
Dr. Erin Show

Welcome to The Dr. Erin Show. This is a top 1% spirituality podcast. Teaching manifesting, business tips, spirituality coaching hacks, universal law, and new thought ancient wisdom. We also focus on mindset, manifestation, and motivation. Teaching you how to awaken your highest self, unleash your spiritual superpowers, discover your soul's purpose, and monetize your soul-based business! Join my life-changing events, membership, or certification. Hi, I’m Dr. Erin, a doctor of divinity. I’m committed to bringing you the best spiritual psychology tips, manifesting and coaching tips, spiritual advice, spiritual growth, trauma healing to release your limiting beliefs, and metaphysical recovery secrets. As a woman CEO and thought leader, I’m here to help you reprogram your subconscious, monetize your spiritual business, and love your life. I want you to know that I’ve been exactly where you are, and I believe in you. It's time to be in the top 2% of soul-based women who make over a million dollars in their business. May you live your truth! Dr. Erin is the creator of the E4 Method® Quantum Healing & Manifesting, a world-renowned thought leader, international best-selling author, self-made millionaire, top 1% spiritual podcaster, and the Walden Wisdom award winner next to Oprah. She is committed to bridging science, spirituality, and psychology. She is forging ‘New Thought Ancient Wisdom’ in the study of how everything is created from Consciousness at a soul level. Forbes nominated her as “11 of The Most Inspirational Female Entrepreneurs To Watch On Instagram.” Become a Certified Coach in CPD & ICF Accredited Spiritual Psychology Practitioner Coach & E4 Trauma Method® Quantum Healing & Manifesting. This top 1% spiritual podcast is created to provide support, education, self-development, healing, motivation, and inspiration. Spiritual trauma recovery is the key. YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Binge my Podcast Series: Sex, Love, & Recovery Series Money Breakthrough Series Trauma Work Series Relationship Breakthrough Series Universal Law Series Spiritual Awakening Series Metaphysical Series IG @erinfallhaskell Join our Events, Membership, or Certifications: Join the FREE Manifesting Challenge Apply To Get Accredited: Binge My Podcast: Daily Inspiration: Dr. Erin App
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Now displaying: April, 2024

Inspiration. Motivation. Transformation.


Soulciété is #1 Spiritual Leaders community committed to empowerment, enlightenment, and entrepreneurship.

Our mission is to awaken a billion people and how we will fulfill upon this is by developing world-class spiritual leaders.

DR. ERIN (Erin Fall Haskell) is a Doctor of Divinity, New Thought Minister, Best-Selling Autor, 2016 Global Peace Leader Award, Mother, and Lover of Life!

Join me as we dive deep into Universal Law, Spiritual Truth, Science of Mind, New Thought Principles, and Alternative Healing.   

Programs: Meditation, Visioning, Intuition, Affirmations, Inspiration, Body-Mind-Spirit Cleanse, Yoga, Divine Entrepreneurs, Universal Law of Love and New Thought. 

Live your truth,

Dr. Erin


Instagram: @soulciete







Disclosure:  I am not a medical doctor and none of these interviews are intended as a cure to any disease.  I am a spiritual practitioner teaching spiritual principles.  Please consult your doctor for advice. 

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Apr 9, 2024

Spiritual Meaning of Feeling Lonely 

  • Are your limiting beliefs causing your loneliness as a perception or a self fulfilling prophecy? 

  • Or are you designed to spend a lot of time alone? 


Listening to the Divine messages of emotions…

What is the spiritual meaning of loneliness? Why do I feel so lonely? Why am I lonely? How can I stop feeling lonely?

Channeled Message: 

Deep in meditation and prayer, I asked the beloved Divine…

Ask: Where can I find a tribe that I align with and where I can grow exponentially?


Answer: You are not here to learn from a tribe in this lifetime. You are here for direct contact with Divine and the Masters of Light. We keep trying to isolate you to bring you within, but you keep thinking there is something wrong with you and feeling lonely. Listen to the Divine message of emotions… 


The Spiritual Meaning of Feeling Lonely 


In the human experience, many of us suffer from loneliness. From a spiritual perspective, loneliness can emerge as a powerful guru, a profound teacher within, guiding us on our spiritual awakening. 

In this podcast, I am going to delve into the spiritual significance of feeling lonely, exploring how this emotion can be a catalyst for growth, awakening, and a deeper understanding of the self and the universe. I'll weave in insights from spiritual teachings, my personal spiritual journey and reflect on the transformative power of having a daily spiritual practice, including using the law of attraction.

The Spiritual Journey of Loneliness

Loneliness, a state often laden with sadness and a sense of isolation, can surprisingly act as a doorway to profound spiritual awakening. It compels us to turn inward, asking fundamental questions about our existence, purpose, and the nature of our connections with others and the cosmos.

Loneliness as a Call for Awakening

“Spiritual teacher Dr. Erin Fall Haskell, known for her top 1% spiritual podcast, posits that moments of loneliness are not just emotional states but signals from our soul urging us to seek deeper truths. She often shares daily inspiration, highlighting that loneliness can be a powerful motivator for spiritual growth and self-discovery.”

Law of Attraction and Loneliness

The pitfalls of 'The Law of attraction’ - It is true that our thoughts and feelings shape our reality. However, this may leave the ‘lonely’ to feel like something is wrong with them. It may make some of us feel like we just need to get positive and go seek your tribe. 

When feeling lonely, we are offered a unique opportunity to reassess our vibrational alignment and attract the relationships and communities that resonate with our true selves. But, this may not be what is actually going on spiritually. It's a chance to align with our soul’s calling and dive deeper into the divine messages. 

Trauma and the Spiritual Meaning of Loneliness

Loneliness can stem from unresolved trauma, acting as a shadow that follows us on our journey. Engaging with this shadow, understanding its origins, and integrating its lessons can lead to healing and a more profound spiritual connection. For me, my core limiting belief was, “I’m not enough.” “I’m not loveable.” “I am alone.” and “Something is wrong with me.” 

The Paradox of Sadness and Loneliness in Spirituality

Spiritual growth often involves embracing all facets of human experience, including sadness and loneliness. Acknowledging and sitting with these feelings can open the heart to compassion and empathy, compassion, and deepening one's spiritual practice and understanding.

Ask and Answer: The Spiritual Dialogue

Feeling lonely invites us to ask the deeper questions of life and to seek answers within. This introspective dialogue can lead to revelations and insights, fostering a stronger connection with the divine and our inner wisdom.

The Role of the Spiritual Leader and Teacher

Spiritual leaders and teachers can provide guidance and perspective to the ONE TRUE teacher within, Source! It’s important to not look to a person or a spiritual leader for your ultimate transformation, but they can help you reprogram your subconscious mind, offering tools and practices to navigate this complex emotion. However, only Source within can ultimately illuminate the path to understanding and integrating the spiritual lessons embedded in our solitary experiences.

The Spiritual Coach's Perspective

“Spiritual coaches, like Dr. Erin Fall Haskell, emphasize the transformative potential of loneliness in the spiritual evolution process. They encourage embracing loneliness as a teacher and using it as a stepping stone to greater self-awareness and connection.”

Loneliness in Statistics and Society

Studies show that loneliness is a growing concern in modern society, with significant percentages of people reporting feelings of isolation and disconnection. This trend underscores the importance of addressing loneliness not just as a personal issue but as a collective spiritual challenge.

Quote on Loneliness

"Loneliness does not come from having no people around you, but from being unable to communicate the things that seem important to you." – Carl Jung

“The ultimate communication is communing with Source.” - Dr. Erin 

The spiritual meaning of feeling lonely transcends the immediate pain and discomfort it brings. It serves as a profound teacher, guiding us towards deeper self-knowledge, spiritual awakening, and ultimately, a more connected and fulfilled existence. In the landscape of our spiritual journey, loneliness can be the soil from which compassion, understanding, and a heightened sense of oneness with the universe grow.

By embracing the spiritual dimensions of loneliness, we learn that our solitary moments are not just voids of connection but fertile grounds for profound personal and collective transformation.



Welcome to the Dr. Erin Show. This is a top spiritual awakening and new thought ancient wisdom podcast to teach you how to become your highest self, unleash your spiritual superpowers, discover your soul's purpose, and manifest your dreams. Hi, I'm Dr. Erin, Dr. Divinity, and I'm committed to bringing you the best manifesting and coaching tips, spiritual advice, trauma healing, and metaphysical recovery secrets. I'm here to help you reprogram your subconscious mind, monetize your spiritual gifts and love your life. I want you to know that I've been exactly where you are and I believe in you Together we're awakening the world. What is the spiritual meaning of loneliness? Are you somebody that is lonely? Are you somebody that wonders if something's wrong with you? Are you somebody who's really seeking to understand the deeper dive into loneliness? Well, it's a personal topic for me because it's something I struggled with for majority of my life.


So this session right here, I'm going to break on down the spiritual meaning of loneliness and how to listen to the divine signs of your emotions. Hi there and welcome to the Dr. Aaron Show. This is a podcast that is focusing on spiritual awakening and really diving deep into universal law, metaphysics and enlightenment. I'm the creator of E four quantum healing and quantum manifesting method, and I have worked and trained with people globally around the world, and I'm here basically to help you discover the truth of who you are. So let's dive into this poignant question, which is, what is the spiritual meaning of feeling lonely? So I just want to say that this is something that has been a challenge for me my entire life. And I remember years and years ago really diving into my trauma work and discovering that I had a limited belief and it was actually a command, which was I'm alone.


And so no matter what happened, no matter if I had people all around me, no matter if I was in a relationship, no matter if I was making money, not making money, no matter what was going on in my life, I always had this inner feeling of feeling lonely, like I didn't belong here on this planet. I felt like isolated. I felt like no one understood me. I felt like something was wrong with me. And so I'm going to dive into some distinctions for you to understand the spiritual meaning of loneliness. So you may be asking, why do I feel so lonely? What do I do about it? What's really going on? So I actually want to dive into it because it's going to mean something different for everyone. However, there is a theme of very specific theme that happens for everyone. Number one is we want to dive deep into what is it with your trauma and limited belief and limited identity that is having you experience that and how to really overcome that versus what is actually the universe working for you, for your loneliness.


Your loneliness, as we know, can be a great blessing. Everything, if you truly believe and understand how life works, it's working for you. It's a masterclass for you, always working for you. Okay, so I just want to say a personal story that just happened and why I'm talking about this today. So if you've been watching my journey at all lately, I have been doing a very intensive spiritual practice. I've been waking up at 3:00 AM and doing meditation and breath work, Andres and all kinds of work for six hours a day, maybe five by the time I do other things. But it's been amazing. And the reason why I chose to do this was because I've gone in and out of my meditation practice over the last 28 years. And one thing I've definitely found is the more powerful my spiritual practice is, the more powerful my life is.


There's a equal and total relationship to the two. So in this also, there's a lot of channeling messages that come through. So I thought I'd do a series on kind of answering some questions and also giving you the channeled messages from source. So we want to recognize that spirituality is the reality that everything comes from first cause, which is source, which is spirit, which is the true essence of who you are. And all of life is the out picturing of that, the good, the bad, the ugly, the heaven and hell, all that. So we want to dive deep into the spiritual meaning of loneliness because if you're experiencing loneliness, one, it can be just a perception or two, it can be a reality. You're actually really isolated. And so regardless of whether you are around people, not around people, the perception is what we are dealing with first and foremost here.


So the reason why I want to talk about this is because the other day I was in deep, deep trans prayer. You can call it hypnotherapy, you can call it prayer with God, you can call it meditation, you can call it whatever you want to call it. There is no name for the nameless emerging in the yoga with the higher self. But when I'm in this state, I always first just listen. I allow to do all the deep, deep work, and at some point in time it indicates for me to begin to ask questions. So I wanted to read to you one of the questions that I asked source, and I said, source didn't say it quite like that. But where can I find a tribe that I align with and where I can grow exponentially? I'm going to back this question up with is I have a lot of community across the globe.


I have thousands of clients and I have people I see every day. I have very close friends and I'm at peace with my family as well. So I'm not exactly what anyone would think is lonely. If you took a look at my life, you would not think that I'm lonely. However, I still feel a level of loneliness at times because I have a hard time connecting at some level with the average person out there or even the extraordinary person at some level. So this was the answer. You are not here to learn from a tribe in this lifetime. You are here to connect directly with the vine and the masters of light. We keep trying to isolate you, to bring you within, but you keep thinking there's something wrong with you and feeling lonely, listen to the divine message of emotion. And this is so true.


Okay, so I always say that the only disease we have is amnesia because of course I asked for prayers and meditated on feeling lonely years ago and realized that actually it was a limit belief I had that I something that was wrong with me and that the perception of being lonely. And of course, going through the deep journey of 28 years of seeking truth and doing all the inner trauma work, you de delayer all the concepts that you are isolated because the real source of this ease of loneliness is one thing and one thing only, and it is not feeling connected to God's source with them. Okay? I'm going to say source just for, because there's a lot of people who have a weird concept of what God is. God is not an outside source from my perception, it's source, the true I am that you are inside.


So this was obviously a command and a limit to belief. So the spiritual meaning around that for me at that point in time was that I believed I was separated. I believed I was divided. Okay, so the spiritual meaning of loneliness is the belief that you are separate from divine, that you are separate from sores, that you are separate from others. It is a dis-ease. It is really, that's why we say as a Dr Divinity, as a Dr Divinity, we heal through revealing truth. So the spiritual meaning of feeling lonely is actually that you feel like you are divided. So it is an emotion bringing you home. It's an emotion to bring you to live in your truth. And that is really only way to get there, which is to go within and seek, seek to merge with divine source within, because you can go out and meet all the people you want in the world, but you're still going to feel lonely.


If you perceive yourself as lonely and divided, you're going to always feel divided out there. A lot of people will end up drinking alcohol and doing drugs to feel connected because it takes the veil and the Maya off and it really makes people feel like they are connected. But then as soon as the alcohol goes out of their system or the drugs or out of their system, they plop back into their reality, into their limited beliefs, and they feel more divided than ever and feel more sad and sometimes depressed. So the spiritual meaning of loneliness is it's an indicator that you are not merging fully with the divine. Having said that, when somebody does do their trauma work, they release. So the limited beliefs, they go into prayer, meditation, they merge with spirit. They may obviously feel very much more connected spiritually, but they may still go out there in the world and not feel as connected with people as other people would feel connected.


So here is what was a remembrance for me and what spirit reminded me that I have been told over many decades, again and again, hear this a lot with great spiritual teachers, good spiritual teachers and spiritual coaches, they will not say, Hey, I'm your guru, or I have all of the wisdom. I can transform your life. I can heal you. No, the spiritual teacher does not do that. The spiritual leader does not do that. The wise spiritual teacher and the why, spiritual leader will say, let me help guide you to the true and only teacher, which is truth within the true guru is within. So there is no guru on this planet that's going to solve your problems. There is no spiritual teacher that can solve your problems. They can guide you. So oftentimes I'll say when we're doing trauma work is it's almost like the seed of creation.


Sorry, the soil of creation. Okay, imagine there's this dirt and imagine that my client wants to put the seed of not feeling lonely in to the seed of creation. And all I'm doing as a spiritual teacher is I'm helping them pick out the weeds of limitation of their traumas and everything else to clear out the soil as pure as possible so that when they come to the beloved Divine in their prayer meditation, they're able to actually communicate and birth and manifest that life that is connected. So spiritual teachers don't do that. They help you do the work. They help you birth your own truth. They help you come to the guru within, they help you learn how to meditate and learn how to pray and learn how to vision and learn how to manifest. But ultimately, you're doing the work with the true guru, with the true teacher, which is the source within which is divine, which is God's source within which is true love, which is field, whatever you want to call it from a scientific religion, philosophical perspective.


The truth is there is the nameless, it's the nameless. So the spiritual meaning of feeling lonely is that you are divided from source. That you are divided from source. Okay? So the human experience often suffers from loneliness. We suffer greatly and we keep thinking that, well, if I just find a career or make more money, or if I just find that good relationship or if I just move to the right city, but as a saying goes everywhere you go, there you are. So we keep looking for all of that, but the truth is we're looking outside. When the answer is inside of us, the answer is inside. So it's always a catalyst for growth. We understand that our pain turns into our purpose. Our pain is the guru, okay? The emotions. Emotions are beautiful divine messages, and they're actually a guidance to bring us back within and to transmute those emotions, to birth our truth, to birth our relative truth and the ultimate truth.


Okay? So loneliness is a call for awakening. Loneliness is a call for awakening. And I wanted to say that there's a pitfall with some of the things with law of attraction, and I teach universal law. I have a universal law deck of cards that deal with the one universal law in 52 distinctions. But there's a pitfall when it comes to loneliness because oftentimes universal law will think, well, we just need to have a better vibration or be more positive, and therefore then we'll find our tribe. Something's wrong with us. We're just not being positive. Well, some of us are not really meant to thrive in tribe. We are social beings as humans, and we recognize that even through say, the really study at Harvard that looked at people who were fulfilled and happy over time, and it was the quality of their relationships that determined over time.


However, you could have three good friends and have deep, deep quality of relationship and have a ton of acquaintances. I mean, or someone could be in a ton of acquaintances and not have any intimate relationships and be sad and lonely. So it's relative for what that is a relationship, and the ultimate relationship is within. The ultimate relationship is with thyself, and all other relationships are the projection and the reflection of your ability or inability to love. So the paradox of takes going and isolating yourself. I remember this years ago, being lonely and I would resist being alone so much. And finally, I remember taking a whole year where I pretty much was doing no social things. I would not see people for two weeks at a time, and I would just go deep into five hours of meditation. This was 15, 20 years ago, and I remember I would just go so deep in it, and I remember I broke through a wall.


I broke through a wall where it's like, wow, I really enjoy being alone. Now I can go and eat alone. Now if I want, I have tons of girlfriends as well, but sometimes I just want to be alone. I want to date myself. It's a beautiful thing. And so the clear message for me is that I am here with a very specific agreement to have direct contact with source. And there's certain people that learn a lot from other people in this lifetime. There's a lot of people that will learn, and they're mediums or psychics. There's people that directly contact the divine. You can call it a channel, you can call it an oracle, you can call it whatever it is. There's different things in our astrology galactic work that we have, and that is part of my chart, and I'm a direct contact. So I channel I Oracle.


I've done work for about 28 years doing this work. So for me, I have to remember that when I go out and I am around a bunch of people, even healed, I don't feel sometimes like I want to be there because I'm so in love with the divine. I'm so in love with the beloved that my sacred intimate time is with source. So it's not as intimate when I'm out with other human beings as it is when I am with God's source within. So there's always a level of lack of intimacy, even with my dearest best friends. I have very, very close friends. But so the message for me clearly in that divine message is to remember that I'm not here necessarily to have my primary area of thriving with tribe. There's lots of tribes. I have lots of tribes. But to think that I'm going to find one tribe that's going to maybe be as intimate as divine is not exactly my path.


I'm here to work with the masters. I have deep masters, all kinds of light masters that come in through my channeling and through my deep work, and it's like they're my BFFs. They're my real tribe. And so no matter where you are, I want you to know that you're okay exactly as you are, that you've got to trust at some level that the isolation or the loneliness or feeling disconnected at some level, yes, you need to do your deep work, but at the same time, you have to remember that you have special gifts. Every person has special spiritual gifts. May you listen to that. May you honor that and know that you're not here to just fit into the puzzle like everybody else. There's a very specific way that you're going to fit into the puzzle of the construct of the culture, and some people fit in more with other cultures than our culture.


So you have to really honor wherever you're at. And so I just want to interject that again, remembering that the message, sometimes we're not supposed to thrive and thrive as our primary way of thriving. Sometimes it's with the beloved. Sometimes it's in ethereal realm. Sometimes it's with angels, sometimes it's with guides. Sometimes it's with butterflies and rainbows out in the forest. Sometimes it's just with your career. Maybe you love your career so much that you just dive so deeply into it, and then you isolate because of that. But the truth is that we're born alone and we die alone, and there's only one consciousness. And so let's just do a spiritual mind treatment. Taking a deep breath in, Carl Young said, loneliness does not come from having no people around, but from being unable to communicate the things that seem important to you. So we have to remember the truth that the ultimate communication is to commune with spirit, to commune, to commune with spirit.


Within that is the ultimate communication. And so in this, I just invite you to embrace your loneliness, taking deep breath in and coming to that divine, sacred space within and finding the peace and the wholeness within. And I know that wherever you are, if you're dealing with loneliness, that yes, seek help, seek community, seek teachers that can help begin your deep work. But the truth is that you have a best friend inside. It is source. It is the true self. And I promise you, when you go within and you go into the silence, you will find a beloved divine. And so in this, I just say thank you, thank you, thank you. You can subscribe here, you can share the podcast, share out this video if you're across platforms, and the Dr. Erin Show is across all platforms. Get your daily spiritual practice with me. Get free gifts, and just know I am super honored and excited to be on this divine journey with you. Have a beautiful, blessed day, and let you live your truth. Thank you for tuning into the Dr. Erin Show. If you're ready to transform your life, discover your soul's purpose, and manifest your dreams, go to Dr. Aaron tv. Join me in my life-changing events, membership or certification. If you're ready to become a certified coach and get trained in metaphysics of mind, manifestation and the creative process,


Subconscious reprogramming, trauma, recovery, healing, spiritual psychology, universal law, and much more, go to If you're receiving value from the show, I would love it if you would share it with a friend and give it a five star review. Have a beautiful day, and may you live your truth.





Apr 4, 2024

Welcome to The Dr. Erin Show...


Enjoy this inspired podcast based on what is channeling through in my Daily Spiritual Practice.


Today we will be discussing:

  • The Universal Law of Reciprocity
  • 4/4 Portal
  • Eclipse Energy

This is a top 1% spiritual podcast. Teaching manifesting, business tips, spirituality coaching hacks, universal law, and new thought ancient wisdom. We also focus on mindset, manifestation, and motivation. Teaching you how to awaken your highest self, unleash your spiritual superpowers, discover your soul's purpose, and monetize your soul-based business! 


Join my life-changing events, membership, or certification.


Hi, I’m Dr. Erin, a doctor of divinity. I’m committed to bringing you the best spiritual psychology tips, manifesting and coaching tips, spiritual advice, spiritual growth, trauma healing to release your limiting beliefs, and metaphysical recovery secrets. As a woman CEO and thought leader, I’m here to help you reprogram your subconscious, monetize your spiritual business, and love your life. I want you to know that I’ve been exactly where you are, and I believe in you. It's time to be in the top 2% of soul-based women who make over a million dollars in their business. May you live your truth!



Dr. Erin is the creator of the E4 Method® Quantum Healing & Manifesting, a world-renowned thought leader, international best-selling author, self-made millionaire, top 1% spiritual podcaster, and the Walden Wisdom award winner next to Oprah.


She is committed to bridging science, spirituality, and psychology. She is forging ‘New Thought Ancient Wisdom’ in the study of how everything is created from Consciousness at a soul level.


Forbes nominated her as “11 of The Most Inspirational Female Entrepreneurs To Watch On Instagram.”


Become a Certified Coach in CPD & ICF Accredited Spiritual Psychology Practitioner Coach & E4 Trauma Method® Quantum Healing & Manifesting.


This top 1% spiritual podcast is created to provide support, education, self-development, healing, motivation, and inspiration. Spiritual trauma recovery is the key. YOU ARE NOT ALONE.


Binge my Podcast Series:

Sex, Love, & Recovery Series

Money Breakthrough Series

Trauma Work Series

Relationship Breakthrough Series

Universal Law Series

Spiritual Awakening Series

Metaphysical Series


IG @erinfallhaskell


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Binge My Podcast:

Daily Inspiration: Dr. Erin App


Welcome, welcome, welcome. I am really excited actually about this podcast because I'm doing things a little different. One is I have never done a video podcast before. As many of you know, I have had over 1600 people that have interviewed on my show, my old show, good Morning Lala Land. And I have recorded somewhat between 300, 400 episodes of solo podcast with audio only. So I want to do something special for you today, and this is my gift from my heart to you. What I'm going to do, and as you guys probably know also, I pivot all the time because I'm a creator and I have to go with what is streaming through from source. And right now what is streaming through from source is for me to really give you the downloads that are coming through my spiritual practice from channeling, from everything going on in the world.


So right now, I don’t know how many of these podcasts I'll be doing like this, but for right now I'm going to be kind of doing a mixture of things. We're going to go over the weekly universal law. We're going to go over your spiritual practice for some inspiration for you to carry through today and through the week. I may be doing multiple podcasts per week, you never know, and I'm going to do some current events. So this week I'm going to break on down the universal law of reciprocity, how you are creating your life and how to align with universal law so you can stop being a victim and start having a divinely powerful life. I'm going to break down a bit about my own personal daily spiritual practice, which I actually woke up at two o'clock this morning and finished my practice this morning at six 30.


And then I'm going to break down some of that stuff for you. Okay? And then I want to talk about the eclipse energy and it's very, very specific. The energy coming in right now, very specific, a theme of the paradox of life and how we are each seeing our complete karmic cycles of our life and how to break those cycles. Let's do this thing. Let's take a deep breath in together. I'm Dr. Erin, Dr. Divinity, and I am the creator of E four quantum healing and quantum manifesting. And my biggest honor is to help people really remember who they are to turn on their divine powers, to birth their souls calling and to reach enlightenment. Yes, that's right. I truly believe that enlightenment is not just for the mystics and the prophets, but we are living in a divine, incredible time in history where we have practices and mantras and the Christ and Buddha consciousness rising up in each and every one of us because the divine evolution of our species.


And so you are the one you've been waiting for. You are the second coming of Christ, and you are all lineage, all ancestors, all past lives and all future generations. So let's know this truth together. Taking a deep breath in, we start each day with a spiritual mind treatment. You can take your hands and rub them together, placing them at your heart. And this is not a prayer to a man in the sky, but this is rather for us to unify in our oneness coming into the heart because the heart is a place in the body that connects to all of life, to the universe and into source, which is in every single atom, every single molecule. It is at the center of every Taurus field. It is in the center of the sun and Gaia and all planets. And knowing that we are all connected through that source space, the zero point field, the quantum field, whatever you want to call it, God, I recognize right here, right now that this first, cause, this first source is the creator of all of life.


That is that which is created heaven and hell, the division and the divinity is that which creates my experience through my emotions that I create by putting a negative or positive meaning on something is that which creates and informs the particles and creates matters into the physical of the 3D and into the 5G of the multiverse. And in this, I recognize my true identity, that I am, that I am. I recognize that this is the truth. I am the creator individualized in this individual experience called Dr. Aaron. But the truth is I'm divine, I'm source, I am God. And I know this absolutely without a shadow of a doubt in my consciousness. And I recognize right here and declare that this is a powerful podcast, a power show, a powerful experience for you to remember who you are, for you to realize the truth of who you are, for you to declare powerfully and set the intention in for your day and for your week.


And I simply know this in the name of truth as together we say and sow it is Okay. So first I just want to say the eclipse is on everyone's consciousness and I've got some big takeaways. Spirit source has downloaded the theme of it, which is redemption. So we're going to get further into that towards the end, I don't know how long I'll go on these podcasts. I like to do shorter podcasts. I love to do under 20 minutes. So you can just kind of listen to it real quick when you're driving somewhere, get your mind straight and that's it. But we'll see. Got to just go with the flow. Okay? So universal law of this week, if you grab the 52 universal law, spiritual awakening, free manifesting challenge, you'll also receive a free calendar that actually has the universal law every week on it.


There's only one universal law. You can call it the law of oneness. You can call it the law of cause and effect. It doesn't matter what you call it. There's one law and it's how we create. It's a try, nature of spirit creating through law into form. So spirit, mind, body, right? It is through that. And the 52 distinctions are distinctions I've distilled down for you to understand universal law so that you can get in harmony with how the mechanics of the universe works. And so you can rid the limited beliefs and understand how to do that through the deeper work through E four for trauma. So let's do this. The universal law distinction that I'm teaching this week is a universal law of reciprocity. So it states give without expecting anything in return. So the question for me and for you is to contemplate.


If you really gave the people social media, your friends, your family, without expecting anything in return, what would that look like for you? What could your life potentially look like? Instead of looking like, well, what did they do? I'm upset, I have failed expectations, all that mini me and human beingness. What if you stepped into a higher consciousness? It also states the universe is a quantum field where everything is connected. There is a mutual dependence action and exchange between you and the universe because you are the universe, okay? You get what you give, you reap what you sow. Whatever you send to the cosmos, whatever is good or bad must be returned, multiplied, abundantly. Therefore, every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Life is like a plane, a game of boomerang. Whatever you give to life is returned to you multiplied abundantly. Okay? So you may take this as if you get the universal law cards and you pulled this card, and I believe there is no accidents.


There's only a coincidence. So there is a coincidence for each and every one of us for this week and this law. So it is time. This is kind of the card's invitation for you. It is time to open the secret key to abundance. What is it? Service. You are an infinite, powerful, spiritual being capable miracles, but you must remove the veil of consciousness to harness the divine skill. By drawing this card, it indicates that you need to consider doing three random acts of kindness. Today, you must not have any expectation to get anything in return. The same life force that created the stars is ready to unleash with you. So I don't know about you, but I remember one time I bought a coffee for somebody, for a random stranger, actually, it was a homeless person, and I remember the moment I gave it to the person I had this weird surge of, it was like a blissful thing.


I realized I got more out of giving the homeless person a cup of coffee. Then they got out of it and I was like, wow, there's something to this service thing. And the same thing goes true when we think about sales, when we're thinking about even in business, the big huge mindset is no longer looking to get anything, but rather asking from a business standpoint is how can I serve my client? So whether you're a business owner or not, doesn't matter. You don't have to be in business or be a coach or anything like that. It's more of a asking instead of saying, well, my partner, he's a jerk, or she's entitle. What if you gave without needing anything in return? And that's where the magic happens. Okay, so let's get into this next section, which is the downloads, the channel downloads that are coming through.


So if you guys have been watching my stories at all on social media and in the community, I have been meditating for 27 years now, and I have gone in and out of big times where sometimes I've meditated for five times an hour, five hours a day. Sometimes I've done 20 minutes a day, sometimes I haven't meditated at all. Sometimes I've immersed myself morning, noon, and night in meditation. I've been overall consistent in my meditation practice. But over the years, that's ebbed and flowed a bit. Okay? So knowing this, what I noticed was there was an equal and opposite correlation to how powerful and how good my life was going to exact correlation to how powerful my spiritual practice is always. There's always an exact correlation. So I also went through somewhat some hard things going down in my community and coaching and training. So many women, we had a few breakdowns, not huge compared to how many we have and everything, but about 1% of our community, one out of a hundred turns into somewhat of some problems.


Go on. That's kind of the numbers that we found. So at the point in time a couple of years ago when I started having some breakdowns, I realized, wow, I have not been doing my spiritual practice. And it was a correlation to that. So last little bit, I've decided to not just meditate here and there, I've decided to go deep into my practice, especially because there's so much going on in the world and I really feel and felt like that I am ready to go to the next level. So I've been meditating for anywhere from pretty much two to five hours per day. And I want to share some of the downloads that have been coming through because what happens is in my last podcast, which might be on YouTube, but it wouldn't be a video you can find across all podcast platforms, and it's my last podcast and it's all about spiritual practice and my actual practice and what I've come to learn over 27 years of everything from Kundalini and breath work and silent meditation and how I would recommend for people to meditate.


So you can definitely go check that out. But this podcast, I want to talk more about the downloads that are coming through. So what I do is as I spoke in my last podcast, I do a lot of Kundalini work. I do a lot of breath work, a lot of prana work. I do a lot of meditation with mudras and things like that to get my mind into a place to go into what I would call the sacred place, which is the silent meditation. And in silent meditation, there are magical mystical things that happen. I have channeled, I've gone to multidimensional, I've had deities come to me, I've spoken to many of my ancestors on the other side. So many magical things have happened. But what also happens is downloads come and they come randomly, and sometimes I'll ask. So it depends. Sometimes I'll ask and the voice will come through or messages will come through, or sometimes just messages come through and sometimes it's when I'm in silent meditation and sometimes it's when I'm sleeping and sometimes it's in the middle of the day because when you start doing a lot of meditation, things happen.


I wanted to share a few with you. I've been waking up at three and four o'clock in the morning for some weeks. Now I'm doing my sahdana. And I got a message actually just yesterday, and it was really fascinating because I'm surprised after 27 years of doing meditation that I hadn't heard of this exact cycle. I've heard a lot of course to wake up and there's an Emirate hours between three and 6:00 AM generally is when the veil of life is clear consciousness, people are asleep, and the sun's coming up at a certain angle on the earth that helps you have more powerful meditations. And it said that when you meditate and do your work and pray and do your intentional work during those hours, it will 10 x your results if you will. So why not, right? So the download I actually got yesterday, it was so fascinating.


It came in so fast and so clear, and I was like, well, that's interesting. So source basically said, you need to practice, do your spiritual practice from 3:00 AM to 9:00 AM That's six hours, okay? Then work from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM play and rest from 3:00 PM to 9:00 PM and sleep from 9:00 PM to 3:00 AM That's six hours. All those are six things, which is really interesting because when you take a look at the numbers that make up the Fibonacci code that are all the dynamic numbers of life is 3, 6, 9. So I'm going to read this again. Spirit inform me to practice to do my meditation and silent meditation and channeling and prayer and all that work visioning and all that manifestation from 3:00 AM to 9:00 AM Then do my work or my dharma from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM play and rest from 3:00 PM to 9:00 PM and sleep from 9:00 PM to 3:00 PM Those are each six hours.


So each one has a three, six, and a nine. That's right. I can't believe that that message has never come through in all these years. Really amazing. So guess what? When spirit speaks, when Soar speaks, you better listen. So I went to bed at nine o'clock, probably fell asleep about nine 30. But what was interesting is Spirit woke me up at 2:00 AM So I was like, really? Okay? I was wide awake. But this is another thing I've heard because I rarely have gone to sleep that early. I'm generally, if I didn't do any practice and didn't have any discipline, I would generally go to sleep probably about 11 o'clock at night, even though I'm a really early morning person. But so it said, and you can research yourself scientifically that the more hours you go to sleep before midnight, it's almost like you're getting double the sleep.


So here I am, I went to sleep at nine o'clock last night actually at eight o'clock I turned off all the lights I only had on my meditation like candles and the white salt rock and my selenite lamp and things like that. So all my circadian rhythms and all my melatonin began and whatever it is that does all that science stuff. But I began to really get into rest. I actually cleaned up the rest of my house, made sure it was impeccable so I could just have total clear energy. I put on mantras in my studio, put on mantras in my room, very, very low miracle frequency, enlightenment frequency. And I went to bed. It took me about a half an hour, and then I woke up and I took a screenshot of my phone. It said two oh two and I was ready to rock and roll, totally wide awake.


So I sat down and did practice in my home. I did all my prayers. I actually did a lot of channeling and spoke with spirit. I also did 30 minutes of sadar, which is breath work through the nostril and it's, it's the most advanced crea supposedly in Kundalini. And so I did about an hour and a half at home, and then there was a sod nut that started at four 30 down the street at a spiritual center. So I went and drove down there and did another two hours over there. So that was my morning practice. But so here are some of the other downloads. I'm going to get into the actual eclipse right now because I don't want to keep this too long for you today, and I'll share some of my other downloads in the next podcast. There's a very clear energy coming through with the eclipse.


This applies to whether there's eclipse or not. If you're listening to this, the line, it's not like it's only during the eclipse, it's just that the eclipse magnified it. So this is an enlightening conversation for you to expand consciousness, for you to be more and more in the crater that you are in your divine power. So the energy of this eclipse is redemption, meaning it's magnifying everything that you've created. Good and bad chaos and harmony. The universe is no good and bad. It just knows chaos and harmony. It needs being out of discordance and being in accordance wherever you have created in this good and bad is being multiplied abundantly in your perception, meaning everybody is seeing their cycles, whether they're good. There can be a quantum leap in the gifts that are going to come through in the energy right now and always and anywhere that you've been out of ethics is being shown to you.


So the interesting thing is oftentimes, especially women, we tend to play the victim of men. And this is a very generalization, but it's also race consciousness that has come through in the roles that we play in our culture. And so oftentimes, not all women, men and women that have low self-worth. So say for example, and I'll give you a prime example, is me, okay? I've been codependent for a majority of my life. I remember, and I speak a lot about a relationship I was in with a famous rockstar that was madly in love with that was completely dysfunctional. It was awful. He ended up falling off the wagon cheating multiple times. I went back to him multiple times. He begged for me, got tattoos on his body. I went back to him and I realized through it that it wasn't about him. I made him, he was bad.


He's a narcissist. He's this, he's that. But really what was going on was I had really low self-worth and low. And so he was just in my life, the universe trying to push me towards self-love, right? So let's pretend that someone's in that situation right now during the eclipse, this magnified energy. You may not be in a relationship where someone's cheating on you, but you may be. You put down your standards a little bit. You kind of said, oh, it's okay when it's not. You got some red flags. This energy is revving up. It's revving up. That kind of frustration, that anger, that sadness, that loneliness, that whatever, and it's going to show you, oh my gosh, these are my cycles. I'm doing it again. Or even say in your work, maybe there's areas of your work that you don't really like and you're like, I'm still doing the same cycle, pretending like something's going to change, or it could be something good. Maybe you have been doing so much good and all of a sudden you're reaping these massive rewards. So the eclipse energy is really magnifying. It's eclipsing, right? It's showing you this incredible dynamic of what is in front and how it impact you.


It's shining the light. It's actually shining the dark. Okay? That's the clips, right? It's showing the darkness, it's amplifying the shadow. It's amplifying the shadow for each and every one of us. So, and know that it's equal and opposite. So anywhere that you feel like, oh, I have had low self-esteem, I've put up with these things I shouldn't put up with this anymore. Equal opposite is if you have done someone wrong, you'll go, wow, I can't believe I'm treating them like that. Whoa, that's really amplifying for me. Wow, I really need to be a better person. It's amplifying on both sides because it's one and the same. It's like having a dime and on both sides. You can't have one side of the dime without the other side. They're one and the same. A victim can't be a victim without a perpetrator. Perpetrator can't be a perpetrator without a victim.


And so this is the deal, is it? When we come into our ethics and we no longer settle for what is not in our divine nature of love, vitality, abundance, and claiming our birthright, we don't need to make them wrong. In fact, our voice of silence speaks louder than any words. When we claim that for ourselves, we actually are helping the other person because it's demanding them to rise in their ethics as well. There are ethics of the universe. The ethics are harmony. If somebody is not helping somebody and they're causing chaos and making someone feel awful of not holding them to the divine and divinity that they are, then they're out of ethics on all sides. And so that's why I sent love to my ex. In fact, he actually was texting me for the first time in six or seven years. It was like out of the blue, and I was like, whoa, that's weird.


It's eclipses that makes sense. And I sent him a beautiful text back, but I did not engage. He text me on my phone, so is my number. Apparently I did not text back because I'm not going to, if he had engaged in some authentic conversation. But it was very avoidant. It was very like, oh, how are you love of my life? It is like, what? You haven't talked to me in seven years and this is how you're going to roll with a conversation. No, you don't deserve a big conversation. I will send you love. I said, hi there. You've been in my heart, my thoughts and my prayers sending you love. That was it. Okay? And it's true. I pray for him. I send him love to the ether, but I'm not going to give my energy to anything that is not fully authentic coming down the heart of the matter.


And this applies to many people that come through the field. The people that are in my life are, we're raising each other up. We're learning, we're growing. We have order in our lives. Those are the people that deserve your energy. It doesn't mean that we don't see everybody for their divinity. It doesn't mean we don't hold everybody for the truth of who they are. We just simply don't engage in the energy that no longer serves. It's like scrolling through social media and seeing a bunch of conspiracy theory and all. And it's not even conspiracy theory. It's all correct, but there's no point in engaging in the negativity. I would rather put my energy to what I am creating instead of how the old systems are corrupt because we know they're corrupt. How this and that and all this stuff. Hollywood's going down the war, the who's causing it, all that if I can't be the change and create what I want to change, then my energy is being misused.


So what's the point of this? The point is this podcast is to get our mind. And so we get our mind right? By doing a firm mind treatment, we get our mind right by doing meditation, by doing breath work, by doing visioning, by doing all of our 30 and 40 day practices, we get our mind right by doing our deep trauma work and clearing out the subconscious of our limited belief, we get our mind right by hanging out with people who are in accordance and in harmony with and bringing us higher and higher. And today, we hold this frequency all day long as together, we say, and so it is. And so it is you guys. So I will be sharing the channeling conversations coming through. There's a bunch of other things have come through about sun gazing and the codes that come through. There's been all kinds of different messages that I would love to share with you. So join me for my next podcast. I will be sharing the next universal law.


I'll be sharing some of my personal journey, and I'll be sharing the downloads that are coming through and holding us all for inspiration, for doing our daily spiritual practice. So if you're somebody that is not wanting to wake up at three o'clock in the morning and do your practice until 9:00 AM, what I do recommend is I actually going to share something over on social media about the four different levels of meditating and doing your spiritual work and how you can go from one level to the next level and everything from a five minute meditation up to a five hour meditation. And why be at the different levels. Okay? So you can find me over on social media under Erin Fall, Haskell, and I'm looking forward to diving more into sharing podcasts with you. Okay? Have a beautiful blessed day, and may you live your truth.