to speak truth. We have died for this over and over again. And I just say thank you, thank you, thank you for knowing the truth. May I not have amnesia? May I come back into my divine hood and serve and revere the beloved divine, my higher self within every single day until I'm steep so much in truth and that that truth is more real than anything of the external world, may I be humbled every single time that I'm not in truth. 
May I listen to my emotions and come back to home, come back to home, come back to home. And in this I say yes. I say yes. I say yes because the universe only says yes. It is done as together, we say, and so it is. Thank you for tuning into the Dr. Aaron Show. If you're ready to transform your life, discover your soul's purpose, and manifest your dreams, go to Join me in my life-changing events, membership or certification. If you're ready to become a certified coach and get trained in metaphysics of mind, manifestation, and the creative process, subconscious reprogramming, trauma, recovery, healing, spiritual psychology, universal law, and much more, go to If you're receiving value from the show, I would love it if you would share it with a friend and give it a five star review. Have a beautiful day, and may you live your truth.


Nov 7, 2023

My Spiritual Awakening & Current Events & Five Decades of Spiritual Growth

As I sit to record this, a cascade of emotions washes over me, each one a reflection of the incredible journey that's been my spiritual awakening, a journey spanning over five decades and beyond, into past lifetimes. The revelations started when I was just a little girl… 

I wish it had been with an innocent curiosity for the stars twinkling in the night sky and the gentle whispers of the wind, but rather, it was a journey of trauma and suffering that began way before conception in this lifetime. My Mom thought I was possessed as a little girl… 

Without any nurturing I shut my supernatural abilities down, feeling unsafe to share my innate abilities. The world I was born into didn’t made little sense, I knew life was much more than what met the eye. 

Even thought the division from Source echoed loneliness at a soul level, there was always an unspoken connection to the universe, a sense of wonder that made me feel both minuscule and vast in the grand scheme of things. 

After having my full term stillborn at the age of twenty-two, that sense turned into a quest, often leaving me feeling like an outsider as I searched for truths that seemed just out of reach. I delved into books, philosophies, universal teachings, global teacher and anything I could get my hands on, each bringing me closer to understanding yet pushing the final answer further away. It was a time of questioning, of profound longing, and of fleeting moments of clarity.


My Spiritual Awakening Journey 

  • 0-11 years Age of the innocence
  • 11-22 The shattered years trauma
  • 22 Spiritual Awakening through having a full term stillborn son
  • 22-44 Seeking and turning back on my abilities
    44-88 Teacher


Spiritual Awakening Journey:

  • Meditation
  • 9 Rites in Shamanism
  • Transformational Events
  • Subconscious Reprogramming
  • Trauma Work
  • Past Life Regressions
  • Landmark Forum
  • Scientology
  • Sweat lodges
  • Kundalini Teacher Training
  • Spiritual Practitioner
  • New Thought Minister
  • Doctor of Divinity
  • Trained thousands of people
  • Greek Oracle Processes

Two aspects of spiritual awakening and mastering your mind:
1. Zero Point Field: downloads, angels, consciously, astral travel, psychic work,
2. Clearing Your Epigenetics aka The Soul and Subconscious Reprogramming

Awakening Book:

1. Wake up and Decide
2. Reprogram
3. Align 
4. Affirm  


Binge My Podcast Series:

12 Trauma Coaching Series

52 Universal Law & Manifesting Series

12 Money Breakthrough Coaching Series

40 Spiritual Awakening Book Series

12 Subconscious Reprogramming Coaching Series


Welcome to the Dr. Erin Show. This is a top spiritual awakening and new thought ancient wisdom podcast to teach you how to become your highest self, unleash your spiritual superpowers, discover your soul's purpose, and manifest your dreams. Hi, I'm Dr. Erin, Doctor of Divinity, and I'm committed to bringing you the best manifesting and coaching tips, spiritual advice, trauma healing, and metaphysical recovery secrets. I'm here to help you reprogram your subconscious mind, monetize your spiritual gifts and love your life. I want you to know that I've been exactly where you are and I believe in you. Together we're awakening the world, live from the universe. This is Dr. Erin. I'm super excited to break on down my spiritual awakening journey lately. The intention of this podcast is really a heartfelt desire within myself to speak into and empathize and have compassion for the pain and suffering that you most likely are experiencing and the people around you are experiencing right now. 
So as we all know, there's a lot of terrible things going on on this planet. Lots of war and discord and shocking terror around the world, and we know there's also beautiful, miraculous things being created and connections in ways that we've never experienced as well. So the intention of this podcast is to feel into and share my personal spiritual awakening and journey currently going on in my life. And I'm going to go backtrack a bit into my entire spiritual journey, but bring it into relatable context that's going on for me right now. So let's begin by taking a deep breath together and just tapping into the field, tapping into our oneness, tapping into that divine nature that we are, our unity, our oneness, our all knowingness, our pure potential. And what I know for sure is when times like this are going on in the planet, people begin to get hopeless. 
They begin to shift their core values, and they begin to reach more and more for spirituality, for religion, for deeper meaning in their life. And I get it. We generally get pacified by the external world. And when the external world is not coddling us, if you will, then we begin to seek deeper and deeper. Some people will go much more towards addiction and dysfunction, and eventually those things generally have a surrender, and we generally will begin to have to do our deep spiritual work. So if you're somebody listening and you feel like there's someone that could listen to this podcast, please share it with them because whether we choose to actively, spiritually awaken and do our inner work or the universe will demand it from us and bring us to our knees through addiction and dysfunctional relationships, workaholism, you name it, whatever it is, to have a surrender to doing our deep spiritual awakening work. 
So again, I'm Dr. Aaron. I'm a Dr. Divinity, which means our divinity really is broken down. Greg Braden really said it best the other day, I was watching one of his talks on what's going on in the world, and he said, divinity does not have anything to do with religion. Divinity is really about us transcending our limitations. And so today, I hope to share part of my spiritual journey for you to be able to take some relatability, some new possibility and maybe some guidance and step-by-step as well for you to have hope of really coming home to your own heart. What I think the point of spiritual wakening is, is really to know thyself and come to a place of oneness and peace within and to begin to work for the highest good in harmony. So let's begin. I was born in 1972 and I was born into a fairly dysfunctional family. 
My parents told me years later that I was pretty much an unwanted birth child in that they were really having a lot of dysfunction. And so I actually came into this lifetime with a lot of abilities. My parents got divorced and my mom thought I was possessed. I would tell her that there was people in my bedroom and earlier, even when I was a baby, I would cry all the time as a baby, I'd colic. And as I began to talk and whatever, I would tell my mom that there was people in my room. And I think she got a little freaked out and she said, well, tell 'em to leave. So I came in with a lot of abilities. I could see things, I knew things. I could see the adults, their auras. I just knew things. And really what happened was I felt like I didn't belong on this planet, and I still struggled that with that till today, I'm going to be really, really honest with you in that nothing really made sense to me. 
What we were learning in school, what the culture was up to, what the parents were up to, none of it really made sense to me. I didn't understand this whole thing called the Matrix, if you will. And my mom was definitely anti spirituality because my father and her got divorced because my father went off to really go find himself and seek spirituality. So as my mom began to, she didn't know any better. She just pretty much didn't acknowledge my abilities and kind of made me feel like something was wrong with me. So I began to shut 'em all down. And as I began to go through what I call the innocent years from zero to 11, right, I began to, it was very innocent. It was a very playful time with all the kids, and we played outside a lot. And I remember really, really feeling one with the universe. 
I had this knowingness and I just had this love for the ethereal realm. Two of my friends that I grew up with, their mother became very spiritual. In fact, their parents got divorced because their father was an alcoholic and their mother became spiritual. And she would tell me all the time that I was the only child that was really interested. And we would meditate together and we'd look at the auras and she would talk about the angels. And I just remember being so interested. And as I came into my adolescence years, I call 'em kind of the years of the dark years from 11 to 22, I call it the shattered years. I went into California junior high and high school. We tried drugs, we tried alcohol, we tried sleeping with boys. I was date raped in high school. I became bulimic from 17 to 20, and I thought all my problems would be solved if I just got married. 
And so I married somebody they really didn't even know. And I got pregnant and I had a full term stillborn son, as many of you guys know. And my true awakening began in the mortician's house the day after I gave birth to his body. And I was in this cold, dark, mortician's room down in a basement all alone with his body. And I remember looking at his body and crying and crying and thinking, how could life be so cruel and like a flash of light? I realized that my baby was gone, but his body was still here. And I realized I was a spiritual being, and I made what we call the power of decision. I powerfully decided that I was going to seek and discover what I was really here for, what my spiritual nature was, what the meaning of life was, and I decided I was going to reach enlightenment. And so I began what now is I believe a 29 year journey. 
I had a son a month the day later, he's now 28 years old. I began this big spiritual quest that I'd been on becoming a spiritual practitioner, a new thought minister and a doctor divinity. And no, I'm not religious and none of our school's religious. I've chosen to not go the religious route, but I definitely got trained in all the philosophy, all of the subconscious work, universal law, and all the dynamics of our true spiritual nature. So we're going to get into this. So I want to share with you right now, because coming back to this present moment, still to this day, don't feel like I fully belong on this planet. And I'm saying this in a very vulnerable and yet empowered stance, meaning that I still don't fully relate to what our value, what our culture values and our value system. I still don't relate a lot to the surface level conversations out there. I still don't totally relate to traditional relationships and the way we go about doing things and living in homes separated and all this stuff that just really is not, I don't believe our natural state. 
So today I'm going to teach you a little bit or talk to you a little bit about my journey around reawakening my supernatural abilities. So here I was 22 years old, I had had the spiritual awakening that were not these bodies. I had had a lot of downloads in that room that day in the mortician's house, but I had a lot of work to do. So I began to go on the journey and I began to seek everything under the sun. I mean, you name it, I did it, of course, reading books, I began meditating. It was very challenging for me. It was literally like taking nails, going down a chalkboard at first meditating because it had such monkey mind and so much mind chatter. I began to take pretty much every course I could afford, which I was very broke. I was waiting tables when my son was little. 
I had no money to my name. But I began to go to transformational events. I began to dive into subconscious reprogramming, going down the path of past life regressions. Of course I did landmark forum. I did all kinds of sweat lodges. I did not take medicines per se. I was a purist at heart. And I eventually got my nine rights in shamanism, purely not as with any medicine. Again, I dabbled in Scientology outside of the church. I was very curious about their work and realized it was actually the opposite of what we teach. It was the opposite of oneness. It was really looking at what was wrong with people. So it wasn't really for me. I became a Kundalini teacher. I practice a lot of the breath work and mantras and all the practice, all love that so much. And I really stumbled upon my love, which is new thought, ancient wisdom, which is understanding universal law and understanding all the dynamics of how we create through manifesting. 
And I became a spiritual practitioner and a new thought minister and a doctor of affinity. So in this journey, what began to happen is this, what I realized was I began to meditate, and over time I began to have incredible, incredible experiences through meditation. And I speak about it in the opening of my book where one night at 4:00 AM in the morning, my eyes popped open and I was so excited. I was like, oh, I get to go back in because I began to love meditation. I would meditate at four o'clock in the morning or really late at night, and all this magic was happening. It was like the lion, the witch in the wardrobe. And I'd go in and in consciousness, I could go anywhere, tracking through everything. And I began to have deities come to me, and I began to surf through the astral plane, and I began to heal things on all levels. 
But this one night when I went into meditation, I began to breathe. I lit a candle, and all of a sudden it was like the joke of the cosmos came in and I had this full out-of-body experience. And I began to laugh as if I had been told the joke of the universe. And I really, really in that moment experienced my true enlightenment. And so what came out of that is a few things. I would go into meditation and I would have these beautiful, incredible moments even before that. But then when I'd be out of meditation, I would be very reactive in my relationships. I still had a lot of issues going on. And so I wanted to share with you that there's kind of two massive paths that I had to take to really turn on my abilities. One was going into meditation, and I call it going into the zero point field. 
In that field, you can tap into the infinite wisdom, you can get downloads, you can have your psychic abilities turn on your clairvoyant abilities, all kinds of abilities turn on, and you have to do what we consider your soul and subconscious work because once you tap out of that zero point field, you go into what's considered your mental bank and your epigenetics of your DNA. So here I was, I'd go into meditation. I'd have these beautiful profound experiences, and then I'd slam into my reactive mind and into my human hood. So what we do in the spiritual awakening at school and in the program, the spiritual psychology practitioner program coaching program is we deal with the subconscious, we deal with the epigenetics. We deal with releasing the tags and dealing with the bank of your Akashic records, if you will. So in this, what we experienced and what I experienced through the work is I began to have all these abilities turn on. 
Oh my gosh. So just about a year ago, I was over London and I of course have done maybe like a thousand past life regressions between clients, between myself, between everything of multiple decades now. And when I began to first do past life regressions, I was in sessions. So I'd be in a room doing the session and I would begin to track past lives. And I had a past life where I was in a Nazi camp, and when I came out of the session, I would be able to Google it, and I knew exactly where it was, exactly the name of it, exactly what happened. And I'm not a history buff, so it blew my mind. I had one past life where I actually had whatever cheated on my husband when he went off to war, I had done adultery, if you will, and he had to murder me. 
I tracked with all these trauma events of my past lives, and it was so profound because I would Google afterwards and it was like I would know exactly what people were wearing, exactly what happened, exactly the date, exactly where. So it really began to not freak me out. It actually gave me such confidence of our true divine nature. But this was all in session. So when I was in London about a year ago, I was only in London for I think a couple, two, three days or something, and I wanted to tour around, but it was raining and I didn't want to just walk around in the rain. So I actually hired a driver and I began to have him drive me around. It's some beautiful Mercedes, and it was like a scene out of the movie, and I'm driving around and it's raining, and he's showing me all these beautiful sight and telling me a little bit about him, and all of a sudden we ride, we drive by this kind of castle looking place, and there was just this instant knowing, and I was like, oh, I've been burned at the stake in there, and this is a lifetime. 
I had already tracked in one of my sessions, by the way. So I was like, oh, I was burned at the stake there and I'm really open about my spirituality. I'm like, I'm so out of the spiritual closet. So my driver's like, well, do you want to go inside? I'm like, huh, I better go inside. So he pulls over and goes, take your time. Just text me when you're done. So I go up to the window to get the ticket, right, because you have to buy a ticket to go into the castle or whatever. 
And I go to the ticket agent and I go, where were the women burned at the stake in here? And she goes, oh, no, no, no one's burned, burned at the stake here. That's a different location that's down a few miles from here or whatever. And I go, I just was like, she doesn't know. So I got a ticket and I went inside and I began to look around and seek around. And then I went to this one tower, it was the Tower of London, and I go into this one tower and this one gentleman is teaching all these kids about the torture that the men went through in the Tower of London. And all of a sudden he had took a break and wasn't teaching the kids. And I went, sir, sir, do you mind me asking, were there any women that were burned at the state? 
Here? He goes, yes, there were two women that were burned at the stake here. So he goes on to tell me about the woman named Anne AskU, and I don't know if there's any correlation, but my name is Erin Haskell and her name is Anne AskU. Okay, it rhymes just saying that. Okay. She was born from 1521 to July, 1546, and she was an English writer, poet and a Protestant preacher, and she was condemned as a heretic. She basically was saying, Hey, no, God is not a man of sky. And she was saying sources within basically. And Henry Thei of England was not so happy with that. So she was actually tortured and her limbs so pulled so far that all of her tendons snapped and then she was burned at the stake. So that day when that happened in London only a year ago, I had already known that I had many gifts spiritually, but it was a full confirmation at a whole other level. 
I had moments before that I remember one day I went into a store after doing a lot of spiritual work and I walked in and every single person I walked by, I could read every single thought they were having. So there was just this knowingness. I had a big knowingness for many years and I could download things. And in my astrology chart it shows that I'm a galactic 27, which means a pure channel, and I am, I'm an Oracle pure channel. That might sound like whatever, righteous or almighty, and it's not. Each and every one of you has many spiritual gifts. It's our natural state to have psychic abilities is our natural state to be connected. One, the true work to turn on abilities is not some muscle to build. It's actually getting out of the way. So what I do with clients and what I do with myself to turn on my abilities, my supernatural abilities, yes, you can rev it up maybe with breath work and meditation stuff, but really the work is actually a counterintuitive process. 
It's actually getting out of the way. It's quieting down the mind. And how you quiet down the mind is not necessarily with meditation. Meditation is one of the hardest ways to quiet down the mind. You need to do that as well. But quieting down the mind is generally neutralizing all of your trauma at a subconscious and epigenetic level. And when you do that work, you organize your subconscious. It's like a computer system. We are a computer. Harvard now has taken one DNA and downloaded 70 billion books eBooks onto DNA. We're just a computer system. That's all we are. So what we want to do, it's like a conduit for say a light bulb. 
The resistance is what stops electricity. So we want to actually have pure channel and have as least resistance as possible for the energetics to be able to flow through. We are light beans, we have pure light that can come through our channel, all of the information and wisdom of the entire universe, but our job is to get out of the way. I always use the analogy and the metaphor that imagine there's the sun above you, but there's a bunch of clouds between you and the sun. So all those clouds are the limited beliefs and trauma and everything that divides us from the sun. So our work is really to get out of the way and do all that work so that the pure channel, the pure light can come through you. So here we are today. We've got a lot of insanity on the planet, and why I am on such a big spiritual journey right now in particular is that I actually did a podcast I think about two, three years ago and it was on my spiritual journey and I was listening to it. 
And what I remember saying is that for years in my spiritual journey, I would meditate for five hours a day. I was just so obsessed with the work and I would get in there and do so much work and so much channeling and so much ancestral lineage, trauma work and everything. And what happened is it was like my cup was so full, I didn't even need to meditate all the time. I could meditate even when I was driving, it was like everything. It was like one big meditation, one big prayer. My life was a prayer. And somehow over the last few years, I'm sure, because the energetics on the planet have gotten so intense and the pandemic and the stresses of running a company and a community has taken a toll on my consciousness just to get really vulnerable. And my neurological system started feeling a little bit out of whack, which I never felt anxiety ever in my entire life. 
And I felt I began to feel like my abilities were lessening and lessening. And so we're at what's called the Aquarius Age, and we've known that this is coming. We knew that with all the technology and the ai, that the energetics would be so intense that we would have to 10 x our spiritual practice. And so that's exactly what we're seeing. We're seeing the prophecy right now that one third of the population will transition through war and through addiction and through things like pandemics. A third of the population will go insane, which we're seeing that right now with all the polarization and people making everyone wrong and all the addiction and just insanity. And then a third of the population will rise in their spiritual nature and we will take an evolutionary quantum leap spiritually. So here I am as a leader, getting real and raw and vulnerable with you that I recognize that my mission will not be able to be sustainable if I don't put my spiritual practice back as the most important thing in my life. It's always been the most important thing, but it just seems so easy is like it just was second nature to be in my abilities and to feel like I'm meditating all points in time. And it really has shifted the last few years. 
Running a company and running a community is a fascinating thing. And in our spiritual journey, it's easy When we're isolated, when we're alone, when we're tapped in, we can spiritually bypass all the stuff. It's easy to be in the cave or go up to the Himalayas and become spiritual. But when you're in the concrete jungle of Los Angeles or in the online world and on Zoom calls all day, it gets a little bit more challenging. And running a company and doing customer service as a company is stressful. 80% of the culture is what we call social and fairly easy to deal with. 20% is what we call antisocial. It's actually 20% of the population. So you have problems. People complain. There's things that happen. This is standard across the industry. And any leader that doesn't tell you this is not being transparent. It's part of a service industry, and one or 2% of the population is what we call sociopathic. 
And so about one out of a hundred people of our clients become really a problem. And it's been a major stress to deal with insanity. And as a leader, you take responsibility for everything, but you can't for everything. There's people that are sick out there and you have to have policy and put boundaries and hold your sacred place. So part of our spiritual development, our spiritual awakening, is there's this beautiful part of it is where you're awakening and you're doing your subconscious work and you're, you're beginning to meditate more and more and you're awakening to this beautiful thing. And then there's an advanced spiritual awakening, which is a mastery of energy. And the mastery of energy looks like this. What you focus on creates. So as whether it be in your relationship or in your business, when you focus on problems, you destroy your relationship. 
When you focus on problems in your business, you actually destroy your business. This is actually why leaders get burnout is actually because they're focusing on the problems. So as a leader, a true leader, you have to master and overcome that and begin to focus on your mission, focus on what you're committed to. Yes, put policy in, take responsibility, put boundaries, and get back to focusing on what you love to do, which what got me into this entire industry is my love for spirituality, my absolute love for bringing truth to the world, my love for watching people transform right in front of my eyes, my love for freeing souls. That is my love. My love is my absolute obsession, is understanding how to spiritually awaken, to do that deep, deep soul work and to tap into the zero field to be the pure channel in Oracle. 
So in this, there's a big distinction. There's a distinction between awakening, doing a spiritual awakening and an advanced awakening of making moral decisions for yourself, mastering your mind to work for the highest good. And my highest good is being tapped in at the highest level. My highest good is being tapped in the highest level so I can be used for the highest good. There's a talk that Joel Stein gives and he says, can you handle the blessing? Because I'm here to tell you that with spiritual awakening becomes really hard things. I remember when I was spiritual awakening and feeling like I was going insane, feeling like I was literally having a death and a rebirth. And as a leader, with all the blessings comes the problems and the crucifixion, and oftentimes you'll find that when people put you on a pedestal, they're also the same people that want to tear you down from the pedestal. 
These are parts of spiritual awakening. Life is a paradox, and spiritual awakening is a paradox. There's blessings and curses that come with your spiritual awakening. It will be the most beautiful journey and the hardest journey. We call it spiritual warrior because the spiritual awakening is the most amazing process and journey, and it is the most difficult because you have to die in consciousness. You have to give up all material belongings, you have to let go of all programming, everything. So today I ask you, how bad do you want it? How bad do you want it? It's the power decision. In my book, I go into four aspects of awakening in my book awakening, and the first is waking up and deciding powerfully deciding to wake up. Okay? This is really about deciding and really taking a look at your life, taking inventory and looking like, wow, I consciously am creating all of my life, the good, the bad, the ugly, all of it. 
Consciously really understanding that just by observing, you're creating people in places into existence. You are that powerful. The second part of the book and the second step of awakening is reprogram, and this is the most beautiful part. Doing all that subconscious work, doing your trauma work, doing your quantum manifesting work, reprogramming the subconscious mind, it's just incredible journey. The third step is aligning, meaning that through the reprogramming, you're going to birth your truth, you're going to birth your purpose, you're going to birth your passions, you're going to really birth your true identity. The third step of aligning is aligning to that truth, which means placing boundaries, aligning to maybe a whole new group of people you may have to let go of your old life, aligning to your core values, aligning to what really matters to you, aligning. And then the fourth step is affirming every single day and every single way through your spiritual practice, this is the muscle that has to be built to focus on what you want instead of not focusing on, you don't want, if you focus on what you don't want, the problems, you'll get more of the problems, right? 
So doing all this work is imperative, which means the core, core work of awakening is realizing that you are the creator. You are the I am, and every single aspect of your life as hard as it is, asking yourself, how did I create this? Man? That's a tough one. How did I create getting raped? How did I create being bulimic? How did I create the dysfunction with the narcissist? How did I create my divorce? How did I create the good and bad in all finances and health and everything? That's the true leader. That's the true spiritual awakening is realizing that you created the entire universe, but the same source and you created the entire universe. Wow, it's so liberating and such responsibility, right? 
So my recommendations, my recommendations for turning on those spiritual abilities is different than what you think it's It is, yes, doing meditation for sure. It is doing your deep, deep, deep subconscious reprogramming your trauma work. Yes, learning how to quantum manifest community, community is one of the most important things because it's going to be a tough journey without it. In fact, a lot of people go insane in the journey of spiritual awakening. It is imperative to surround yourself with incredible people and you can begin to research and see some of the most amazing mentors that have come through this, right? I mean, Baba Vanga is somebody who mentors me all the time. She's a prophet that transitioned in 1996. She profits and mentors me from the other side. She used over in Bulgaria, and she was a little girl, got swept in a tornado and became blind and became a prophet in this lifetime, Jesus Christ, believe it or not, I didn't believe in Jesus Christ. 
But Jesus Christ came to me years ago and is one of my primary guides. Even though I'm not Christian, I'm not religious. Christ consciousness is our divine birthright, and the Christ consciousness guides me from the other side all the time. Deit. Tara has been with me since I was a little girl. She is one of my primary guides as well. She, her story, basically, she was a little girl and she was raised with monks in a monastery, and she became very, very wise. And the monks said, we would like for you to come back in the next lifetime as a man so that you can be a teacher. We see you as a teacher. And she said, no, I will come back as a woman for all lifetimes and tell women are seen equally as leaders. So she is with me all the time. Another person that is literally like my best friend. 
I feel like I'm crazy saying this, but I'm so transparent with my journey. Ramdas has mentored me for the last three years from the other side. He has been with me through some really hard times through the pandemic, and he literally mentors me from the other side. He is one of my best friends and I love him so much. But you can also look at other mentors and other people that have had profound awakenings. They're not my guides, but they're incredible leaders to take a look at. Edgar Casey was a prophet. Nostradamus of course, is another incredible leader, Nicola Tesla and his ability to vision and call in profound innovations and inventions in this lifetime. Abraham Hicks, all these people. Jay-Z Knight. What I love now is most of the channels realize that it's just their higher self. When I began channeling years ago, I thought I was going crazy. 
I thought I was channeling some deity or whatever it was. But what happened over time is I realized that it was actually my higher self. So we don't channel separate things. And yes, there's deities and angels and everything, but the truth is that there's one source and you are all of it. So no matter if you feel like you don't belong on this planet, no matter if you're struggling right now or not, I know the truth is that you are an immortal, eternal spiritual being that you are here in a masterclass called life, and that turning on your natural abilities are incredible. But some of the greatest abilities are to be human, to be able to laugh, to be able to focus on what we want to create. And constructively using our energy to master our own emotions is a massive ability. Okay? It's wonderful to have clairvoyant abilities. 
It's wonderful to be able to track past lives. But what's even more important as an ability is to be able to see projects through, to be stabilized, to be able to be somebody that is able to be lonely, but be able to reach out and ask for help. That's an ability. Okay? So no matter where you're at today, I just want to send you so much love. The day that I had my big spiritual awakening, I had a voice that came through. It was a very clear voice, and that voice is with me today. And as I go and astral travel tonight, as I sleep, I will come to you and I am right here in consciousness at all points in time. I hear you, I hear your heart. And those years where I was so tapped in that at night I'd have these, all dreams went away and these fractals would come in and one night such a clear picture of a ram came in. 
And so what I know is that there is profound, profound realms. We will always be in the three D, and we'll always be in the multiverse. The five D and beyond. You are at all points in time already fully awakened. You are enlightened at some level, and you're human at some level, and you'll always be in that finite and in the infinite, in the alpha and Omega. So just know it's not about trying to become spiritual, spiritually awakened. It's about really doing the work and trusting the process. And so my question for you is, can you handle the blessing? Because with the blessing comes the crucifixion. This is the paradox of life, the good, the bad, and the ugly to love. Life is to love all of life. If we resist the pain and the suffering, then it will persist. If we resist our emotions, the ones we don't want, they will persist as well. 
May your greatest spiritual awakening be to self-love. May you love yourself so unconditionally, that tears of joy stream down your face and you're able to accept all of yourself, your human hood and your fully divine hood. And I say this with all goodness. God is good. God is within God, chooses harmony and creation. That's all God does is crate, and that is the truth of who you are. So now this journey that I'm on from 22 to 44 after my stillborn, it was all seeking, seeking truth, seeking and turning on my abilities from the age of 44 to 88. I am a teacher today. I'm 51 years old, not my birthday today, but I am 51 years old and I am a teacher. I teach thousands of people around the globe and it has blessings and curses. So I just leave you with this. May you know thyself and may you love thyself as together, we say. And so it's okay you guys, if you're ready to dive deeper into your spiritual awakening, I invite you, I invite you to come into the school, come get trained. Come begin to have some of the most profound teachings in universal law and subconscious reprogramming in the E four trauma method, in the E four quantum manifesting method, and begin to understand how to use breath work and heart rate variability and begin to 
Your emotions and energetics and begin to do the work because that's really all we have. 
No matter 
The insanity 
On this planet. What you can 
Take is your 
Consciousness, the rest things, the material things, all that. We don't get to take it with us. We only take our consciousness. And in that I am saying I love you. I love you, and I love you. Have a beautiful blessed day, and may you live your truth. 
Thank you for tuning into the Dr. Erin Show. If you're ready to transform your life, discover your soul's purpose, and manifest your dreams, go to . Join me in my life-changing events, membership or certification. If you're ready to become a certified coach and get trained in metaphysics of mind, manifestation and the creative process, subconscious reprogramming, trauma, recovery, healing, spiritual psychology, universal law, and much more, go to If 
You're receiving value from the show, I would love it if you would share it with a friend and give it a five star review. Have a 
Beautiful day, and 
May you live your truth.


Oct 16, 2023

Get Your Coaching Session Planner


Join the FREE Pupose Masterclass - Income + Impact

I'm going to walk you through Your Coaching Session Planner 

Save your spot: HERE


Do you ever wish you had a step-by-step coaching planner to assist your clients in unlocking their soul's purpose and soul's contract assignment? 

The world is going through The Great Awakening. People are questioning what really matters to them; values are shifting, mental health is on the rise, and there is a deeper desire for PURPOSE.

People are seeking truth and desire to discover their Soul's Purpose! 

The old systems are crumbling, and a new world is being born. The world-wide-web internet is allowing us to touch lives globally during this transition and exponentially make an impact!

Experts are projecting the education industry could reach $1 Trillion by 2028

What if I told you that this year might be the MOST important Year of Your Life, and that the MOST important thing you can do for the world is become the Highest Version of Yourself.  HERE

  • Do you desire to birth your Soul's Purpose?

  • Do you desire to become the highest version of yourself?

  • Do you have a calling for spirituality and helping others?

  • Do you have a desire to make an impact in the world?

  • Do you desire to unleash your infinite potential within and turn on your supernatural gifts?


As a new thought leader and a master spiritual psychology practitioner coach, I believe that your voice and message matter to the world. As your friend, I care about you healing yourself and healing your family and lineage. And I get so excited assisting clients in taking quantum leaps and manifesting their dreams into reality! 

The first step to truly having success is becoming 100% committed to becoming the highest version of yourself and your dreams!

As a coach, the most effective way we can get extraordinary lasting results for our clients is by getting to the root cause, reprogramming their subconscious mind, transforming their trauma, and assisting them in discovering their soul’s purpose.

One of the biggest mistakes I see in the coaching industry is when coaches give advice based on their own value system instead of assisting their clients to birth their own core values so they can align with what matters to them and live their truth!


I am excited to take this divine journey with you to discover the most powerful subconscious transformational tool. You are going to learn my entire methodology I’ve used on top celebrities, CEO’s, and all types of clients. It is the same methodology that I use to train women and men across the globe. You're going to learn the KEY to Quantum Healing & Manifesting! 

Who is this for? 

Beginner or advanced coaches looking to birth their soul’s purpose or take their coaching to the next level, professionals and executives seeking to have a quantum leap with their team, Individuals ready to leave their corporate or traditional jobs, or anyone who loves spirituality and desires to help others. This is also for people who don’t want to turn coaching into a career or make money.

Maybe you are already a coach or maybe you’ve never coached before. No matter where you are on your coaching journey, I will walk you step-by-step to help you Coach Yourself and Your Clients Through Anything!

We have all types of truth seekers, coaches, healers, therapists, and people who desire to make a difference in the world...

We've even had traditional doctors go through our programs! Anyone can master our technology because I break it down into simple step-by-step processes for Total Transformation.

I will show you how you can stand apart from other coaches and create a niche that will position you in the industry as an expert. 


All types of coaches have trained in our processes: 

  • Health Coaches 

  • Integrative Coach

  • Relationship Coach

  • Performance coach

  • Leadership Coach

  • Trauma-Informed Coach,

  • Subconscious Reprogramming Coach

  • NLP Coach

  • Business Coach

  • Corporate Coach

  • Executive coach

  • Spiritual Coach

  • Transformational Coach

  • Singing Coach

  • Team Coach

  • Embodiment Coach

I'm going to help you learn:

  • Why Now is the best time to become a SPPC subconscious reprogramming coach

  • Why 8 out of 9 coaches fail & what is holding you back from success

  • How to Discover your Soul’s Purpose & create your specialized niche

  • My entire methodology to coach yourself & your clients through anything

  • How to powerfully get prepared for your coaching session

  • My step-by-step spiritual coaching session planner

  • How to become an accredited spiritual psychology practitioner coach, SPPC

  • About Dr. Erin & Spiritual Psychology School

  • Bonus: The most trusted and proven 6-step system for launching your coaching biz



Join the life-changing FREE Purpose Masterclass ✨Income + Impact

When: Wednesday, October 25th 11am PST | 1pm CT | 2pm ET | 7pm UK

We will be going over your Coaching Session Planner to help you or your clients discover your soul's purpose 

What if I told you that your Soul’s Purpose is Written on The Cells of Your Heart? 🧬 That's right, I will show you how to unlock the divine wisdom upon your DNA with your specific soul's assignment!

Learn the award-winning step-by-step E4 Method: Quantum Healing & Manifesting system by world-renowned New Thought Leader and Master Coach, Dr. Erin.

It’s time to bring TRUTH to the world and create Income + Impact

I’m super excited to take this Divine Journey with you!


Welcome to the Dr. Erin podcast. This is a top spiritual psychology coach podcast to inspire and teach you how to transform your trauma, birth, your soul's purpose, and manifest your dreams. Hi, I'm Dr. Erin. Dr. Divinity. I'm committed to bringing you the best coaching tips, spiritual advice, trauma healing, and metaphysical recovery secrets. I'm here to help you monetize your spiritual gifts and love your life. I want you to know that I've been exactly where you are and I believe in you together, we're awakening the world. Hello my friends. How are you? Today I want to share something special with you. I remember years and years ago being completely obsessed with consciousness and transformation, spirituality and understanding what we're really doing here and how to truly awaken and transform everything from my relationships to my relationship with money and career, my relationship with my body and health and vitality, and of course, my relationship with awakening my purpose and calling. 

I wish I had had a step-by-step plan, a specific mentor that could just tell me exactly all the answers. So today I actually want to gift you with somewhat of a plan and inviting you into something that I'm holding special in this. So I hope that this podcast brings you great value and really answers some of your prayers not to a man of sky, but rather the full embodiment of who you are and what you're here to do on the planet. Because I know that you have a great calling and I know that you have a soul assignment. So I'd love to kind of break this down for you today in this podcast. But before we go into it, I just want to say that the podcast before and after this podcast, I'm doing a series on 40 Days of Awakening and there are short lectures, 22 minutes long, along with a guided meditation for a total of 22 minutes in each of those 40 series. 

So I will be doing some podcasts in between those, and this is one of those. So let's take a deep breath together and exhaling out right now. There is a lot of chaos on this planet, and I am holding high, high consciousness for the world. There is a place beyond the polarization, a place beyond the chaos and the insanity and the heaven hell on this planet in the polarization. And there is a space, a quantum space, a field of eternality, of that part of us that is immortal and that part of us that truly desires to tap into the quantum field. So the question again today is have you ever wished to have a step-by-step coaching plan or something to really assist you in unlocking your client's soul's purpose and your soul's contract and assignment, right? I am very clear that after decades of doing this work and seeking truth, that there are answers in this universe and that you truly do have a soul's assignment that's written on the epigenetics of your d n A, literally your soul. 

Your soul is the individualized use of the one divine mind. There's all intelligence, but you, my friend, have a specific souls contract if you've been born into this particular D n A, your particular karma of all the blessings and the hard things as well. And so what I know for sure is that the world is going through really the next level of the great awakening. People are questioning what really matters to them. Values are shifting. Mental health is on the rise, and there's a deeper desire for people to discover their purpose. You can see this everywhere. People are really shooken up right now, and this is really the birthing pains of the evolution of consciousness for all of us. The guru within is taking the dark to the light, and the only real way to transform the dark, the light is through truth, through non-resistance. 

And how in the hell can you be non-resistant around everything going on the planet right now? Well, there's really only one way which is to go deep, deep, deep inside and to know the unification and to go into that zero point energy into the quantum field and really embody the highest version of yourself. So today I want to break on down some of that step to step and what I'm going to be sharing with you guys, I'm actually holding a masterclass of free masterclass called The Purpose Masterclass and all about awakening that divine assignment that's in you so that you can have income and impact. And I do believe that income and impact is important because when I've worked with clients over the years, I was trying to calculate how many sessions I've done over the years. I have no idea. I would imagine 20,000 hours at least. 

You should see I have these zoom links of pictures of us in Zoom and you can scroll for literally forever down pages of group processes that I've done, let alone one-on-ones, let alone my own time, deep, deep in processing. And this is what I found is that every single client I've worked with, whether they are a top celebrity c e o, or whether I've trained women and men across the globe in coaching processes, that every single one of them burrs a calling. This is one of the, it's a truth of this work that when you do this deep work, there is something that is called forth. It's same with even prayer. We don't consider prayer to Amanda the sky. We consider prayer that it's consciousness that is directing energy upon universal law, which is your subconscious and it impregnates and something is born out of that, an inspired action, a divine calling, whatever it is that you're creating, it's that impregnation. 

It's like when we have a baby, we don't have to do anything. It's the impregnation of the sperm or implanting of the seed and the feminine aspect. The universal law takes it and delivers a baby. It's like you don't have to think about it. Yes, you've got to make sure you nurture that soil if you will nurture the ground that it's in, nurture the body that it's in, but there's nothing to do. It is this automated intelligence. And so as a coach, as a master spiritual psychology coach, as a Dr. Divinity, as a new thought leader, it is important and you want you to know that I care about you and that there is a step-by-step process of helping somebody really transform the dark to light, really help them birth their soul's purpose, help them transform their trauma, help them reprogram their subconscious, might help them birth their truth, okay? 

The truth is that the old systems are crumbling and a new world is being born. The old world of old coaching and old paradigms is even dying. Okay? Experts project that the education and coaching industry will reach $1 trillion by 2028, $1 trillion. You guys, okay? So I want you to know if you're somebody out there and you're like, wow, there's so many coaches and there's so many big coaches and there's so many whatever, how would I ever make money doing that? How would I ever make an impact? Who am I to think that I'm worthy of this? The truth is that you have a specific niche. For example, I had a client and she had gone through domestic violence. I use an example over and over because I feel like it's such an imperative thing. She'd been through a lot of trauma, she'd been through a lot of domestic violence, and she felt like she was not worthy of becoming a coach or making money or an impact. 

But what she realized through the processes is that she had gone through very specific domestic violence, and so when she actually got trained in the processes in helping people do all the sole work, she actually opened a Facebook group and it was very specifically for that domestic violence. It was the particular domestic violence. So you have to understand someone out there that's searching, that wants to do their inner work is going to want to go with that specific person because they relate to what they have been through. So the truth is that you have been through something that no one else has been through, okay? Whether that be that you came from a particular country into another country, whether you've been through a particular addiction, whether you've been through a particular domestic violence, whether you had a narcissistic brother or whether you went through bullying in elementary school. 

No matter what you've been through, there's something unique in it, and that's what sets you apart from the next person. I think that there's a facade that people think that they only, people only want to work with somebody that has millions of followers, and that's not the truth. When you're doing your deep work, oftentimes people actually want to do some deep, deep one-on-one work, and they care more about how loving and kind the person is and how much they relate to their story over how many millions of followers they have. Okay? So I want to give you hope in that coming to a step-by-step plan of getting trained in a framework that absolutely has proven results, absolutely shows and has proven that people can birth their client's purpose and help 'em do exactly the soul's work that works. So I'm saying this because whether it's someone for yourself that you want to be able to self process yourself through things, or whether you're someone who wants to make it into a business, we have all different types of people. 

We have people that are already seven figure coaches that literally come and they're like, I want to know my deeper soul's purpose and I want to scale to the next level. I know it's going to take me doing deeper work. Or whether you're somebody that's never been considered becoming a coach, but you really just love the work and you're into spirituality and you want to do your transformational work, it doesn't matter. The process is the same. The coolest thing is this framework took me decades to develop. Literally, I've been doing this for decades. I used to work with top, top, top celebrities addicts, and I began to shift more and more into doing what I really wanted to do, which was work with people who want to do the work so they can actually make it into a career, because I felt like that was going to be a better impact. 

But this framework that I train you in is something that's taken decades to develop. Okay? So the thing is, when you get out there and you do all the work, there's really core foundation work. So really real question for you to ask yourself is, do you desire to birth your soul's purpose? And it's like 75% of people on the planet desire to have to discover their purpose, but only a very small percentage actually knows their purpose, right? Do you desire to become the highest version of yourself? I would definitely say if you're listening to this podcast, I would say that's a yes for you, but I won't answer that for you. Do you have a calling for spirituality or to help others? Do you have a desire to make an impact in the world? Do you desire to unleash your infinite potential within and turn your supernatural abilities on? 

Because that's what this work does. There's clients that graduate from practitioner after they've been me for a year or whatever, and some of them have been with me for three years. They love it so much that they are in the program and they want to take their time and really dive deep in there. And the biggest testimonials that I love, of course, we've got testimonies of women that have done $42,000 a month while they're pregnant, things like that that just are mind glowing. But the best testimonial, and the ones that really warm my heart are the ones where the women or men say, holy cow, I literally have experienced enlightenment. I have turned on supernatural abilities that I didn't even know were possible, and this is way more than I ever expected in what I'm experiencing in life. And that for me is what motivates me. 

What motivates me is to turn on those supernatural abilities, and this is part of the framework because that's a natural outcome. When you do this deep work, there's outcomes. One, of course, you birth their soul's purpose, right? Two, you absolutely have awakening, of course, because you can't help but see how it's all been created from the one true source within. And of course there is. Everything else changes. People make more money, their relationships work more, their health gets better, they look better. Everything begins to transform. And one of the side effects also is turning on the supernatural abilities, which is so cool because then you can walk in with your clients and you can feel things not from a psychic way. We don't want to implant or tell 'em, but we can feel it and know it really needs to be healed. Okay? So as a new thought leader and a master spiritual psychology practitioner, I believe your voice and message matters in the world, especially right now, you guys, please, if you have any desire to rise up in this work, the time is now as your friend, I care about you healing yourself and healing your family lineage, and I get so excited to assist clients in taking quantum leaps and manifesting their dreams into reality. 

Part of the fun work that we do is quantum manifesting. In fact, I have just literally taking this all to the next level. We are doing time collapsing, compressing time, and energizing mental pictures for the future at a quantum level, and I've been taking a lot of my clients through it lately, and they're like, holy cow, this is mind blowing. Because the truth is all creation happens right here, right now. There is no past, there is no future, and we're going to get into that. There is no such thing as time, all creation lives as you are your ancestors. Literally, you are your lineage, and you are all the future right here, right now, and so I want to teach you the step-by-step framework of E four to be able to not only just transform your trauma that's living and freeing your D n A so that you can really burn that soul's mission and that purpose and in your soul assignment, but that you can truly, truly free your D n A and be able to quantum manifest your future self as a coach. 

The most effective way we can get extraordinary last results for our clients is by getting to the root of the cause, reprogram the subconscious mind, transform the trauma and assisting them in discovering their soul's purpose. Okay? One of the biggest mistakes that I see in the coaching industry is when coaches give advice based on their own value system, instead of assisting their clients to birth their own core values so they can align with what matters to them and live their truth. It's actually ethics. We teach ethics in our school as well. It is against our ethics to implant of some psychic telling someone what's going to happen. It's against our ethics to tell them what they should do. It's against our ethics to give advice. This is the way, because we hold neutrality, we hold pure potential for clients. Our job really is to help them get out of the way and to birth their truth, to truly birth their truth. 

I want to invite you into the masterclass. It's a purpose masterclass. It's happening this month. If you are listening to the Stand the line, there'll probably be a replay for that, but I'm super excited to take this divine journey with you to discover the most powerful subconscious transformational tool, which is E four. This has gotten me the Walden Wisdom Award next to Oprah in 1600 spiritual centers. This is life changing work. I'm excited to take you through the framework that had built all around E four, which is called the truth triangle. It's a 12 step process to really go into this deep, deep work, and then there is a whole other process for the quantum manifesting, okay? You're going to learn my entire methodology I've used on top celebrity CEOs and all types of clients, okay? It is the same methodology that I use to train women and men across the globe, and it is the key to quantum healing and manifesting. 

So who is this for? Beginners or advanced coaches looking to grow their soul's purpose or take their coaching to the next level? Professional executives seeking to quantum leap in their teamwork. Individuals ready to leave their corporate or traditional jobs or anyone who loves spirituality and desire to help others. This is also for people who don't want to turn their coaching into a career. You can use this framework on yourself, on your friends family, and be able to just be embodied in the highest consciousness. I love it when I have single mothers and things that just want to be the best mother or father that can be, right? So look, maybe you're already coach, maybe you, I've never coached before. No matter where you're at and you're coaching journal journey, I will walk you through step-by-step to help you coach yourself or your clients through anything. 

This is a proven framework that works on, trust me. I've dealt with people that have dealt with eating disorders. I've dealt with people that just want to get better at their real estate business. I've worked with top celebrities that literally have their lives falling apart, okay? I've dealt with, you name it, I have heard it, I've seen it. I've dealt with it in consciousness, and this framework is the exact framework for every single case, okay? We call it a case because it's really dealing with clearing out your soul. Your soul's purpose is to clear out the soul. Your life's purpose is born out of doing your soul work, okay? We have had all types of true seekers, coaches, healers, therapists, people who desire to make a difference in the world. We've had traditional doctors come through our program, okay? We've even had people that are nurses. 

We've had all kinds of people. The truth is that people are beginning to seek total transformation, so it doesn't matter what you want, and of course we train people as spiritual psychology, practitioner coaches, but people give themselves names, whatever, right? We have health coaches, integrative coaches, relationship coaches, performance coaches, leadership coaches, trauma-informed coaches, subconscious, re, N L P, coaches, business coaches, corporate coaches, executive coaches, spiritual coaches, transformational coaches, singing coaches. We have team coaches, embodiment coaches, you name it, it doesn't matter the name. What matters is the profound work that you embody and that no one can ever take it away from you. The best investment I've ever made in my entire life is in my own consciousness. No one can take that away from me. No matter what's going on in the financial industry, no matter what's going on in wars across the world, no matter what's happening anywhere, no one can take away my consciousness and for somebody that came from a very turbulate consciousness, very traumatized upbringing, very dysfunctional, codependent, dealt with bulimia from 72 with date raped, just a disaster, really, truly a hot mess. 

Today, I can really take a look at myself, and I'm so proud of who I am, and I would never be who I am, the mother, the friend, the mentor, the person I am today, okay? If it weren't for these teachings, so we teach, as you know, we teach the power of the mind. We teach that our subconscious mind is connected with the universal law and all of life, and that our soul work is to clear out the subconscious, which is the soul, and in that we become the infinite, infinite potential that we are these divine, powerful spiritual beings. We are connected with all of the same source within you, created the entire universe. So wherever you're feeling like you're not enough, something's wrong with you. All those inverted uses, all those limited beliefs, all that false identity, this framework will help you release those false identities, release the limited beliefs, release the things that are projecting out into your life so you can awaken to understand all dynamics of who you are. 

So I want to teach you also in this masterclass, why now is the best time to really truly become somebody who's rising up in consciousness, whether you want to be a spiritual psychology practitioner, coach or subconscious freedom coach, whatever it is, why now? Why is now such an important, I'm going to call you out, okay? If you've been listening to this podcast, I'm going to call you out. The world needs you. The world needs you, okay? Truly and truly, and why eight out of nine coaches fail and what's holding them back from success. It's very clear how to discover your sole purpose and create a specialized niche, okay? The industry will never be too full, okay? You're only seeing it on your Instagram and your social media because you actually like those posts, so the algorithms are showing you all the coaches. There's actually not very many. 

If you took a Super Bowl, bowl field, the Super Bowl like stadium, there would be one coach for the entire stadium. There's still not a lot of coaches and powerful coaches. There's a lot of coaches, but powerful coaches. My entire methodology, I'm going to show you front to back of how to take you through this 12 session, how to get prepared for it, what goes on in it, all the methodology around it, right? How to powerfully get prepared for your coaching session, my step-by-step spiritual coaching session planner, how to become an accredited coach. What does that look like about me and the school? And of course about how to turn it into income and impact. I use the six step most trusted, proven sales and marketing system in the world. It doesn't even matter if you don't want to do a business, it's still, life is a business. 

Your home. You've got to treat like a business, your family, you've got to treat, you've got to organization. The first principle of heaven is order. So let's take a deep breath together, and I'm just knowing right here, right now that if there is a seed of desire in you to embody the highest wisdom, I invite you into this masterclass, the Purpose masterclass. I'm going to really teach you how to go over birthing your purpose, a coaching session planner, to really the step-by-step process of birthing that soul's purpose, your mission in life, so you can rise up knowing that your soul's purpose is written on the cells of your heart right now. That's right. I'll show you how to unlock the divine wisdom upon your d n a with your specific soul assignment. You're going to learn the E four method of quantum healing and manifesting, and I know that you have a calling. 

You are meant for great things. We have girls that have gone out and done authored books as joint venture through our community. We have women and men who have started podcasts or been speaking on stage. We have testimonials after testimonials of people creating specific niches and doing this divine deep soul work, specifically for the women and men that have gone through what they've gone through. You have a specific niche. You have value because you've been through things, and when you heal, everything you've been through, you become extremely valuable. And this is what universal law teaches us. If we want to make money, you've got to give great value, become the most valuable you can. Okay? This may be the most important year of your life. This planet is going through horrific things, heaven and hellens, also birthing miracles of innovation in all kinds of things. 

The time is now. Stop wasting the precious time. Rise up. Say yes to yourself. Say yes to you being the full embodiment. No matter whether it's me, with me and the school, or whether it be somebody say Yes, I say yes to you. I say yes to you. Become the highest, highest embodiment of who you are, and in this together, we say, and so it is. Okay, you guys. I will see you in the masterclass. It is October 25th Wednesday. You can read it all below here. If you're listening to this after, I'm sure there'll be a replay, or we have free video sequences sometimes also on the website at Dr Erin tv, D R E I N tv. Okay? Have a beautiful, blessed day. You can also go to spiritual psychology and just know that you are held by the highest, by the highest, by the highest. Have a beautiful blessed day, and I will see you in the masterclass. 

Thank you for tuning into the Dr. Erin Podcast. If you're ready to reprogram your subconscious mind, transform your trauma and birth, your soul's calling, or if you're ready to become an accredited, certified spiritual psychology coach and E4 trauma method facilitator, and get trained in spiritual psychology, universal law, intergenerational trauma work, past life, regression work, metaphysics of mind, and so much more, go to or if you're receiving value from the show, I would love it if you share it with a friend and give it a five star review. Have a beautiful day, and may you live your truth.


Sep 5, 2023

Join my life-chaning events, membership, or certifications.

Spiritual Warfare Vs. Stuck Negative Patterns

Are you experiencing negative patterns, stuck patterns, confusion, frustration, or anger? Maybe you are feeling hopeless or wanting giving up? 

Everything is created within MIND. 

Maui Fires, Global warming, 7 planets in retrograde, blue moon, & burning man floods. 

Neville Goddard was a prominent figure in the New Thought and Law of Attraction movements. Here's one of his famous quotes:

"The feeling of the wish fulfilled is the most powerful force in the universe, and your only obligation is to be true to that feeling. If it feels natural to you to assume your wish is already fulfilled, then this act of assumption is faith, and nothing can stand in your way."

This quote emphasizes the importance of having a strong belief and feeling that your desires have already been fulfilled, as this mindset is believed to be a powerful force in manifesting your goals and desires. Neville Goddard's teachings often revolve around the idea that your inner beliefs and feelings play a crucial role in shaping your external reality.


THE GAME By Florence Scovel Shinn

  • Most people consider life a battle, but it is not a battle, it is a game.

  • “Whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap.” This means that whatever man sends out in word or deed, will return to him; what he gives, he will receive.

  • This means that what man images, sooner or later externalizes in his affairs.

  • To play successfully the game of life, we must train the imaging faculty. A person with an imaging faculty trained to image only good, brings into his life “every righteous desire of his heart” – health, wealth, love, friends, perfect self-expression, his highest ideals.

  • There are three departments of the mind, the subconscious, conscious and superconscious. The subconscious, is simply power, without direction. It is like steam or electricity, and it does what it is directed to do; it has no power of induction.

"Spiritual warfare" is a term often used in religious and spiritual contexts to describe a belief in the struggle or battle between good and evil forces on a spiritual or metaphysical level. It is a concept found in various religious traditions, including Christianity, Islam, and some forms of New Age and spiritual belief systems. The exact nature and understanding of spiritual warfare can vary significantly between different belief systems, but here is a general overview:


Religion: In religion, spiritual warfare refers to the ongoing struggle between forces of good, led by God and angels, and forces of evil, led by Satan and demons. It is often seen as a metaphorical battle for the souls of humans. Believers engage in spiritual warfare through prayer, scripture study, and other spiritual practices to resist temptation, overcome personal sin, and combat evil influences.


New Thought and Spirituality: In New thought and spiritual belief systems, spiritual warfare may involve battling negative energies or thought forms.


It's important to note that the interpretation and beliefs regarding spiritual warfare can vary widely even within these religious traditions. Some individuals may take a highly symbolic or metaphorical approach to the concept, while others may interpret it more literally. Additionally, some people may not believe in or engage with the idea of spiritual warfare at all.


In summary, spiritual warfare generally refers to the concept of a spiritual or metaphysical battle between good and evil forces. The specifics of this concept can vary significantly depending on one's religious or spiritual beliefs, and it may involve various practices aimed at protecting oneself from negative spiritual influences or promoting spiritual growth and righteousness.



Welcome to the Dr. Erin Show. This is a top spiritual awakening and new thought ancient wisdom podcast to teach you how to become your highest self, unleash your spiritual superpowers, discover your soul's purpose, and manifest your dreams. Hi, I'm Dr. Erin, Dr. Divinity, and I'm committed to bringing you the best manifesting and coaching tips, spiritual advice, trauma healing, and metaphysical recovery secrets. I'm here to help you reprogram your subconscious mind, monetize your spiritual gifts and love your life. I want you to know that I've been exactly where you are and I believe in you. Together we're awakening the world. 
I'm my divine family, my spiritual family, and community and tribe. I want to say that today's podcast is going to be just me and you sharing my heart and really giving some insight of what I feel like is really going on in the planet energetically and emotionally for all of us right now. So today's podcast is titled, what is Spiritual Warfare and Are You Having Negative Patterns? So right now, this is the common theme that I'm finding for people across the globe. People are reaching out and saying, man, I feel down. I feel stuck. I feel hopeless. I feel fearful. I don't know what to do. I'm also hearing about people being a lot in negative patterns, stuck patterns, confusion, frustration, and maybe even anger and some people even feeling hopelessness and wanting to give up. So one, I just want to say that I totally, absolutely see you, hear you and feel you, and I too absolutely feel those same things. 
The only difference for any of us that are in our spiritual leadership is that we practice principles and we move our emotions maybe faster than the next person that doesn't have the distinctions. So I don't consider myself above anything, and I don't consider myself to have been a guru and hire mighty and never have those emotions because I would be lying. But what I do have is I have principles live by and practices and ways of transforming and transmuting those energetics and having truth that has me able to know that the only spiritual warfare is within, and that every battle on this planet and in this lifetime is always an inside job. So today we're going to break on down how to break through your negative patterns and how to really transcend and rise above all spiritual warfare. So let's do this thing you guys. 
I'm Dr. Erin, Dr. Divinity, teaching metaphysics and spiritual awakening and manifesting all that cool stuff that we love so much. And man, it's been a journey to this point here today just feeling into this week, feeling into all the energetics. And I want to give a big energetic shout out to Maui for everything they've been through. I cannot even imagine what everyone's going through and the experience. So I would be so ignorant and naive to think that I could even somewhat relate because I've never had my home burned down or the children in my community or the fear that's going on of what potentially has caused this over here, and we're not going to get in that today. But I just want to say that if you are feeling stuck in negative patterns, we can absolutely first just think about the relative experience of so many out there. 
So it is relative. So no matter if you are going through something extreme like that, or maybe you are going through things in your relationship where you're feeling stuck, repeating patterns of arguments and upsets or whether you are in your career and you can't quite break through walls and you feel like you want to give up, the reality is that it is all relative. It is really, really is relative. And I hear a lot of people out there saying white privileged things, problems and things or first world country problems, and it's true, but it's not true because it's relative. So whatever you are going through is intense for you, and I want to see you and know you and feel you with that. And this is not about a spiritual bypass of saying, Hey, get positive, but rather it's a podcast for us to dive deep into acknowledging you, seeing you, feeling you, and then having some actual answers to be able to deal with some of the emotions that we're going through. 
Okay? So Neville Goddard is one of the beautiful leaders in what we consider new thought and metaphysics and Louis Hay and hay, Allison, all the authors that are in the genre with so many other publishers as well. Neville Goddard was a profound teacher that lives in his legacy with all of our consciousness. He's a prominent figure in the new thought and law of attraction movement. And he said this, the feeling of the wish fulfilled is the most powerful force in the universe, and your only obligation is to be true to that feeling. If it feels natural to you to assume your wish is already fulfilled, then this act of assumption is faith and nothing can stand in your way. So when I read that, it's really the ideal scene, right? Ideal scene is we wake up and we feel amazing, the birds are chirping outside and we think about the feeling of manifesting our greatest life and knowing our wishes already fulfilled, and all of a sudden I hear the scratch on the record and it's like F you. 
I'm waking up feeling crappy, low energy. I don't have the funds and resources to do what I need to do. I either am alone or I'm in a relationship that's considered and having vicious cycles. I can't break through anything on the internet. I can't break through my business. So how in the hell do you get that feeling? Do you create that feeling? Well, we call that spiritual bypassing, and we would never want you to try and get into a physical state and just bypass the feelings because the feelings and emotions are very important to be able to use, to be able to transform and actually to birth your soul's purpose and your mission. So I'm a spiritual leader that does not believe in bypassing those emotions, does not believe in just being positive because you can't get positive until you have neutralized the emotions that are coming through. 
So one, I want to say, your emotions are real. They are spirit. Your higher self speaking through the energetics of your soul and through your entire neurological system saying, wake up, you have a truth and you're not living your truth. And these emotions are here to realign you to live with your truth. That may be different for each person. Say it is the Maui fires and say, you are really upset whether you are on the island and have been massively impacted physically by it, or whether you are somebody who's watching it and you're very upset about what potentially caused these fires. The truth is to just sit and energize that does not do anything. So we don't believe in also just being negative and staying in the negativity, but there is something being born out of these emotions and it is divine action. What is it that is saying, this does not feel right for me. 
I'm upset, I'm sad, whatever that is. Maybe it is the divine action of grief. Maybe it is the divine action of finding and helping resources to be raised to help the victims of that. Or maybe it is, wow, I don't know if I can do anything, so I'm going to actually turn the news off and I'm going to actually go help my consciousness and heal myself and be able to one day be able to make a difference and things like that. Whatever it is for you, it is true for you. Again, there's ultimate truth, which is that we're almighty all powerful, that we all have the ability to help any situation, but the relative truth is what's true for you and where your consciousness is at right now. So again, we're looking at a lot of things across the board in Burning Man this week they got flooded and it seems like a very trivial thing in comparison to the Maui fires again. But again, it's relative. We don't know what someone's going through an intent there. We have no idea. And therefore, the moment that we judge is the moment that we cast ourselves out from the Garden of Eden. So what's the point? And the goal of this podcast is to take divine action to listen. So my invitation right now is to listen. Where are you feeling stuck and in a negative pattern, and I'd like, you can pause this or whatever, and I want you to write it down because it's very important that you write 
It down so that you fully acknowledge it, not just some concept in the brain and be like, yeah, that little thing with my relationship, or I just can't seem to break through on Instagram. Or Man, I'm just so depressed, I can barely get out of bed, but I'm just going to pretend like I don't actually have that problem. So it's really important that you actually write down what is the stuck pattern? What is actually upsetting you and what is it, right? What's that spiritual warfare within? Because we're going to get into that right now. Okay? Spiritual warfare is a term that's often used in some religions. It's also a spiritual awakening concept, which is to describe a belief in the struggle or battle within the good and evil forces on a spiritual or metaphysical level. It's if concept found in various religious traditions, including Christianity and all religions for that matter, and the new age and spiritual awakening, all the belief systems, the exact nature and understanding of spiritual warfare can vary significantly between people's belief systems. 
So this is the reason why I want to bring this up is because right now you may be feeling like a total stuck pattern and traditional religion would say that there is good forces and evil forces, but in new thought wisdom, we know there is only one creator. There's only one first cause, and that goes to a universal law and it can create an abundance of love, and it can also create an abundance of division and polarity and fear and hate. So the concept of spiritual warfare is recognizing and thinking that there's something outside of yourself, even it may be your own thought. I have no control over this thought. This emotion is dominating me within me. It's a spiritual warfare within. You may also think there's evil forces on the planet that are bad, and that may be true, but they're not separate. Okay? 
There's only one divinity and we're one with all of it. This is our karma, all of it, whether you like it or not, this is what we've created you guys. We've had this game of life, this planet, and we have used our energy, however we've used our energy, and whether we like it or not, we have the cause and effect we're having the results that we created. So spiritual warfare from a metaphysical standpoint and new thought movement is recognizing that there's nothing divided, that we have the responsibility for all of it, and we also have the blessings that everything's been created and all the inventions. So spiritual warfare is really looking at where's the battle? The battle is always within. So whether you're having negative patterns and you can't stop eating those potato chips or whether you're having the negative patterns and you just can't stop getting out of that constant bickering and negative thinking, it's still a spiritual warfare. 
You can go and you can research all the conspiracy theories in the world, but what does that do? Unless you're going to actually take responsibility around it and go actually do something about it. So in this, say, Christianity or traditional religions, not from mysticism, but from traditional religions, typically spiritual warfare refers to the ongoing struggle between good forces of good, led by God and angels and forces of evil led by Satan and demons. You either believe in one source or not. You either believe in non-duality or duality. You can't believe in two forces and then believe that there's one God. You can't have one or the other. So this is really a metaphorical battle of the souls of the human. And in the soul, we use the one divine soul through the individualized use of the one soul. There's only one life. There's only one soul. 
There's only one with everyone. I'm not in the mini me. I've been told that by the programming, but the truth is that's not the truth. I'm one with everything. So the individualized use is a division in mind. It's where Adam and Eve cast themselves out of the garden of Eden by judgment. So if we want to have heaven within and we want to go past spiritual warfare and we want to have peace within, the only way to do that, it's to see the perfection in everything. So the old me, I used to have crappy days. We all have crappy days of part of being human, and I used to judge myself. The positive movement actually hurt me for quite some times because I would judge myself even more that I wasn't being positive, knowing how we create with high vibrations, if you will, and then I would make myself wrong, and then I would spiral even more. 
The difference now for me is I can have a bad day. I can begin to spiral, and I can actually just as is it, and I can actually then begin to transform it by really acknowledging it. We have in our processes of our coaching, we do processes that help really acknowledge the upsets over and over again to be able to just fully acknowledge them, fully be with them, birth the truth out of them, and transform them, get the power, the power of the back. You know that every time you're upset, there's an actual energetic that can launch you to the next level, right? Athletes do this all the time. They use their opponents, they use your opposition to launch themselves to the next level, and this is the beauty, okay? So right now, if you're frustrated, sad, want to give up, I say thank you, thank you for these emotions, because these emotions are what's going to demand me to demand myself to do something different. 
The universe has a way of backing us into a corner against a rock. Like you got to make a decision, girl, come on, let's do this thing, and it's going to slam you down as hard as you can until you say, I've had enough and I'm not doing this anymore. Okay? You're either going to succumb and go more and more into sadness and potentially go into depression, and we don't want you doing that, okay? We want you to begin to use the emotions to be able to launch yourself to the next level. So in new age, new thought, spirituality, we call it that it's a spiritual belief, the spiritual warfare that it may involve battling negative energies. Some may say entities, but we don't believe in separate entities or thought forms. That's really the only battle we ever have is a thought form within ourselves, right? 
Some practitioners believe in the power of positive thinking, visualization and energy work to protect themselves from negative spiritual influences and may sustain a state of spiritual wellbeing. We believe in using the mind for good. We believe in transforming any of the negative emotions, which is called the guru. We're transforming the dark into the light, the dark energies transformed to light, and this is the constant cycle of our evolution, of our transformation, of our growth, our spiritual growth. So it's important to note that the interpretations and beliefs are different for each person, but it's important to know that the truth will set you free. And whether it be in spiritual work or whether it be mysticism of Christianity or whatever it may be, that the truth is that the truth sets you free. And so how does that work? Well, the truth meaning oneness. Oneness in the truth of who you are, you are one with everything. 
You are the power that created the entire universe. And when you truly get this, you know that whether you are either sad or suffering or a negative place or in a spiritual warfare, that there's something that's working for you in that, because otherwise you wouldn't be one with everything. You wouldn't be the creative factor that can innovate and invent and transform and break through. And in this, there gets to be a place for me where I get to become. I always, even if I'm in a bad space, I know, I'm like, oh my gosh, this is somehow where I'm growing in this. I don't know how I can't see it right now, but I live in faith, right? Faith is trusting in what's not being seen yet. So I have a total faith life. So even when I'm having a hard time, I always know that there's going to be a blessing to come out of this. 
I always know that there's growth in this. I always know that this is working for my highest good has to be because that's the way life is. That's the way I see it. That's my faith. And so I want to read a little bit from Florence Shovel Shin, who is another great leader in the new thought movement, and she's written many books, one of which is one of my favorites called The Game of Life, and I think it's called The Game, the Game of Life. So she has some quotes here I want to read. Most people consider life a battle, but it's not a battle, it's a game. So I always think of it like this. Whenever I'm having stuck times, hard times, the warfare of my thoughts with them, I look at it like a video game, like, okay, I'm going to either stay at this level and keep suffering, or I'm going to break the next level, this video game, and I'm going to get to the next level and be able to experience things I've never experienced. 
So anytime I'm struggling, it's like, okay, this is a fun game to go, wow, what's really going on here? And playing and diving into consciousness. She says, whatsoever a man soth, that shell, he also reap. I like to change it to she whatever, a woman's soth that shell, she may also reap. This means that whatever you send out to the word the world through your word or deeded, it will return to you exponentially. This is absolutely the cause and effect and the boomerang of life. So whatever you give, you'll always receive. Okay? So one of the lessons in that is whenever I'm down, I know that it's a very selfish thing. So one of the things that really helps me when I'm in a stuck pattern is to go help somebody else, serve somebody else. Go shop for somebody else. Go see if you can do something to serve, even if it's a client, even whatever it may be. 
Serving is one of the greatest ways because what we know is that the more you try and fulfill yourself, literally, I'm always saying, this bitch will never be happy. Because whenever I try and always make me happy, I get more and more miserable. The more I serve and give and do for others, the more fulfilled I feel I get out of myself, my mini me and my ego, me and I start to go into a place of being able to know that there's something beyond me, something highest. So she also concurs with Goddard, right? And she says that this means that what? That image sooner or later externalizes in your affairs. So the problem of being in stuck patterns and just staying in stuck patterns is that you're constantly energizing the negative. And how universal law works is that whatever you energize it creates, it's the creative process of life. 
This is the advanced law of attraction manifesting manifestation. How we are the true abundance of the world is that there's only abundance. You can abundantly create exponential amount of money. You can also create abundance of scarcity. It's all the one thing inverted or in alignment with universal law and spiritual awakening. So we have to know that staying in a negative stuck pattern can be problematic because you're now energizing and you're informing your neurological system. You're creating habits of all your hormones and all the different things going off in your bloodstream. So you're now creating your pattern and creating what would be considered your character, which is really created as well, your personality. And so we want to know that this is a dangerous place to stay. It's a dangerous place to stay. So my advice to myself, my advice to you, my advice to any of my clients or people I certify is that it's okay to get sad. 
It's okay to get upset. It's okay to not have a great day, but if you stay in that energy, you are consciously choosing to create that into your embodiment. So anytime we're feeling that, we don't want to bypass it, we want to use the emotions and transform the emotions, the guru, the dark to the light, taking the coaching processes and acknowledging it, but actually birthing the truth that's coming out of that negative motion. So if you're alone and you're like, man, I don't have those coaching processes. I'm not in your certification, and I don't know how to do that, one of the things you can do is you can go into your mirror in your bathroom and make sure you do not put meaning on anything, but you can literally vent to your mirror. Don't put evaluation, don't put meaning, don't put any backstory, but just state the facts. 
I'm upset because I can't get out of this negative pattern. I'm upset because I didn't get much to I procrastinated all day. I'm upset because I was confused and overwhelmed. I'm upset because my partner was a jerk. Today I'm upset because I can't break through the next level of my business. Whatever it is, just say what you're upset about without the valuation or what you make the meaning out of it or anything. Invent and vent and vent. Acknowledge, be your best friend. Don't judge yourself. Just fully be there with yourself and acknowledge yourself. Totally get it. I totally understand how frustrated you are. I literally do this with myself, okay? I'm like crazy person in the mirror sometimes, and I'm like, I am my best friend and I'm going to be here for you. What's going on? So acknowledge, acknowledge, acknowledge, and just fully be with it. 
Now, what do you think is being burned out of this man? I need to get out of my box, and it's time for me to be a part of that community or sign up for that course or get out of my home and go visit someone. Go read that book. I need to stop this. What I'm doing, what's birthing out of this frustration is that I'm not living my truth. So I'm going to take one divine action after I've done this whole process with myself to just begin to say, okay, I'm going to now move my feet and use this energy to do one thing. It's going to help me get to the next level. So in this, I'm just knowing the truth of this frustration within each and every one of us that we all experience at times. Okay? So Florence says there are three 
Departments, the mind, which we totally agree with, we teach, which is a subconscious and the conscious and the super conscious, right? I mean, you are not the mini me. You have this individual consciousness. You have the subconscious mind, which is one of the subjective mind, which is one with universal law, right? You have the cosmic consciousness in you right now. So we also have to know that when you're upset and stuck patterns, it's not always just you. You're tapped in with the collective. You're tapped in with the astrological planets. We just had seven planets in retrograde. We still do, I think, and the point is that we need to stop thinking. It's just our thinking because it's not just your thinking. Your thinking is one with all people's thinking. Your thinking is the culmination of all your lineage as well. Your past lives, if you will, which we don't even believe in past lives. 
There's only one life, okay? So in this just recognizing, saying, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay. I see you. We love you. We know you are the power that created the entire universe. So if you are dealing with spiritual warfare, the war within, or if you are dealing with stuck patterns, what do you do? You need to begin to acknowledge them, not resist them, not judge them, not analyze them, but rather know the truth around them and begin to transform them. I invite you to come into our community to come into, whether it be that you just want to do your deep work, or whether you want to get certified, or whether you want to just come in and grab a book or do whatever, we have lots of free gifts as well. I invite you to take action right now. I invite you to share this with a friend and talk about what's really going on, not evaluating it, not complaining, but rather as ising it and saying, cool. 
I totally hear you. I totally feel the frustration. Now, what is the truth out of this? The truth is, I'm not living my life. I want to live. I want to fulfill upon my dreams. I want something more for myself. This is a divine discontent of me going, I need more because I am so much more. And we know that for you, you are divine. And I see that. I know that as together, we say. And so it is. Have a beautiful, blessed day, you guys, and may you live your truth. Thank you for tuning into the Dr. Erin Show. If you're ready to transform your life, discover your soul's purpose, and manifest your dreams, go to Join me in my life-changing events, membership or certification. If you're ready to become a certified coach and get trained in metaphysics of mind, manifestation, and the creative process, subconscious reprogramming, trauma, recovery, healing, spiritual psychology, universal law, and much more, go to  If you're receiving value from the show, I would love it if you would share it with a friend and give it a five star review. Have a beautiful day, and may you live your truth.



Dec 27, 2022

Dr. Erin Fall Haskell, D.D.

2020 Walden Wisdom Award Next To Oprah

“11 Most Inspirational Female Entrepreneurs To Follow On Instagram.” 
~ Forbes

Dr. Erin is a World-Renowned Doctor of Divinity, Founder of Soulciété & Spiritual Psychology School, Metaphysical Teacher, TV Host of Good Morning LaLa Land, Creator of E4 Trauma Method®, International Best-Selling Author, 2020 Walden Wisdom Award Next to Oprah, Self-Made Millionaire, Top-Rated Podcast, and Mother.

Her mission is to awaken a billion people globally by developing, training, and certifying accredited Spiritual Entrepreneurs, E4 Trauma Method® Coaches, Spiritual Psychology Master Coaches, Spiritual Practitioners, New Thought Teachers, and Doctors of Divinity.  

Dr. Erin is committed to bridging spirituality, science, and psychology. She is forging ‘New Thought Wisdom’ in the study of Spiritual Psychology; the study of how everything is created from Source at a soul level. 

Dr. Erin has interviewed 1600+ celebrities, influencers, and coaches featured on NBC, ABC, FOX, Fortune, HBO, CBS, MTV, OWN, Huffington Post, NY Times, LA Times, Forbes, Entrepreneur, Amazon Prime, Netflix, Food Network, TLC and E! She has personally been featured in Forbes, NASDAQ, and Millionairess Magazine.


Dr. Erin’s Personal Story

“There are moments in life when something happens, life alters, and your entire perception transforms instantaneously.” For Dr. Erin, that moment was 27 years ago when she was holding her stillborn son in her arms, just after giving birth to him. “Tears were streaming down my face as I looked at his beautiful body and realized his body was still there, but he wasn’t. I realized he wasn’t his body; he is a spiritual being. One can conceptually understand that we are not these bodies, but I got it on an entirely different level, my entire world crumbled, delivering me to spiritual revelation.” This sent her on an intense spiritual quest, discovering universal truths, and learning how to live a life she loves! 

Dr. Erin is an internationally best-selling author:

  • Awakening: A 40-Day Guide to Unleashing Your Spiritual Powers, Life’s Purpose, and Manifesting Your Dreams.  
  • Spiritual Awakening 52 Universal Law Oracle Cards
  • A Year of Spiritual Awakening & Universal Laws
  • Transform Your Trauma Transform Your Life: E4 Trauma Method® & Spiritual Psychology Book (coming soon) 


Join our self-coaching program or get Accredited and Certified as a Spiritual Psychology Master Coach. Learn how to reprogram your subconscious mind, heal your trauma, and discover your soul’s purpose. Learn Universal Law of Attraction, Metaphysics, Manifestation, Practitioner Processes, Spiritual Psychology, Past-Life Regressions, and Spiritual Awakening.

This top podcast is created to provide support, spirituality, education, self-development, healing, motivation, recovery, trauma-informed, trauma healing, mental health, and inspiration. YOU ARE NOT ALONE.
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Binge My Top Podcast Series:
12 Trauma Coaching Series
52 Universal Law & Manifesting Series
12 Money Breakthrough Coaching Series
40 Spiritual Awakening Book Series 
12 Subconscious Reprogramming Coaching Series

Nov 22, 2022

Hi Spiritual Superstar 🤩

I will never forget years ago, I was stuck.

Stuck in my patterns.

Stuck trying to figure out how to monetize my gifts.

Stuck in the same old routine.

Stuck in a dysfunctional relationship.

Stuck doing the same things, hoping for a different outcome - insanity 🤯

Stuck in my logical mind, being a slave to all of my considerations about life. 

Stuck in my limiting beliefs, scarcity mindset, and victim mentality.

Stuck in my false identity - 'I'm not enough," "Something is wrong with me," "I'm all alone," Blah, Blah, Blah.

It felt so REAL

It felt so DARK

It felt so LONELY

And, it felt comfortable because it was a pattern that had played out in my life for years.

If you're ready to get past your stuck patterns and take a Quantum Leap, you want to listen to this week's podcast. 

Until One Day...

I was in meditation, and I had a Divine Message that changed everything.

"Until you are willing to change, nothing will change."

I immediately thought of the taboo saying, "Magic happens out of your comfort zone."

I knew I needed to make radical changes.

So, what did I do?

I did the most uncomfortable thing I could think of.

I changed my entire life...

I let go of the dysfunctional relationship I was in, gave away almost everything I owned, and moved to a new state. 

In other words, I committed to myself and my dreams!

I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. 

I was sick of myself, my excuses, and my patterns.

However, I was afraid, scared, and worried about the unknown.

I didn't know how I was going to find a place to live.

I didn't know how I would heal from my dysfunctional relationship.

I didn't know how I was going to monetize my dream career. 

I didn't know HOW!?!

So, I had to give up ONE major thing...

HAD to give up HOW. 

So, I committed to having FAITH.

What is Faith?

  • The belief in the unseen.
  • The ability to move substance with my mind.
  • The knowing that wherever I focus my consciousness will demonstrate in form.
  • The belief that the Universe is working for me. 

It wasn't easy, but it was WAY easier than staying in my old stuck patterns.

Today, I have created an unrecognizable life. 

And, today I am ready to breakthrough my new stuck patterns. 

This is an ongoing DIVINE assignment for all of us! 

In today's podcast episode, 11/22 Magic Happens Out of Your Comfort Zone 

  • Learn the number one things my clients have to give up to get great
  • Learn how to take the quantum leap and live in total faith
  • Learn how to release and let go so that you can create a new life



Grab your Universal Law Oracle Deck & Free Gifts HERE

Binge My Podcast Series:


Warmly, Dr. Erin

Dr. Erin is a World-Renowned Doctor of Divinity, Founder of New Thought Global & Soulciété, Metaphysical Teacher, TV Host of Good Morning LaLa Land, Creator of E4 Trauma Method®, International Best-Selling Author, 2020 Walden Wisdom Award Next to Oprah, Self-Made Millionaire, Top-Rated Podcast, and Mother.

Her mission is to awaken a billion people globally by developing, training, and certifying accredited Spiritual Entrepreneurs, E4 Trauma Method® Coaches, Spiritual Psychology Master Coaches, Spiritual Practitioners, New Thought Teachers, and Doctors of Divinity.

Dr. Erin is committed to bridging spirituality, science, and psychology. She is forging ‘New Thought Wisdom’ in the study of Spiritual Psychology; the study of how everything is created from Source at a soul level.

“11 Most Inspirational Female Entrepreneurs To Watch On Instagram” - Forbes




I will never forget years ago, I was stuck in my patterns, stuck trying to figure out how to monetize my gifts, stuck in the same old routine, stuck in a dysfunctional relationship, stuck doing the same thing, hoping for a different outcome. Total insanity stuck in my logical mind being a slave to all my considerations about life, stuck in my limited beliefs, scarcity mindset and victim mentality stuck in my false identities. I'm not enough, something's wrong with me, I'm all alone. Blah, blah, blah. It felt so real. It felt so dark, it felt so lonely, and it felt comfortable because it was a pattern that had been playing out in my life for years. So if you're ready to get past your stuck patterns and take a quantum leap, you definitely wanna listen to this podcast. Welcome to the Dr. Erin Podcast. This is a top spiritual psychology coach podcast to inspire and teach you how to transform your trauma, birth your soul's purpose, and manifest your dreams. Hi, I'm Dr. Erin Dr. Divinity, I'm committed to bringing you the best coaching tips, spiritual advice, trauma healing, and metaphysical recovery secrets. I'm here to help you monetize your spiritual gifts and love your life. I want you to know that I've been exactly where you are and I believe in you together, we're awakening the world. 
Hello my divine community. I'm super excited to spend this moment with you getting our mind right, cuz each week we come together knowing the truth and living on spiritual principles to really, truly embody the highest version of our consciousness so that we can experience the most out of life. So yes, I remember being so stuck multiple times in my life. I think it's a pattern that we all get into. And today I wanna break on down. I think a very, very important distinction for ourselves and for our clients. If you're a coach, or even if you're just a leader in life, or whether you're talking to your best friend or a family member, because everyone gets stuck at some point in time because we are the backing of energy. We're here directing energy upon universal law, upon the subject of mind for specific manifestations and demonstrations. 
And so of course there's gonna be time when we're stuck and times that we're in flow. So this break this on down. So yes, I remember back, I was super stuck. I remember being in a place where I was like, what is wrong with me? I was literally in a dysfunctional relationship. I had been doing my spiritual work for so many years, and yet I was not monetizing at the level that I wanted to.  I was stuck in the same habits. I was still hanging out with people that weren't totally in my bliss.   There was just old  patterns in my life. Everything felt wrong.   It just felt like I wasn't living the life I was designed to live. And so I had been stuck for quite some time. And of course, as we know, getting our mind  is the most important. So of course I began to try and meditate. 
But sometimes when you're stuck, it's hard to even get into meditation. But I was  forcing myself to go with them. And so one day in meditation, I had a divine message that changed everything. And the message came through  this as a knowing until you're willing to change, nothing will change until you're willing to change, nothing will change. And I immediately thought of that taboo saying, there's like a little actual  picture that we've seen online for years. It has a chalkboard. And on the chalkboard it shows two circles and it shows one circle of comfort zone. And then it has a arrow that goes out into another circle that says, magic happens out of your comfort zone. And I knew I needed to make radical change. So what did I do? I did the most uncomfortable thing I could think of. I changed my entire life. 
I literally let go of that terrible dysfunctional relationship I was in. I gave away almost everything. I sold  a majority of my belongings and I moved to Los Angeles. I had been doing tons of work. I had had many successful things. I'd already become a self-made millionaire, but I was miserable inside and I was so stuck. And    we know that money cannot buy you happiness.    I was in a place that I knew I needed to make radical change in my life. And so in other words, I committed to myself and my dreams. I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. I was sick of myself, my excuses and my patterns,  knowing that I had gone through this multiple times before. I had gone through quantum leaps and  made radical shifts before in my life. But this was just another one of those moments.  
However, I was afraid. I was scared. I was worried about the unknown.  I didn't know how I was gonna find a place to live. I didn't know how I would heal from my dysfunctional relationship. I didn't know how I was going to monetize my dream career. I didn't know how. And so I realized in this quantum leap, in this   place of going to a magical potential, I knew I had to give it one major thing. I had to give up. How So that meant I had to commit to living in faith. And we know in a quantum physics realm and a metaphysical standpoint, faith is believing in the unseen, the ability to move substance with mind. The knowing that whatever I focus my conscious on will expand and demonstrate and form the mental equivalent  faith is for us. The belief that the universe is working for us and not against it has to be right. 
So it wasn't easy, but it was way easier than staying stuck in my old patterns.  So what did that take? That took a lot of courage.  It took a lot of getting uncomfortable. It took a lot of that. And I had to give up my home, my comfort, my comfort. I had a 7,400 square foot home. I had to give up being comfortable in a place where I knew a lot of people. I had to give up   the relationship that I was in love with somebody that was very, very not well. And either was I right? I had to give up everything. And this is what it takes.  The magic happens out of the comfort zone.  So from a quantum physics perspective, the term quantum leap refers to the abrupt movement from one discreet energy level to another with no smooth transition. So what happens in an energetic quantum field is that when energy is taking a quantum leap, it literally doesn't like go from one realm to the other. 
It leaps instantaneously with no time gap,  with literally an abrupt, no smooth transition. There's nothing discreet about it, there's no reasoning about it, there's no measurement about it. And this is what it looks like to take a quantum leap. So oftentimes we will be in a   breakthrough session.  So I have   some breakthrough sessions I do on Wednesdays sometimes, and we'll have a handful or maybe 50 people in the call cuz we don't     do any ads or we just randomly do them. And what's interesting is there's some incredible beautiful people that come on these calls with big dreams and lots of suffering still going on. And oftentimes you'll feel it in their consciousness.  If money was of no object, they would definitely come in and have   mentor and  a community and support and learn and grow at a quantum level. But they're so afraid. They're so afraid of letting go of money or getting outta their comfort zone or even knowing that they don't believe that they deserve to have that level of support. 
And I remember it so well. I remember one time I was so stuck. I was so frustrated I could not figure out how to monetize my gifts. It was actually after this  quantum loop. I had had some clients and things, but I could not figure out how to get to the next level. And I remember for some reason I had, I would invest in things about my consciousness or spirituality cuz I had been doing that for a long time. But there was something holding me back from actually investing in a business coach.  I just felt like I didn't deserve it or I felt like I should be able to figure out this without having actual coach. And I remember I would go to many free   events,  teachings online, I would be kind of stalking people through their funnels, but I wouldn't actually believe that I'm worthy or that I  really felt afraid of giving up that money until one day. 
And it was really scary for me. I remember the first coach of a business coach, I spent $3,000 on his back in the day. It was before   all the, I  had to wire the money.  I had to go to the bank and wire the money. And I remember it was so uncomfortable for me. But I remember the day that I actually finally wired the money. And there was something that happened energetically in taking that risk and letting go and just the faith of it. And I remember walking down the street after I had, was actually walking back to my place from   the bank cuz I could walk to the bank. And I was walking back and there was some kind of knowingness of my success. And it was actually just in the energetic field of knowing of the exchange of releasing that money and believing that I was worthy of receiving money as a coach, as a doctor, divinity  as  all that, right? I hadn't become a doctor Divinity yet. But as I had become a leader, I had been studying for years, I'd been doing all kinds of things.  So in that this is the quantum leap. This is the quantum leap. So no matter where you want to  take that quantum leap, wherever you're ready to have magic,  have magic in your life, your magic is in outside of your comfort zone.  
There's a quote here that states, we have to be honest about what we want and take risks rather than lie to ourselves and make excuses to stay in our comfort zone. And that sums up me. I would lie to myself, you know what? I can do it myself. I don't need to get support. No,   I'll figure it out. It's no big deal. I'm okay with not making that much money. It's okay if I kind of struggle for the next three years trying to figure this out.  I was lying to myself. I was lying to myself and especially lying to myself thinking that, wow, how am I gonna get high end ticket   clients when I'm not willing to pay for a high end coach? Makes no sense.  It makes no sense. From an energetic pattern perspective, we teach the vibrational match. We teach the mentally equivalent. 
We teach that consciousness creates and that  wherever your consciousness at is exactly the life that you're going to create for yourself. So how in the world would I think that I am worthy of having clients that wanna pay me easily, abundantly when I'm not willing to pay easily and abundantly? It makes no sense.  It makes no sense. And this is where we have to look at universal law. So each week in    society, in our community, we embody a universal law because we understand the power of getting our mind  reprogramed, our subconscious mind, and aligning to how energy works in the universe.  The source source created that way, which is the source of who we are. And so in this,   we wanna take a look at not just this week's universal law, but the law of  what we call supply and demand or the other name for it is emergent evolution. 
So we believe in that there's only creation. That is the power of mind that creates instantaneously. And that's the quantum leap. It's the creation of deciding I am worthy, I am abundant, I am a leader. I decide today. And in that knowing whatever that takes. And so in this,   the moment that happened for when I had to let go of that money to hire a coach,  there was a supply and demand. I said, from a subconscious perspective,  I decide, I decide that I am going to be somebody who is a leader that absolutely monetizes my dream career. And this is where the emergent evolution happens.  So creation happens with first cause, source, spirit, that part of you that decides the volition that you have, okay? The evolution is what's created out of that. Okay? So  this is   is emergent evolution. Make a new declaration for your life. 
Make a new declaration for your life.  During evolution, upon demand for life to prevail, there emerges new properties. For example, the fifth finger emerge out of a necessity for survival. Form transforms upon the insistence of consciousness.  So when you demand like, Hey, I demand that I am going to monetize my gifts, and you demand that and you   pay for a coach, or you do whatever it is, you  move or you  do something that is a commitment to yourself and to your dreams, you have to rise to that  demands consciousness to rise.  When an individual demands and commands the subconscious and subjective mind, universal law is set into motion. This is what we do when we do scientific prayer. This is what we do when we do a affirm of mind treatment. This is what we do in a spiritual mind. Treatment we demand, we declare upon the subconscious mind. The creative process begins with a belief in mind, which sets polarity into emotion. So if I believe, I believe right now that I am worthy of being a leader, I'm worthy of teaching this divine truths, I'm worthy of monetizing my gifts. This actually sets a polarity of universal law into emotion. Evolution is a result of this polarity in physical form.  The evolution is who do I need to become in my skillset and my mindset? That's after, that's,  that's the evolution of who I am. 
Individualization is the eternal impression upon mind. And what informs universal law, evolution is the outcome of the law in motion, which affects the elements and chemical reactions.  So when I decide I'm no longer staying in my comfort zone, I'm no longer staying mini me trying to do it my little individual way, that's not getting me any real radical results. I decide and I put myself totally outta my comfort zone. I move, I decide I'm gonna write that check for $10,000 for that coach. I decide that I'm going to   completely let go of that old comfort zone of that   position, that job or something like that. And I'm never telling anybody to do. But let's just take an example, okay? I say I'm done. I give my resignation.  We have many people that have traditional jobs that  decide am I gonna do it slow? Am I gonna do it fast? 
Am I gonna take a quantum leap? It doesn't matter. Whatever it is, it's a decision in mind. The out picturing after that is the evolution for one person. It might be an evolution of transitioning outta that position for another person. It's going to be a quantum leap of it's completely done, it's over. And I'm taking this quantum leap, right? There's not one better or worse, but it's still the decision in mind that decides, okay, it's the decision whether you are ready to   get out of a dysfunctional relationship or you decide I'm done with the dysfunction. One evolution might be that it  ends up healing itself and you stay in that relationship. The next evolution is that they actually   part their separate ways, right? The decision, the quantum leap is the decision. The evolution is whatever out pictures out of that. Okay? So today I wanna ask you and have you ask yourself, where are you ready to get outta your comfort zone? Where are you sick and tired of being sick and tired and being in your stuck patterns, going around and around in circles and never getting the real results that you actually want to experience? And you're the only person that can lie to yourself. You can pretend and say, oh, I'm good, I'm fine. Yeah, I got it figured out. But the reality is that we lie to ourselves. 
Imagine if you were your number one client, your number one coach, right? You are that and you wanna get yourself radical results. You wanna get quantum leap. You wanna get extraordinary, extraordinary life like 10 Xing your income, 10 xing, your support and your team. 10 xing your social media, 10 xing your experiences, 10 Xing, your  incredible circle of friends and family. Who do you need to be? What do you need to give up?  Give it all up. We're so afraid of letting go of things that aren't even working  just because of the fear of the unknown. It's no way to live. It's no way to live. So in this, I know right here, right now of awakening who you are, the divine within the oracle, within that, that you are ready for metamorphosis, right? Just like the butterfly, you're ready. You're ready to break into a new life.    
You can't even imagine it. It is time to demand what you desire by declaring into your subconscious mind and oppressing upon universal law. This indicates that you have been, you're unclear in your consciousness. And when you're ready to be conviction, you have to total conviction in your heart to say, it is today, it is now. I am done being sad and depressed and playing into this conversation of mini me and victim me and poor me. And it is just done in this divine moment, taking a deep breath in and exhaling out. I know by the power of my word that I decide that I am enough. I am the divine. I am the universal, universal, divine expression of the one. And that my greatest to do is to experience the depths of my soul expressed, fully healed, revealing who I am and I deserve the greatest life. 
I deserve the greatest support I deserve. Incredible coaches, incredible team. I declare right now that I am a leader. I am a world renowned spiritual leader. I know that for every single person listening to this podcast right here, right now, I know that you    have a calling. You will not even be in my universe if you do not have divine calling. And in this, I say yes, yes to you that every single one of us together collectively, we are the change. We are the shift. We are this consciousness rising and thriving in truth as together we say. And so it is. And in this, I know that the magic happens outside of the comfort zone. May you release the comfort zone. May you get so uncomfortable. That's something emerges in you. The demand in you comes forth. May you get so far out of your comfort zone that you demand yourself to rise as who you are. 
Absolutely experiencing parts of yourself you never even knew were possible. And so in this I say yes, if you are ready, you're ready to really, really embody metaphysics, universal law, spiritual psychology, past life regressions, E four, trauma method, all the things that are such powerful, powerful, powerful distinctions, and you're ready to understand all the skill of business and money mastery and being able to master your relationships, releasing dysfunction and codependency. If you're ready, I invite you, I invite you to take a quantum leap and reach out today. You can DM me. You can DM my team. You can come on on the  website, on society. Say yes without all considerations, okay? Say yes. Take that uncomfortable leap. Okay? This is your life. You are important. Your message is important, okay? I love you so much. I hope you have the most amazing divine day, and I hope you listen to this and share this with your friend. And please, will you please give it a testimonial I not testimonial  a review on iTunes. If you're on there or Spotify or wherever you are, it'd be really, really helpful to get this workout. Okay? I appreciate you and this is bringing value to your life. And please, it's a   reciprocal thing. You need to give value to places that give you value, okay? To people bring you value. I love you so much. May you live your truth and have a beautiful, blessed day. Thank you for 
Tuning into the Dr. Erin Podcast. If you're ready to reprogram your subconscious mind, transform your trauma and birth, your soul's calling, or if you're ready to become an accredited, certified spiritual psychology coach at E4 Trauma Method facilitator and get trained in spiritual psychology, universal law, intergenerational trauma, work path, life regression work, metaphysics of mind, and so much more, go to or if you're receiving value from the show. I would love it if you share it with a friend and give it a five star review. Also, you can join me in one of my live free trainings. You can find it right on the website as well. Or in my bio link across all social media. I'm across all platforms, Have a beautiful day, and may you live your truth.


Nov 11, 2022

Hi Spiritual Superstar! 🤩

It's a special day... 11/11/22

Wow, what a year 2022 has been.

It has been a super challenging year filled with deeper levels of humility, compassion, and service.

And, it has been filled with blessings, laughter, and total success.

One thing I have learned during my spiritual journey is that we can't have one without the other.

Life is both beautiful and challenging.

Years back, I remember finally understanding HOW the Universe worked. 

It was as if the entire cosmos finally clicked into place. 

I finally understood how my beliefs programmed my subconscious mind, and how my subconscious mind's polarity was automatically setting Universal Law into motion.

I finally understood how to reprogram my subconscious mind and actively direct Universal Law for specific manifestations. 

I finally understood how my life had gotten to where it was and how to create a New Thought.

My greatest wish is to be used for the highest good and to restore our divine birthright of Truth.

May you fully experience your divinity and be set free!

Today is a very special day...

Today my life-changing book is officially available. 

Spiritual Awakening - A Year of Universal Law Book!!!! 

I've recorded a podcast to get your mind right and unleash the power of aligning with Universal Law. 

And you can purchase the book today for a discounted launch price!

And, receive a 52 Universal Law course and audios.

Universal Law Deck and FREE GIFTS HERE

Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards:

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United Kingdom HERE

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Denmark HERE

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"The Universe only says YES!"✨ 

In today's podcast episode, 1111 Spiritual Awakening - A Year of Universal Law 


Binge My Podcast Series:

Heal Your Trauma Series
52 Universal Law Series
Money Breakthrough Series
Spiritual Awakening Series
Relationship Dysfunction Recovery Series
Live Your Truth & Reprogram Your Subconscious Series
Metaphysical Bible Series

Warmly, Dr. Erin

Dr. Erin is a World-Renowned Doctor of Divinity, Founder of New Thought Global & Soulciété, Metaphysical Teacher, TV Host of Good Morning LaLa Land, Creator of E4 Trauma Method®, International Best-Selling Author, 2020 Walden Wisdom Award Next to Oprah, Self-Made Millionaire, Top-Rated Podcast, and Mother.

Her mission is to awaken a billion people globally by developing, training, and certifying accredited Spiritual Entrepreneurs, E4 Trauma Method® Coaches, Spiritual Psychology Master Coaches, Spiritual Practitioners, New Thought Teachers, and Doctors of Divinity.

Dr. Erin is committed to bridging spirituality, science, and psychology. She is forging ‘New Thought Wisdom’ in the study of Spiritual Psychology; the study of how everything is created from Source at a soul level.

“11 Most Inspirational Female Entrepreneurs To Watch On Instagram” - Forbes



There are three things I want you to know. You are here to know who you are. You are a divinely powerful 
Spiritual being here to give your heart to 
The world in the highest unique divine expression. You are pure potential. The second thing I want you to know is you are 
To dream the 
Greatest dream 
For your life. You need a vision to live into. Universal 
Law only 
Responds with a yes, but if you don't give it an intention, you'll find yourself lost. There is one 
For your dream. It must serve the highest good. You must create harmony and serve the world. And number three, you're going to have to release all attachment of the earthly world. And you're going to have to no longer hand your power over to anything or any one of this world. This will be your greatest test. But I'm here to hold your hand as we walk through the walls of fire, for you to truly become the woman or man that you've always desired to be somebody who is untouchable, unshakeable and truly the divine of who you are. 
Welcome to the Dr. Erin Podcast. This is a top spiritual psychology coach podcast to inspire and teach you how to transform your trauma, birth your soul's purpose, and manifest your dreams. 
Hi, I'm 
Dr. Erin. Dr. 
Divinity, I'm committed 
To bringing you the best coaching tips, spiritual advice, 
Trauma healing, and 
Metaphysical recovery secrets. I'm here to help you monetize your spiritual gifts and love your life. 
I want 
You to know that I've been exactly where you 
Are and I believe in you together 
We're awakening the 
Well, today is a special day. It is 1111, and today I wanna share with you something really special and near and dear to my heart, which is universal laws. So today my book on spiritual awakening, a year of universal law comes out. And I'm very excited because years back when I'd had my spiritual awakening, I still did not understand how the dynamics of this 3D realm worked. And so today I'm going to read you part of the excerpts from the very beginning of the book. I'm super excited to take this journey with you. If you have a girlfriend, a friend, somebody that you'd love to take your spiritual awakening together with, you wanna share this podcast so we can dive deep into really liberating you to know how to manifest and demonstrate what you want in this lifetime. Let's do this thing. Introduction. You are one with everything. 
The power within you is the same power that created the entire universe. From a spiritual perspective, you are consciousness source, love, creator. And yes, I'm gonna say it, God, you are not a divided individual, you are divine. How does this omnipotent source experience more of itself by experiencing infinite, inverted, fractal creations of itself? This 3D human experience is a divine game of hide and seek. The paradox is that the source that created the entire game is you are one with everything at your core is the source that created all of life for the expanding relative experience of itself. The construct of energy, vibration, and frequency in the beginning was word light and dark, heaven and earth. At first there weren't things, just elements in order to create, there had to be order. Imagine if there was no order in the universe, there would be particles flying every direction. 
You would not be able to create anything and you not be able to experience the depths of your soul in form. The creative process is how you create the unfoldment of thought through universal law. In form, universal laws are the way that you create and manifest all of life is your canvas to express more of yourself. Every material thing and all experiences are first created in consciousness and then manifested through universal law. So I'm really excited to share this with you today. You guys. This book is something that has been in consciousness and being created for many, many years. As I began to get developed as a doctor, Divinity, understanding that you are consciousness, individual consciousness, collective consciousness and cosmic consciousness. The moment that you consider yourself to be anything other than source, you set universal law and demotion. You are divine. And so I'm just gonna read a little bit more and just knowing today as a community, as a family, we get our mind right every single week. 
And if you are listening to this podcast, it's because you are part of my family, my spiritual soul family. And each week we recognize how important it is to align to our unity so that we can live in peace and be able to manifest from a high frequency, recognizing also the beauty of the suffering and the trauma as well. So here we go. Universal law, the universe works in direct response to your identity and beliefs. In this relative universe, you are able to create both harmony and chaos, order and disorder, love and hate expression, fear, life and death. You can either create an accordance or discordance with universal law. The universe is listening to you right now. No words need to be spoken. It listens through energy, vibration and frequency. It hears your heart, your beliefs, your feelings. It communicates with you 24 7, 365 days of a year every second for all of eternity because it is, you are a creator at magnificent and connected life, source and force. 
Individually, you are a unique divine expression. The universe is taking your order. What would you like to have? What would you like to experience? What would you like to be? But be aware, as the universe does not know the future from the past, it does not know the difference between rich and poor, smart or foolish, charismatic or dull. It does not know good from evil or right or wrong. It is neutral, focused on the here and now and always responds with a yes. The universe is working 100% of the time. It does not play favorites. It is the same divine nature in every person. And instantaneously works in direct relationship to your identity and your beliefs. Self contemplation sets polarity and emotion via universal law. The moment that you identify yourself to be anything other than the I am presence, you set universal law in motion. 
Your identity creates your beliefs and your beliefs create your thoughts. Your thoughts creates your feelings. And your feelings create the emotions and your emotions create the point of view and the circumstances of your life with total precision. This is the cause and effect mechanism of universal law. May you remember who you are? Set yourself free and create beautiful divine game that makes an impact in the world. May you become a world renowned spiritual leader. And so going one step further with a final excerpt from this amazing new book that I'm so excited to bird to the world, What is universal law? Universal laws are the way we manifest. They are the axioms of life. Universal laws are the modes of operation of the creative process of life, which is the involvement of thought through universal laws into physical form. Universal laws work as a tri nature, spirit, soul, and body. 
Universal laws are informed and directed by spirit, aka your higher self or pure consciousness, which is the first cause of all creation. Universal laws are the way energy is formed into physical existence. Universal laws are the principles and physics of how we manifest and demonstrate. Universal laws are how the absolute is fraternized into the relative universal laws work without exception equally and impersonally. When you create an accordance with universal laws, you experience your divine power. The extent to which you invert your use of energy and universal laws is the degree to which you will be experiencing feeling powerless. Consciousness informs universal law through the soul and subjective mind, and in turn informs universal law and energy into the physical realm. The extent to which you align with universal law or resist it is the extent to which you'll experience being powerful. You can align with universal law and create heaven, or you can invert universal law and create hell. 
So in this book I'm going to teach you how to manifest using universal law. Are you creating scarcity or abundance? Are you creating hate or love? Are you creating division or unity? Are you creating harmony or chaos? Are you creating dis-ease or vitality? Are you creating self-expression or living in fear? I'm going to break down everything of how to use this book, How the 52 universal law distinctions are going to help you an entire year long and every single week in my community, we will be going off the week of the year and referring to universal law. So this book is gonna really help you break down with a beautiful art as well. And it's gonna teach you actually how to have ceremony with universal law. How to begin to have daily readings for yourself, align, be able to speak into your subconscious mind, which is one with universal law. 
I'm gonna teach you how to do spiritual mind treatment. Breaking down absolutely using your mind to direct upon universal law for specific demonstration and manifestation. What are you ready to heal? Who are you ready to become? What limitations are you ready to let go of? What are you ready to embody? Where are you ready to be set free? And so in this is a 52 different series of universal law for you to use this every single week of the year to get your mind right. You can use this in your meditation practice place and be able to be inspired. You're going to learn how to awaken the oracle within. And you're also going to have journal and action prompts to align with your heart's purest desire. And so today, as 11, 11 is such a important day, 22 is my favorite number as well. So it couldn't be a more profound day to give yourself a gift and align so that we can take our lives to the next level together as a community, as a family. 
And so in this, taking a deep breath in through the nose, recognizing the spiritual awakening is really the remembrance of myself, knowing that I am, that I am recognizing that I am law, I am love and law all as one, knowing that my heart really leads the way that the intelligence knows always what is mine to do. And in this I know that you have a divine soul's purpose. And as you align with the universal law, awakening more and more into the depths of your soul and being able to turn on your intuition and your abilities to communicate with the cosmos, to communicate with the collective, to communicate with every single person recognized in all relationships are eternal. And that there's only life and that we are here to experience the depths of our soul in form. And the greatest product to produce is you. And so in this, I'm knowing great power that the recognition of the power that you always are, you've always been and you are right now, is what is actually restores the power. It's just in consciousness. And when we recognize our power, we are unstoppable, we are unlimited, We 
Are pure 
Potential. And so today, I say yes to this incredible book, yes to birthing our voice and our message to the world. Yes, for all the leaders that came before that taught me yes for the divine within, that's always been my greatest partner. That I am, that I am. And so I just say thank you, thank you, thank you for being used for the highest good. Thank you for understanding universal law that has actually totally liberated my soul. I say yes to this, I say yes to life. I say yes to absolutely knowing our spiritual truth and being liberated and being able to help others and impacting and awakening a billion people together by developing world renowned spiritual leaders. You. And in this, I say thank you, thank you, thank you as together we say. And so it is. I'll write you guys, I hope you enjoyed those excerpts from the beginning of this book. 
You can grab this book on all Amazon's across and everywhere you can grab books. I'm so honored knowing that books write us, they develop us. And in this, I'm so excited. So go ahead and you can click the links below. You can grab across all Amazon and other platforms. We'd grab a book, okay? Have a beautiful blessed day. Bring this book every week to the podcast, and we can refer to every universal lot each week, being able to embody it, use it, and take our lives to the next level. Have a beautiful, blessed day. Also, you can grab your free 52 universal law Lessons with this as well, and that's in the link below as well. Thank you for 
Tuning into the Dr. Erin podcast. If you're ready to reprogram your subconscious mind, transform your trauma and birth, your soul's calling, or if you're ready to become an accredited, certified spiritual psychology coach, an E4 trauma method facilitator and get trained in spiritual psychology, universal law, intergenerational trauma, work path, life regression work, metaphysics of mind, and so much more. Go to or dr if you're receiving value from the show. I would love it if you share it with a friend and give it a five star review. Also, you can join me in one of my live free trainings. You can find it right on the website as well. Or in my biolink across all social media. I'm across all platforms, Have a beautiful day, and may you live your truth.


Nov 7, 2022

Hi Spiritual Superstar! 🤩

Have you ever felt like you're going through a Spiritual Initiation?

I used to think spirituality should only be light, rainbows, and unicorns. 

This old paradigm is a pitfall and a trap. 

Life is a masterclass, developing us and testing us.

This time in history is awakening each of us to become the GURU.

Gu = Darkness

Ru = Remover 

"You can only have as much light as you can have as much dark"

Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards:



When I was a little girl, I used to have all types of dets and entities come to me. I would tell my mom about it and she thought I was possessed. She literally said, Make them go away. I didn't understand anything. I was very confused. I still had one foot in one realm and another foot in this earthly realm. But what I came to really realize was that whatever was going on within me and my spiritual abilities was dangerous. So I shut it all down. So today I wanna share with you one of the biggest lessons that I've learned in having spiritual abilities and really what it looks like to be human in the realm of this. If you want to learn more and tap into the guru in you definitely wanna listen to this podcast. Welcome


To the Dr. Erin Podcast. This is a top spiritual psychology coach podcast to inspire and teach you how to transform your trauma, birth, your soul's purpose, and manifest your dreams. Hi, I'm Dr. Erin. Dr. Divinity. I'm committed to bringing you the best coaching tips, spiritual advice, trauma healing, and metaphysical recovery secrets. I'm here to help you monetize your spiritual gifts and love your life. I want you to know that I've been exactly where you are, and I believe in you. Together, we're awakening the world.


Hi, my soul family. I'm super excited to dive deep with you today about a prophetic conversation about spiritual initiation and really becoming the guru. So years back, after I shut everything down, as a little girl, my mom thought I was completely possessed. As a little girl, having a lot of abilities and being able to read things like auras and being able to really understand what was going on with each adult, but never being acknowledged for it, I began to shut down all of my abilities and become totally human. I began to turn back on my abilities over time, but it's taken a long time to really understand how to navigate this human world. And so today I wanna break on down a very important, almost prophetic conversation for myself and for the world right now, which is we are going through a massive spiritual initiation, really developing each and every one of us as the guru that we are.


So I wanna take you back some time. Back when I began my spiritual journey again in my twenties and early thirties, I was diving into spirituality, taking courses, meditating, and kind of looking to the world of what is this thing called spirituality? And what I used to think was, Wow, it's all positive. It's the power of mind. And one day I'm going to get to a destination where it's only high vibes and everything is heaven on earth, and I have all my spiritual abilities, and I'm back to some rainbows and butterflies. I really, really thought that. And I remember many years feeling really high on life. Yes, I'd have some hard days here and there, but overall I'd be manifesting and getting in high vibe and manifesting a bunch more material things. And it's kind of interesting because if you think about it, is that the blessing or is that the curse?


Right? So as time went on, actually the manifesting got harder and harder because I realize, wow, none of this stuff is actually fulfilling me, and huh, something's missing here. Even when I have everything that I want, or even when I'm having some success in my business or with friends or I'm traveling or doing whatever it is that would be considered successful, something was missing. And so today I wanna talk to you about what we're really going through, which is a spiritual initiation. Of course, all of life is really just a construct to experience the depths of our soul and form being able to use universal law of cause and effect to be able to create with consciousness upon universal law for demonstrations and manifestation. So you would think that <laugh> the goal would be able to manifest greater and greater experiences. But what we consider good experiences are not necessarily what is a profound experience to awaken.


If the goal is to awaken versus the goal is to get a bunch of things and experiences, it changes the entire dynamic of the game. I'm gonna say that one more time. If the goal of demonstrating and manifesting, it's actually awakening to the divine power within and understanding that we are one with everything and all of it, it changes the game dramatically from wanting to manifest and demonstrate a bunch of things, material things, or just particular experiences. Only the good experiences, not the bad experiences, put it that way. It changes the game. So let's just get this straight. Okay. Back in the day when I began to do my spiritual work, I had gone to sleep through my early ad adolescence and through my teens. And when I began to seek truth again and seek my spiritual nature again, I really thought that it was gonna be high vibes only rainbows, butterflies, unicorns, if you will, right?


Law of attraction, manifesting a bunch of things, material things, jets, good clothes, good friends, only, good times, fabulous experiences. Well, today I want to just say that we're going through a great initiation. And the initiation is always a reset. It's a reset to bring us back to the truth of who we are. So over the pandemic, and overall, this values shift because when things are taken away, your freedoms are taken away. Your ability to just go and see friends and family are taken away, your liberations are taken away. What happens in the human psyche is that we begin to question, we begin to question our value systems. Does all this material things matter? If we can't actually enjoy 'em with people that we love? Does all this matter if status can go away, what really matters? And that's where we're going through this initiation right now.


So back in the day also, when I began to seek spiritual work, there were spiritual teachers. Someone would call it spiritual teacher. Another person might call a guru, right? Someone that is a mentor, a guide, whatever that is. And over time you begin to realize that the more you hand your power over to anyone, anything, you become disempowered. So the goal for any spiritual teacher or guru is to teach the student how they are their own guru. Guru stands for goo and ru guo means darkness. Darkness. And ru means remover over becoming the guru is being able to transmute the dark into the light. And so as we're being initiated, we are initiated in our mastery of being able to transcend and transform the dark into the light. So if we actually are here to manifest and our divine abilities, then the dark is going to get darker so that we build our abilities to transcend it into the light.


And so the truth is that you can only have as much light as you're able to have as much dark. And so I recognize this within myself and my students all the time when we're doing deep trauma work, when we're doing deep transformation, past life regressions and things like that, the in phenomenon with all of it is recognizing that we're all of it. So if there's a place in life where you're judging people, places are things, country, politicians, whatever it is, then we haven't learned that we have been here in all lifetimes. We have been the perpetrator, we've been the victim, we have murdered, and we have been murdered. And we have to be fully with it in order to actually be able to have it, to be able to transcend it. So what we're doing here in this initiation is basically, whatever it is, whatever it is, that could be the hardest thing for you to go through wherever it is that you're clinging onto in this life, is what is going to be your initiation.


So when this year came around 2022, I was like, Oh my gosh, 2022, that's my favorite number 22. It's gonna be a fabulous year. It's gonna be amazing, right? And 2022 has been one of the hardest years of my life, which also I know has been the greatest blessing of my life. So as you guys know, I moved from Los Angeles over to Florida, really just seeking more mother nature, wanting to get out of Los Angeles just for stuck patterns and just, it was pretty intense over the pandemic and a lot of politics and things. And I just wanted to experience something new. So I came over to Florida cuz I love tropical weather. I love the turquoise water, I love the palm trees. And I've had some of the most amazing, beautiful moments over here ever. And it's been some of the hardest times as well because my son and my entire lineage, all my childhood friends, high school friends, peers, all are on the west coast of United States.


So it's been one of the hardest times because one of my biggest kind of stories in this lifetime is I'm alone. And so it has been glaring me in the face this year, even though of course I have a huge online community. I do have friends over here as well, but it's been really, really pulled up that part within my psyche. And so in this, I've had to do a lot of deep diving into being okay with being alone. You'll see the difference. The difference is not, let me just try and figure out and rearrange the whole world over here and get a big community and solve it all that way. That's not a guru standpoint. That could be good as well. But it is really being with the energetics of the non-resistance to it where it transcends. And so as I began to really dive into that emotion, knowing that it's not just me, that loneliness is not just my one little mini mind emotion.


When we are dealt an emotion, when we're dealt with a limited belief, when we're dealt with something, we have to transcend it for the collective. And so I began to go into deep feeling, being okay with that feeling and feeling it for the collective and feeling it for the collective and knowing what is this initiation? What is this initiation? This is for each and every one of us to fear, feel the fear. If you fear money for example, then you need to not need to. But I am in initiating you. I am inviting you into fully feeling that where is that coming from and what is that lesson and blessing in that, right? If you have a fear of not being loved, then my invitation is for you to fully feel and be with that emotion. Oftentimes we try and transform and transmute an emotion as fast as possible without fully feeling and getting all the wisdom out of the actual emotion.


Oftentimes we're like, Oh, that's low vibes, and let's only go to positive positivity can be very dangerous. There's a big difference between positivity and transcending emotions. There's a very big difference between fully feeling the low vibes instead of when we just really just resist it and push vibes away. Being okay with all of the dark is the way the old school teaches us that there's only the sage or the spiritual teacher or something out there that should have all the wisdom. The initiation is to recognize that you are the guru, that you are the only thing that can transcend your emotions. That you are the remover of obstacles, that there's only you that can remove it. But the only way to fully remove something is to be able to fully have it. And in this, I know that there's a great spiritual initiation right now.


Whatever it is that you need to go through, your greatest fear, your greatest resistance is coming up for you right now. And so now I look at it very differently. I used to think that everything should just be positive, that there should be a destination of a glorious life. But now I look at it different now, it is a path, an ongoing, ongoing masterclass. And just when you feel like you've overcome your initiation and you finally are in flow and you're in light, guess what? Another boulder comes along, another dark, dark entity, another person, another circumstance, another whatever. And it's going to demand you to dig so incredibly deep. So this next week, I'm very excited because one of my dear friends is coming to visit and he has gone through a chapter that was one of the hardest chapters of his life. He actually had, I've talked about him a couple times.


He had a beautiful company on green technology, and it was one of the, a very, very challenging business. And he had investors and he had to do all this work. And he was sued by his partners and basically stated by a few investors that he stole money or that he moved money around and did illegal things. So the FBI came in and removed him from the company, and he was sued by United States of America, by the, and taken to court by the FBI and by different investors. So it was an eight and a half year trial, and he had 11 counts basically. And guess what? He won every single one of them. And when he walked away the day of his court hearing of all 11, he was looking at, I think 11 years in prison. And he walked free. He walked completely free, and he was able to basically prove to the world that he was not lying, that he had done everything ethically.


And as he walked away from that, of course, how much money did that cost him? How much time? And he had a choice. He could either be bitter for the rest of his life and basically be the victim of life, or he could decide to win. He could decide to have the blessing of that hard heart, hard, dark, dark time and transcend it into light. And today, he absolutely is having total success spiritually, financially, and in all areas of his life. And it's a choice. It's a choice because life keeps happening. Dark things keep happening. Hard times will keep happening. People will still be people. There's always gonna be terrible things that happen on this planet always. But the choice is yours and the choice is mine, right? Every single day we get a choice to either get stuck and be the effect of the darkness in our life, or we get the choice to transcend it, learn from it, grow from it, and create something new.


And so in this divine moment, I am knowing, I'm knowing who you are. You are the guru. Every single day is a masterclass. We're not here to come to our heaven on earth. We're in a relative universe. We will always have the dark and the light. This is how we created this universe to be. It is never only going to be easy. It's always going to demand us to transform the dark into the light. And the extent to which you are able to fully have the dark, you will be able to also have that much light. You cannot only have light without the darkness. It is impossible. And so in this, let's take a deep breath together, exhaling out. I recognize that you are the one you've been waiting for. I recognize that you are the guru you are that removes and transcends and initiates your own self through this mental world. I recognize that you have all the ability, all the know-how you are the divine. You are that essence. You are omnipotent, You are almighty. And in this I know no matter what life brings to you, you always have choice. You have infinite, infinite ways of transmuting that you have infinite, infinite ways of transcending it. You have infinite, infinite ways of transforming with the power of thought. And so I just say yes to you, becoming the guru, initiating yourself, and remembering that you are the power as together, we say. And so it is.


Thank you for tuning into the Dr. Erin Podcast. If you're ready to reprogram your subconscious mind, transform your trauma and birth your soul's calling, or if you're ready to become an accredited, certified spiritual psychology coach at E4 Trauma Method facilitator and get trained in spiritual psychology, universal law, intergenerational trauma, work path, life regression work, metaphysics of mind, and so much more, go to soul or if you're receiving value from the show. I would love it if you share it with a friend and give it a five star review. Also, you can join me in one of my live free trainings. You can find it right on the website as well. Or in my bio link across all social media. I'm across all platforms, Have a beautiful day, and may you live your truth.

Oct 17, 2022

Hi Spiritual Superstar!

We are going through a prophetic time of spiritual warfare…

  • This is a supernatural war within
  • This is a war of light and dark
  • This is a war of good and evil
  • This is a war of being divided or divine

It is the breakdown for the breakthrough, for consciousness to evolve to its next evolution, a higher version of YOU!

  • We are being tested in all areas of our lives; individually, culturally, and globally. 
  • We are being tested in our relationships; dividing ourselves by focusing on differences.
  • We are being tested in our finances and careers; looking to the world for our stability.
  • We are being tested in our healthcare choices; primarily suffering from stress within.

Our community teaches the Power of Mind, and how the only war to win is the war within!

“Over the years, I have come to realize that the greatest trap in our life is not success, popularity, or power, but self-rejection. Success, popularity, and power can indeed present a great temptation, but their seductive quality often comes from the way they are part of the much larger temptation to self-rejection. When we have come to believe in the voices that call us worthless and unlovable, then success, popularity, and power are easily perceived as attractive solutions. The real trap, however, is self-rejection. As soon as someone accuses me or criticizes me, as soon as I am rejected, left alone, or abandoned, I find myself thinking, "Well, that proves once again that I am a nobody." ... [My dark side says,] I am no good... I deserve to be pushed aside, forgotten, rejected, and abandoned. Self-rejection is the greatest enemy of the spiritual life because it contradicts the sacred voice that calls us the "Beloved." Being the Beloved constitutes the core truth of our existence.”
― Henri J.M. Nouwen

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Do you ever feel like you are in a spiritual warfare? Do you feel almost like you are battling forces? Maybe you are going to the hardest time of your life, maybe you're struggling in your relationships, or maybe a loved one is transitioned, or maybe you've lost your job. Whatever it is that you're going through, whatever it is, the hardest thing that you're going through right now, I know that this is a spiritual warfare. This really is a war within, It's a supernatural war within a war between the light and the dark. A war between the good and the bad. A war to fight for what is right. So if you're ready to lay down the sword of the earthly realm and you're ready to really step into your true power, you definitely wanna listen to this podcast. Welcome to the Dr. Erin Podcast. This is a top spiritual psychology coach podcast to inspire and teach you how to transform your trauma, birth your soul's purpose, and manifest your dreams. Hi, I'm Dr. Erin, Dr. Divinity, I'm committed to bringing you the best coaching tips, spiritual advice, trauma healing, and metaphysical recovery secrets. I'm here to help you monetize your spiritual gifts and love your life. I want you to know that I've been exactly where you are, and I believe in you Together, we're awakening the world.


Hi, my soul family. I am super excited to dive deep into what is spiritual warfare? How do you actually win the war within, and what does this mean for yourself and your life, for you to really have victory in all areas of your life? So let's break this one down. So first we need to find what is spiritual warfare? So one definition that I found, which I really love, which is absolutely in alignment with what we teach, which is spiritual warfare, is the conflict in the invisible realm that affects whatever you're going through in the physical realm. So we teach that there is a mental equivalent and a vibrational match. So no matter what's happening out there in the world, let's just think about what it is that you're going through. Maybe you're going through major depression, maybe you are in a lot of fear, maybe you have anxiety.


Maybe you're up in the middle of the night tossed in and turning. Maybe you just found out that your partner cheated on you. Maybe you are in total conflict with family members, or maybe you're just being really crunched to be able to handle developing your company or, you know, looking of where you're gonna live next. And you're going through a lot of stressful times. No matter what it is, like, no matter if it is looking at the world out there of, of the possibility of having nuclear war or all the financial ups and downs or whatever's happening, this is the spiritual warfare. But guess what? It's not that it's not any of the circumstances of your life because all of life is really the reflection of what's happening in mind, the division in mind. So let's break this down. So spiritual warfare is something that many traditional Christians use.


We are not religious, but we definitely are spiritual. We recognize that everything, the reality is everything's created from spirit, from your true self, from the consciousness that backs all energy. So we have to take a look at what is really, what is spiritual warfare? What is really going on? And so over the course of my life, you know, I've witnessed myself, there's been times when I've been very sad. There's been times when I've gone through very, very hard times from, you know, being a relationship where I found out he cheated me multiple times from going through, you know, different financial ups and downs through 2008 and, and going through the pandemic and being isolated. All different situations of happening from how it's still born, to having dysfunction, from going through bulimia when I was young, from date rape, from all those times. And I watched myself and my life, and this is what I watch.


There's times that I've been at complete, in total spiritual warfare. And then there's been times that I literally have felt like I'm living on heaven, on earth, out of body floating through life. And so what is the common denominator in all this? So this last week I was in a deep, deep meditation and I'd been having some conversations with dear, dear friends, going through really intense times. One of my friends, her son is really challenging her, and they're going through that teenage time in our lives when it's can be challenging with our children. Another one of my friends is going through some medical issues. And it seems like there was a commonality in in, in our community and, and everywhere that people are going through really hard times, they're being challenged through everything going on in the polarity in the world. And so I went into this deep prayer, you know, asking for guidance, asking for whatever needs to be revealed because we're being tested, we're being tested in, in all of ar areas of our lives are individually, collectively, culturally, globally.


We're being tested in our relationships, dividing ourselves by focusing on our differences, right? We're being tested in our finances and careers, looking to the world for our stability. When we'll never find stability out there, we're being tested in our health choices, primarily suffering from the stress within. That all begins in the power of mind, right? It all begins in mind. So this is a supernatural war within, this is a war of light and dark. This is a war of good and evil. We don't believe in a separate entity of evil. We know that it's just an inverted use of the one law. This is a war of being divided or divine. So here I am, I go into this prayer, into this meditation, and the voice comes through and it says, you are either living in the inner world or you're living in the outer world.


And it was like, whoa. So there's a concept of balance, right? When I was trained in shamanism years back along with becoming a doctor, divinity in metaphysics and everything else, as a shaman, we have what we consider one foot in the spiritual realm and one foot in the earthly realm. So my whole life I've been trying to find balance, right? And find finding balance of, if I just go inside and I just, you know, pray enough and everything, then I can come out in this earthly realm and I can, you know, do all this material status, you know, public figure, getting verified, whatever it may be, right? World that we live in, in the western world. And what I've noticed in this profound download, it was very distinct, very clear, is that there is no such thing as managing our human hood. That that's where the struggle lies.


That anytime we place our power, our identity, anything in external world, power, relationships, the amount of money in my bank account, you know, how many likes I have, all of that, we will never have stability. We will never win the war of our spiritual warfare. So just this is the most insidious thing, okay? That, that the, the power within the mind that can create heaven on earth is the exact same power that can create hell on earth, right? So I want to read a quote that is, that really distills down how, how tricky, how tricky this spiritual warfare is with him from a gentleman named Henry, No one. He says, Over the years I have come to realize that the greatest trap in our life is not success, popularity, or power, but self-rejection. Listen to this, success, popularity and power can indeed present a great temptation, but they're seductive quality often comes from the way they're part of a much more seductive thing.


A much more larger temptation to self-rejection. When we have come to believe in the voice that call us worthless, unlovable, and then success, popular and power are easily perceived as attractive solutions, right? So imagine this, that if you feel insecure, if you reject yourself, the only way to really, really reject yourself is to try and be good enough, okay? That this is what this gentleman's saying. The real trap, however, is self-rejection. As soon as someone accuses me or criticizes me, as soon as I am rejected, left alone or abandoned, I find myself thinking, Well that proves once again that I'm nobody. My di side says I'm no good. I deserve to be pushed away, forgotten, rejected or abandoned. Self-rejection is the greatest enemy of the spiritual life because it contradicts the sacred voice that calls us the beloved. Being the beloved constitutes the core truth of our existence.


So let's break this on down spiritual warfare, we may think, well, it's gonna be a separate entity out there and some dark entity that's taking me over. Okay? No, there is no separate entity what it looks like, spiritual warfare is it actually so tricky that it can come in as self-rejection, Meaning something happens in life, okay? Your partner cheats on you, right? Someone gets stage four cancer, you lose your job. Something, something intense happens out there, okay? And then what happens is you place your power, your self worth, your happiness, your anything out in that circumstance of life. And by doing that, the instant that we hand our power to external things is the moment that we become disempowered, right? And in fact, we reject ourselves by basically thinking we're not enough. I'm not enough. Something's wrong with me. If my partner cheats on me, something's wrong with me.


I must not be worthy of an incredible life if I have stage four cancer, right? Something's wrong with me. I reject myself if I lose my position or whatever it is in life. So it's a self-rejection. That's this real spiritual warfare. And in the self-rejection, we do one of two things, okay? We either are become very, very, like, um, our confidence goes down, we have shame, we question ourselves, or the equal and opposite happens as well. And it's usually one or the other. We become self, self righteous in, in a bad way. We make our partner that cheated us wrong, we make life wrong, we make the medical system wrong, we make whatever wrong and we begin to become vindictive, making life wrong and becoming angry and bitter and vindictive. Okay? So we we're doing it one way that if we're standing in our human ed, our human hood, in our warfare, we're out there in the the flesh, right?


We're out there trying to win those battles and we're making all those things our source. The financial problem is what's wrong? The government's, what's wrong? The war over in Iran, that's wrong. You know, all that stuff. We start blaming and shaming and doing all that stuff. But the spirit, the the real spiritual warfare, if we wanna win it, as it said, put on the whole armor of God, okay? We don't have God as a man in the sky. We have God as source within. If we put on the whole armor of God, it means that we no longer place our power into the world. We trust that whatever's happening in the world is for our growth and for our good right? We stand firm against what a Christian might say is the devil. We do not believe in the devil. We believe there's one source and it's a misuse of energy.


So we stand firm in our righteous mind, our right mind that is one in the divine mind, right? All stresses, all struggles, all of the real true war in the human hood is against the flesh and blood. So when we place down our sword, and I'm gonna ask you right, this is what life demands us to surrender. If you place down your sword, you're no longer in the, in the war of the human hood and the flesh and the blood, you come to the only war there is, which is the inner war. And we come to peace, we come down and we lay down all of our earthly weapons. We know that this is a supernatural war in the, in the field, in the field of consciousness, in the division of the mind. And as divided, we fall, united, we rise. And when the mind unites through deep meditation, through doing the trauma work, through uniting literally the left and right hemisphere of the brain into the oneness, connecting the heart with the head, we know that we can come, we can heal exponentially, we can absolutely turn on our miraculous aspect of ourselves.


We're able to create miracles in our life, in all areas of our life. And so this is what the profound spiritual warfare is. This is a question that I have for you. Who is going to control your mind? Is it source within or is it the world out there? Because as a man or woman, think it So she's flesh and blood is first created in the unseen world. Whatever you want to change out there has to change within the mind. This is the truth of who we are. And so in this, I know that you are a powerful, almighty spiritual being and that whatever you are ready to win, you have to come within. If you're making someone wrong out there, they'll make you wrong back. The only way to solve anything is to surrender and come to that divine inspired action within before you make any decisions and go to war out there.


Okay? And so, and this just take a deep breath in together, exhaling out. Just knowing the truth of right here, right now, this week's universal law in our community, cuz we have a universal law each week we embody is a universal law of immortality, which is perfect for this. You are an eternal spiritual being because there is only life. This axiom is demonstrated within physics. Energy can never be destroyed. This spiritual principle has to manifest in the physical world. Therefore, our destiny is to create eternal life in the physical form, eternal life, eternal love and eternal being. And in this universal law of immortality, I recognize awakening the oracle within you because you are source, You are ready to know the truth of who you are. Your higher self desires for you to reveal the truth of your eternal essence. You are in immortal spiritual, being capable of eternal life in the physical body in total wellness.


You are the continuity of the individual soul forever and ever expanding any symptoms, any anxiety, any depression, any of that is mother nature and law and source saying wake up, wake up, spread your wings and fly. Come back to the one mind, the one heart, and the one life and one soul. We are one eternal family. No matter what's going on, you can find peace and win the war within. You can win the war within. This is a masterclass, having the pressure of developing you as the diamond that you are. And in this I say yes to you, setting yourself free, setting down your sword, and coming to the piece within as together we say. And so it is. Thank you for tuning into the Dr. Erin podcast. If you're ready to reprogram your subconscious mind, transform your trauma and birth your soul's calling, or if you're ready to become an accredited, certified spiritual psychology coach and E4 trauma method facilitator, and get trained in spiritual psychology, universal law, intergenerational trauma, work path, life regression work, metaphysics of mind, and so much more, go to soul or if you're receiving value from the show.


I would love it if you share it with a friend and give it a five star review. Also, you can join me in one of my live free trainings. You can find it right on the website as well. Or in my bio link across all social media. I'm across all platforms, Have a beautiful day and may you live your truth.


Oct 3, 2022

Hi Spiritual Superstar! 🤩

Did you know that it is the last 90 days of 2022... It's time to finish with Divine Success!

The majority of people will use the holidays as an excuse to settle, procrastinate, and succumb to stuck negative patterns.

Our community is doing the complete opposite... They are doing their inner Trauma Work; releasing their limiting beliefs, reprogramming their subconscious, awakening their soul's purpose, and finally monetizing their spiritual gifts.

Today, we come together to set our heart-centered goals for 90-Days of Soul-Goal Setting | Transforming Your Trauma, Awakening Your Soul's Purpose, and Monetizing Your Gifts!

In today's episode, I'm talking about the following:

  • How to strategically set your heart-centered goals to have success in the four areas of your life
  • How to Transform your Trauma to take a quantum leap and finish 2022 strong
  • How to become the CEO of your personal and professional life
  • How to overcome procrastination and become the most powerful version of YOU!  


💎 If you’re NOT already a member of Soulciété…

join me for a LIVE Breakthrough Group Call to discover how to make your dreams a reality >>> Register



This week in Soulciété, we are embodying the Universal Law of Individualization!



Level 1: Spiritual Warriors - This week, we are learning how to Reprogram Your Subconscious ⚡

Level 2: Spiritual Entrepreneurs - This week, we are clarifying our Mission & Message 🚀 

Level 3: E4 Trauma Method® & Spiritual Psychology Coach - This week, we are learning How to facilitate E4 Trauma Method® Past-Life Regressions⚡

Level 4: Spiritual Psychology Practitioner & Master Coach - This week, we are diving deep into the foundations of the Creative Process and the Metaphysics of Manifestation 🤯

Level 5: NTG Teachers-Speakers-Ministers - This week, we are learning how to teach The Hidden Metaphysical Teaching of World Religions ⚡

Level: 6 Doctors of Divinity - Taking applications

With Love, Dr. Erin

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Dr. Erin is a World-Renowned Doctor of Divinity, Founder of New Thought Global & Soulciété, Metaphysical Teacher, TV Host of Good Morning LaLa Land, Creator of E4 Trauma Method®, International Best-Selling Author, 2020 Walden Wisdom Award Next to Oprah, Self-Made Millionaire, Top-Rated Podcast, and Mother.

Her mission is to awaken a billion people globally by developing, training, and certifying accredited Spiritual Entrepreneurs, E4 Trauma Method® Coaches, Spiritual Psychology Master Coaches, Spiritual Practitioners, New Thought Teachers, and Doctors of Divinity.

Dr. Erin is committed to bridging spirituality, science, and psychology. She is forging ‘New Thought Wisdom’ in the study of Spiritual Psychology; the study of how everything is created from Source at a soul level.

“11 Most Inspirational Female Entrepreneurs To Watch On Instagram” - Forbes

Disclaimers: Earnings and income representations made by New Thought Global and Soulciete, Erin Fall Haskell, and their advertisers/sponsors are aspirational statements only of your earnings potential. Do not reuse this content. See our Terms

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I want you to imagine for a moment that it's New Year's Eve. The clock is ticking, it's the countdown, and you're reflecting back on this year, seeing the last quarter flash before your eyes. And just like in sliding doors, there's parallel universes. In one universe, you flash to the last quarter of the year, the last 90 days, and it hasn't been great. It's been maybe even a bit dysfunctional. You've had a lot of stuck patterns. You kind of succumbed to the holidays and put all of your dreams on hold, You settled, you procrastinated, and you succumbed to the stuck negative patterns of life. And in the other parallel universe, you flash to the last quarter of your life, the last 90 days, and you had done the complete opposite. You'd work on your inner trauma work, you released your limited beliefs, you reprogrammed your subconscious mind, you waken into your soul's purpose, and you finally monetize your spiritual gifts. 
You may have even 10 X. Your soul base is, but here you are. Looking back, what would you do? Which universe would you wanna live in? Well, today's podcast is all about that. Today we're gonna break on down 90 days of transforming your trauma, awakening your soul's purpose, and monetizing your gifts. If you're somebody who wants to make the best out of the last 90 days of the year to really, truly take a quantum leap, you definitely wanna listen to this podcast. Welcome to the Dr. Erin Podcast. This is a top spiritual psychology coach podcast to inspire and teach you how to transform your trauma, birth, your soul's purpose, and manifest your dreams. Hi, I'm Dr. Erin. Doctor of Divinity, I'm committed to bringing you the best coaching tips, spiritual advice, trauma healing, and metaphysical recovery secrets. I'm here to help you monetize your spiritual gifts and love your life. I want you to know that I've been exactly where you are, and I believe in you together, we're awakening the world. 
Hello, my soul family. I'm super excited to dive deep into really the goals for the rest of this year. It doesn't matter if you're just listening now or down the line. Goal setting is something that we do every single quarter, not just at the beginning of the year. It's something that we absolutely embody in our work within society. So let's break this on down. First of all, why set our goals right here we are. Let's just pretend that it's New Year's Eve, then the ball is dropping and you really are looking at the experience that you have for the last quarter of your life. And the reality is this, is that most people are gonna look back and they're going to have experienced the last quarter or this quarter coming above as all the excuses, how they settled, how they procrastinated, how they s came to the stuck negative patterns. 
And we don't wanna do that, right? It's one choice. We can just be the ping pong ball and go every direction and come back to our all of our stuck patterns. Or we can choose something new. That's why we call it the new thought movement, which is really an ancient teaching, which is truth, which is understanding the metaphysic of mind, understanding how we're manifesting at all points in time. You are a divine spiritual being, and you are directing energy with the power of thought to your subconscious mind. That's one with a subjective mind. That's one with universal law that is demonstrated in manifesting 24 7. So let's break this on down. I remember years back, I began to set goals. And it was really frustrating because most of the time when I set a goal, I would sabotage it. I wouldn't see it through. It's kinda like those New Year's resolutions where we start things and then we don't see it through. 
It never really worked for me, quite frankly. And as I began to get more and more developed in leadership distinctions, I began to understand a little bit more about goal setting. But traditional goal setting is very different than soul based goal setting. Traditional goal setting is really taking a look at your goals. And Dan Sullivan is OG incredible, is set the standard for the entire industry where we set goals, say for the year, and then we backtrack it into our quarter goals, our monthly goals, our weekly goals, our daily goals, and even down into the hour, our intentions. But there's a problem with that. There's a big missing piece to that. And the reason why is because most people are setting goals based on their programming. They have goals that they think they'll be happy once they fulfill 'em. They have goals for their status, for all those things that the culture told us. 
But they never actually get people what they truly desire, which is love and connection, right? So we want to actually begin to set our goals based on our soul. So as I work with seven figure coaches and CEOs and top celebrities, they come to me oftentimes with quote, quote, success, but yet they're lacking what they would consider success at a soul level. There's something missing. Something isn't right here. So what do we do as a soul based community? We set our goals based in truth number one. We come in for what we call a visioning process. Most people use their mini mind and they go out to the world and they try and seek information and they think what their goals should be, and they evaluate them and they strategize with their mini mind. They get it under the calendar, and maybe they hit those goals, but they're still not totally fulfilled, or they sabotage their goals because they can't truly have it. 
So what do we do? We go into that deep, deep visioning process. We do our subconscious trauma work, and we have our soul. Our soul is our primary goal to clear the subconscious mind, to clear the the soul. That is the goal, That's the primary goal always. And in that we get higher goals that in our specific souls calling of this lifetime and able to leave our legacy. So I always say it's like manifesting without awakening. You can manifest all day, but you're like being in a rat in one of those mazes. You just keep going around in circles and going to dead ends, right? But if you awaken to the truth of who you are and to your soul's purpose, then you can manifest a life that you truly desire, making an impact in the world with the people that you love, monetizing your spiritual gifts and so on and so forth. 
So we do both. It's like a spectrum. So on one side of the spectrum in our goal setting is we take our, we do our deep, deep visioning work, and we get a grand vision from our higher self, and then we use the mini mind SU to strategically plan out those goals, right? In the four areas of our life. And we break it down into love and relationships, career and money, health and vitality, and creative expression, right? So we wanna always have it be a one year goal, a quarter goal, a month goal, a week goal, a day goal. And yes, we break it on down into chunking it into our things, right? So this is the butterfly fact. So there's a famous book on goal setting, which is the one thing, it doesn't really get into strategic planning of the goals, but it goes into the story of Gary Keller who created the largest real estate agency and how he had his success. 
And he calls it the Domino Effect. And he asks this question, What is the one thing I can do such that by doing it, everything else will be easier or unnecessary, right? So as we ask this question, it's imperative that one, we begin to have that deep, deep visioning with our higher self getting in very clear of the vision for the four errors of our life. And then really asking ourself, what is the one thing I can do such that by doing it, everything else will be easier or unnecessary. And as we break this down into the one thing, we are able to begin to have our life purpose statement and set our goals each week, right? So I wanna share a story with you. Let's pretend for a minute that there are two world class spiritual teachers. They both are profound. They both do deep, deep work. 
They help millions of people across the globe, right? And one of the women, she wasn't own overnight success. We don't believe in that. She was what the world will consider an overnight success. It took her some time. She did it in, you know, a few years if you will. She embodied the work. She got a coach, she had a mentor, she had a powerful community. And she took a quantum leap way faster than actually the average person, way faster than the 10,000 hours she embodied. The other spiritual leader teacher took her 20 years. She actually had to go into co-dependency relationships. She had some dysfunction. She kind of went around around circles. She was kind of too afraid to actually pay for a coach. She read a lot of books. She took a lot of free courses. And guess what? Eventually she ended up being a world renowned leader teacher. 
The two, two women did the exact same thing. They had the same destiny. But the difference is, is one decided that they were really, truly committed to it, and they took the fastest route. So it's kind of like if you have a route going from San Francisco to Los Angeles, there's a direct path, or you can not use a gps and you can kind of go wherever the roads take you, and it takes you maybe 10 times, 20 times as long. But their destiny was the same. Their true, true heart's desire was the same. And this is the way I look at goals. You know, your soul's gonna gonna guide you. Your soul's gonna guide you. If you listen to your soul, you will go in a direct path. If you don't fully listen to your soul, even though it's really speaking to you all the time, right? 
It's your higher self speaking through your soul. You can get there a lot faster. And as coaches, as people that were doing this deep, deep work, we know there's other people that have taken that journey before us. And so that's why I hire coaches. That's why I hire mentors. That's why I'm in high, high level community, because I don't wanna take 20 times as long. Because guess what, that second woman, she was me. I took all the routes around. I had a divine spiritual calling when I was 22 years old. But I didn't fully listen to the voice. I needed to go off on those paths. I needed to go into all those different crevices of life and experience the inverted use of energy. But today, I can stand here and know what the difference is. What is it like to have a powerful coach? 
What is it like to strategically plan out goals in a soul based way versus not having guidance, going with the flow and not actually listening to the soul, listening to higher self through the soul. So in this, I'm knowing a true quantum leap for you in this next 90 days, I'm knowing a quantum leap for you. And the choice is yours. You can do whichever you want. You can go around in circles, you can settle, you can you know, succumb to your negative stuck patterns. You can procrastinate. It's one way of using energy, total inversion. Or you can line with universal law and you can take a quantum leap and you can actually look back at this quarter having incredible experiences of growth, prosperity, impacting people's lives, transcending your trauma, reprogramming your subconscious mind, releasing your limited beliefs, and becoming a higher embodiment of who you are and whichever you choose. 
I know it's perfect. We always have choice. That's what we're here. We're here in an relative experience and we can experience whatever we choose to experience. And so in this, let's just take a deep breath in together, exhaling out this week in our community, each week we embody a universal law. And this week the distinction is the universal law of individualization. You are the individualization of the one spirit, a unique divine expression. You are the alpha and the omega embodied as a fractal of the one mind. Universal laws are designed to be uniquely directed by each person for specific experiential outcomes. You are the only person in the entire universe with your divine gift. You. And as we awaken to the oracle within, you are the oracle. There is no separate entity. You are the individualization of spirit. It's time for you to embrace yourself exactly as you are let go of trying to be what the culture has told you. 
Let go of validation, needing validation or confirmation from people, places, or life. You are a trends that are, you are a visionary. You are the unique divine individual. The world is ready for you to take the lead. The universe is ready to reflect and shine your light. So may you shine your unique light bright. And in this, I'm knowing a powerful, powerful quarter. No matter if you're just listening to this. Now, if you're listening to this down the line, goal setting is always soul based. Goal setting is always the same. We always go to the soul, the depths of our soul. We always go there and allow the transmutation of the trauma, allow the transmutation of all energetics to rise and to expand consciousness, and then take a quantum leap in strategizing and saying that or something greater. Show me the way spirit. Show me the way as together we say. 
And so it is. So I invite you guys. I invite you guys. If you're not already in our paid memberships, I invite you. All you have to do is go to soul and you can hit contact us. You can come also to my social media and DM me and we'll get back to you and get you on in. Why not? Oh my gosh. I love the thought of making all decisions, not having any consideration of time, money, or anything, but coming from a place of authentic. If money was a no object, if time was of no object, if my procrastination was not there, what would I choose for myself? You deserve to have an extraordinary community. You deserve to have a mentor and a coach. You deserve to have profound teachings. You deserve the world. The world needs you. Okay? And in this, I just say yes, yes, yes. 
I am sending you guys so much love. So much love. I'm so grateful for everything. I am ready to have the best quarter ever with you. Have a beautiful day, and may you live your truth. Thank you for tuning into the Dr. Erin Podcast. If you're ready to repro your subconscious mind, transform your trauma and birth, your soul's calling, or if you're ready to become an accredited, certified spiritual psychology coach at E4 Trauma Method facilitator and get trained in spiritual psychology, universal law, intergenerational trauma, work path, life regression work, metaphysics of mind, and so much more, go to soul or if you're receiving value from the show. I would love it if you share it with a friend and give it a five star review. Also, you can join me in one of my live free trainings. You can find it right on the website as well. Or in my bio link across all social media. I'm across all platforms, Dr. E r i Have a beautiful day, and may you live your truth.


Sep 19, 2022

Hi Spiritual Superstar! 🤩

It’s my 50th birthday, today! … And I couldn’t think of any better way to celebrate than give my heart to YOU!

Our community is having Huge Transformational Breakthroughs and elevating itself from all relative truth to ultimate truth – LOVE!

In today's episode, I'm talking about my Top 50 Spiritual Lessons  

💎 If you’re NOT already a member of Soulciété…

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50 Spiritual Lessons:

1. You are Divine – You are One with all of life.
2. You are the individual consciousness, collective consciousness, and cosmic consciousness - You are Divine consciousness having an inverted human experience.
3. You are a creator; directing energy upon the Universal Law of Cause and Effect – All of life is your Karma.
4. The moment you assign a positive or negative meaning to anything that does or does not occur, you instantaneously get a positive or negative experience.
5. You are the only thing that can limit yourself – You are not your limiting beliefs within your subconscious mind – You have the ability to transform your energetics, trauma, and entire lineage. 
6. You are not your beliefs, not your body, and not the circumstances of your life – You are the creator of them and all of life.
7. You are an eternal spiritual being – You are ageless, timeless, and immortal.
8. Life is growth - You have created a divinely dynamic masterclass for the expansion of consciousness -  problems are the opportunity to experience further self-development.
9. The extent to which you take 100% accountability for all of life, is the extent to which you will realize your Infinite Divine Power.
10. The extent to which you are willing to let go of everything is the extent to which you have the potential of a quantum leap.
11.  Miracles are only glitches in your current belief system.
12.  The extent to which your consciousness is limited or expanded is the extent to which you will experience feeling divided or divine.
13.  Enlightenment can’t be taught; it must be experienced.
14.  You are the same Divine Source that created the entire universe.
15.  You are manifesting 24/7 without any effort whatsoever – The soul is not neutral because it has all the memory and limiting beliefs of your entire lineage. 
16.  The extent to which you awaken is the extent to which you will experience being powerful.
17.  Awakening is not only an expansion of consciousness; it is an identity shift.
18.  Breakdowns are created from the depths of your soul for a breakthrough in your awakening.
19.  There is Ultimate Truth and relative truth. Relative truth is NOT Truth.
20.  The only opponent is yourself.
21.  When you complain, it is like praying for crap – Thoughts create things.
22.  You are not here to win the rate race of materialism, you are here to experience the depths of your soul in form.
23.  Money is a symbol of your consciousness – However you view money, is a reflection of your self-worth and your belief system.
24.  The greatest product to product is the highest version of yourself.
25.  You are the one you’ve been waiting for – Until you love yourself unconditionally and are complete within yourself, you won’t be able to fully give or receive love. 
26.  Symptoms are the divine signs from your higher self telling you that you are not living in alignment with your truth.
27.  The extent to which you oppose a viewpoint is the extent to which you will start a war.
28. The extent to which you want people, circumstances and life to be different is the extent to which you will suffer.
29.  You are your parents, children, entire lineage, and every single living being in this Universe – You are the Universe. 
30.  To love life is to love all of life; the good and the bad.
31.  There isn’t a meaning to life – The meaning is to live it!
32.  To judge another or yourself is to cast yourself out of the Garden of Eden. 
33.  Whatever you resist will persist – Good or bad.
34.  Every creation has an equal and opposite creation – Polarity is part of life. 
35.  Our family is our Divine assignment to learn Unconditional Love; Children oftentimes show us our profound ability to love unconditionally, and our parents oftentimes show us how far we still have to grow in our ability to love unconditionally. 
36.  Expectations are the creation of resentments – Never place anyone as your Source. Spirit is your Source and Supply. 
37.  You are the creator of your emotions - Your identity creates your beliefs. Your beliefs create your thoughts. Your thoughts create your feelings. Your feelings create your emotions. Your emotions create the circumstances of your life.
38.  Emotions are the expression of our value system being met or not met - Emotions are the effect of us believing that something we value is arriving, departing, or present.
39.  All relationships are the opportunity to show us where we are still not free. 
40.  You have infinite choice through initiation and selection – There are unlimited elemental equations, innovations, and inventions.
41.  Your birthright is prosperity – The Universe is only abundant. You can create an abundance of scarcity or an abundance of prosperity. The choice is yours. 
42.  All relationships are eternal – You can communicate with anyone right now.
43.  The ultimate relationship is within – All other relationships are the projection and reflection of your ability or inability to love. 
44.  You have the ability to heal yourself, your entire lineage, and the collective consciousness. Transform your trauma and transform your life.
45.  The extent to which you resist, force, or control, is the extent to which you will experience a stuck flow of energy – A flow state has no effort.
46.  All realized prayers have inspired action – Prayer is moving energy upon Universal Law for a specific demonstration and manifestation.
47.  Whatever you deeply desire is your destiny – If you truly desire it, you will focus on it. If you focus on what you don’t want, then you will get more of what you don’t want. Your desires are your destiny. 
48.  The only way to experience freedom is Truth. 
49. You are the Divine having an inverted experience of Itself – a divided and limited experience for the expanding of consciousness.
50.  Love just is – I love you! 


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Dr. Erin is a World-Renowned Doctor of Divinity, Founder of New Thought Global & Soulciété, Metaphysical Teacher, TV Host of Good Morning LaLa Land, Creator of E4 Trauma Method®, International Best-Selling Author, 2020 Walden Wisdom Award Next to Oprah, Self-Made Millionaire, Top-Rated Podcast, and Mother.

Her mission is to awaken a billion people globally by developing, training, and certifying accredited Spiritual Entrepreneurs, E4 Trauma Method® Coaches, Spiritual Psychology Master Coaches, Spiritual Practitioners, New Thought Teachers, and Doctors of Divinity.

Dr. Erin is committed to bridging spirituality, science, and psychology. She is forging ‘New Thought Wisdom’ in the study of Spiritual Psychology; the study of how everything is created from Source at a soul level.

“11 Most Inspirational Female Entrepreneurs To Watch On Instagram” - Forbes

Disclaimers: Earnings and income representations made by New Thought Global and Soulciete, Erin Fall Haskell, and their advertisers/sponsors are aspirational statements only of your earnings potential. Do not reuse this content. See our Terms

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I want you to imagine that you are able to write one letter to your younger self. In fact, you are only able to leave a one page letter to your younger self. What would be in the letter? Well, today is my 50th birthday and there is no other way. I'd rather spend it than sharing my heart with you today. I'm going to share 50 life changing transformational, spiritual lessons that I would want to share with my younger self. Welcome to the Dr. Erin podcast. This is a top spiritual psychology coach podcast to inspire and teach you how to transform your trauma birth, your soul's purpose, and manifest your dreams. Hi, I'm Dr. Erin, Dr. Divinity. I'm committed to bringing you the best coaching tips, spiritual advice, trauma healing, and metaphysical recovery secrets. I'm here to help you monetize your spiritual gifts and love your life. I want you to know that I've been exactly where you are, and I believe in you together. We're awakening the world.


Hello, my soul family, and community. Welcome you guys. I'm super excited to spend my birthday with you right here right now. And I believe that every day is a birthday. Every day is a celebration. So I want you to right now, just take a deep breath in and celebrate your life right here right now. So one, I just wanna ask a favor. It's my 50th birthday. And I give a lot of content on here. We get raving reviews. We have a lot of you guys that binge the podcast. And my ask is two things for my birthday. One is that you celebrate your life today, that you absolutely do something that you love to do for yourself today. Whether that be going on a walk on the beach, going out with your girlfriends to lunch, diving deeper into the consciousness lessons within our community or whatever that is, do.


One thing that you love to do today for me. Okay. And the second thing is I actually would love it. If you gave a five star review of the podcast or whatever review you feel is in your heart, it really is important. And bringing this wisdom to the world is really near and dear to my heart. It is my greatest wish for my life to leave truth, to help people emancipate themselves from suffering. Okay, so let's do this thing. So a little bit about our community. If you're here, you are part of my community. And, um, just wanna say that this week we in every week in our community, we actually embody a universal law and the 52 universal law, uh, year of universal law book is coming out and may already be out. If you're listening to this down the line on Amazon and all the, uh, Oracle decks that come with it.


Uh, so it's very exciting. So this week we are embodying the universal law of intention. So let's just take a deep breath in together and ex excelling out this law states that what you focus on and give attention to expands and what you do not focus on or give attention to diminishes. You are a director of universal law. The moment you've give energy to any thought, it sets life into motion. You are being guided to stop giving energy to things you don't want and begin giving energy to the things you do want. The universe is guiding you to go within, get clarity on your authentic desires and set your intentions every single day with every single breath. So also we are celebrating graduations in our community. We have two big graduations each year in fall and spring, and we celebrate all the accredited certifications and all the other people graduating.


It's a really important time to celebrate all of our accomplishments here in the human form. So as we dive further into this podcast, I just want to remind everybody that there's different types of podcasts. You will find on here. You can binge entire series on universal law relationship, breakthrough, spiritual awakening, metaphysical truths, um, healing, your trauma series. There's so many series on here. I'm also beginning to have stories of trauma of the clients within society showcasing their specific, intense virtual shares of their traumas and the breakthroughs that they've had and how they're stepping into leadership now. And then you'll also have a variety of other things from people coming on the show and having interviews. And so you can skim through all of them. It is a library of wealth of knowledge here. And so I wanna share with you today, 50 spiritual lessons that have really turned on my abilities, my spiritual gifts, and really have been the staples for what I choose to embody.


I'm still human. I may not always embody this at all points in time, but their truth. And that's the point of being a spiritual leader or a master coach or wherever you are in your consciousness that this isn't about being perfect. This is about having principles and metaphysical truths for us to live by and come back to at all points in time, you can simply relax, take a deep breath and know that truth heals instantaneously. So as I'd say to anyone, take what works and leave the rest. There might be some things in here that you absolutely blow your mind. And there might be some things you're like, I don't know if I necessarily agree with that. And that's okay. I invite you to take a deep breath in and I'm gonna read these two. Number one, you are divine. You are one with all of life. Number two, you are the individual consciousness, collective consciousness and cosmic consciousness. You are divine consciousness having an inverted human experience. Number three, you are a creator directing energy upon the universal law of cause and effect. And all of life is your karma. Number four, the moment you assign a positive or negative meaning to anything that does or does not occur, you instantaneously create a positive or negative experience. Number five, you are the only thing that can limit yourself.


You are not your limited beliefs within your subconscious mind. You have the ability to transform your energetics trauma and entire lineage. You are not your beliefs, not your body and not the circumstances of your life. You are the creator of all of them and all of life. Number seven, you are an eternal spiritual being your ageless, timeless and immortal. Number eight. Life is growth. You have created a divinely dynamic masterclass for the expansion of consciousness. Problems are the opportunity to experience further self development. Number nine, the extent to which you take 100% accountability for all of life is extent to which you'll realize your infinite divine power. Number 10, the extent to which you are willing to let go of everything is the extent to which you have the potential of a quantum leap. Number 11 miracles are only glitches in your current belief system. Number 12, the extent to which your consciousness is limited or expanded is the extent to which you will experience feeling divided or divine. Number 13, enlightenment can't be taught. It must be experienced. Number 14, you are the same divine source that created the entire universe. Number 15, you are manifesting 24 7 without any effort whatsoever. The soul is not neutral because it has all the memory and limited beliefs of your entire lineage.


Number 16, the extent to which you awaken is the extent to which you'll experience being powerful. Number 17 awakening is not only an expansion of consciousness. It's an identity shift. Number 18 breakdowns are created from the depths of your soul for a breakthrough in your awakening. Number 19, there is ultimate truth and relative truth. Relative. Truth is not truth. Number 20, the only opponent is yourself. Number 21. When you complain, it's like praying for crap. Thoughts, create things. Number 22, you are not here to win the rat race of materialism. You're here to experience the depths of your soul inform.


Number 23. Money is a symbol of your consciousness. However you view money is a reflection of your self worth and your belief system. Number 24, the greatest product to produce is the highest version of yourself. Number 25, you are the one you've been waiting for until you love yourself unconditionally and are complete within yourself. You won't be able to fully give or receive love. Number 26 symptoms are the divine signs from your higher self telling you that you're not living in alignment with your truth. 27. The extent to which you oppose a viewpoint is the extent to which you will start a war 28. The extent to which you want people circumstances in life to be different is the extent to which you will suffer 29. You are your parents, children, and entire lineage, and every single living being in the universe, you are the universe 30 to love.


Life is to love all of life. The good and the bad 31. There isn't a meaning to life. The meaning is to live 32 to judge another or yourself is to cast yourself outta the garden of Eden 33, whatever you resist will persist good or bad. 34. Every creation has an equal and opposite reaction. Polarity is part of life. 35. Our family is our divine assignment to learn unconditional love children. Oftentimes show us our profound ability to unconditionally love. And our parents oftentimes show us how far we still have to grow in our ability to unconditionally love 36 expectations are the creation of resentments. Never place anyone as your source spirit is your source and supply 37. You are the creator of your emotions. Your identity creates your beliefs, your beliefs create your thoughts. Your thoughts create your feelings, your feelings, create your emotions. Your emotions create the circumstances of your life. 38 emotions are the expression of your value system. Be met or not met. Emotions are the effect of us believing that something we value is arriving, departing or present 39. All relationships are the opportunity to show us where we are still not free. 40. You have infinite choice through initiation and selection. There are unlimited elemental equations, innovations and inventions 41. Your birthright is prosperity. The universe is only abundant. You can create an abundant of scarcity or abundance of prosperity. The choice is yours.


  1. All relationships are eternal. You can communicate with anybody right now. 43. The ultimate relationship is within all other relationships are the projection and reflection of your ability or inability to love 44. You have the ability to heal yourself, your entire lineage and the collective consciousness, transform your trauma, transform your life. The extent to which you resist force or control is the extent to which you will experience stuck flow of energy flow state has no effort. 46, all realized prayers have inspired action. Prayer is moving energy upon universal law for a specific demonstration and manifestation 47, whatever you deeply desire is your destiny. If you truly desire it, you'll focus on it. If you focus on what you don't want, then you'll get more of what you don't want. Your desires are your destiny. 48. The only way to experience freedom is truth 49. You are the divine having an inverted experience of itself, a divided and limited experience for the expanding of consciousness. And number 50 love just is. I love you. And so in this divine moment, I know the truth as we take one last deep inhale through the nose,


Suspending the breath at the top and exhaling out. And I cognize this universal law of intention, recognizing the power of mind, recognizing the intention of each and every year of our lives, recognizing that it's all a unit of time for us to experience more and more of our soul form in the 3d realm. May we live intentionally, may we know the power of our mind? May we absolutely celebrate every single day in every single way? And may we come back to truth? May we come back to spiritual principle, maybe come back to the heart and love knowing we are one family, knowing that this is a divine life. I simply know this in the word and in the name of truth as together we say. And so it is yes, yes, yes. Thank you for spending my birthday with me. You guys so honored. And again, if you are listening to this podcast, you are part of my community, but if you wanna take our relationship to the next level, we would love it.


If you want to come into our extraordinary community, you can simply go to soul, which is And you can come in and do a self-coaching program. Do all your breakthrough work, talking a lot about intergenerational, uh, trauma, past life, regressions, all that good stuff. Or if you fall in love with the work, you can rise up and get accredited in all the different processes. Okay. So have a divine day and may you live your truth? And I just wanna say, thank you. Thank you. Thank you.




Aug 22, 2022

Hi Spiritual Superstar! 

Did you know that science says that only 8% of people reach their goals? 

Did you know that people with coaches or accountability have a 65% greater chance of reaching their goals?

In this week’s podcast, I am sharing the 3 Things You MUST Master For Success.

In this episode, I'm talking about my core framework for you to, not just survive but THRIVE during a recession or any economically challenging time. ✨ 

What You Will Learn: 
⚡ How your Mindset directs energy upon Universal Law to create success!
⚡ How a lack of strategic Skillset will hurt people’s relationships, businesses, and life!
⚡ How to trump any recession by being developed in an Expertise. 

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Are you ready to become unstoppable? If you do, you definitely wanna listen to this podcast. I'm gonna break down the three things you must master to massively monetize your spiritual gifts and make an impact in the world. You may be somebody who doesn't want to turn your spiritual work into a business or make money with it. And that's okay as well, because I'm gonna break down these three things that you need to master. Whether your business is your family, whether your business is whatever, whether you have a job or you are a sole based entrepreneur or coach or leader or practitioner, no matter what I am here to give you a gift today. So today I'm gonna share three gifts with you of how to not only survive, but thrive. Let's do this. Here we go. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron podcast. This is a top spiritual psychology coach podcast to inspire and teach you how to transform your trauma birth, your soul's purpose, and manifest your dreams. Hi, I'm Dr. Erin, Dr. Divinity. I'm committed to bringing you the best coaching tips, spiritual advice, trauma, healing, and metaphysical recovery secrets. I'm here to help you monetize your spiritual gifts and love your life. I want you to know that I've been exactly where you are, and I believe in you together. We're awakening the world. 
Hi, my soul family. I am really honored to be here with you today. Whether you are out on a walk or taking some time to settle in and come into the divine space within, or whether you're cleaning your house. I don't know what you do when you're listening to this podcast, but I want you to know that I've been where you are. No matter if you're in incredible space, whether you are in a lot of fear right now in your life and struggling. I want you to know that I'm with you right now in my heart and in my mind, and in the spiritual nature, knowing that we are definitely one and my biggest heart's desire is one thing it really truly is to help people end their suffering and awaken to the divinity, their divine nature, the power within. And so today I would like to share with you really three things you must master in order to not only survive, but thrive no matter what's happening in the world. 
And I know right now, we're going through some crazy times, right? There's man, there's been so much over the last few years. It's really almost hard to even believe everything that's gone on and there's inflation and there's unknown of political things. And there's so much fear out there in your face every day on social media, on your phone, in your emails everywhere. But what I know for sure is that the truth prevails. I'm so certain of this, and I'm so certain that as we master our mind, that we absolutely can really not only again, just survive, but we absolutely can thrive. So I wanna share with you today, three things you must master to massively monetize your spiritual gifts and make an impact on the world. So you may be somebody who doesn't want to turn your spirituality into a business, and that's okay, because you're still going to wanna have efficiency in your life. 
You're still gonna wanna be able to create an amazing family or friendships or experiences for your life. And so business is not just about business. I think it's one of the things we have to overcome that business is really just as much our spiritual work, that it's really becoming efficient in our life to be able to, to powerfully create what we want to experience in this lifetime. So I invite you to open up your mind right now because I'm gonna share three things that I realized after going through so many things in going through the recession in 2008 and going through my own ups and downs and being somebody that came from no money, going to the thrift store, growing up, having to wait tables, to put food on the table, as my son was young and coming to a place where I had to dig so deep into my soul to really find the truth and take bold action and really take a leap of faith. And I've come to some profound truths. And I'd love to share them with you here right here right now. 
So who am I speaking to exactly right. I'm speaking to yes, of course. As you guys know, I certify, we accredit date everything from soul-based entrepreneurs and we train spiritual psychology coaches and people in E four trauma method, along with our spiritual psychology master practitioner program. And we train and develop teachers, new thought wisdom teachers. And of course we train and develop. We're launching out the doctor divinity training, but what we also do is we work with people who just want to do their deep healing work. We really actually, it'll probably end up being the biggest part of, of my message and our biggest clients that we work with are people that just strictly wanna do transformational work, right? So who am I speaking to? I'm speaking to anybody that truly wants to do their healing work. Anyone that really wants to master their own mind and wants to not live in fear anymore. 
That wants to get over and say, dysfunction in your relationships. Trust me. I know it very well is codependent for many years or somebody. Who's trying to figure out how to manage their money, whether they wanna be an entrepreneur, whether they have a business, whether they're in a job, whether they're in a corporation, regardless, you are your business, doesn't matter if you work for a company or not. You still have to understand how to become the highest version of yourself and be able to manage all that. So I'm talking to anybody that really truly cares about knowing myself and becoming the most powerful you can be. So let's break this down. This is really for anyone who's committed to becoming the highest version of themselves and desires to create extraordinary transformation for themselves or the people in their life. Okay? Everything that we work on in soul society, in the spiritual psychology school and all the work that we do, I've worked with top CEOs. 
I've worked with top celebrities. I've worked with many different levels of women and men across the globe. People who had zero people that were very, very traumatized having major issues in their mental abilities, all the way to people who are absolutely very advanced spiritual beings. This works on anything. This work works on anything. That's a cool thing. The cool thing about spiritual psychology is it doesn't matter. What's happened to you in your life. We don't measure what's happened to you in your life, and we acknowledge everything that's happened to your life, but it doesn't matter who I'm working with. Doesn't matter if they come in with relationships and, and love issues or career issues or health issues, or they're trying to birth their soul. The framework that we use in E four trauma, the framework that we use in spiritual psychology coaching, the framework that we use through triangle and all the processes, the metaphysical processes, the profound deep soul clearing is the same exact processes for each and every client. 
The conversation and the distinctions might be different, but the processes are identical. That's, what's so cool about the work that we do, that when we train somebody's work, it doesn't matter what their niche is, who their avatar and client is or what they're really solving. The processes are identical, because guess what? Energy is energy and energy cannot be destroyed. And the only way to transmute energy, there's basics of metaphysics, there's basics of metaphysics. And you have to know these basics. We're never taught. We have these, these vehicles called this body, right? And we're never taught how to use the vehicle. We don't have an owner's manual. We just get plopped into this thing with parents that generally don't know how to use their vehicles, right? Like we have not learned how to master the mine. We have not learned to, to master this incredible temple that we live in. 
So I invite to get focused. I invite you to really get that a miracle can happen for you right now. And we don't believe in miracles in that we believe that miracles are only glitches in your current belief system. What we believe in is you, I believe in you. I know no matter how far down in the dumps you are, no matter how crappy of a situation you have right now. I know for a fact, the truth of who you are. I know that you are here to do great things. I know that you are here to heal your lineage trauma. I know you're here to clear out all limitations and stand on the shoulders of all of the great wisdom that has come before. 
And I just take a deep breath, deep breath in together and exhaling out. And I wanna break down these things for you. Okay? The number one thing that you need to learn to master that I realized when I was going through really hard times, right? I realized that I had to master my mindset, my spiritual mastery, right? I had to master my mindset. There was no way I was gonna be able to deal with the dysfunction in my relationships, the fear of the world out there news and all the insanity out there without mastering my mindset. 
And of course, how do we do that? Exactly. Because we have clients that come in and they've, they've done a lot of work. They've taken a ton of courses. They think they've actually done their trauma work. They've gone to, you know, all different transformational seminars and they've read a lot of books and they may have meditated quite a bit, but I'm gonna tell you that I hear this nine outta 10 times, I'd say from clients and they go, holy, how I thought I had done my spiritual work. I thought I had done my trauma work. I thought I had done my inner work. And they're like, I had no idea how much was still in there and how deep we go in E four and how deep we go in these processes. I've had therapists that have come to train with me. I've had traditional Western doctors come to work with me. 
And they're like, holy cow, this is has similarities to cognitive therapy. But it's way deeper. We go way down into its like a weed. You can't just cut off the weed. Right? If you go out with a weed whack or what happens, the weeds just get stronger and they come up even more fiercely, right? It's like, let me pretend that I'm gonna be positive. It doesn't work. Okay. You can't just reframe stuff. I always say it's like, you know, making a, a chocolate pie out of cow shit, right? It doesn't work. So we have to go into the soul at the epigenetic level, right? We've gotta actually go onto the part of the DNA. The part of the epi, which is be above, that actually turns on and off your genetics that is actually playing out as a subconscious processing that has you not be able to actually complete cycles. 
It has you sabotaging your relationships and your success. It has you in stuck patterns. It has you sad, even though there's nothing even really to be sad in that moment, it's like it's playing out the, the past pictures for the cautious records. It just keeps pulling up pictures. You can't get over things. You keep trying, but something is missing. And we call this the key. We all watch the secret documentary, but there was something missing in that whole concept of law attraction because law attraction works. Universal law works. We teach universal law. But if you don't deal with the trauma and the subconscious mind and actually transmuting, transforming transmuting, the actual energetics and releasing it, then it doesn't matter what you think logically because your subconscious is just gonna play out on rote. So how do we do this? You've gotta get in and you've gotta do the E four. 
You've gotta do deep, deep trauma is the number one thing. Okay. You've gotta first match that. You've gotta master your mindset and there's more to that, right? You wanted to go beyond just trauma. You wanna go into actually getting clear of what are your core values. You don't think, especially as young girls, we're not taught what our values are. We more for ourselves, a lot in the old school, ways of morphing to be some way that the culture told us so that we're gonna be a good enough for, you know, somebody to love us. Right. For me, I can't speak for anybody else. For me. I didn't believe in, I didn't have enough, any self worth. I didn't have any self worth. How could I have self-worth when my parents didn't even know how to love themselves and they didn't definitely didn't know how to love me at that point in time, since then we've healed and we absolutely love profoundly with each other. 
Okay. But you've gotta get in and do that deep inner work. Number one, especially if you wanna monetize, right? There's so many people that are saying their coaches and they're hot mess. Let's face the fact, I remember very well saying I was a coach and I actually didn't even have a client. I'd had a client, but I had no clients. I didn't actually know how to get great transformation for my clients. So I didn't even, I sabotage even getting clients, right. I would go around, try and, and do all this work. But I actually didn't know how to actually do the deep work. It was great in consciousness. I could talk about all the spiritual stuff I had, all the jargon. I could talk about all of it, but I actually wasn't living at a soul level. I hadn't experienced in a deep, profound way, or I had gone in and done a bunch of, a bunch of spiritual meditation. 
I'd gone outta body and I had these mystical experiences, but then I'd slam back into my body and into my triggers. As soon as I was around, you know, any family member or, or dating at all, right? It's like, so if you are triggered, you have not done all your spiritual work, right? If you cannot, if you're still judging your parents or your children, you haven't done your spiritual work. It's just that, it's just, it's just black and white. You guys like you gotta get real with yourself. You can't keep pretending that you got it all figured out because you don't neither do I I'm never gonna stop. That's why I have coaches. That's why I have to do my daily spiritual practice every day. I've gotta do this, right? So we have to master our mindset and our framework. Our technology is not just my, uh, yes. 
I came up and created E for trauma. Yes. I created the, the coaching processes, but the metaphysics universal law, this is lineage. This is, this is you can even call it Christ consciousness, right? It's that, it's that deep it's it's energy. It is absolute wisdom that lives as you, you don't manifest. You're manifesting. You are the manifestation. You are manifesting 24 7 and your subconscious mind is setting polarity of the universal law into motion right now, as we speak with zero effort whatsoever, because all the limited beliefs, identities, and all the energetics, number one, you've got to master your mind. I would in, I would invite you to turn off any social media. That's getting you in fear. I would suggest that you turn off the television. If you watch television, I haven't had a television since 2008. I suggest that you don't surround yourself with anybody that is into conspiracy theories. 
Right now, we already know that there's a bunch of lies out there. How much more do we wanna know about all the lives? It's time to focus on doing your inner work. Okay. Number one thing, the second thing that has to happen, okay, you have to, you have to master your skillset. Okay? If you are doing business, of course, you've gotta master. We teach a six step process of, of mastering business and being able to really get in there and be able to know exactly how to convert people on our social media. When we come in contact with, we need to understand how the psychology of sales works, right? We need to understand how we need to position ourself as an expert in the industry and get into freebees and get into having value sequences, all this stuff, building our funnels, doing marketing, doing sales. 
Most people fail at business because they haven't mastered their mindset. And they don't have a strategic plan of their business that works. Okay. But let's just pretend that you don't even wanna do business. Let's pretend that you just wanna not have stress and you have a traditional job, or even, even let's just pretend you're married and you don't even have a traditional job, whatever that is. It's the same stuff. You guys, you've got to learn how to be efficient. You've got to learn how to, how to deal with things and be able to deal with your bills and have systems and policies and things. What I love about entrepreneurship, spiritual entrepreneurship is that there's an efficiency that happens. And you're able to become more powerful because you're able to direct energy. That's all we're doing as spiritual being. So in our skillset, right? We've mastered our mindset. 
We've done our inner work. We've birthed our purpose and calling, and we've come to a place where we need to now have skill set. If you're at a, let's just pretend you're unemployed. Let's pretend that you got, you got, you know, you lost your job during the pandemic. What are you gonna do? You're gonna sit there and fear all day and do nothing. You've gotta have an organization. Even when it comes to getting a job, whether you're creating your own company or doing your own business, you've got to come into a place where you're surrounded by people that know how to get stuff done. Okay? And in our skill set, we learn how to set our goals. But if our goals are based off of what the culture told us, then we're gonna not really have motivation to do our goals. We get motivation. Motivation is we don't need to get motivation when it's a soul driven purpose and you can have a soul driven purpose. 
That's having a job or creating your own business. But if you're, it's not based in your soul, like their worthless goals, because you're actually not committed to them. And therefore you're never actually gonna make them happen. Right. I had coaches, um, I had a coach come in. She had been, um, working with a big coach. She had had some success in her business. She had began to make money, but she was getting so burned out because she was trying to keep up with the influencer. Right. She was trying to keep up with these influencers. So she, she found herself that she was having some success in business, but she was just burned out. And it wasn't until she did her deep, inner spiritual work. And did her, you know, core tr work that she actually birth her purpose. And then what happened is she 10 Xed her company, right? 
She 10 Xed her coaching business. And she wasn't getting burned out because she was actually living in alignment with her mission and her purpose, right. Her purpose in calling. So it doesn't matter if you are in a traditional job or if you're an entrepreneur, you still need to get clear of what you're here to do on the planet. Right? Some people shouldn't be entrepreneurs by the way. Some people are not built to be entrepreneurs. They're built to have a mission though, and work for companies that's in alignment. What, what they care about their core values, right? So part of doing inner work, all that work has to be done in order to get that all the skill set of our business. Because we, what we do in society is we actually, we do, we do very strategic goal setting. We have a bigger one pick one year, five year, 10 year goal. 
And we strategize in what we're up to do in our, in our goals. And we put our goals for the year, for the quarter, cuz I've trained everybody as a CEO over their personal life. We put our goals to every month, every week, every day and every hour, okay. We have accountability and we strategically plan out and, and get in systems and policy. Because if we imagine you go what's policy, right? It's like what they say in boundaries, you how you're supposed to have boundaries in your relationships. You should understand what works for you and doesn't work for you in all areas of your life. And that's part of business as well. There's no, there's no difference. You guys, we're not taught this in school. We're taught about geography when we haven't even figured out our own vehicle that we live in our mindset and how we actually are gonna be efficient. 
Right. We need to learn these things for sure. In high school and definitely in college. And we're not even taught in college. We're taught all these different concepts that aren't actually applyable to our real life, like paying our bills, like having relationships that aren't dysfunctional, like actually living in alignment with what we really truly want to create. Right. So this is imperative. So first is of course your mindset. You've got to get your mindset, right? Okay. Secondly, is your skillset. You've got to learn how to become efficient in your life. If you, of course, if you wanna monetize as a, you know, soul-based um, Youpreneur coach or practitioner leader, you've definitely gotta learn the six step process that we teach and be able to know this. Okay. I don't care if there's a recession. If there's not a recession, you you've got to turn off the fear and you've got to focus on what you're creating every single day. 
What are you creating? Right. So the third thing that you have to master in order to, you know, massively monetize and make an impact in the world, regardless if there's a recession or not is you've got to master your expertise, you've got to master expertise. Okay. Even if you have a traditional job, you're gonna wanna rise up in your position. Right? And so you've gotta get really good at skills at whatever it is. That is your expertise. And a good example is this there's lots of coaches that'll come to me. I have some coaches that are just beginning. They've never made, they've never had one client. Right? And they're like, how in the world am I ever going to compete with the big coaches out there? They have imposter syndrome. They're like getting down on themselves. They maybe have tried something. They maybe have even created a program. 
And it, no one purchases. It they're just like about ready to give up. Right. But what they don't understand is that say, for example, one of my clients, he was abused by his father, like physically, emotionally abused by his father. Okay. And what came out of doing the deep inner work is he realized that he actually wanted to work with teen boys, helping them do their inner work and build their esteem and, and help them get, you know, create the, their dreams into reality. This is the deal. If you're out there and you're a, a teen boy or rather you're a parent that has a teen boy, that's going through some issues. Do you think that you're gonna want to have him come work with me, Dr. Aaron? Or do you think you're gonna wanna have him work with a, a man that's dealt with exactly what that teen child is working is dealing with? 
Right. So obviously they would probably wanna go work with somebody who's dealt with the same issues that their teen that was abused by their father is dealing with, right? This is called a niche. Okay. And a niche is very important because you are not in big competition. When you niche down, you become an expert. So if you want to, not only survive, but thrive in any industry, in any economical status, you want to develop your expertise. So in our training, obviously I train and develop people as experts getting accredited and certified in specific processes E for trauma method and in all the spiritual psychology coaching processes, all the stuff, universal law, all of it. And so they become an expertise, right? But you're like, well, but maybe there's a bunch of other people learning E four. So how does that make me an expertise? Because for example, um, one of our great leaders, Hillary, she works with, um, in the recovery industry, we have lots of different, you know, industry. 
We have coaches that deal with relationships and love. We have coaches that deal with recovery of coaches that deal with helping people make money. We have coaches that do all, we have, we have real estate brokers that come and work with us because they want to implement the work into their, their, their group because they realize if they don't have healthy employees, it's not gonna work. We have corporations. I have longevity doctors that reach out to me for the work, because they know that you actually look younger and live longer if you've done your trauma work. Okay. So back to the point becoming an expertise. So Hillary, for example, Hillary's an amazing leader and she deals with people in recovery. So she has built, you know, her own framework. And she also uses E four and all the processes that she's learned within our, her training with me. 
Right. And then she actually is going into the doctor divinity program. So she will be doing research projects around E four and a bunch of stuff, but she will tee herself up to be a world renowned spiritual leader. That is the only recovery leader that deals with new thought wisdom, metaphysics, spiritual psychology, and E four trauma method. Okay. And has her own processes as well. But the point is that she's tee herself up years and years and years, right? Like she's a badass. Okay. So you can't afford to not go work with Hillary, right? So it's the same thing. You guys, you have to take a look at where am I not only gonna be this year, but where am I gonna be two years from now, five years now, 10 years from now. Okay. And if you want to be somebody that's not only surviving, but thriving, someone who absolutely wants to massively monetize or wants to just have an impact with yourself or the people around you, you need to develop these skills. 
Okay? You need to develop these skills because there's an exchange in the universe. There's nothing worse than having somebody that's just entitled and thinks they should have everything given to them without an exchange. Even the people I know that absolutely do not have to make money, but they are an expertise. They're an expertise at giving back in foundations. They're an expertise in really in, in helping every single person in their life, they still have a major skill set. They become valuable wherever they go. So your, your expertise is really about bringing the highest, highest value. For example, a dentist, okay, this is an offshoot of a metaphor. If you go to a traditional general dentist, you're gonna pay the general prices for pretty much whatever needs. You need a two teeth cleaning. You need a filling. You do it generally. There's some kind of standard prices, okay? 
But if you go to an expertise and expertise, say you need something specifically done that no other dentist can do. Cuz you specialize in something you're gonna get paid way, way higher, right? Per hour, probably of what you're doing, right? The same thing happens with somebody. It's an expertise as a coach, as a leader, if I'm coming to a yoga class or a meditation class, I may always pay $30 for that meditation class. But if I come in and say, Dr Aaron's gonna help me actually transform my trauma. That's actually gonna maybe, maybe I'm somebody who is almost on the verge of divorce and it I'm so stressed out. I'm I'm literally, my health is diminishing my, I can't even show up for work. Right? And you come in and work with me. And my promise is to, you know, to transform your trauma and birth your truth, whether you stay in that marriage, whether you get divorced, whatever it's, and you're in you, your stress levels go down. 
You're able to make decisions. You may stay in that marriage, hopefully, whatever that is, right? You can't afford to not work with me. Right? You can't afford to not do that work. If you're someone who's like, I wanna monetize my spiritual gifts. You can't afford to not work with me. I am. I am one of the highest in the industry. We have profound processes, right? So that's where we make the distinction of an expertise versus a generalist. If you go in for a meditation class, it's a general meditation class. Fine. If you go in for a meditation class because they're teaching you and train you how to be become a meditation teacher, it's a completely different thing. Right? So I would tell this to my best friend. I would tell this to my best friend, you've got to master three things to massively monetize your spiritual gifts and make an impact in the world. 
Regardless if you wanna make it into a career or not, okay, you've got to master your mindset. You've gotta do all your inner trauma work and all your core work, birthing your core values and getting clear and being able to deal with anything. No matter if you get upset, you're confused. All those things. We have processes for each and every one of those things. The second thing, and in the first thing, the minds that you've gotta birth your soul's purpose and what's your soul's purpose. Your soul is your soul's purpose. Your first need to handle your own soul before you are birth. What you're here to do on the planet. Second thing you need to do is you need to master your skillset. You need to understand how to become efficient in your personal life. In your pro professional life. You need to have a strategic business plan that works. 
Whether you are having a business or your family is your business. It's the same thing. You need systems. You need to figure out how to do that. Okay? Third thing that you need to master. If you want to massively monetize or massively thrive through anything, you've got to become an expert in your field. Okay? Become the best mother you've ever been in in the world, right? Become the best coach become the best spiritual leader, whatever it is. That is your expertise. Okay? These are the three things that you must master. And I'm telling you this because I care about you. And I don't wanna see you stressed out in the middle of all this. Okay? So this is my invitation Wednesday. I, I am having, I have a breakthrough call on Wednesday. And sometimes when you come to that breakthrough call, I'm gonna actually pull you up on stage and we're gonna do some work or we're just gonna break through whatever you're at in your mindset, skillset, and expertise. 
Some of the Wednesdays, I'm gonna actually give a webinar on these things. Okay? And I might actually teach other things. I invite you. I invite you to come to my, my Wednesday webinar. I don't know how long this is gonna go on or whatever, but I'm gonna put underneath this, the link for you to come to this call, come engage with me. It's not a sales pitch. We, we really, truly care about you and we wanna help and serve you. We understand how universal law we understand, whatever as much we give away is as much as the universe is gonna give to us. Not necessarily through the same person. Okay. We understand how energy works and how universal law works. And I wanna know you. I wanna get to know you. I'd love to see your face on zoom. I'd love to dive deep with you. 
I'd love to laugh with you and cry with you and whatever. Sometimes I record my podcast on there. Sometimes we will do, you know, breakthrough work sometimes on a rare, occasional do an E four trauma method there, whatever that is, but I invite you to come. And, um, and it's, it's obviously for, um, non-members because we do present something there. Okay. We present something about the, about our programs and um, and you're welcome to come to one of those and just come check it out and, and see what we have to offer. Um, yes, we will make you an offer, um, for that one time that you come, but regardless I would love to meet you and, um, and give you my heart for one of those sessions. Okay. That's my gift to you. Thank you so much for listening to this. I just wanna say I am. 
I just actually just do a spiritual mind treatment or what we're calling spiritual scientific prayer because there is a science to this. This impacts our mindset. It impacts our energetics of every single aspect of our cell. It impacts the coordination and the coherence between our heart and our brain impacts all of it. Taking a deep breath into the nose and excellent. Ow. I just wanna know right here, right now, this divine, divine nature, this all prevailing untouchable nature. The truth of who I am, the divine that I am, that I am that pure potential. That always is life. Life cannot ever go away. Energy cannot be destroyed. It is eternal immortal. And that part of you, that is the power that is always creating. It is that part that decides it is consciousness. And in this, I recognize that I am the, I am. And I recognize this for you as well. 
I recognize and know right here that you are here for greatness. You are here to remember the truth of who you are. You're here to create the entire universe and to form. This is the same source that is in you. And you are the unique divine expression. There's only one of you on this entire planet. We want you, we want the healed. You, we want the fully expressed to you. We want the innovation and inventions and your voice. The only voice of you, you are the fractal of divine. And we say, yes, we say yes. And I declare right now that you are here 
Living your greatest life without any objectives. And in this, I know if money was of no object, if it's a hell, yes you say yes. May you never put your power out there into the world if time was of no factor, because it is not reality in the spiritual world, you would never consider the time. You would just take a look at what do I want to create, right? No matter what it is, if it's confusion, the truth is you have all the wisdom and knowing, and I know as you put your hands over your heart and you really get authentic with yourself, I know that you deserve to have incredible community support, coaches, prosperity, vitality, great relationships, all that. And I just say, yes, I say, yes. I say, yes. I simply know this with total gratitude, seeing you thrive, seeing you love your life, seeing you absolutely heal your ancestor lineage and all the above. Yes, yes, yes. Is all the universe says, it just says, yes. I simply know this. I release this. My word is law as together we say. And so it is. And so it is okay, you guys have a beautiful, blessed day. You can go below and see the link, or you can simply go to And there's always a link on there to come to these, uh, Wednesday call. If we're doing that, it is Have a beautiful blessed day. And may you live your truth? Spiritual Psychology Coach, spiritual meaning, spiritual definition, spiritual warfare, spiritual gift, spirituality, and so much more.


Aug 18, 2022

The Spiritual Meaning Definition & Signs From The Universe

Welcome to The Dr. Erin Podcast. This is a top spiritual psychology coach podcast to inspire and teach you how to transform your trauma, birth your soul’s purpose, and manifest your dreams. Hi, I’m Dr. Erin, a doctor of divinity, I’m committed to bringing you the best coaching tips, spiritual advice, trauma healing, and metaphysical recovery secrets. I’m here to help you monetize your spiritual gifts and love your life.  I want you to know that I’ve been exactly where you are, and I believe in you. Together, we are awakening the world.

Do you believe in signs from the Universe?

What You Will Learn In This Episode: 

⚡ How to read signs from the Universe
⚡ How to discover the spiritual meaning of signs
⚡ How to communicate and get confirmation from Source

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Have you ever wondered, what is the spiritual meaning of something that occurred in your life? Right. We all wonder what is the spiritual significance of things going on in our life? Or maybe you're looking for signs from universe. Maybe you laugh about concepts around us, regardless if you're somebody who wants to dive deep into the spiritual meaning and what we truly believe from a metaphysical standpoint and from a perspective of what happens in consciousness and how it projects out into life and communicates back to you via the universe, then you definitely wanna listen to this podcast. Welcome to the Dr. Erin podcast. This is a top spiritual psychology coach podcast to inspire and teach you how to transform your trauma birth, your soul's purpose, and manifest your dreams. Hi, I'm Dr. Erin, Dr. Divinity. I'm committed to bringing you the best coaching tips, spiritual advice, trauma healing, and metaphysical recovery secrets. I'm here to help you monetize your spiritual gifts and love your life. I want you to know that I've been exactly where you are, and I believe in you together. We're awakening the world. 
Hi, my soul family. I'm really excited to break this on down for you because tonight I had a very mystical and magical night and I was inspired to record it for you. So earlier this evening, uh, early evening, I had a meeting with my team and we were discussing events in person events. We haven't done in-person events since before the pandemic, and it's been something that we keep coming back to, but we've been so busy with all the online stuff and building an extraordinary community and doing so much. And there's so much that happens in it. So we keep coming back to events in our meetings because we're going over the topics that we need to discuss. And each time we come to this topic, we kind of get stuck a little bit. And we realize tonight that we're definitely committed to doing events, but we didn't really feel a flow around how or what that looks like or when exactly. 
And so we decided to put it into consciousness, cuz that's what we do whenever we're feeling stuck. We don't keep trying to analyze it and figure it out. We go to the great divine mind and we allow truth to come through. So we decided to do that. We ended the meeting and I decided I was gonna go out on my evening bike ride and do some spiritual scientific prayer and begin to, you know, really contemplate it and allow whatever miracles were to come through. So I got on my bike and I, as soon as I went out my building, I realized it was sprinkling and, and it looked really dark over in the clouds. And I thought, man, I should probably go inside because where I'm at in Palm beach, it, when it rains, it dumps like it's no joke. And so I kind of contemplated for a moment, but I just had this really strong feeling that I needed to go on this bike ride and I needed to do some deep, deep work around the consciousness around events and what that looked like. 
And I really wanted to commune with my heart self and really allow the miracles to come through. So I decided to keep going. So I decided I was just gonna keep going. And I decided to go the direction kind of away from the clouds. And I thought, well, I can maybe outrun a little bit or you know, maybe I can get to a place that I wanna be. And then the storm will come through. So I went across the bridge and yes, it was sprinkling kind of light. And I was coming down and I started doing a little bit of intentional work and I thought, you know what, I'm gonna put it into consciousness. So what I do when I'm doing a spiritual mind treatment, you call it or a spiritual scientific prayer or affirmative prayer. It doesn't matter what you call it, going into consciousness. 
And I set the intention of show me, let me know and bring clarity around these events and what is to happen as far as do I have confirmation, should we wait longer? What is there? And I began to bike ride along. And the first kind of consciousness that came in was about divine signs. And for some reason I kind of thought, why is this conversation coming in about divine signs and signs from the universe? And I began to think as like, do we really believe in signs? You know, from the universe, the universe is just responding to us, the sign, the universe doesn't do anything it's responding to consciousness. Right. And as right as I said that, I went around this little kind of corner on my bike and all of a sudden hundreds and hundreds of dragon flies flew all around me. They flew all around me, all above me. 
And it was this mystical and magical moment. And I stopped my bike because I was in such awe. And I realized right in that moment that I had just asked my higher self about having signs. And so I'm sitting there and for a moment I'm like, oh my gosh, is this source kind of telling me no, there are signs. Right? And then I flash to what's in my book, which is really what we teach, which is serendipity, right? There's a serendipity place that we are in when we're in a confirmation of what we love of that blissful state. And we've all experienced that moments where, where the most magical mystical moments happen. And so I was there for a few moments and I was watching all the dragon flies and I just was, I was giggling, I was literally giggling and I was just looking up at them and just soaking in this moment. 
And the clouds began to come in further and further. And I thought, well, I'm a couple blocks from where I could get coverage, so I better get on my bike and go. So I began to get on my bike and, and the dragonflies kind of swirled around a little bit. And then I kept going a little bit further and sure enough, it began to rain. And I was right next to this open kind of mall area, this beautiful mall. So I decided to take my bike inside. And as I rode my bike right inside, cause there was no one around this dragon fly followed in right next to me. And he flew right next to me and he flew on and I just was just, it was just this beautiful thing. And then right away, the storm came and it thundered and it lightening and it crashed and all this rain came tumbling down like pouring, like pouring. 
Like you, you can't imagine it was pouring like everything like the skies opened and the seas parted. Right. And it came down so strong. And I just sat there just so happy, just be in this mystical experience and just so grateful with not one concern about the rain. I thought, well, you know, it's gonna pass or I can call an Uber. Right. Who cares? I just sat in the beauty of it. I just sat in the beauty of it again, sitting in the beauty. And this is what I do when I go into prayer. It's not about praying to the man in the sky. It's really not even praying to even become something it's really in the miracle of what is, and in sitting in that miracle space, that space of gratitude, that space of the awe, that space of ecstasy, it shifts everything. The rain began to kind of die down. 
Wasn't that long, maybe 20 minutes at the most, this incredible sunset began of these incredible FIA, pinks, orange and blue skies behind. It was the most beautiful, amazing thing. And I got on my bike and I ran, I rode out, I felt like a little kid. There was like these puddles and I was going through the puddles and I couldn't help, but swirl around in circles and look up at the trees. And it was just so beautiful and it began to laugh and giggle again and I'm riding my bike along. It wasn't even half a block and this huge, huge rainbow all the way full rainbow right in front of me. And I was just, I began to have tears of joy because it was this feeling of knowing. I know that I am here on this planet to bring truth. And I know I'm here to do events, to have us come together as a community for us to know the truth for us to really bring this movement forward on such a level so that all the teachers and practitioners and all the coaches can be showcased and they can also come together and, and bring in their voice. 
And so I rode along my bike more and I couldn't help. I had to take some pictures and, and I actually put it on my Instagram tonight. You can go to my story there. And it was so beautiful. I, I don't know if I've ever seen a more beautiful sunset, the pinks and the oranges and the blues behind it and the Palm trees and the puddles on the ground. And I was feel, I felt like I was just flying. I literally felt like a dragon flying through the air with zero weight. And that's the way I feel I get so out of body sometimes. And I realize that there's some distinctions to make here. Okay. There's some really great distinctions to make here. So what I wanna discuss are these three things, how to read the signs from the universe, how to discover the spiritual meaning of signs and how to communicate and get confirmation from source. 
So you can believe anything you want, and we never want to make anyone wrong for their belief systems. Okay. But from a metaphysical perspective, from a science of mind, from a place of understanding consciousness and how it works, we know that the universe only sends us signs that are reflection of where we're at. So for example, in my book, we have a distinction about serendipity versus Zem bla Zem bla, is that the out picturing of what we don't wanna see, it could be, see something horrific or something not good or resistance, or, you know, your relationships going down, feeling stuck, feeling resistance, feeling angst, feeling suffering, right? That's the Zem of the out picture of consciousness. The serendipity is when we're in flow, when we're in a state of non-resistance, when we're in love, we're in that flow state, the currency and all that stuff and things show up butterflies, show up, people show up, you know, these signs and the serendipity of all of it, right. 
That person you thought of two minutes ago happens to call you right in that moment. Right. That's a serendipity moment. Okay. But when people look to the world for signs, they're placing power outside of themselves, meaning that yes, we look to the, to the universal signs. We should at all points in time, not just looking for, you know, the butterfly in the sky, but everything we call it, the mentally equivalent, we call it the vibrational match, wherever we're at. You can look at someone's life. You can look at your life and know exactly where you are. If you're in flow or not in flow, or if you should be somewhere or in a relationship or in that event, because it's either a hell yes or it's a no you're either in flow or you're stuck in resistance. There's just a simple, simple thing called universal law. 
And it works for precision. So what's the spiritual meaning. There is no meaning. It's whatever, meaning you put on it. Yes. There are meanings around things like what is the embodiment of a dragonfly, right? When you look up the meaning of a dragonfly, right? Dragonflies are incredible. They're, they're almost like the butterfly. They come and they're, they live in water for a long time. And then they actually, they, they transform just like a butterfly and they become the dragonfly and they mostly like live most of their life underwater. And then they actually, when they finally bloom, they finally transform. It's a very short-lived life. It's this miraculous time with these beautiful wings, very, very, like, very beautiful, very translucent, very incredible. And when they fly, they fly very fast and straight. Like almost they can go anywhere. It's almost like a helicopter, right? They can, they're so light. 
And so agile, a lot of people will have like tattoos and swords representing through Asian art and different things of, of, of these beautiful dragonflies, because they can do anything they're free. And so what does this mean for you? You know, what does this mean and how to communicate and get confirmation from source? So I can't speak for you. I can't tell you what your answers are to these things. It's against my ethical, spiritual practice to tell you the way it is. But what I can say is how I communicate and how I commune and can get confirmation from source is when my heart and when my intuition and when it just says, hell yes, everything is a confirmation of yes, everything flows. Everything is miraculous. That is a hell. Yes. Okay. And whenever I'm not in flow, when I'm in resistance, my confirmation is when I'm in stuck traffic, when I'm in angst, when I'm frustrated, that means I'm not in alignment with my truth. 
So I'm not gonna look to see some sign to get that confirmation. I can just feel into my body. I don't need any confirmation anywhere. I can just feel into my, my consciousness. I don't need a sign out there, but it's really fun when there's a sign out there, it's really a game to see the dragonflies and know, oh my gosh, I'm in the intention of what one of my greatest dreams is, is to, to have events where we do and live these principles that we teach and transform people's lives and let them shed their old ways, just like the dragonfly and have them bur their true self. Right? Isn't that the point of it, it's said that dragonflies also predict whether they predict also knowing that there is this, this time to seize the moment, because just like the, the dragon flight doesn't have very much time. 
Once they bloom life is precious. It goes by in an instant, especially when we're living our blessed, it just, it's just a beautiful breath. This thing called life. So for you, you might wanna think about where you are. Are you living your truth or are you not, are you loving your life or not? Are you in flow or are you not, are you still stuck in that old skin? Or are you ready to peel it off and let it go and release it and live free? And so I invite you to seize this moment to live your truth. And so my confirmation is to absolutely have events, absolutely speak from stage, absolutely bring truth around the globe. Absolutely. This is what I'm born to do. There's nothing better than being a conduit for divine, being a channel for divine and holding consciousness for my clients and watching their lives transform right before my eyes, when I get a note or message or an email, and someone is confirming how this work has transformed their life and their life will never be the same, their relationships, their family, their health, their lineage, they've healed their ancestral, everything. 
This is why we 
Do what we do. And so I ask you a favor. You're in my community, you're here, you're listening right now. I ask for you to hold in consciousness, the most profound events for our community, the most profound life changing heartfelt events across the globe. And I say, yes, and it is confirmed because my word is law as together we say. And so it is if you're not already a member of our extraordinary community, I want to tell you that your life is about to take a quantum leap. Society is the number one spiritual community for coaches, practitioners, leaders, and soul-based entrepreneurs who are ready to monetize their spiritual gifts. It is the place for launching and scaling your soul-based biz. When you join society's spiritual entrepreneurs, you'll get access to an actual real community, not just a vault of videos, not just one call per month, not a bunch of digital master classes. 
You will actually get a real community that comes together every day of the week. Live online. You'll get me as your mentor every week, or for intensives. You'll get daily live coaching calls with master coaches where you'll be able to do deep transformational work. Yes, you'll also get my entire vault of life changing processes and teachings. You will learn how to repro your subconscious mind, transform your trauma and birth your soul's purpose. And you'll be able to master your mindset and skillset so you can become a powerful spiritual leader. Yes, you'll also learn the most trusted and proven six step sales and marketing system that six, seven, and eight figure coaches used to launch and scale their soul-based businesses online. You can work from home or you can journey the world in a laptop lifestyle. If you're not already a member you're really missing out soul society. 
Spiritual entrepreneurs is life-changing. You're going to feel like you finally found your soul family. You are not alone. Click the link below or go to soul As soon as you register, you'll have instant access and be able to come on calls straight away. I'm super excited and honored to take this divine journey together. You have nothing to lose in everything to gain cure. A few of our client wins. Sandy said, Dr. Erin in this community is the best gift I've ever received from the universe. I had never felt that I belonged or could trust. I hadn't ever known self love until I discovered this incredible community. Lindsay said E four trauma method directly resulted in my first ever 15 K month E said a 20 K month with this much ease was just a dream and hope six months ago, it was wishful thinking because I doubted myself so much. This work is so real. It truly is miraculous. What can happen and how fast when we surrender do the spiritual work. So remember you don't have to do this alone, go to soul and say, yes, your dreams today. That's S O U L C I E


Jul 17, 2022

If you are ready to understand the mindset of soul-based billionaire women, like Oprah, you want to listen to this podcast.

If you are ready to master your mind and turn on your billion-dollar mindset, then you want to listen to this podcast.

If you are ready to create your soul’s calling into reality, then you want to listen to this podcast. 

This week's Universal Law: Universal Law of Mentalism 

STORY: Oprah's Story of her favorite guest, Terra from Zambia 

What are you committed to?

How to have a billionaire mindset:

1. Master Your Craft

2. Have a vision

3. Be okay with people not liking you

4. Do what you love



Wednesday Podcast Breakthrough Call

Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards:

Jun 17, 2022

Today I'm going to get radically real with you...

Learn about the beauty of the breakdown and how universal law naturally creates a quantum leap in consciousness. 

Dr. Erin shares her story of burnout and birthing a $100 million dollar vision.

Learn how to reinvent your life and your vision.

Learn how to turn your problems into opportunities.

Join the FREE 5-day challenge that starts Monday.

Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards:



This is first live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? So today I'm going to get radically real with you on how I went through a big wall of fire to come to creating a hundred million dollar vision. So let's do this thing. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. This is a top rated podcast to help you turn your love for spirituality into a career. I'm Dr. Aaron, Dr. Divinity and founder of new thought global and society. I'm a world renowned spiritual leader, committed to bringing you the best coaching tips, spiritual advice, trauma healing, universal law lessons. We are all about breakthroughs transformations and yes, quantum leaps. So let's break this on down.


You guys. So I'm gonna get really real and raw with you today. So it was about two months ago and I sent a message to my team, and I said, I'm gonna need your guys' support. I'm not doing so well. It was the first time in my entire career of my entire adult life that I actually had experienced burnout for the very first time. And if you know anything about me, I am somebody who, if I am going through anything, I always go to source. First, I go into meditation into prayer, to my higher self. I'm a firm believer in doing the deep, deep work. And I know through the entire thing having faced. So there I was, it was actually about 10 o'clock at night, and my nervous system was completely overloaded. I had a zillion things to get done, and it was like, there was a button in my system.


You how like computers get too hot or your phone gets too hot. And it'll literally have like that little symbol that comes up. That's like, you know, system down it's too hot. You know, it was like that in my body. And I realized in that moment that I needed to reach out to my team and get support something. I just, I've never been accustomed to in my life. I'm one of those persons that really has a high, high, um, stamina rate. I am able to do things that most people are not able to do. I'm able to withhold and sustain a lot of energy and a lot of moving parts. And at that point in time, my system, my spirit, my body, my mind, my emotions, everything, it was like, no, this isn't, this we're in game out. We're shutting the system down. And immediately my team totally rose to the occasion.


I've never felt so supported in my life. It was really beautiful divine moment. So what happened is we call it the wall of fire, but we also call it a natural emergent evolution. There's a part of universal law. That absolutely is a supply and demand. And in that moment, there was a decision, a powerful decision. It was what we call also the breakdown for the breakthrough. I had reached my point. There was a point where it was enough. It was enough within my psyche enough within my everything. And I really was at a point where I've given so many years to this work. We've developed an incredible, incredible community developed, incredible programs that helps people, of course, do all their inner work, do all their inner trauma work through E four trauma break through all their limited beliefs, repro their subconscious mind and bur their soul's purpose.


We also help people really learn sales and marketing and being able to turn their love for spirituality into a career, whether they're using their own framework or whether they're coming in and getting accredited in our specific framework, to be able to powerfully get transformation for, for their clients. And to be able to understand sales and marketing, to, you know, really do all that work. But what I didn't realize in this was that I was going to have to learn exponentially, you know, how to, how to not only delegate and build team, which has been huge for me. And now in today, we have such beautiful team. But what I didn't realize was that there is a natural place within each and every one of us that we're not designed to do the same thing over and over again. And this is, you know, I've been doing this work for decades, but we've only built this community we're in year four.


And there's this natural evolution that happens where we're not designed to do the same thing. I teach multiple times about five times per week within our community. And I teach in other groups as well. And of course, at some points in those years, I was also doing good morning LA land. We were having events out at, you know, five star hotels and not to mention all the other stuff that goes on your life, right? And I hit a wall. I've never missed one call training. Even when I've, of course, I've had, you know, emergencies over the course of the years, I've only missed one call one time and it was for my son's wedding. So you can imagine that I'm not somebody that ever quite hits walls, right? So this was a really different thing for me to go through it. Like, whoa, my body was literally shutting down.


Not because of anything. I wasn't sick. I wasn't having, you know, there was no mental thing going on. It was literally like my body was saying no more literally. And what I realized in this divine moment, as I surrendered into it, even in faith, I never had fear in the middle of it. I absolutely knew that there was something going on for my growth. There was something going on for me in so many levels that was beyond my logical mind and in this surrendering and handing over and immediately pulling in even more team, immediately calling in the new vision. I've had a profound vision as you guys know, which is we're. Our, our mission is to awaken a billion people on this planet and how we know we absolutely will fulfill upon that mission is by developing world class, world renowned spiritual leaders and coaches, practitioners, and doctors of divinity, right.


That's been our mission and there's just, it's so clear, but what I really came to in that wall of fire and in that breakdown and in that surrendering too, is that I'm rising up, that this is a natural thing. And in order to rise and take a quantum leap, energetically, we cannot stay in the same dimension we're in. We cannot stay in the same place that we're at. We absolutely have to go to a completely new dimension. And so I've gone to a new dimension. I've gone to a new dimension in my consciousness. I've gone to a new dimension in the vision of how I see myself in the vision. I've gone to a new dimension of knowing and claiming my birthright of a vision of a hundred million dollars per year.


And I'm so clear on this. I am so in my power I'm so in divine, knowing this around this, it's not coming from a workaholic standpoint, it's not coming from, I need to be enough. It's not coming from any of that. It's coming from a clear claiming of my birthright of prosperity and knowing what I'm here to do on this planet. And so in that, you know, I kind of came to some major distinctions and you guys know I'm really about distinctions. So last night I was actually able to finally meet one of our leaders in our community Lindsay and her husband. And, you know, uh, we have this beautiful community and these are people that like Lindsay, I she's like family to me. We've spent hours and hours and hours and hours and hours, hours, you know, in sessions and zoom calls and, and her coaching people and all the beautiful stuff witnessing her really in her transformation and her major bloom.


And we sat down at this beautiful table for dinner last night. And we had these deep, profound, conscious conversations. And her husband was amazing and he just ran 140 miles barefoot. He's really into primal, you know, primal work. He loves the work we do. And we got into the conversation of stress. And as he shared his stresses of what his body went through and his mind went through and all that in the breakdown of him running 140 miles barefoot and getting to a place of having to surrender and watching himself, you know, puke and get sick and all those things that went on in the body for, for seeing how far he could push it, if you will, and, and finding the joy in, in that, that, that stress. Right. And I shared about how I had the stress of what I went through within the company, how I really have been really it.


I had to go through that level of stress to get to this new paradigm that I'm in. And we shared, and we began to conversate all three of us around, around these stresses and how the world look at stress is a bad thing, but there's this beautiful thing that happens in stress. One is say, for example, in the run in a runners like they have, what's called a second wind, right. A second runner's wind. And it turns on a new system, right? It's the same thing that happens, say in intermittent fasting is that our telomeres and our, our mitochondria and all of our cells have to really like stretch and grow to be able to survive in these places. And it's the same thing in consciousness. We call it a risk muscle in business where we're able to, to take on more stress, take on more responsibility, be able to have more risk in our investments, right?


We, we wanna build that muscle of the risk muscle, the fear muscle, the all those things. And so there's this beautiful thing that happens when we push ourselves to our limits. First of all, we'll never know what our limit is. Second of all, we'll never know what rises out of that. And as we know in say, universal of emergent evolution, which is really the law of supply and demand and all this stuff, you know, what is this exactly right? What, what is this, what happens within each and every one of us? And so during this evolution, this cause and effect of whatever we're creating in our life upon demand for life to prevail, there emerges new properties, new consciousness, new evolution, for example, potentially. And now I'm questioning this whole thing. The fifth finger emerged out of the necessity for survival, right? And I question this because of the conscious, um, uh, conference I went to and how, how this is a total side note of how now we're finding that human beings actually came to this planet completely how they are in their DNA structure and that we really have not evolved.


Okay. So this is a kind of a different conversation. So we'll going a little bit off base for a minute, but coming back to the law of emergent evolution, we absolutely evolve in consciousness. Okay. So what happens is what upon a supply and demand when you get to that place, you're like, I've had it. I am done. I can't do this anymore. It's like we push so far and then something new emerges. And for me, this was my second, there's a whole new system. There's a whole new part of me. That's emerged out of this kind of wall, which you call it the wall of fire. And what happens is when I'm developing soul based entrepreneurs, when I'm developing profound world class coaches, there's walls of fires that they'll go through. And some people quit give up and some people keep showing up and they work through those walls, right?


We say, she who shows the F up wins, right? Like you gotta move through those walls. You can't just bail out during those walls. Like that's gonna happen. That's what makes a great crew, right? That's what makes an incredible team. They say, uh, a crew on a ship is not a crew until they've gone to the storm. And it's the same with you and your business. It's the same with you in whether it be in a relationship or whatever. There's a place that we have to go through that is very uncomfortable. But if we stay in our comfort zone, then we'll never watch the law of evolution. We'll never watch the supply. We'll never watch what is possible. And look, this, this can come through just doing, you know, straight S mind treatment and allowing the miracles to evolve. We can do it that way.


It can happen many different ways. This new evolution, it doesn't have to be a breakdown for the breakthrough, but there's also, we have to supply the demand. We have to supply the demand. And we know this through, you know, beautiful, you know, work in our, in our work of new thought ancient wisdom. You are the wisdom. It lives in every cell of you. It lives and breathes you. You are the omnipotent source and the force, and it's in you, but we'll never know our greatness until we actually demand it. It's the power of decision. It's that place within us that knows. And so in this, in this place, in this place of going into the parasympathetic and the sympathetic of that, you know, the stress and then the rejuvenation, the stress and the rejuvenation, and then going to some extremes that we don't even know, we get to this place of this law of D supply and demand.


And we, we come to a place. And in that moment, you know, I surrendered into this. And as I slept that night, you, as I woke up and all my team and, and new team and everyone was rising and people were literally like, my team was amazing. They're like, what do you need? We are here, whatever you need. I want every single thing you've got on your list still. And, and systems have gone in place that we've, we've, you know, the organization and, and the delegation and the different, you know, divisions and everything has come we've exponentially grown. And since this has happened two months ago, and so in this, a beautiful thing has emerged for me, which is rising, which is the reinvention. We are creators, and I'm a creator. And when we reinvent ourselves, when we up level to the next level, what we get to do is we get to take a look at what we're truly committed to, which I'm truly committed to bringing these teachings to the world, never even questioned it. Even in that wall. I never questioned it. But what I did have to question and surrender was how I was doing it.


And in releasing that how cuz we call that outlining, we don't try and fix force it or control it or make it happen, surrendering past that and getting committed. You know, what I got committed to, I got really committed to zero stress. That's what I got committed to. I never questioned my commitment to the movement. Absolutely not, not even for an instant, but what I really questioned was how I was going about doing it. And in that surrender and in that commitment, the recommitment to, to my mission and to the recommitment to zero stress, what came out of that was an absolute new vision. An up-leveling a reinvention of that vision. And the vision of course took on a hu and it literally as, and as we know, right, right. As you decide, right, as you decide, I decided here I am, I'm absolutely thousand percent, even more committed to fulfilling upon my mission of awakening, a billion people. And how I know I will fulfill upon that and how we fulfill upon that is by developing world class, world renowned spiritual leaders and coaches bringing E four and the truth triangle, and knew that ancient wisdom to the world.


And in that commitment, that vision of zero stress, the universe completely conspired, completely brought everything and landed in my lap. It landed straight in my lap, straight in my lap. And so we absolutely


Are pivoting in the most beautiful, incredible way. Not much is gonna change if you're in the community. And if you're, you know, in any of our programs, not a lot's gonna change. I mean, some things are definitely changing, but really it's just a pivot. There's minor tweaks. And what it means is that I'm rising. So the leaders can rise. So I am pretty much announcing that there are self coaching program, which is a spiritual warrior, which I teach every week. This is the last quarter I'm gonna be teaching it every week. Live. You're going to have me after this quarter. You're gonna have me once a month and you're gonna have other leaders, the leaders that have been with me for multiple years and have profound consciousness, there will still be live coaching calls every single day, Monday through Friday. And even on the weekends, sometimes there will still be incredible E four trauma method.


There will still be all the truth triangle. There'll still be everything profound things for you to break through your mindset and get all your business stuff and do all that work together in the spiritual entrepreneur program. But after this quarter, I won't be teaching it live every week because this is natural. It's natural to evolve. I'm no longer supposed to be teaching the same thing over and over every week. Now I rise. Now, the focus will have all we're getting, we're upleveling everything in the back, automating and, and having beautiful upleveling, everything we're restructuring even better. So everyone's gonna get even more and more and more. We officially have the E four trauma method is accredited with, with C P D. We literally have one of the most profound programs. One of, uh, my mentors that helped us get accredited. She said, do you know that your program for E four trauma method and your, your spiritual coach program, uh, is more advanced and more hours and things than Oxford.


Like, she's like you have such advanced work and you really develop people. And I was like, yeah, you know, I'm not gonna put out halfway coaches. I'm not gonna do that. I, I, we take pride in our work and people are doing trauma, healing coaching. So we can't just, you know, have it be, you know, one quarter and go have at it. Right. And we're doing it where you can actually come in for, at your own pace, but it is 180 hours. So it's profound work. I will still be teaching in there and will still do great profound work. But what I know is that I will not always be teaching that live. There will be a point in time where I will not be teaching that we will have all the presentations. We will have everything. And other coaches will be coaching because it's natural.


It's natural to no longer do what you're doing now. And you too will also no longer be doing what you're doing. You know, I was thinking back, you know, I went into a, into a studio this last week to record a bunch of videos and stuff. And I was going back through some of the, my story of the evolution, you know, and looking at all the reinventions over the course of the year. And I remember when I was in my twenties, I had this whole incredible vision of saying, I'm gonna make a hundred thousand dollars per year. And back then, that was a lot of money. And it was a big dream. And it was, I was coming from, you know, I grew up pretty much poor, went to the thrift store. I waited tables, you know, through high school and college, I went to the thrift store for my son's clothes.


Like I was literally poor <laugh>. So for me to have a goal of a hundred thousand dollars, that was a big goal. And I did it. I remember having the goal of becoming a millionaire and thinking, this is such a big dream. I'm maybe delusional. And I did it before I was 30. I saved a million dollars, right. I remember the first time having a goal of making a hundred thousand dollars per month. And I did it. And as I have chills going down my spine right now, I say this because I know right now in this vision, the new vision, which is a hundred million dollars per year, that we absolutely will reach that goal. And it's not about getting a bunch of money. It's about becoming the mentally equivalent of somebody who is able to do that with zero stress, with having a profound team with designing it. However we wanna design it, getting profound results and producing extraordinary coaches and leaders.


And I just want, I just want, I wanna say this because I, I, I wanna know it's possible. You know what I mean? I want you to know it's possible. I remember a little girl came in my house one day. I was, uh, I had a home up in park city, Utah, and I had, I had been a millionaire. I'd worked my tushy off, you know, and, and I remember some friends came over, I had a little get together and they came over with their two little girls. And one of the little girls came in and I said, hi, you guys. You know, I opened the door and was greeting them. And she took a look and she kinda looked up cause I had this really huge grand, like 7,400 square foot home on a signature golf horse in, in park city. And she looked at me, she looked at the house, she looked way up to this huge vaulted ceiling.


She looked at her mom and she looked at me and she said, it's just your house. You're not married. And I said, no, I'm not married. And she goes, this is your house. Did you buy this house? And I said, yeah. And, and she, she, she had this look. She looked at her mom and, and I could tell she was like, what? Like, it was out of her construct as a little girl. And not that it's good that I was wasn't married or anything like that. It's just that for me, growing up as a little girl as well, I never had any role models as women of the possibility. And I'm all for marriage. I'm all for family. I'm all for whatever people want in their expression. But what I also know is that my grandmother was not happy. She had a lot of money.


My on my dad's side of the family, my grandmother had a lot of money and I think she had a lot of regrets. I really truly believe that on her deathbed, she had a lot of regrets. And one, one was that she just didn't fully, she wasn't fully expressed in this life. She was in a marriage that was fine. But she, you could tell she just, she hadn't lived her dream life. She hadn't lived out what she was here to do on this planet and why it matters, why it matters for me to fulfill upon the mission of awakening billion people. The mission of making a hundred million dollars per year is because it is important to know our true potential and that we are creators and that I can create a hundred million dollars with zero stress. And that is absolutely my commitment. That's not a goal necessarily.


Yes, that's a goal. That's a vision. But what is backing of is not about getting a hundred million dollars. It's becoming that big of a container with an incredible team and an incredible mission with incredible products, world renowned the best of the best products in the industry. And not only just those great products, not even just that, but taking a movement and bringing this work out to the world. And I'm just so excited. I'm in total peace. I'm in total power. I have been meditating a lot, getting really clear in my daily spiritual practice. And I am so grateful to have experienced the very first, uh, you know, uh, burnout. I, I'd never experienced burnout. I, in my entire life, I didn't even know what that was. And I now have more understanding and compassion. I've been overwhelmed, look, get me wrong. I've done all kinds of like, I've been completely frustrated.


There was years and years when I said I was coaching where I didn't even have a, a client, right. There was years and years where I'd go around and try and, you know, get a bunch of information and shuffle it together and not actually, you know, get coaches. There was years and years where I would go to a bunch of free events and free, you know, get free bees and, and get in people's funnels and do all this stuff. And I didn't even know, I, I wasn't willing to pay for a coach. Right. And so I know that suffering, I know what it's like to have a hobby and not an actual business. I know what it's like to feel like imposter syndrome because you don't actually, you're not actually doing what you're saying. I know what it's like to Sam, a coach or Sam, a leader, and then still be in a co-dependent relationship and sending insane text to somebody.


I know, I know what it's like, you guys, I know it's like to not even be able to barely afford groceries for my son. I know what it's like to, to be in scarcity and have money. I know what it's like. And what I know for sure is I know what it's like also to be in my peace and power and to in flow. And so I'm grateful to be transparent and real and raw with you today, knowing that stress is a beautiful thing. There's a time and a place to be stressed, and there's a time and a place to be stress free. And that doesn't mean my commitment is not about having no stress, meaning I am fully committed to good stress. I am fully committed to releasing stress that does not need to happen. I'm all about for the stress to push myself in ways.


And I'm all about releasing any stress that it does not need to happen. And so I'm just saying, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for that second wind. Thank you for that law of supply and demand. Thank you for knowing these truth. Thank you for understanding how the subconscious mind is one with the divine mind that it's one with the universal law. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for all the great leaders in our community. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for all the great wisdom of the coaches that are coaching me right now. The CEO coaches that I have, that I pay a lot of money for. Thank you for understanding how the law works, knowing that if I want to have high paying clients, that I have to be willing to pay for a high paying coach, I am so grateful to know that I don't have to do it alone.


I'm so grateful that other people have done it before me, that I get to hire the best experts and have the best team and exponentially pay it out as well. I am so grateful to know the flow of currency and my divine birthright of prosperity and vitality and love and all the above. And so I just say, yes, yes, yes, you guys. I am. I am done plain small. I am done with excuses from people I am done with going around around circles. Okay. If you are in my universe, I am going to kick your ass and take names. And because I care about you that much, because I am done with spiritualists that are broke and, and justifying their, their scarcity. Okay, I'm done. I'm done with the excuses I'm done with not implementing things I'm done with not having spiritual practices. That's another thing we're definitely implementing in our community.


It is imperative to have a powerful spiritual practice. You cannot be a spiritual leader and not be tapped in tuned in and turned on. It is impossible. So in this I'm just saying yes, to me saying yes to a hell yes. To this vision, I'm saying yes to our community. I'm saying yes, to all of our profound teachings, I'm saying yes, to having the world's best soul-based coaching pro program that is based in universal law, E four trauma method and the profound teachings that we have in new thought, ancient wisdom, your divine birthright truth. It is done, done, done as together we say. And so it is yes, yes, yes. And on that note, you guys this Monday, this coming week is a five day challenge. And it, it might, and I don't wanna say it's my last one, but I'm gonna say that it very well could be my very last live five day challenge.


Don't mark my word on that because we might do it again, but it is in the way that we are developing the marketing and everything. I don't think it's gonna be part of our world anymore. So I would love to say, get your tissue in there. We're gonna be implementing this over the next little bit. You're gonna see a lot of pivots inside, which are all upleveling. The entire thing. I will still be teaching coaching. I will still be teaching the practitioner and teacher and Dr. Divi, all those things, but everything's pivoting. Everything is going upscaling, upleveling, everything. So I just say, get in that five day challenge, you can find it in my link across on Instagram, Facebook, um, you can DM me and you can go to new thought as well there. So have a beautiful blessed day. And may you live your truth?


Mar 20, 2022
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Live from the universe. Welcome to a spiritual awakening with Dr. Aaron. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tear coffee because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? My mom said the very first day I came home from school. I walked in the front door because we came home on a school bus and I said, mom, how well do you have to be to quit school? She rolled her eyes and went, oh no. And the more of the story was this school never made sense to me learning geography when I hadn't quite understood my own mind. And what really mattered to me made no sense whatsoever. So today I wanna break down a very important thing to master in your life, which is emotion, emotional mastery. And one thing I truly believe is that our children and we deserve to have total freedom, freedom of mind, and we understand that freedom only begins within.


So today, if you're ready to master your emotions for emotional mastery, you definitely wanna listen to this podcast. In fact, if I were you, I would definitely invite a few of your friends to listen to it with you so that you can master your emotions together. So welcome to the Dr. Aaron podcast. We come together to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with the universal law would truly believe and know that when somebody awakens, they always have a gift and message to bring to the world and together we're awakening the world. So I'm Dr. Aaron, Dr. Divinity, founder of new thought global and society. I am an international bestselling author. I'm the 2020 Walden wisdom award next to Oprah Winfrey and creator of E four trauma method. But mostly I am somebody who's obsessed with consciousness. I'm obsessed with spirituality. I'm obsessed with how we create how we manifest.


And I love developing spiritual entrepreneurs and I love having just a straight spiritual community. So I want you to know that if you've been listening to this podcast, or if you've been thinking about referring it to anyone, we absolutely are going to be creating a community that is just spiritually based. That is not the business side of things as well. So we want you to know that we want you in our family. We want you in our tribe and we're committed to bringing truth to everyone's life, no matter where they're at. So let's break this on down. So today's podcast is emotional mastery. I think probably the most important thing to understand how we are creating our emotions. So let's do this thing. So in order to master your emotions and have emotional mastery, first, we have to understand how we are creating our emotions.


And I truly believe that our, our culture has really gone astray. If you will, meaning that we're trying to always only have certain types of emotions. And we have to understand that emotions are one of the most beautiful things, because they are the intelligence of spirit working through this conduit. This thing called a body, which is almost like a computer. So we're gonna break this on down in a very simple way and more complex way so that today you can really understand how you are creating your emotions, how you've always created your emotions and how you always will create your emotions and understanding the steps of what it really is going to take for you to master your emotions, what work you really need to do, what disciplines you really need to put into your life and how your emotions are working for you and not against you, and how to use your emotions to transmute and catapults yourself into a life beyond your wellness dreams.


So let's break this on down. So as somebody who's a doctor divinity teaching universal law, teaching metaphysics, teaching how you are the creator that is creating through this binary energetic field, because you are source that created this entire universe. I recognize right now, right here. Why, why do we care about mastering our emotions? Well, <laugh>, I definitely have spent very many times in my life, um, at the effect of my emotions. And as many of you guys know I was a big codependent. I was in a terrible relationship with a pretty famous rockstar. And I remember not wanting to live. I remember laying my bed and I would never have committed suicide cuz I have a son and I just don't. I just don't think there's anywhere to go. But I remember laying my bed and I remember literally staring up at the ceiling and my whole body was so upset because we had, you know, broken up again.


He had gone off and undone drugs ended up in a hotel with some other woman and things like that. Right. And I remember just being so uncomfortable in my body. It was like my entire body was a big emotional mess. I felt that at every cell, my body was literally felt like this ease was beginning in my body. And I remember in that exact moment thinking the O I've gotta change my life. And the only thing that it's gonna take is I've gotta figure out how to come to peace within no matter what happens out there. Right? So today it doesn't matter if you are, you know, really extreme in your emotions. Maybe you're dealing with sadness or loneliness, or, you know, if you're dealing with depression, please get help. Maybe you're dealing with an addiction or maybe just stuck patterns. Again, if you're dealing with addiction, please get some support.


Um, professional support maybe. And like all humans, you've dealt with traumas over the course of your life. And maybe you just can't figure out why you're not able to sustain in being happy in your life. No matter what's going on in your emotions. I want you to first understand that it's okay, that whatever you're going through right now, it's a blessing in disguise because this is your spirit, your higher self demanding you to wake up, right? So this is the breakdown for the breakthrough. So right here, right now, let's break on down. What, where, what are emotions? How do we create our emotions? Right? So we teach basically that you are a spiritual being and that you are the, I am, you are a pure potential. However, the moment that you consider yourself to be anything other than the, I am, you have an identity, an ego, if you will.


Thomas Troy was a master of teaching. This, the self contemplation of self actually sets the motion of the entire universe and, and emotion polarity. So it all comes from identity. Identity creates belief, belief creates, thought, thought, creates feeling and feeling creates, you know, your emotions and your emotions create the circumstances of your life. So we have to understand, first of all, that's how you are creating your emotions. So let's break it down even further. The moment that something occurs or doesn't occur, right? Something happens, something, you know, someone doesn't show up for an appointment, you get in an argument with your boyfriend. Um, you didn't, you know, make enough money this month. You're getting stressed out about paying your bills, whatever it is, you've put a meaning around it, right? You've placed a negative or positive meaning around something. And in the moment that you create and put a meaning, a positive or negative, meaning you instantly have a positive or negative experience and emotion, right.


And emotion obviously is an extreme, you know, expression of a feeling. So you could say you have a feeling, right. Or maybe you have an emotion. Emotion is outside of it's an expressive it's, it's the effect, right? The, the thought and the, and the feeling begin within. And then it, it translates into external. If it goes extreme into an emotion, right? So we wanna break down the creative process. So, you know, you might be like, well, I don't know why. I mean, I'm not choosing to be sad, but I'm just sad. Right? So we have to break on down the subconscious and the soul. So your creative being and your pure consciousness, right. You can consciously say, wow. I mean, I could choose to be sad or I could not choose to be sad, but then there's something in me that won't be allow, allow me to be happy.


What is that part of us that we feel like we don't have control over, right. Why do I feel like I don't have control over in my emotions? And even if I know I'm, you know, creating my emotions, it's gonna be awful because now I know I'm creating them, but I can't change 'em well, that's because in the creative process, what happens is your soul or your subconscious mind is the memory, right? Your soul and your subconscious mind is this automated system that plays out that we call the subconscious or subjective mind or the creative medium. It's why we don't have to beat the heart every time. It's why we just have reactions in life or triggers in relationship because it's this automated system. And it keeps track of everything that's been created in our lives. And so what happens in the soul, in the subconscious mind, there's a few metaphors we use, right?


One is that, imagine that there's a farmer, like you're the farmer and you're putting the seed. Like I I'm gonna put the seed if I wanna manifest, you know, um, love and relationship. I wanna manifest, you know, making money and having a beautiful career. I wanna manifest, you know, vitality and health and creative expression, but then something isn't working, it doesn't come out that way. You don't end up manifesting that thing. And it's because the soil has weeds in it, right? The soil kills off any seed that you put in it because there's a bunch of weeds there, right? Another metaphor, um, is a stain glass window, which one of our practitioners came up with, which I love is, um, Lindsay, which is the stain glass window, right? I'm sure other people have used the same metaphor, but I love to, I love our community.


And I love all of our metaphors that people have come up with. So imagine the sunlight is coming through that stain glass window and it's white, right? Light is just pure white, but then it comes through the stain glass window. It has all different colors. And then it comes through the other side of the stain glass windows. And it is, has all different colors to it. So it may have had the intention of coming as white light, but then it comes to all different colors. And that's the same with your life. You may have the intention of, of creating something, but then your subconscious mind is going to display it completely different. Right? Another one that Hillary, one of our practitioners also came up with is a water, you know, uh, a faucet. And oftentimes in your faucet, you are putting water out. But there, you know, there's granules that comes sometimes at the water spout and it stops the flow of the water.


And it's kind of all those little Peles and all those little things are all of our limited beliefs and all of our past traumas and all those things that are stopping the flow of our pure creation. And so sometimes in your emotions, you're like, well, why am I feeling this way? I mean, I can't even control it, right? That's not me creating it. It's like, I'm just reacting. No, they did something. My boyfriend, he made me mad. He cheated, right. Or, you know what the economy changed or I'm in lockdown or whatever it may be. That's not me creating my emotions. That's this happened out here, no matter what happens out there, that's called perspective. Right? And how one person interprets it. And another person interprets it is gonna be unique for each individual. We call the relative truth. And, and also subconsciously one person may have total phobias because of past traumas about being locked down versus another person's like, I love being locked down.


I finally get to be alone. Right? So it's all perspective. So the point is, is back to the creative factor. How are you creating your emotions? You're creating your emotions by the, by your subconscious mind, right? You can consciously choose to create emotions, but most people aren't that advanced. Right? Most people don't even realize that they're creating their emotions, but we have to understand the subconscious mind is what's creating a lot of the emotions cuz it's an automated system based out of the traumas that you've had in the past based out of the limited beliefs based out of the limited identity. And that is what projecting out into these reactions or into this automated sadness that you have no control over. Right? So we wanna break this down further and understand that you are a creator, you're a master creator. And in order to become somebody, who's going to be the cause of your life.


Someone who's able to actually create your emotions and use your emotions, right? We have to first understand how you created the emotions that you've had. So we understand in trauma, right? Trauma is something that doesn't happen to you. Trauma is something that happens within you. Again, it's relative for each person it's perspective. So let's just take for a minute how you created trauma as well. I know it's a big thing and I know people don't wanna take that on, but you created your own trauma as well, right? Cuz the trauma is emotions and it's playing out in your emotions. So trauma is really something that happened or didn't happen. Whether it's something extreme, like you got raped or whether, um, you know, uh, your boyfriend didn't show up for Valentine's day, something happened or something did not happen. And the meaning that you put on it and the significance that you put on it began to create emotions.


And during trauma typically is big, big, negative emotions, which is frequency and vibration. And that frequency and vibration is what, what informs a subconscious mind. It's like little soldiers down your subconscious mind. And you're the Lieutenant in charge. And you are saying, create emotions and it's creating emotions. And then during that traumatic incident, you decide something I'm, I'll never love. Again. I don't wanna live something's wrong with me. I'm not enough. And the little soldiers down there to say. And so it is. And so then these emotions are constantly being played out and, and new characters come into your life to make sure that you're playing out the drama. But the reality is you created it. And as hard as that is, it's also equally as liberating. And I care about you. I really care about you. And I care about my soul family. I care about you.


And I care about you so much that I'm willing to tell you the hard truth. And as they say, truth is really hard at first, but then it gets easier and easier. Lies are easier at first, but then they get harder and harder. So in order to have full emotional mastery, you have to realize that you are the creator of your emotions and in, in that taking responsibility for them and in that going and doing your trauma work to release those limited beliefs and those triggers and those negative charges and the commands that happen during the trauma.


So in that let's just break this on down. Even more emotional mastery emotions are the expressions of our value systems being met or not met. They're the effect of us believing that something we value is arriving, departing or present. So let's take a look at this. So emotions, let's take a look at fear. Okay? Fear is the emotion of the belief that something we value might go away. Oh my God, my life, oh my God, my, my arm, you know the Tiger's coming to bite your arm, right? Oh my gosh. There's flames. It's fire. I'm afraid I'm going to burn. Right? It's fear. It's the emotion of fear of belief that something we value might go away. Grief. Let's talk about grief. Right? Grief is the emotion of grief is the belief that something, we value something or someone we value is gone, right? The truth is that everyone's immoral.


We are eternal, but we don't know this. Why truth such a free, right? Because if you knew the truth and you really understood it, you wouldn't even, you wouldn't have, you wouldn't necessarily have grief when someone transitioned, not that it's bad. Grief is a beautiful thing. And we know that there's emotions, which we're gonna talk about after is all these emotions are good. And I'm gonna show you how to have emotional intelligence, not just become a robot, not having, uh, emotions, but understand them to use them instead of being used by them. Okay. So we're gonna break this down right after we break down all these different types of emotions. Okay? So these aren't bad. It's not like something's wrong with you. If you have the emotions, it's that we're gonna use the emotions and I'm gonna teach you how to do that. Okay. So fear is, uh, is, is the belief that something we value might go away, right?


Grief is the emotion. Um, or the belief, sorry that something we value or someone we value is gone apathy, right? Not like not caring, right? Apathy's like, I'm like hopeless. I'm just like numb apathy, right? Apathy is a emotion of apathy is a belief that nothing is valuable. Trust me, I know that one, right? It's like worse is be better to be like mad and frustrated than it is apathetic. It's like, oh, just who cares? Nothing matters. Right? Frustration. What is frustration? The emotion of frustration is the belief that someone or something is getting in the way of what we value something or someone is getting in the way we got, man, I'm frustrated. I can't do this. This technology's in my way. Right, man, I'm just so frustrated. I don't have enough money to go do whatever it is that I wanna do today. Right? That's frustration. Emotions are the effect of the meaningly place on people, places and things. The truth is that you're not your emotions. You're the creator of your emotions.


Truth is to the extent to which we assign someone else responsible for emotions is the extent to which we'll experiencing feeling disempowered until we're able to witness another human being without judgment. We will never be able to see anyone. Okay. So the truth is this emotions, our spirit demanding us to not place power outside of myself. We will always be emotional roller coasters. As long as we place our power and want things to be certain way, we have failed expectations. We want things to happen the way we want that's called control we're in divine will we're in God's will God's will, is your will. God's will, is your will the will. That is within that's the creator of, of your emotions, right? Not looking to the world to be the effect of what's happening or not happening. And so to have true emotional mastery is to use our emotions.


So within our community and in our programs, we teach emotional mastery. It's one of our core principles of understanding how you are creating everything. And in that we do the trauma work, we do the E four trauma work. We do all that clearing out of those automated triggers and we birth our truth out of that E four trauma method. One of the big distinctions of it is it's not just about neutralizing or not getting triggered. It's actually using and knowing that whatever, you know, trauma you went through is actually birthing your mission. You're calling here on the planet, not, I mean, not even if you wanna make money out, just you have a mission a as a person, you don't have to make it a career. You know? Um, and another thing we do is teaching how to transmute the emotions. So I used to be someone that I was, I hated emotions.


First of all, I was afraid to have emotions. Cause as a woman, I was afraid I would be called crazy if I had emotions, right? Secondly, whenever I had emotions, I resisted them all the time and made myself wrong and judge myself for having emotions. Right. Um, and thirdly, I just didn't know how to use my emotions. So inside of our programs, we actually teach how to have there's certain processes we use to use the emotion to fully get with what's going on and transmute, we call it upset worksheet and a bunch of things. And we use it to use the emotions to really birth our truth outta that. So anytime you're emotional, it's actually teaching you something. So I used to be afraid of when I had emotions or I thought it was bad when I had emotions. And now I'm like, yes, I'm having some negative feeling or I'm having, you know, frustration or I'm having, you know, fear or I'm having whatever it is.


It's like, yes. So I get in and I go do a process. And I always on the out backside of that process, I have a new truth. I have a new perspective. I have a new inspired action that comes out of that emotion. So I don't get used by emotions. I use my emotions. They're my higher self, guiding me to realign to my truth. And they're furthering my purpose. My soul's calling here on the planet. So in this, I just say, I say yes to you. I say yes to you having freedom, having total liberation to the truth of who you are to you, remembering that you are the creator. You are a, a powerful creator. May you create incredible emotions that transform your life, that transform other lives that catapult you into living a life beyond your wildest dreams. And so in this, I invite you.


I invite you to come into our community and master your emotions to truly, truly begin to say, you know what? I've had enough. I've had enough of stuck patterns. I've had enough of feeling lonely. I've had enough of being frustrated. I've had enough of being upset in relationship. I've had enough of feeling like I'm the effect of money and the world and everything, right? You deserve to have total liberation. That is your birthright. That is your divine birthright. And so in this, I invite you to come to new thought DME on social media get involved. There are programs we have that are not business. And we have programs that are business. In fact, um, tomorrow on Monday, we are starting a live five day challenge. And I invite you to come in. Yes, we will be talking about birthing your soul's message and mission.


Yes. We'll be talking about how to monetize your spiritual gifts, but we also are going to be doing a affirm mind treatment. We're also gonna be teaching universal law. We're also gonna be teaching how this is all in alignment with who you are. It's natural to have a flow of all of it, including the exchange of currency, including the exchange of love, including the exchange of beautiful, beautiful emotions altogether. So I invite you to come over there. New thought, um, come and meet your besties, meet me, engage. Um, also on Wednesdays, I have a breakthrough session where we really serve and get clear of who you are, where you're at and your mindset and skillset. We don't do high pressure sales. We literally just connect and serve. And if it makes sense to come together in community and programs and so be it okay, but the truth is this.


You are already a master of emotions. You already Haven been. You are, you just put the veil around and pretend that you haven't. The truth is at the core of who you are. You know who you are, you know, the master CRA you are, and I am committed to helping you have emotional mastery. So I simply know this. Have a beautiful, blessed day, please like share and comment on this. Please share it with a friend who, you know, needs to master their emotions. This is one of the most important conversations we can have. And if you're somebody who's on a mission to bring this to young children in elementary school, please show up because the world needs you. Okay. Have a beautiful blessed day. And may you live your truth. Thank you for tuning into the doctor, Erin podcast. If you've had a spiritual calling or desire to


Get certified as a spiritual coach or world renowned spiritual leader, go to If you've received value from the show, I would love it. If you share it with a friend and give it a five star review. Also we have spiritual practitioners that are trained to deliver the E four trauma method and assist you in birthing your truth. So let's be friends on social media. Again, my handle is Dr. across all social media, have a beautiful day. And may you live your truth?



Mar 3, 2022
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Live from the universe. Welcome to a spiritual awakening with Dr. Aaron. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? Are you ready to take 100% responsibility for your life? Well, then this podcast is for you. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron podcast. We're all about spiritual awakening. We're all about universal law, metaphysics reprogram the subconscious mind, clearing the soul so that you can download your highest program, which is divine, which is God, which is source, which is the ultimate. You let's do this thing. We come together to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with the universal law. We truly know that when somebody awakens, they have a gift and message to bring to the world and together we are awakening a billion people across this planet.


So I'm Dr. Aaron, Dr. Divinity, founder of new thought global and society. And we're gonna break this on down. So the question I have for you to really ask yourself deep, deep, deep, within your soul, taking a deep breath into the nose and exhaling out, are you ready to take 100% responsibility for your life? And if the answer is, yes, I highly, highly, highly recommend turning off everything and taking your attention into this deep dive of consciousness, because we're gonna blow the concept of what it means to be responsible for your life. We're talking about radical responsibility. And so in this right now, let's just break this on down. Where do you feel like you're not responsible in your life? Maybe something really bad happened to you. Maybe somebody raped you, maybe, uh, you had an ex that was mean that cheated. Maybe the economy has impacted your life.


Maybe the lockdown has impacted your ability to be completely at your mental capacity. And I get it. Life happens. Life is not necessary, fair, but is it, we're gonna break this on down from a standpoint of how you are creating all of your life. And until you recognize that from a spiritual perspective, it would be impossible for you to take responsibility around it. So from a soul perspective, obviously we are one our, our main and core principle that we teach in new thought global and society, and in new thought movement and unity and all these principles, metaphysics is oneness that there is one core source and it's you, it's a true aspect of yourself. However, we're in this individualized expression of the divine. And so it's natural. It's natural to feel separate. It's natural to feel like we can be the effect of the world, of the environment of people, places and things. When in reality, we are the first cause we have created all of the universe and we're here experiencing the cause and effect of everything that we've created, the good and bad in this


Planet. Yes, that's right. We, the one created all of it. There's one live one soul. And one thing going on, which is growth, which is love, which is the expansion in a relative way through the universe. But let's break this on down a little bit more. I'll never forget. It was years back. I had been diving into the lab of attraction. I had watched the secret. I had gone to every seminar under the sun. I had taken courses. I had hired, you know, different people and all kinds of things. I had worked with shamans. I had got my nine rights in shamans. I had taken leadership courses. I had taken spiritual things. I had meditated for years and years and years. And yet there was something missing. And I didn't know what I knew what I should eat, but I would still kind of sabotage my diet with, you know, different processed foods and things.


Right. I would know who I probably shouldn't be dating, but I date them anyway. People who are completely unavailable going through the vicious cycle of codependency, the ins and outs, the breaking up, the getting back together. I knew what I probably should do in business, but instead I didn't listen to my intuition. I kept doing what I thought the culture thought I should do so I could be good enough. Right. You know, about these cycles, just human beingness in of itself. And one day I meant a great mentor of mine. He's passed away now, but he was like this jovial, incredible magician. He knew all about the universe, all about the laws. And I'll never forget. He said something to me. He said, the universe has to agree with you a hundred percent of the time, how you think it is, how you feel it is how you believe it is.


It is the universe responds with a hundred percent accuracy and I'll never forget it. It was like the whole universe kind of stopped moving, Ugh, like a crash. And I thought, whoa, the universe has to agree with me a hundred percent. Wow. What am I putting into and projecting in and believing and communicating with the universe. And so I wanna break down a few things of the way that we communicate with the universe, which we don't even realize that we're communicating. Right? We teach that it truly is the identity. The moment that you consider yourself to be anything other than the, I am anything than pure potential, you are creating a limited belief, a limited identity doesn't mean it's bad. Doesn't mean it's good. It's just a limited identity. And in instantaneously in that consciousness, we literally are, are, are creating polarity in the universal law. We're literally creating the dynamic of life. So we create, and we understand that it comes from identity and identity creates belief and belief creates thoughts and thoughts, create feelings and feelings, create the emotions and emotions create the circumstances of your life.


So one way that we do it is something where it will occur or not occur out in the world. And we instantaneously place a meaning on it, a positive or negative meaning and instantaneously, we feel positive or negative. And that transcends into our attitude, into the circumstances. And we begin to, you know, respond from something that we think happened out there in the world. But instead it's actually something that happened within it's the same with trauma. As you guys know, I'm the creator of E four trauma method, uh, which got me the 20, 20 Waldo wisdom award next to Oprah Winfrey, Greg Braden and Michael Beckwith. And what I have found in trauma is that trauma's not what happens to you. Trauma is what happens within you. And back in say, 1970s, we used to think that trauma was only for very few people. It was not that common only if you'd been in, you know, the war or a major car accident.


But now we realize that everyone has trauma. And in fact, something like 60% of people I've been in something pretty significant like domestic violence or, um, you know, sexual abuse or something like that. And so the reality though, is that everyone's been through trauma because trauma's not what happens to you. It's what happens within you. So again, taking full responsibility for our life, what does it look like? It doesn't mean that it, that the person wasn't bad that, you know, raped somebody or killed somebody. But it means that we have to realize that we created the trauma in that how we made the meaning of what happened or didn't happen. We instantaneously created a high frequency of an emotional state, a negative, incredible emotional state. And in that moment we decided a command. We decided something to the fact of, I'm not enough. I'll never love again, I can't do this. I don't wanna live something's wrong with me and so on and so forth. And in that moment in the traumatic incident, no matter what happened, no matter how bad it was, or maybe someone just didn't show up to Valentine's day or whatever it is that trauma happened because of what you created within yourself.


And so in this taking responsibility, as I say, when we take responsibility, when we know the truth, it's not easy at first, but then it gets easier and easier. The paradox of taking responsibility for our lives is that it is hard. We have to take responsibility, but at the same time, it is liberating. And this is the paradox of taking a hundred percent responsibility for our lives. Another way that we create our lives into existence, knowing that we are a hundred percent responsibility responsible for our lives is a really interesting distinction, which is evaluation. What we do often is we will make a decision, but we don't realize that we made the decision. We will justify and evaluate


How are you today? Oh, I'm good. Yeah. Life is good. Oh, I'm not so good. Let me tell you why. And then we place all of our power of why we're not good out in the world. Yeah. Well, you know what, you know, I don't, I don't really like the relationship. Yeah. He did this and he did that and, and therefore, I don't like it. Right. Um, I wanna stay in this job or I don't wanna stay in this job. We evaluate it. Well, I don't like it because of the, the culture. Isn't what I want. Or I don't like it because of the way my boss kind of treats me or whatever, or, yeah, it's good. And the reason why is because, well, I get good benefits or whatever it may be, right. Instead of understanding that we are the powerful creator we create, we can't wait for the perfect job to show up, to love our job.


We can't wait for the perfect relationship to show up to be somebody that is unconditionally loving and expressed in our ability to love. We can't wait. Evaluation puts the power out in the world and instantaneously disempowers ourselves. And it goes like this, the moment that you place your power out into the world, into a relationship, a circumstance, life, whatever it may be, you instantaneously disempower yourself because the truth is that you are the creator and you can choose to create whatever you choose to create. It doesn't mean that you stay in a situation. It doesn't mean that you stay in a bad relationship. It means that you get really clear of who you are and what you are committed to creating. And then you create that. And whatever's not in alignment with that falls off, but you don't have to do it and justify it because of that.


This is a difference of taking responsibility, a hundred percent responsibility for your life or not another way, you know, we've been diving into responsibility and I'm so excited because we have new thought recovery as being launched with, which is gonna be head by Hillary Sepulveda. It's very exciting because we have so many people that come into our community that are dealing with codependency. It's an epidemic. Okay? Not just, you know, recovery is not just about alcoholism or drug use or whatever. Recovery's really about taking your power back and being a hundred percent responsible. And you know, we love 12 step. I think it's beautiful. And it helps a lot of people. However, having the identity I'm, you know, hi, I'm Erin, I'm a codependent. Hi, I'm Erin. I'm an alcoholic. No, I'm not actually, that's not my true identity. I'm a divine, powerful, spiritual being. I just happen to create myself in the experience of being codependent, by placing my power over and over into a relationship that was completely dysfunctional. So today I'm no longer a codependent. I am a powerful, spiritual being and I no longer choose to place my power over into that relationship. I know the truth of who I am. I am love. I am whole and complete exactly as I am. And I choose to recover because I create myself


Recovered. And so when we take a look at this and the responsibility, how much do you want it? How bad do you want it? Right. So many people come, they go, you know what? I wanna monetize my spiritual gifts. I wanna make 6, 7, 8 figures. I wanna, you know, have a show. I wanna have a podcast. I wanna have a book, all these things, but are they willing to do what it takes to be developed in that? There's a saying that goes like this. Be careful what you ask for because the universe is not about getting you things. It's actually about becoming something, right? When we pray, when we manifest, we're not asking for something out there. We're not praying to a man of sky. We're not trying to manifest things. What we are doing is we're, we're praying to become someone. We are manifesting the embodiment and in the embodiment has a vibrational match and a immense equivalent in the world.


So people say, I wanna be a leader. I wanna be a spiritual leader. I wanna be a world renowned spiritual leader. And then guess what happens? They get tested. They get challenged. Monetarily. They get challenged in their relationships. They get challenged by their clients. They get challenged by everything because you ask the universe, I wanna be a world renowned, spiritual leader, and the universe says, and so it is. So in order to be a world renowned spiritual leader, I'm gonna need you to have prosperity consciousness, which means you're gonna have to have faith. Even whether you have money or not. You're gonna have to believe it because spiritual leaders believe before it's reality. It's called faith. It's to understand how universal law works. As we energize something, we have to energize it before it takes form in the physical world. So if we want prosperity, we have to live prosperity in mind before it comes out in out pictures in the world.


So the universe is gonna test you over and over again. If you wanna take a hundred percent responsibility for your dreams, you have to be the person that actually is creating it. You have to be the responsible one. You can't look to the world to say, when I get money, then I'm gonna do the career that I want. And actually I'm gonna go, you know, invest my time and energy into program. Once I get money, it's not how it works. The, the universe works opposite. It has to begin within before it is without, as within. So without right. So we have to know all the places in our life. So my invitation for you right now is to take a look at your life. And where do you not feel? A hundred percent empowered? Where do you not feel? A hundred percent responsible? Where do you still believe that you didn't create the reality that you've experienced?


Where do you feel like you did not create the reality that you experienced? We have to know that it is mine, that we judge, we judge ourselves, we judge judge others, and we divide ourselves. This is what's happening, right? A war, what happens? There's one way to start a war and it can be a war within. It can be a war against the country. And it's by judgment it by division, making someone else wrong and being outta bounds, right? We, we, we're here to live a life fully responsible and fully in the unique divine expression, allowing other people to have their truth because there's one ultimate truth and there's relative truth. And the, the paradox and the beauty of this life is we are here to master both. We're here to master the infinite and the finite. We're here to know that we are the alpha and the omega.


We're here to know that all trauma everything's ever happened in our lineage is us. That we are all of our past lives and our lineage, whether we believe that or not, there's only one life. There's only one thing going on. There's no such thing as time and space. It is just a measurement of consciousness for us to see the cause and effect of what we've created. All, everything that's ever happened is happened right now. The consciousness that is lived and breathed through all lifetimes is living and breathing. As you, you are the source. You are the responsible one because you are the source that created all of life. Everything that's happening on this planet is your karma. Everything that's happening on this planet is your karma. If you are pointing the finger out there in the world saying, oh, they're bad, they're good that this or that, you do not understand that there's three fingers pointing back at you.


That if you, until you understand that you are responsible for everything on this planet, that you created everything on this planet, then you need to do more spiritual awakening. And in the spiritual awakening, it is natural for people to become missionaries. Basically, they're here. When you truly spiritually awaken you can't help, but have inspired action to make a difference on the planet. You can't help, but have a legacy and a purpose. And a soul's calling. This is the natural thing. We take our trauma, we transform it. We take our pain into our purpose, right? We transform our trauma into our soul's purpose. This is the whole incredible journey. That is how we created this dynamic of life. And what I know for sure is that it is done. This is a system that works with such perfection. The binary matrix of the universe works with such precision, that if you do not wake up and take responsibility and do the work intentionally, the world will do the work for you.


It will break you down to where you have to surrender and realize the truth of who you are. There is a higher power and it's your power. It's the truth of who you are. You are responsible, you are divine, you are love, and yes, you are the intelligence of the entire universe. And so I just say, thank you, thank you. Thank you. Maybe we know the truth of who we are. Maybe we take responsibility for our wealth, for our health, for our happiness, for our holiness, for all of it. May we know that whatever we put our mind to is our destiny, whatever our deepest desire is is our destiny because it is what we focus on. It is what we expand on it is what we are living and breathing and developing ourselves in. And if we don't use it and we focus on what we don't want, we will energize what we don't want. We'll get more and more of what we don't want. So if we consider ourselves a victim and we stand that mentality, we will always be a victim because we're looking through that lens and we're energizing that reality. So today, as you take responsibility, I invite you. I invite you to know that your mindset clearing your soul, doing your


Trauma work, birthing. Your truth is the most important work you will ever do in this lifetime. May you get yourself in this lifetime over any amount of money over anything that is the most important thing? Secondly, yes. Skillset. You need to understand how to do things in the, in the matrix, okay. From skillset, from monetization, from communicating relationships to everything. And then also, um, being able to have a support system, a community that is based in truth. And so I invite you into new thought global society. If you are not already a part of our, of our community, we have an extraordinary community. I invite you into. We have a five day challenge coming up. Um, you can take a look at new, do You can check it out there. We'll be going through everything of how to monetize your spiritual gifts, doing your inner work and your outer work, your skillset and your mindset for that.


We also have other, uh, free gifts for you. If you go to the website, you can also listen to other, um, podcast series on here. I've got a series on universal law. I've got a series on, um, trauma work, um, on relationship stuffs on awakening, on there's a bunch of different, uh, things, money mindset. There's a whole series on that. So I'm super excited to, to get to know you more truly, truly, you're welcome to DME across social media. I'm Dr., which is D R E R I And I'm really excited. You are my sole family. I know if you're here today, you've had a spiritual calling and we would love to have you in our community. We have an extraordinary global community of like-minded spiritual leaders, and I hold you as a world renowned spiritual leader. Okay. Have a beautiful blessed day.


And may you live your truth? Thank you for tuning into the Dr. Aaron podcast. If you've had a spiritual calling or desire to get certified as a spiritual coach, or will renowned spiritual leader go to new thought If you've received value from the show, I would love it. If you share it with a friend and give it a five star review. Also, we have spiritual practitioners that are trained to deliver the E four trauma method and assist you in birthing your truth. So let's be friends on social media. Again, my handle is Dr. across all social media, have a beautiful day. And may you live your truth?



Feb 22, 2022
Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin
Have you had a spiritual calling?
Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose?
Are you ready to have a spiritual community?
Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?
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Get certified as a: 
1. Spiritual Warrior
2. Spiritual Entrepreneur
3. Spiritual Coach
4. Spiritual Practitioner
5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister
6. Doctor of Divinity
Binge My Podcast Series:
12 Money Breakthrough Series 

52 Universal Law Series

12 E4 Trauma Method Series

12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series

6 Relationship Breakthrough Series

40 Spiritual Awakening

12 Metaphysical Bible Series

Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards:



Live from the universe. Welcome to a spiritual awakening with Dr. Aaron. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea, coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? Well, today is the day 2, 2 2 2 2 2. Is it a portal? Is it something prophetic? What is going on exactly today? So welcome to spiritual awakening with Dr. Aaron. We're gonna break on down today's numerology and also the prophetic aspect of today. And so I just wanna say we come together to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law together. We are awakening the world, and I know if you're here in this podcast, listening, I just wanna say, I love you. I'm so honored to take this journey with you. And it is such a humbling journey to live truth, to speak, truth, to write truth, to breathe, truth and only truth.


And it is such a blessing to do it with our community and with you right here right now. So let's break this on down. So whether you believe in numerology or whether you believe in prophetic times, everyone's a little intrigued. I, if you look on Google and you Google this date right now, every single news outlet has it because people know there's a big spiritual awakening happening in the world. And people begin to get intrigued by things like a number that will only happen once in our lifetime. 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, right? Um, February 22nd, 2022. So here we go. You guys, so one thing I want you to know that before I did any research or anything on this, I went into a meditation and felt into the energy just on a personal level and what really was going on. So some of this is channeled and some of course going out and looking at the world and what other people are up to.


I always do both. I always tap into source and I always go and get confirmation basically through different texts, through different, um, different leaders in the industry as well. But I always go to source first, always channeling divine first, always, always, always. And I believe that that's really a checkpoint and I believe something like a numerology and things like that. We wanna tap into that part of ourselves to get truth first. And this used to happen years ago. I remember I would go into meditations for hours and I'd have all these downloads. And then what happened is go, I would go out and, you know, research on top of that. And the confirmation for me was when the same things were coming through in my meditations and in channeling, that would happen, you know, that once I researched. And so for me, it was kind of like a confirmation of, of what truth is.


And I believe that we should always have both. We should have that part of ourselves that taps into our own intuition and our own downloads. And we should always get confirmation from the great wisdom of all the great minds that have come before in our, here on this planet now. So let's break this down. So the first thing that came through in channeling actually was the completing of a cycle. And the other thing, of course, of two being the union of, of relationship knowing the ultimate relationship is with myself. So I was down at the beach and began to just tap in and it Tapp in really fast. Right. So tapping in and what happened right away was this feeling, uh, the first word that came through was increased and I was like, okay, so breaking on down a few things. So here I was on the beach, calling forth, opening up to the one divine source.


And when I'm channeling, I don't ask for anything. I literally set the intention and, and release it at the exact same moment. I go in without any mental, you know, disruption. And I just allow whatever is to come through without any attachment to it. So again, the first kind of word, if you would, that came through is increase and just feeling into also two, just automatically felt like too, like the union of, um, of relationship, right? So if you break on Dan today, it's kind of interesting because it's two, which represents obviously February 22nd and then 2022. So you've got an increase of twos, 2, 1, 2, and then two twos and then three twos and, or on a Tuesday. Right. So it's pretty interesting cuz if you write it out, it actually really is very clear. It's increasing, right? It goes from one, two to two twos to three twos, right?


So it's, there's an impo, there's a increase in impounding, exponential compounding. So right away, a few things came through. There's a, there's a song that actually is very church like and growing up in non-religious person, I was always kind of like felt weird when I listened to church music, but there's a, a song and it's about increase. And it really is getting to the place of understanding that what are we really asking for in our experience on this life? And it really is exponential experience, exponential, um, receptivity. When we are receiving the flow of given and receiving fully living in this lifetime, then we're increasing we're exponentially increasing our ability to have more consciousness, to have exponential growth, to have exponential relationship, to, to give and receive exponential love. Right? This is the, the increase of all about, and it brings me to the one book that is so great called one thing by Gary Keller who developed the largest real estate firm in the world.


And he has a book called the one thing. And in that book, there is, uh, a metaphor on dominoes. And the point is is that if you take dominoes and you start to push them down, right, the very first domino could be super small, but when it blocks down the next domino, it ends up having a compound effect. And there's a great, uh, mathematical equation on this basically where you, if you took the first domino and it was so small that you could actually take tweezers, had to have take tweezers to actually set it in place and you knock that down. And each domino was double the size of the first domino by the 13th domino, you'd be at the empire state building. And that's the point. The point is that there is an increased factor of the universe that has exponential growth. And so today on 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 representing relationship, the ultimate relationship is with myself, right?


So the point of today is where are you? Where are you in your spiritual awakening and your merging with your higher self in that relationship? Because today is going to show you the potential of an increase in exponential miracle of your relationship with yourself. And that might be good or bad. We teach us in universal law. If you are opening up to merging in a, in a profound way and your spiritual awakening, then today could potentially have a miracle of really awakening to your true self. So meditation and prayer is very important today for you to honor and allow that blessing to received. And the inverted is as well true. So if you're in disfunction, addiction, discord within, it's gonna have an exponential, profound effect today, potentially, right? So you may slam to the ground, which Ashley can be a blessing to disguise. You may have to check yourself into rehab, right?


You may may need to say no more. I need support and help, whatever that is, it has an increased impact. This is what this sign, this, this numerology is telling us right now, right here. And, and the truth of the matter is that all this is true all the time. Yes, there's portals yes, or whatever, but all of life is happening. And the universal law, how it happens is happening all the time. Not any particular day or not any particular day is happening all the time. Today is just a representation and all the consciousness would you wanna say astrologically numerology or just a collective consciousness is going to be focusing on these numbers today in their consciousness, in their subconsciousness? How could you not? So know that all consciousness is holding these two exponentially increasing in their consciousness. So today is a portal, whether you wanna say through astrologically or whether you wanna say through the collective consciousness today is a portal.


So you might as well use it for good. So in this union of the two, let's take this, right. We know that the ultimate relationship is within between the self and the higher self and so exponential increase. So my question for you is what are you ready to exponentially increase in your relationship with yourself? Is it doing more meditation? Is it just having unconditional love? What is it that you're ready to say? You know what universe, my higher self divine, God I'm ready for increase. I let go. I'm ready to let go of whatever no longer serves me and receive the increase to blessing. So if you look at the word increase, the inverted is cease. And this, this means this is that if you're gonna have an increase, right, an exponential blessing of increase, it means the opposite, the same, whatever is ready to cease out of your life.


Whether it may be, uh, leaving a relationship that is completely toxic, whether it is letting go of that job, that it does not serve you anymore, whether it is, um, you know, finally taking the move or getting out in nature and saying, I'm not, you know, gonna be in front of my computer as much, whatever it is that you're ready to let go of, whatever's ready to be ceased is gonna cease. And it doesn't necessarily always happen the way you want to happen. It's not necessarily like a choice. Like, Hey, I'm choosing to, you know, let go of anything. It, the universe is gonna do it anyway. The moment that you truly decide what it is that you're ready to have increase, what you're really truly committed to the universe will seize things out of your life anyway. And we see this over and over and over again.


So, uh, this last week, uh, we had a dear soul sister in our community and I wanna give a shout out to our Hillary Sepulveda, who is a dear friend, dear sister, and a dear leader in our community. And she has been in a series of, of different surgeries because she had some things with veins and she had to go and do multiple surgeries. Meanwhile, she's rising in, in leadership and she keeps praying to her higher self saying, please let, let let go of anything. That's no longer serving me. I let go of everything. That's no longer serving me, show me whatever, you know, show me the path of letting go of everything. So I can become the best world renowned spiritual leader. And she's praying and praying, praying for this. Right. And so what does this mean? Be careful what you ask for, right.


BEC this is the biggest thing about manifestation and prayer and everything is, is whatever you be careful what you ask for, because it's not about getting something to prayer. It's about becoming something to prayer. So what happens? She actually had multiple surgeries and she actually thought she had had a stroke. And she went into the hospital. And once at her face was a little bit more droopy as happens with some strokes, right? And she had such a powerful consciousness hold, and this is a trained practitioner, right? And she knew the truth the entire time. And one, we all began to pray not to amend the sky, but really knowing and expanding consciousness. So knowing the perfection in prayer, just like she was doing for herself, we have to get okay with worst case scenario. And we have to also know the blessing and miracle that potentially can happen.


So fast forward the next day she calls up and says, you know what? The MRI came back. I didn't have a stroke and potentially, you know, I can, whatever it doesn't matter in outcome of whether her, you know, face goes back a hundred percent or not, whatever the point is is that prayer works. First of all. And the point is that she asked to have release, right? Imagine the advanced practice of releasing the attachment to how your face looks. That's a blessing. Some people say, oh, that's the worst thing ever happened to somebody. It could be the best blessing of your life because now you're able to have an increase that you never knew was possible. The releasing of needing to look a particular way in order to what a blessing to let go of the body, what a blessing to let go of whatever.


And obviously she's gorgeous. And, and regardless of whatever, and her face is almost back to normal already, right? The point is, is that increase does not always look how you think it's gonna look. We think that the blessing might look like, wow, I got a million dollars or wow. I met somebody. It's not always how it looks. It's not always how you think it's gonna look. The blessing comes in incredible ways. The universe will never give you the next challenge, unless it is a blessing of who you're going to become in that challenge. So today, as you go into this day, yes. Expect increase. Yes. Expect miracle. Yes. Expect exponential growth of all relationships with myself and with all relationships. But it might look different than what you think it's gonna look like depending on where you are in your spiritual development, depending on where you are and what that is.


It may look like a really hard thing comes in, or it might look like a blessing. The point is it doesn't matter because all that matters is your perception, your, your, your consciousness is going to decide whether it is a good thing or a bad thing. And the universe is just gonna say, and so it is so know this for sure. The universe only has abundance. The exponential growth today, the exponential increase today is always, that's how the universe works. It only works in abundance. It only knows exponential mathematical equation. Equations. It only knows us today is a day of increase in all relationships. May you go first to the most important relationship today with yourself and go in there so deeply in your heart with self expanding and coming into the union, marrying myself, having the union with myself, having a celebration, having a ceremony to go within and know by self and love by self and be one with myself.


And in that I know for sure, the increase of all relationship, your relationship with people, your relationship with earth, your relationship with money, your relationship with your body, your relationship with your environment, your relationship, it all is relationship. All of life is a relationship. And therefore today is the dynamic of increase of all of life have at it. You guys have a beautiful, blessed day on this day of twos on 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 as together we say. And so it is, and if you're somebody who's desiring to have a spiritual community, I highly recommend that you come into our, our community. I actually am holding, um, a call this week, which is a breakthrough discovery call. You can find it below the link here, or you can also find me over on social media at Dr. Um, no matter which platform you're on, this is across all boards, iHeartRadio, Spotify, iTunes, everything, usually coming out with a weekly, um, podcast, please share.


And like this, it'd be great to know you. We have an incredible community of global community of spiritually based entrepreneurs and people who just wanna learn trauma work. Um, uh, I'm the creator of E four trauma method. And we train and develop master spiritual psychology coaches and practitioners and teachers of new thought metaphysics. And of course, doctors of divinity. So a beautiful, blessed day. You can go to new It's new, or you can find us across all social media, Dr., D R E R I N, dot TV or new do global, have a beautiful blessed day. And may you live your truth?


Thank you for tuning into the doctor Aaron podcast. If you've had a spiritual calling or desire to get certified as a spiritual coach or a world renowned spiritual leader, go to new thought If you've receive value from the show, I would love it. If you share it with a friend and give it a five star review. Also, we have spiritual practitioners that are trained to deliver the E four trauma method and assist you in birthing your truth. So let's be friends on social media. Again, my handle is Dr. across all social media, have a beautiful day. And may you live your truth?



Dec 19, 2021
Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin
Have you had a spiritual calling?
Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose?
Are you ready to have a spiritual community?
Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?
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Get certified as a: 
1. Spiritual Warrior
2. Spiritual Entrepreneur
3. Spiritual Coach
4. Spiritual Practitioner
5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister
6. Doctor of Divinity
Binge My Podcast Series:
12 Money Breakthrough Series 

52 Universal Law Series

12 E4 Trauma Method Series

12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series

6 Relationship Breakthrough Series

40 Spiritual Awakening

12 Metaphysical Bible Series

Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards:



This is first live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth


Today? I'm gonna get super vulnerable about my lineage trauma. And as we go into the holidays, I recognize that it can be beautiful, beautiful season, and it can also be one of the hardest seasons for people. No matter if you have family around or you are alone during the holidays, or you love your family, or you feel like you get triggered every time you're around your family. I think it's a really important conversation to have as we go into this beautiful and intense season so that we can really truly see through the triggers. See through the upsets in the family, see through the distance, see through the heartache, see through all the grieving, see through all of that so that we can stand in the light of love and really know the truth of who we are and see through the veils and the walls of our family, through the triggers, through all the upsets, through all that, so that we can hold miracles, miracles, miracles.


Welcome to Dr. Aaron podcast. We come together to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We truly believe that somebody has a gift and message to bring to the world and together we're awakening the world. So I'm Dr. Aaron, Dr. Divinity, founder of new thought global and society. I am an international bestselling author winner of the 2020 Walden wisdom award with Oprah Winfrey. Great Braden and Michael Bernard Beckwith. And most importantly, I'm a mother, I'm a friend and I'm somebody who is deeply, deeply passionate about you ending your suffering and really, truly living your best life in total freedom. And as I well up in tears right now, I have mixed feelings of joy and also feeling the suffering that is out there in the collective, and that still lives in my family. And so I am here to serve and to really bring the wisdom of the universe, bring my heart and really lay it out on the line today.


So I have a, I don't wanna say I have a different family, cuz I don't think there's a normal family out there. I have come from a family that on my mother's side, my grandmother was given up. Uh, she was given up for adoption when she was a little girl because her mother I believe was, um, was very young when she got pregnant. And so my grandmother on my mother's side, uh, was not exactly the nicest person. She was a very cold woman, very mad and angry at the world. And I remember going there as a little girl and my mom didn't want to go. We, the longest we ever went to her parents' house was one day. That was it. And it was very uncomfortable. And I remember my mom being very upset a lot and we would usually leave kind of, um, she, my mom would be kind of upset or pissed off or whatever it was and never understood as a little girl what was going on.


And, and I just remember my mom herself, she was really pretty much emotionally unavailable growing up. I love my mom and I'm good with my mom, but my mom's really never been available. She would be kind of, you know, drinking or with the next relationship or whatever it was to kind of numb her feelings. Like so many of us have done in our lifetime and she really just wasn't there. She wasn't emotionally there. Um, I remember being in junior high and she started drinking a lot and she'd be at the bar majority of the time and there wasn't food in the house. And I was really just didn't understand. I didn't understand, um, what it was like to really truly feel like I was loved. And I think through that process, I, I built up a lot of walls, of course, in my lifetime before doing my trauma work.


And before finding all this work, my father's side of the family was, um, was different. And yet the same, my grandmother on his side was actually one of the most loving women and really was a pivotal, uh, point in my life and person in my life to teach me love and, and, and really a level of love that I had never experienced my father, however, was really trying to find himself. He had his own traumas from kind of the abuse of his father and, um, and different stuff that had happened in his life. My father ended up, um, divorcing my mother and going off and having another family. And you know, of course I had abandonment issues from that and blah, blah, blah. Right? So you're hearing a lot of stuff. And the reason why I'm sharing all this is because I know that majority of you guys out there, especially if you're, you know, have had a spiritual calling, especially if you're listening to this right now, I know that you have trauma lineage trauma.


And, um, whether it be from, you know, stuff going on from your, your mother's side or your father's side or both sides, and maybe you are totally disconnected from your family, or maybe you are with your family, but you have failed expectations or you get triggered. The point is that this is the deal. None of us are going to be okay on our deathbed. If we're not connected and loving with our family, it is a soul assignment. Yes. We get to pick our soul family in this lifetime, our friends and, and our community, but our family is a soul assignment. And I know as I look at my mother and my father, that they're the perfection of who they are. And so I'm gonna tell you today, a few things that have happened in my life and my heart to be able to truly love them.


And I'm gonna cry right now because I love you, mom and dad, I know you're probably not listening to this, but you need to know that. I love you. I understand the pain that you've gone through. I understand the divided perspective that's happened within your consciousness through your own trauma, and I'm gonna get really vulnerable right now. I spoke with my mom this morning at 7:00 AM her time, and she was bawling. Her and my sister had gotten into an upset yesterday and my mom was gonna be going over there for the holidays. And my sister kind of had a few things she had to do during the time she was over there. And my mom took it as it. She doesn't love her. And she decided that she canceled her whole trip to go see my, my sister and my sister, both of us have gotten into my sister's a cognitive therapist and has diving deep into this work.


And I think the blessing of where we've come from is that we it's demanded us to do our inner work. It's demanded us to dive deep into, um, our healing work and discovering what's really, truly going on. And my mother was drunk this morning on the phone, whether it be because she drank so much last night, that she's so hungover, but she literally was, you tell, was slurring her words. And, and I just held her in my heart. I held her in my heart. And I think that oftentimes with family, we think, well, they did this. They, you know, X, Y, and Z, whatever circumstances going on, you know, that we try and make the circumstance wrong or what they did wrong or whatever. But the truth is that what's really going on is people are sad because they're not fully connected and it's just gonna project out.


We know that no matter what my sister said or didn't say to my mom, my mom probably would find a reason to, to have her trigger come up in her command that her trigger is I'm not wanted and I'm not lovable like so many of ours. Right. And we'll find the case. We're like, um, we're literally like lawyers in the courtroom finding proof for our case. And our case is I'm not a enough, I'm not lovable. You know, one likes me, whatever it is that divided perspective, something's wrong with me. I don't wanna live, you know, whatever the, whatever the command is that has come in through the traumas of this lifetime and in the lineage.


And as I hold my mother in my heart, you know, some things are out of our control. Yes, we have. Um, my mom has gone through some trauma work. Not very, not very much, you know, a lot of people will say, okay, I'm finally ready to change. And they do two sessions. And they think that, you know, it worked or didn't work. It's a commitment, you know, going in and doing your deep work. We, we have lifetimes of, of work and it takes some time to really, truly get in there and do the work. My mom has actually come a long way. This is very unusual what's going on. But what I know for sure is the perfection of it. And we have to know that, but the perfection of it is that sometimes we make, you know, strides ahead and then we fall down again and then we make bigger strides and we may fall down again.


And I know in my heart, my mind right now, the perfection of where my mother is, because I know that she has a choice, just like all of us in this lifetime, we're either gonna do our work and break our, our lineage trauma or we're not. And man, it sucks when people don't, but we also have to know the perfection of that. Sometimes people aren't meant to do their true work in this lifetime. And sometimes the next, you know, breakdown demands us to say, I have to change me. And so speaking with my mom this morning, even though she was intoxicated, even though she was in a real upset, she also said a couple things. She said, I'm so alone. What do I need to change? What can I do to change myself? And that's the first time I've ever heard her say that?


What do I need to do to change myself, to change my life? That's the very first time she said that. And I don't know if she's gonna remember that when she's not intoxicated, but what I know in my heart is that nothing's gonna change until we change ourselves and we can't change our family. But what we can do is we can stand for truth. We can stand for the healing. We can stand with open hearts and tough love sometimes. And I know the same for my son and for all the lineage to come in my family.


I love my son. I love my sister. I love my father. I love my mother. I love my, my half brothers and sisters. I love my sister, my half sister. I've never met. I have a half sister. I've never met that half brothers and sisters don't even know about. I don't think, but what I know is that the more vulnerable I get, the more transparent I get, the more real and raw I get. The more I get to experience love and depth. So I say, bring it on, bring on the holidays, bring on any breakdown in the family, bring on anything that needs to be healed. Knowing that to just make people wrong is never gonna get us anywhere to wish that our parents are different than they are, is never gonna get us anywhere. When we listen beyond the surface level and we go down deep into the heart, mom, I know that this lifetime has been hard.


I know that your mother was not able to love you. And I know therefore it was really hard for you to love my sister and I, and I feel that. And I know that you love me anyway. And I know no matter what, that I'm here for you a thousand percent, whether you do your work or whether you don't do your work, I'm holding you in my consciousness as a perfection that you are, you are so loved. You are so loved. You are so loved. And so as you go into the holidays, these, this next couple weeks, you guys, I want you to know that you're loved. I'm actually gonna be holding a call for the community. Um, that's open to the public. That will be Christmas Eve, and it will be 6:00 PM Eastern Saturn time, which means that will be what 3:00 PM Pacific time.


And it's really to get grounded into knowing that you have family. Even if you, your traditional lineage, DNA family is there for you or not. You need to know that you have a soul family, you have a soul family, and that I'm here for you fully a thousand percent. And as we close out this year and go into the new year, I invite you to know that we all need support. We all need family. And one of the things that I think about when it comes to my mother and to her pain and to her loneliness, what I know for sure in my life is what really has saved my life is handing my life over to service, handing my life over to not wanting to get anything outta life, but wanting to give and bring things to life. The moment that I stop looking to get love and realize that I get to be there for people in love, the moment that I gave up the story that I'm abandoned.


And I committed to saying, I'm never abandoning anybody. That's when my life changed. And so I'm for you guys. And I declare a powerful holiday season. I declare the most loving holiday season ever for my mother, for my sister, for my son, for my entire extended family. I actually am not going to be with family this year. And I am going to love each. And every one of them, my son just got married and he and his wife are choosing to spend it alone. And you know, my, my family's kind of all over and I'm so excited. I'm gonna have some friends in Florida, and I'm also excited to just have a little bit of downtime. It's been a very busy year. Um, we'll be connecting online. I'll be in nature. I'm gonna do some deep meditation and wrap up some creative projects that I've been working on.


And I'm thrilled. And I'm so excited knowing that soon, I'm sure I'll be having a grandchild one of these years and we can dive way back into the holidays and do all that traditional stuff. I'm here for each and every one of you guys, I invite you to consider coming into our programs and into our community. We don't, we don't consider our programs, traditional programs. We are committed to creating a movement, committed to creating a family, committed to creating community. And, um, you can, you can go to new, do, check it out. You can DM me, Dr. Um, D R E R I N, dot TV across social media. And I just invite you as you go into this holiday and whether you're getting triggered or whatever, to yes. Get committed to doing your inner trauma work. But in the interim, you know, having to plan, are you gonna walk outside?


What are you really committed to? What are your intentions before you go into that dinner with your family, or go on vacation and be staying with your family, you really need to get clear of what you're committed to. And if you're committed to making other people wrong, then the universe is gonna say, and so it is, you're gonna find something to make them wrong about if you're committed to loving unconditionally and being able to, you know, be responsible for your own triggers, then that's what's gonna happen. Okay? You need to get clear before going into the holidays, what you're committed to. And I just know this taking a deep breath in and ex sign out, maybe get real, maybe get vulnerable. Maybe we no longer shame or hide or grieve from what has happened in our lineage. Maybe transmute that energy and become the most powerful, the most loving, the most compassionate spiritual leaders that we are born to be.


Maybe we know that we're able to look fear straight in the eyes and not even not even blink I'm here. I'm fully here may receive all the good, all the dark. All of it may receive myself fully and be there fully for everyone else. I am so clear right now. I am so grateful for all my lineage trauma. I'm so grateful for all the wisdom and the transmutation and the, and the leader that has demanded me to be, I am so grateful. I am so grateful for the breakdown, the breakthrough, and in this I declare world renowned spiritual leaders in our community, profound, profound masters of understanding, universal loss. I declare with the power of my word, that all emancipation from suffering. I recognize that you may be born of your parents, but you are not born of your parents. You're born of divine. You are born of spirit.


And that each one of your family members is the opportunity for you to embody love powerful transformation love. And I say, yes, yes, yes. I release this into the law as together we say. And so it is okay, you guys have a beautiful holiday season. Uh, I will shout out on my social media, what we put an email out for that call for Christmas Eve at 6:00 PM Eastern standard time, which means 3:00 PM Pacific time, which means whatever that is. Let's see. That's, um, 3, 4, 5 PM, uh, central time. And yes, yes, yes. Let's do this ask together. We say. And so it is thank you for listening to the Dr. Aaron show. I wanted to personally invite you into a couple things. One, we have a spiritual entrepreneur program that's open up this week and I just wanna remind you guys that we have a huge bonus with it this week.


The spiritual entrepreneur program is not just about a 12 week program of reprogram your subconscious mind, transforming your trauma and burdening your purpose. It also is a 12 step program to really be able to launch and scale your business online. And we're going way beyond the 12 weeks. We're actually offering an entire year of soul circle calls, support calls with you, because we wanna really build a community with you. We don't want you to just go into a program with us and then be like, see a bye. We actually want you to come into our family and really experience it. And we're offering at such an inexpensive price because we know that there's going to be a lot of people come to that program that will wanna actually rise up and be part of the community. Um, and so we wanna offer it at a ridiculously inexpensive price.


You can go to new thought and you can go there, um, slash spiritual dash entrepreneur. We can also just DME and we'll get you to link, but there's another huge bonus with it, which is we have a bonus, uh, that ends, uh, this week, that is the 150 K uh, five day challenge launch course. So it's actually gonna teach you how to create your own five day challenge. Or you can say a three day challenge or any kind of value sequence. I teach you everything from how we did ads, how we set the Facebook group, how we did email campaigns, everything front to back, everything, everything I teach, and you don't wanna miss out on that. I have spent $40,000 in a group to get trained in how to do those things. So this is a bonus that ends, uh, tomorrow night by midnight.


So you wanna make sure that you get that because it's worth it's weight and gold. It's worth 10 times more than even what the actual program for the whole program. And you're gonna get some other bonuses. You're gonna do a two day virtual retreat with me that you can do along with a bunch of other great, incredible things. You're gonna dive into an incredible community to support you. Love you, and have you take a quantum leap in this. Also, I wanna give you a big shout out that guess what I'm officially going to be doing a call in show. So what you can expect from this show is we've had some great series. I've done series on money breakthroughs. I've done series on E four trauma method. I've done series on universal law. I've done so many great. And now it's time for me to do a call in show.


So you can actually be on the show. We're gonna be doing a video and audio call in and transformation. I'm gonna actually be coaching 1 0 1, taking people through the processes, taking 'em through E four trauma method, teaching universal law, science of mind, metaphysics, everything, and you can get on the show and all you gotta do is you can, uh, go to new thought global. And at the top it says podcast, and you can actually fill out a little form to get on the show, to have a huge breakthrough. And so I'm gonna be doing that. You can also, uh, you can also text or message, uh, at the phone number (323) 538-5646. And this is going to, you can leave a voice message with a question and I can actually play it back and answer it on the show. You can also text in your question and you can also text there to if you wanna get on the show and we'll send you the link.


Okay. I'm really super excited because guess what? This next year, my commitment is to bring you callin shows and to bring you traditional power talks. Ministerial talks, teaching not God outside of the south, but really, truly metaphysics how you are the creator, how you truly are through the law of attraction, through universal law, through all of it. I'm gonna break it all down for you guys this year. So you do not wanna miss this. Please subscribe, share this show with a friend let's rise together. Let's rise together again. You can go to new thought and you can go to the top to the podcast and fill a little little format and get on the show. Or you can call or text in to three, two, three, five, three, eight, Aaron E R I N. So that's 3, 2, 3 5 3 8 5 6 4 6. Let's do the thing you guys have a beautiful day and may you live your truth?


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